- Feb 23, 2017
Vladimír Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/toolbox/collisions.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/cellScm.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
be Mitocheck-specifically re-adjusted because this value is considered when creating local masks for the atomic phase functions (and Mitocheck does BIG translations and the cellLookDistance found in our configs is typically not large enough to allow to create large enough local masks). M src/cell.h
Vladimír Ulman authored
the rendered cell plus 2px wide border (as the least safe extension). Thus, the target mask image, into which the cell is finally rendered/copied, must have borders large enough to host this small extra border -- which is usually the case as local mask of phase functions are created with generous borders... M toolbox/bp_lists.cpp ScmNewCellPositionCollide() functions do not let cell approach border closer than 2px. This becomes essential when rendering the cell into the sceneMasks, as explained above. M cellScm.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
M CMakeLists.txt M src/cellChr.cpp M src/scheduler.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
Added the new functionality into the main rnd walk file. Added a new Get/Set function to the rnd walk class. M src/toolbox/randWalk.h Uses now the 3D walk for "universal cell movement". M src/cellScm.cpp 3D-related initialization of the rnd wlk in the cell's constructor. M src/cell.h Added/updated the reports. M src/main.cpp Introduced a new parameter: the anisotropy along the z-axis of the 3D random walk. M config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini M config-synthHeLa/small_masks/config-synthHela.ini M config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/config-synthHela.ini
Vladimír Ulman authored
M bp_lists.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
which lead to some rendering issue ("pixelShift has negative values" error). Typos in the docs were corrected. M src/toolbox/collisions.h Thresholding of the correlation results into a freePositions image prevents flagging the border pixels as free (=available to occupy). Removed some ages-long deprecated code. M src/toolbox/collisions.cpp Only added comments/documentation to the parameters of Cell::GenerateNucleolus(). M src/cell.cpp Very decent reformating of a small portion of the code. Corrected bug that prevented second nuclei (after split) to be rendered when macro ENABLE_NUCLEOLI was disabled. M src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
HeLa sequence used in the TMI paper. There are two versions available: small_masks: the simulation happens directly at the original resolution of the real HeLa videos standard_masks: the simulation happens at about twice better spatial resolution Temporal resolution used in the configurations files is comparable to the one of the real videos. A config-synthHeLa A config-synthHeLa/small_masks AM config-synthHeLa/small_masks/initialI.ics A config-synthHeLa/small_masks/config-synthHela.ini AM config-synthHeLa/small_masks/initialII.ics A config-synthHeLa/start2.sh A config-synthHeLa/init_positions_in_microns.txt A config-synthHeLa/init_positions_in_microns2.txt A config-synthHeLa/standard_masks AM config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/initialI.ics A config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/config-synthHela.ini AM config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/initialII.ics
Vladimír Ulman authored
calculation of MSD curves. New flag "report for 2D MSD analysis = 1" was introduced into the testing section. M config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini Cell::ScmRenderCellIntoMask() has new parameter: a time value to possibly report. M src/cell.h M src/cellScm.cpp Adjusted lines whereever the above function is used. M src/cell.cpp M src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp M src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp M src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp M src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp M src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp M src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp M src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp M src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp M src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
- added some missing parts of the RndWlk (the part around mean step size distribution) - configuration that enables Mitocheck-like behaviour moved from 'testing' section into the 'cell' one - following the Mitocheck-like behaviour during simulation is no longer communicated as a "TESTING MODE" M config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini M src/cell.cpp M src/cellScm.cpp M src/cell.h Added some more debug to figure out why we are getting some rendering error. (error msg: pixelShift has negative coordinates) M src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
David Svoboda authored
M CMakeLists.txt M Doxyfile M src/cell.cpp M src/cell.h M src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp M src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp M src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp M src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp M src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp M src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp M src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp M src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp M src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp M src/dots.h M src/main.cpp M src/molecule.h M src/scheduler.h M src/settings.h M src/toolbox/bp_lists.h M src/toolbox/cell_movement.h M src/toolbox/collisions.h M src/toolbox/deformations.h M src/toolbox/finalpreview.h M src/toolbox/flowfields.h M src/toolbox/importexport.h M src/toolbox/perlin.h M src/toolbox/randWalk.h M src/toolbox/rnd_generators.h M src/toolbox/shape_rendering.h M src/toolbox/user_abort.h M src/types.h
David Svoboda authored
M Doxyfile
David Svoboda authored
M Doxyfile
David Svoboda authored
M src/main.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
chromatin repairs are effective/on. M src/main.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
for creating local single-cell masks has been "enhanced". That is, the new created local image considers only 80% of the simulation (it still does not consider sceneMasks, though). M src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp M src/toolbox/bp_lists.h
Vladimír Ulman authored
from cell.h to settings.h. The new added macro is SIMPLIFY_CHROMATIN_OUTLIERS_CORRECTIONS that enables to make more naive but faster routine to correct for chromatin outliers (instead of the "expensive" DT). M cell.h M settings.h Added sensitivity to the new macro SIMPLIFY_CHROMATIN_OUTLIERS_CORRECTIONS. M cell_06_G1Phase.cpp M cell_07_SPhase.cpp M cell_08_G2Phase.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
for obtaining some valid translation vector (of cell movement) -- this has not changed :-) However, we used to use a "binning" during sampling of the surrounding space to speed up the process considerably. Now, this process is activated (depending on the scene, of course) only sparsly and so we can afford to wait longer and recover more possible translations. In this commit, the sampling was returned to the full-res one -- as it once used to be. M cellScm.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
When the (new) RndWlk routine is not successful in suggesting translation, the system uses the (old) routine, which samples around the cell and then chooses among the free positions. However, the sampling was is "binned" and so not every pixel within the "bin" in the sampled mask is guaranteed to represent for sure a non-colliding translation. The bug was that the system had not enough trials at hand when choosing from this sampled mask, and if it was unlucky enough, it kept choosing always wrong pixels... M src/cellScm.cpp M src/toolbox/cell_movement.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
is split into many pieces such that it is never longer than normal G2 phase. This prevents from super-large "local" mask due to long-lasting atomic phase. M cell.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
functions... M cellChr.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
they to the same job as their original version, but do corrections differently -- no DT transform is used, but just slow shift towards chromatin centre is used instead, which is a lot faster (but seems to be a little error prone). Added: Cell::ChrMoveWithBrown() and Cell::ChrMoveByFlow() with no dmOfBackground parameter. M cell.h M cellChr.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
Updated a config and provided a new initial image for relatively larger simulations (large image, many cells). M config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini M images/initial_mask_7-11_extended.ics Removed obsoleted and incompatible initial images. D images/initial_mask_after_005_extended.ics D images/initial_mask_after_015_extended.ics Removed some TMI quirk, added some hints for the future. M src/cell.h Simulation reports values recently newly recognized in the configs. M src/main.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/main.cpp Disabled openMP pragma as long as it is not supported our CMakeLists.txt. M src/cellScm.cpp Corrected so that static builds work again. M CMakeLists.txt
Vladimír Ulman authored
Also added optional (in [testing] section) distribution of turning angles that was computed from the real HeLa sequence. Some other random walk params are read out from the config file now. M src/cell.h Added some report/debug message to be used in scripts with MSD analysis. M src/cellScm.cpp Added corresponding a few items into all config files. M config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini M config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
Vladimír Ulman authored
Cells now initiated to use normally distributed displ. step with params rather close to the HeLa Mitocheck dataset (provided delay between frames is cca 30min). M src/cell.h Added some DEBUG reports to study RndWlk behaviour better. M src/cellScm.cpp Added support for the normally distributed displacement vectors. M src/toolbox/randWalk.h
Vladimír Ulman authored
option to report chrCentres during the simulation. M src/cellChr.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
before it returns to the previous version of how translational movement vector has been established. RandomWalk has to be completed with 3D movements. M src/cell.h M src/cellScm.cpp A src/toolbox/randWalk.h
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/cellScm.cpp M src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp Cells are dividing into a smaller ones again. M src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp
David Svoboda authored
M CMakeLists.txt
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/main.cpp LOCK file se jmenuje Mitogen, nikoliv Mitopacq. M src/scheduler.cpp
David Svoboda authored
A CMakeLists.txt A Doxyfile A config A config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini A config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini A config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini A config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini A config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini A images AM images/initial_mask_7-11_extended.ics AM images/initial_mask_after_005_extended.ics AM images/initial_mask_after_015_extended.ics A psf AM psf/sample_psf.ics A src A src/cell.cpp A src/cell.h A src/cellChr.cpp A src/cellSOFA.cpp A src/cellScm.cpp A src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp A src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp A src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp A src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp A src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp A src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp A src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp A src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp A src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp A src/dots.cpp A src/dots.h A src/macros.h A src/main.cpp A src/molecule.cpp A src/molecule.h A src/scheduler.cpp A src/scheduler.h A src/settings.h A src/toolbox A src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp A src/toolbox/bp_lists.h A src/toolbox/cell_movement.cpp A src/toolbox/cell_movement.h A src/toolbox/collisions.cpp A src/toolbox/collisions.h A src/toolbox/deformations.cpp A src/toolbox/deformations.h A src/toolbox/finalpreview.cpp A src/toolbox/finalpreview.h A src/toolbox/flowfields.cpp A src/toolbox/flowfields.h A src/toolbox/hungarian A src/toolbox/hungarian/Assignment.cpp A src/toolbox/hungarian/Assignment.h A src/toolbox/hungarian/BipartiteGraph.cpp A src/toolbox/hungarian/BipartiteGraph.h A src/toolbox/hungarian/Hungarian.cpp A src/toolbox/hungarian/Hungarian.h A src/toolbox/hungarian/Matrix.h A src/toolbox/hungarian/README A src/toolbox/importexport.cpp A src/toolbox/importexport.h A src/toolbox/perlin.cpp A src/toolbox/perlin.h A src/toolbox/rnd_generators.cpp A src/toolbox/rnd_generators.h A src/toolbox/shape_rendering.cpp A src/toolbox/shape_rendering.h A src/toolbox/user_abort.cpp A src/toolbox/user_abort.h A src/types.h A tools A tools/getMax.cpp A tools/scripts AM tools/scripts/finalize.sh
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Apr 01, 2016
David Svoboda authored
M CMakeLists.txt M src/cell.cpp M src/cell.h M src/cellChr.cpp M src/cellSOFA.cpp M src/cellScm.cpp M src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp M src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp M src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp M src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp M src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp M src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp M src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp M src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp M src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp M src/dots.cpp M src/dots.h M src/macros.h M src/main.cpp M src/molecule.cpp M src/molecule.h M src/scheduler.cpp M src/scheduler.h M src/settings.h M src/toolbox/bp_lists.h M src/toolbox/cell_movement.h M src/toolbox/collisions.cpp M src/toolbox/collisions.h M src/toolbox/deformations.cpp M src/toolbox/deformations.h M src/toolbox/finalpreview.cpp M src/toolbox/finalpreview.h M src/toolbox/flowfields.h A src/toolbox/hungarian/README M src/toolbox/importexport.h M src/toolbox/perlin.h M src/toolbox/rnd_generators.cpp M src/toolbox/rnd_generators.h M src/toolbox/shape_rendering.cpp M src/toolbox/shape_rendering.h M src/toolbox/user_abort.cpp M src/toolbox/user_abort.h M src/types.h
- Nov 18, 2015
Vladimír Ulman authored
It is intentionally called a displacement, instead of velocity, to stress the fact that the class does not deal with time variable at all. Added one more state handling of a real number generator (because of the disp. distro). Added UseCorrectedUniformDistribution() for the turning angle distribution which actually creates not uniform distribution, but after drawing random samples from it, the produced distribution is some-what nearly uniform (quite unlike from the one produced with UseUniformDistribution()). Added RandomWalk::ReadyToStartSimulation() indicator for those who are not sure... M toolbox/randWalk.h Adjusted to provide similar trajectory data as the real example. M toolbox/walks.cc
- Nov 13, 2015
Vladimír Ulman authored
Now produces: + series of images with trajectories of individual walks + single image of labeled trajectories + histogram of finishing positions of all trajectories + data for the MSD analysis in the same format as is used in the analyzer of real sequences M toolbox/walks.cc
Vladimír Ulman authored
M toolbox/walks.cc
Vladimír Ulman authored
Functions are provided also for standard turning ang. distributions. Inteface has changed... M toolbox/randWalk.h Sample controlling program. M toolbox/walks.cc