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Commit dd0d9e67 authored by Vladimír Ulman's avatar Vladimír Ulman Committed by Vladimír Ulman
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Added configuration and initial images used to mimic the Mitocheck

HeLa sequence used in the TMI paper. There are two versions available:

small_masks: the simulation happens directly at the original resolution of the real HeLa videos
standard_masks: the simulation happens at about twice better spatial resolution

Temporal resolution used in the configurations files is comparable to the one of the real videos.

A    config-synthHeLa
A    config-synthHeLa/small_masks
AM   config-synthHeLa/small_masks/initialI.ics
A    config-synthHeLa/small_masks/config-synthHela.ini
AM   config-synthHeLa/small_masks/initialII.ics
A    config-synthHeLa/
A    config-synthHeLa/init_positions_in_microns.txt
A    config-synthHeLa/init_positions_in_microns2.txt
A    config-synthHeLa/standard_masks
AM   config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/initialI.ics
A    config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/config-synthHela.ini
AM   config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/initialII.ics
parent ef771f45
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