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Commit baa7d806 authored by Vladimír Ulman's avatar Vladimír Ulman Committed by Vladimír Ulman
Browse files

Added parametrization of the random walk movements.

Also added optional (in [testing] section) distribution
of turning angles that was computed from the real HeLa sequence.
Some other random walk params are read out from the config file now.
M    src/cell.h

Added some report/debug message to be used in scripts with MSD analysis.
M    src/cellScm.cpp

Added corresponding a few items into all config files.
M    config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini
M    config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini
M    config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini
M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini
M    config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
parent a44ebff8
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