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  1. Apr 01, 2016
    • David Svoboda's avatar
      Changes in headings of individual files. Removal of some TODOs. · 1d6e5b85
      David Svoboda authored
      M    CMakeLists.txt
      M    src/cell.cpp
      M    src/cell.h
      M    src/cellChr.cpp
      M    src/cellSOFA.cpp
      M    src/cellScm.cpp
      M    src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp
      M    src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp
      M    src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp
      M    src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp
      M    src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp
      M    src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp
      M    src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp
      M    src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp
      M    src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp
      M    src/dots.cpp
      M    src/dots.h
      M    src/macros.h
      M    src/main.cpp
      M    src/molecule.cpp
      M    src/molecule.h
      M    src/scheduler.cpp
      M    src/scheduler.h
      M    src/settings.h
      M    src/toolbox/bp_lists.h
      M    src/toolbox/cell_movement.h
      M    src/toolbox/collisions.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/collisions.h
      M    src/toolbox/deformations.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/deformations.h
      M    src/toolbox/finalpreview.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/finalpreview.h
      M    src/toolbox/flowfields.h
      A    src/toolbox/hungarian/README
      M    src/toolbox/importexport.h
      M    src/toolbox/perlin.h
      M    src/toolbox/rnd_generators.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/rnd_generators.h
      M    src/toolbox/shape_rendering.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/shape_rendering.h
      M    src/toolbox/user_abort.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/user_abort.h
      M    src/types.h
  2. Nov 18, 2015
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added displacement distribution handling, a process similar to turning angles distribution. · efa2d706
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      It is intentionally called a displacement, instead of velocity, to stress the fact
      that the class does not deal with time variable at all.
      Added one more state handling of a real number generator (because of the disp. distro).
      Added UseCorrectedUniformDistribution() for the turning angle distribution which
      actually creates not uniform distribution, but after drawing random samples from it,
      the produced distribution is some-what nearly uniform (quite unlike from the one
      produced with UseUniformDistribution()).
      Added RandomWalk::ReadyToStartSimulation() indicator for those who are not sure...
      M    toolbox/randWalk.h
      Adjusted to provide similar trajectory data as the real example.
      M    toolbox/
  3. Nov 13, 2015
  4. Nov 09, 2015
  5. Jul 29, 2015
  6. Jul 11, 2015
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Some patching.... · f1356dd5
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      M    src/toolbox/cell_movement.cpp
      Speed-up tuning for MovsMask determination.
      M    src/cellScm.cpp
      Re-adjusted to meet the real original data again.
      M    TMI/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini
  7. Jul 10, 2015
  8. Jul 03, 2015
  9. Jul 02, 2015
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Configuration that has been used for calculating · 6e8d9cda
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      velocity/movement stuff for the TMI paper.
      This was run on eight instances in paralel (givin 40 initial cells).
      A    TMI
      A    TMI/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini
      AM   TMI/initial_mask_7-11_extended.tif
      The restarting of chromatin was disabled by RESTART_PERIOD=1000.
      Cell cycle has increased length variability.
      M    src/cell.h
      Disabled some stats reporting functions.
      M    src/cellChr.cpp
      Velocity span increased.
      M    src/cellScm.cpp
      Only 2x noFramesPerCellCycle should be generated.
      M    src/main.cpp
      Added tweak to avoid having auxiliarly images greater than sceneMasks.
      M    src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
      CMAKE options:
      BUILD_STATIC                     OFF                                                                                         
      CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX             /usr/local                                                                                  
      DEBUG_VERSION                    ON                                                                                          
      DOCUMENTATION                    OFF                                                                                         
      DO_EVENTS_SYNCHRONIZED           OFF                                                                                         
      DO_FLAT_2DMOTION                 ON                                                                                          
      DO_MULTITHREADING                ON                                                                                          
      DO_NONRIGID_MOTION               OFF                                                                                         
      DO_PHOTOBLEACHING                OFF                                                                                         
      DO_RIGID_MOTION                  ON                                                                                          
      ENABLE_NUCLEOLI                  OFF                                                                                         
      HIGH_SNR                         ON                                                                                          
      INC_CYTOPACQ                     /usr/local/include                                                                          
      INC_GSL                          /usr/include                                                                                
      INC_I3D                          /usr/local/include                                                                          
      INC_INIPARSER                    /usr/local/include                                                                          
      LIB_ACQUIGEN                     /usr/local/lib/                                                               
      LIB_CYTOGEN                      /usr/local/lib/                                                                
      LIB_DL                           /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/                                                          
      LIB_FFTW_SINGLE                  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/                                                      
      LIB_FFTW_SINGLE_THREADS          /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/                                              
      LIB_GSL                          /usr/lib/                                                                          
      LIB_I3DALGO                      /usr/local/lib/                                                                
      LIB_I3DCORE                      /usr/local/lib/                                                                
      LIB_INIPARSER                    /usr/local/lib/                                                              
      LIB_OPTIGEN                      /usr/local/lib/                                                                
      SAVE_ANISOTROPIC_GT              OFF                                                                                         
      SAVE_FINAL                       OFF                                                                                         
      SAVE_FLOWFIELDS                  OFF                                                                                         
      SAVE_NUCLEI                      OFF                                                                                         
      SAVE_TIFFS                       OFF                                                                                         
      SHOW_CENTRES                     OFF                                                                                         
      SHOW_TERRITORIES                 OFF                                                                                         
      SOFA_CONNECTOR                   OFF                                                                                         
      USE_REAL_PSF                     OFF                                                                                         
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Mainly bug fixes and extended reports... · 7259f1d4
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      Reports how long cell cycle a new cell has chosen.
      M    cell.h
      Couldn't compile when ENABLE_NUCLEOLI was off.
      M    cellSOFA.cpp
      Added parellel search for MovsMasks values
      (when seeking possible translations in ScmUniversalMovement()).
      M    cellScm.cpp
      Corrected an error when using AllocateAndZeroNewMask()
      M    cell_06_G1Phase.cpp
      Render...() and SoftRender...() now do FloodFill in a tight-copy
      of the cell (used to do along a copy of the input image), which
      results in a lot faster overall rendering.
      M    toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Now also report size of image it would take when loaded into RAM. · 173c9169
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      M    src/tools/imageinfo.cpp
      Has one new parameter that drives whether the output image should be saved as binary.
      M    src/tools/threshold.cpp
  10. May 10, 2015
  11. May 06, 2015
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Updated all configs with the [sofa] section (which is used only · 0cb69ff2
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      if explicitly enabled during Cmake) and some new items in the
      [testing] section (content of the [testing] section is optional).
      M    config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR-correctSize.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-singleCell-correctSize.ini
      M    config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini
  12. May 05, 2015
  13. Jan 28, 2015
  14. Jan 27, 2015
  15. Nov 29, 2014
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added: · d5c27bfd
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      - cells can enter G2 phase atomic function again and again
        now even when SOFA is enabled in the CMake
        (so simulation can "interleave the cells", unlike "one does all after another")
      - cell movement routine can now rescue cells when in collision
      M    src/cell.cpp					- Cell::DoNextPhase keeps cell running in G2
      M    src/cell.h					- when SOFA: added slsRotation and slsTranslation
      										  (which used to be local in the G2)
      M    src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp	- added code looking for smallest translation when cell
      										  has 'mustMove' true
  16. Nov 28, 2014
  17. Nov 27, 2014
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added a new cell descriptor: Cell::scmCellPolarityVector. · bb74da54
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      M    src/cell.cpp		- Both initial cell mask creating functions (called from
      							  the Scheduler's constructors) now also init the polarity vector
      							- added implementation of GetCellPolarityAndCentreVector(),
      							  which is basically a SVD calculation over given mask image
      							- GenerateCentrosomes() now makes use of the above function
      M    src/cell.h		- add the Cell::scmCellPolarityVector and Cell::ScmResetCellPolarityVector()
      							  that updates it
      							- added declaration for the GetCellPolarityAndCentreVector()
      M    src/cellScm.cpp	- implementation of Cell::ScmResetCellPolarityVector() that
      							  also uses GetCellPolarityAndCentreVector()
  18. Nov 26, 2014
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added support for the SOFA crippled export mode -- · 78ea39a1
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      a mode, in which T000 shape files (cell, nucl* masks) are read
      but (only) chromatin and deformation magnitures are generated new.
      The purpose of this mode is to create and export ``new'' cells without
      the need to re-mesh them in the SOFA. That's why the mask/shape stuff
      is re-read while all the rest is created new.
      M    ISBI2015/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    src/cell.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added some tuning to RandomWalk (chromatin initial shape) · 86b6c217
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      and to finalPreview images (only in HIGH_SNR mode)
      because of the ISBI2015 paper.
      This is the revision at which the data for the paper were prepared.
      M    src/cell.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/finalpreview.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added two more testing modes into territories rendering · 818b71ce
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      (and sample lines for them in the config file):
      - cell boundary may be drawed before territories themselves
      - only listed chromatin molecules can be drawed
      M    ISBI2015/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    src/cellChr.cpp
  19. Nov 21, 2014
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added rigid movement of cells with SOFA. · 6d550efc
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      Since routines from Cell::SOFA_MoveImportedToReferencePosition() and
      Cell::SOFA_MoveInitialToReferencePosition() could have been reused for
      the rigid movements, their become wrappers to some new helper BPs
      moving functions.
      M    src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp		- added support for cell movement with SOFA
      M    src/cell.h						- added docs to the new functions
      M    src/cellSOFA.cpp				- guess what :-)
      M    ISBI2015/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini		- introduced new testing parameter: "disable rigid movement"
  20. Nov 20, 2014
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      M src/cell.cpp - added a patch to move cell phantom to the reference · e4916ceb
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      								position in the very first frame as well
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Introduced the so called reference position of each cell · 9c8c7aaa
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      and, of course, means to push cells to keep to their reference
      positions. User may specify her desired reference position with
      the config file. If none is specified, the position as it is
      imported from the SOFA is used.
      M    src/cell.h	- added support for the reference positions
      M    src/cellSOFA.cpp - added implementation of the support
      M    src/cell.cpp	- both initial cell mask obtaining functions reposition the cell
      M    ISBI2015/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      						- added sample specification of the reference position
      						- some docs corrected (hopefully improved ;-)
      M    src/scheduler.cpp  - patched error that forced scheduler to treat boundary
                                in the user supplied initial mask image as a cell
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      M src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp - all three mask rendering functions include now · fe341934
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      												  a "SOFA path way" in which 26-neig. dilation is used
      												  in order to sustain nice masks (the original pathway
      												  broke some masks after non-rigid SOFA deformations)
      M    src/toolbox/finalpreview.cpp	- added some tuning for the ISBI2015 paper
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added import of some simulator data from the SOFA, when SOFA enabled in · 73a25434
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      the CMake. This is realised in the Cell::GenerateDotDistributionInG2Phase(),
      Cell::ReadMaskInG2Phase() and Cell::GenerateMaskInG2Phase(), which are
      functions called from the both Scheduler constructors. So, the Scheduler
      had not to be modified at all in order for the simulator to be able
      to do the import.
      M    cell.cpp					- changes in the three functions due to the import
      The simulator is now capable of simulating non-moving cells in the G2 with
      the SOFA framework doing the non-rigid deformations.
      M    cell_08_G2Phase.cpp	- added some SOFA related branch-code ;-)
      Now, the simulator is functionally the same as the snapshot pulled in r36:
      "the first successfully working single-cell testing implementation of MitoPacq+SOFA."
      In fact, it handles now more than just one cell...
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added Scheduler::SOFA_InitialExport() function that only iteratively · e81a0f88
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      calls the same named function from Cell for all cells.
      M    scheduler.cpp	- added SOFA_InitialExport()
      M    scheduler.h
      M    main.cpp			- reports some params from the config [sofa] section in the MakeReport()
      							- added code that fires up export of simulator data when
      							  SOFA interconnections is enabled and in the export mode
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      The ImportAndResetPointList() has now a parameter more that · cedfc1af
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      allows it pre-reserve the list (std::vector) to some (over)estimated
      This function and the ImportPointList() can now issue a simple warning
      to inform user that something may go wrong.
      M    importexport.cpp
      M    importexport.h
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added two functions Cell::SOFA_InitialExport() and Cell::SOFA_NextImport(), · d515ee65
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      which are implemented in the new file src/cellSOFA.cpp. This is related to
      the SOFA framework interconnection.
      The functions provide easy way to export various data from the simulator
      and to import subset of the data back to the simulator. Most of it is
      controlled via the configuration file into which a new section "[sofa]"
      has been introduced. This section is only mandatory iff SOFA feature is
      turned on in the CMake.
      M    CMakeLists.txt		- acknowledges the new cellSOFA.cpp file
      A    src/cellSOFA.cpp	- SOFA export and import functions
      M    src/cell.h			- added their declarations (with poor doc for now)
      								- initialization of Cell::chrCentres is now in
      								  the cell's constructor
      M    src/cellChr.cpp		- the init of chrCentres has been removed from
      								  the Cell::ChrInitialDistribution()
      M    ISBI2015/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini	- a sample of the [sofa] section
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      The scheduler now has its own Scheduler::GetPhaseFrameBudget() function · cd4a9377
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      and uses it for the old two: Scheduler::GetInterphaseBudget() and Scheduler::PrintPhaseBudgets().
      The latter two functions used to rely on Cell::GetPhaseFrameBudget() in order to
      do their job. This had two drawbacks: There had to be at least one cell in the scheduler,
      and the reports of the two functions were biased by the used cell's randomized cell cycle length.
      M    src/cell.h		- just added a comment in the Cell::GetPhaseFrameBudget()
      M    src/scheduler.h		- clarifications in the docs of the budget functions
      M    src/scheduler.cpp	- the two old budget functions now rely on the new one
      								- added the new one: Scheduler::GetPhaseFrameBudget()
      M    src/main.cpp		- decent clean up in the simulation branch of the code
  21. Nov 19, 2014
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      A decent move towards the r36 comment: · 4e57827f
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      Added a snapshot of changes for the first successfully working single-cell
      testing implementation of MitoPacq+SOFA.
      In the comming revisions, we should arrive to an official MitoPacq+SOFA version
      in the main SVN trunk that shall produce the same results as the snapshot above.
      The simulator is starting to be slightly sensitive to the GTGEN_WITH_SOFA directives.
      M    scheduler.cpp			- creates a little less changing pnArray with SOFA
      M    toolbox/bp_lists.cpp	- renders only up to scm*OuterBPNumber points
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added just the mandatory [testing] sections into all · 0cdce02e
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      config files. The files were not modified otherwise.
      The added section is, however, empty (all is commented out).
      M    config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR-correctSize.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-singleCell-correctSize.ini
      M    config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini