Configuration that has been used for calculating
velocity/movement stuff for the TMI paper. This was run on eight instances in paralel (givin 40 initial cells). A TMI A TMI/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini AM TMI/initial_mask_7-11_extended.tif The restarting of chromatin was disabled by RESTART_PERIOD=1000. Cell cycle has increased length variability. M src/cell.h Disabled some stats reporting functions. M src/cellChr.cpp Velocity span increased. M src/cellScm.cpp Only 2x noFramesPerCellCycle should be generated. M src/main.cpp Added tweak to avoid having auxiliarly images greater than sceneMasks. M src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp CMAKE options: BUILD_STATIC OFF CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /usr/local DEBUG_VERSION ON DOCUMENTATION OFF DO_EVENTS_SYNCHRONIZED OFF DO_FLAT_2DMOTION ON DO_MULTITHREADING ON DO_NONRIGID_MOTION OFF DO_PHOTOBLEACHING OFF DO_RIGID_MOTION ON ENABLE_NUCLEOLI OFF HIGH_SNR ON INC_CYTOPACQ /usr/local/include INC_GSL /usr/include INC_I3D /usr/local/include INC_INIPARSER /usr/local/include LIB_ACQUIGEN /usr/local/lib/ LIB_CYTOGEN /usr/local/lib/ LIB_DL /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ LIB_FFTW_SINGLE /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ LIB_FFTW_SINGLE_THREADS /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ LIB_GSL /usr/lib/ LIB_I3DALGO /usr/local/lib/ LIB_I3DCORE /usr/local/lib/ LIB_INIPARSER /usr/local/lib/ LIB_OPTIGEN /usr/local/lib/ SAVE_ANISOTROPIC_GT OFF SAVE_FINAL OFF SAVE_FLOWFIELDS OFF SAVE_NUCLEI OFF SAVE_TIFFS OFF SHOW_CENTRES OFF SHOW_TERRITORIES OFF SOFA_CONNECTOR OFF USE_REAL_PSF OFF
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