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Commit 7259f1d4 authored by Vladimír Ulman's avatar Vladimír Ulman
Browse files

Mainly bug fixes and extended reports...

Reports how long cell cycle a new cell has chosen.
M    cell.h

Couldn't compile when ENABLE_NUCLEOLI was off.
M    cellSOFA.cpp

Added parellel search for MovsMasks values
(when seeking possible translations in ScmUniversalMovement()).
M    cellScm.cpp

Corrected an error when using AllocateAndZeroNewMask()
M    cell_06_G1Phase.cpp

Render...() and SoftRender...() now do FloodFill in a tight-copy
of the cell (used to do along a copy of the input image), which
results in a lot faster overall rendering.
M    toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
parent 173c9169
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