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/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   Copyright (c) 2015-2019 The plumed team
   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)

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   See for more information.
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Giovanni Bussi committed
   This file is part of plumed, version 2.

   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
   along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
#include "core/ActionRegister.h"
#include "SketchMapBase.h"
#include "tools/ConjugateGradient.h"
#include "gridtools/GridSearch.h"
Optimize the sketch-map stress function using a pointwise global optimization algorithm.

\par Examples


namespace PLMD {
namespace dimred {

class SketchMapPointwise : public SketchMapBase {
  unsigned ncycles;
  double cgtol, gbuf;
  static void registerKeywords( Keywords& keys );
  explicit SketchMapPointwise( const ActionOptions& ao );
  void minimise( Matrix<double>& );


void SketchMapPointwise::registerKeywords( Keywords& keys ) {
  SketchMapBase::registerKeywords( keys );
  keys.add("compulsory","NCYCLES","5","the number of cycles of global optimization to attempt");
  keys.add("compulsory","CGTOL","1E-6","the tolerance for the conjugate gradient minimization");
  keys.add("compulsory","BUFFER","1.1","grid extent for search is (max projection - minimum projection) multiplied by this value");
  keys.add("compulsory","CGRID_SIZE","10","number of points to use in each grid direction");
  keys.add("compulsory","FGRID_SIZE","0","interpolate the grid onto this number of points -- only works in 2D");

SketchMapPointwise::SketchMapPointwise( const ActionOptions& ao ):
  parseVector("CGRID_SIZE",npoints); parse("BUFFER",gbuf);
  if( npoints.size()!=nlow ) error("vector giving number of grid point in each direction has wrong size");
  parse("NCYCLES",ncycles); parse("CGTOL",cgtol);

  if( nfgrid[0]!=0 && nlow!=2 ) error("interpolation only works in two dimensions");
  log.printf("  doing %u cycles of global optimization sweeps\n",ncycles);
  log.printf("  using coarse grid of points that is %u",npoints[0]);
  log.printf(" and that is %f larger than the difference between the position of the minimum and maximum projection \n",gbuf);
  for(unsigned j=1; j<npoints.size(); ++j) log.printf(" by %u",npoints[j]);
  if( nfgrid[0]>0 ) {
    log.printf("  interpolating stress onto grid of points that is %u",nfgrid[0]);
    for(unsigned j=1; j<nfgrid.size(); ++j) log.printf(" by %u",nfgrid[j]);
  log.printf("  tolerance for conjugate gradient algorithm equals %f \n",cgtol);

void SketchMapPointwise::minimise( Matrix<double>& projections ) {
  std::vector<double> gmin( nlow ), gmax( nlow ), mypoint( nlow );
  for(unsigned j=0; j<nlow; ++j) gmin[j]=gmax[j]=projections(0,j);
  for(unsigned i=1; i<getNumberOfDataPoints(); ++i) {
    for(unsigned j=0; j<nlow; ++j) {
      if( projections(i,j) < gmin[j] ) gmin[j] = projections(i,j);
      if( projections(i,j) > gmax[j] ) gmax[j] = projections(i,j);
  for(unsigned j=0; j<nlow; ++j) {
    double gbuffer = 0.5*gbuf*( gmax[j]-gmin[j] ) - 0.5*( gmax[j]- gmin[j] );
    gmin[j]-=gbuffer; gmax[j]+=gbuffer;

  // And do the search
  ConjugateGradient<SketchMapPointwise> mycgminimise( this );
  gridtools::GridSearch<SketchMapPointwise> mygridsearch( gmin, gmax, npoints, nfgrid, this );
  // Run multiple loops over all projections
  for(unsigned i=0; i<ncycles; ++i) {
    for(unsigned j=0; j<getNumberOfDataPoints(); ++j) {
      // Setup target distances and target functions for calculate stress
      for(unsigned k=0; k<getNumberOfDataPoints(); ++k) setTargetDistance( k, distances(j,k)  );

      // Find current projection of jth point
      for(unsigned k=0; k<mypoint.size(); ++k) mypoint[k]=projections(j,k);
      // Minimise using grid search
      bool moved=mygridsearch.minimise( mypoint, &SketchMapPointwise::calculateStress );
      if( moved ) {
        // Reassign the new projection
        for(unsigned k=0; k<mypoint.size(); ++k) projections(j,k)=mypoint[k];
        // Minimise output using conjugate gradient
        mycgminimise.minimise( cgtol, projections.getVector(), &SketchMapPointwise::calculateFullStress );