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  1. Oct 25, 2017
  2. Oct 23, 2017
  3. Oct 04, 2017
  4. Feb 23, 2017
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added .gitignore. · 32c66060
      Vladimír Ulman authored
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Removed Apple compiler warning. · 16ed6b43
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      M    src/toolbox/collisions.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      BUG FIX: When Mitocheck movement parameters are used, the config parameter cellLookDistance must · d36f2af1
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      be Mitocheck-specifically re-adjusted because this value is considered when creating local masks
      for the atomic phase functions (and Mitocheck does BIG translations and the cellLookDistance found
      in our configs is typically not large enough to allow to create large enough local masks).
      M    src/cell.h
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      When creating a local cell mask for _rendering_, the mask is tight bounding box around · 795b13df
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      the rendered cell plus 2px wide border (as the least safe extension). Thus, the target
      mask image, into which the cell is finally rendered/copied, must have borders large
      enough to host this small extra border -- which is usually the case as local mask of phase
      functions are created with generous borders...
      M    toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
      ScmNewCellPositionCollide() functions do not let cell approach border closer than 2px.
      This becomes essential when rendering the cell into the sceneMasks, as explained above.
      M    cellScm.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Slightly modified to compile on Apple/Mac systems. · 7ef3392e
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      M    CMakeLists.txt
      M    src/cellChr.cpp
      M    src/scheduler.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added 3D randomwalk. · 6f061a59
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      Added the new functionality into the main rnd walk file.
      Added a new Get/Set function to the rnd walk class.
      M    src/toolbox/randWalk.h
      Uses now the 3D walk for "universal cell movement".
      M    src/cellScm.cpp
      3D-related initialization of the rnd wlk in the cell's constructor.
      M    src/cell.h
      Added/updated the reports.
      M    src/main.cpp
      Introduced a new parameter: the anisotropy along the z-axis of the 3D random walk.
      M    config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config-synthHeLa/small_masks/config-synthHela.ini
      M    config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/config-synthHela.ini
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Main thing: Corrected bug that rendered nucleoli outside nuclei, · 68e2484a
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      which lead to some rendering issue ("pixelShift has negative values" error).
      Typos in the docs were corrected.
      M    src/toolbox/collisions.h
      Thresholding of the correlation results into a freePositions image prevents
      flagging the border pixels as free (=available to occupy).
      Removed some ages-long deprecated code.
      M    src/toolbox/collisions.cpp
      Only added comments/documentation to the parameters of Cell::GenerateNucleolus().
      M    src/cell.cpp
      Very decent reformating of a small portion of the code.
      Corrected bug that prevented second nuclei (after split) to be rendered
      when macro ENABLE_NUCLEOLI was disabled.
      M    src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added configuration and initial images used to mimic the Mitocheck · dd0d9e67
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      HeLa sequence used in the TMI paper. There are two versions available:
      small_masks: the simulation happens directly at the original resolution of the real HeLa videos
      standard_masks: the simulation happens at about twice better spatial resolution
      Temporal resolution used in the configurations files is comparable to the one of the real videos.
      A    config-synthHeLa
      A    config-synthHeLa/small_masks
      AM   config-synthHeLa/small_masks/initialI.ics
      A    config-synthHeLa/small_masks/config-synthHela.ini
      AM   config-synthHeLa/small_masks/initialII.ics
      A    config-synthHeLa/
      A    config-synthHeLa/init_positions_in_microns.txt
      A    config-synthHeLa/init_positions_in_microns2.txt
      A    config-synthHeLa/standard_masks
      AM   config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/initialI.ics
      A    config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/config-synthHela.ini
      AM   config-synthHeLa/standard_masks/initialII.ics
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added testing mode support for cell centres reporting, to utilize · ef771f45
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      calculation of MSD curves.
      New flag "report for 2D MSD analysis = 1" was introduced into the testing section.
      M    config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini
      Cell::ScmRenderCellIntoMask() has new parameter: a time value to possibly report.
      M    src/cell.h
      M    src/cellScm.cpp
      Adjusted lines whereever the above function is used.
      M    src/cell.cpp
      M    src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp
      M    src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp
      M    src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp
      M    src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp
      M    src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp
      M    src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp
      M    src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp
      M    src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp
      M    src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Finalized 'Mitocheck movements': · 7597bfcd
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      - added some missing parts of the RndWlk (the part around mean step size distribution)
      - configuration that enables Mitocheck-like behaviour moved from 'testing' section into the 'cell' one
      - following the Mitocheck-like behaviour during simulation is no longer communicated as a "TESTING MODE"
      M    config/config-middleVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-711extVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    config/config-smallVOI-lowSNR.ini
      M    config/config-middleVOI-highSNR.ini
      M    src/cell.cpp
      M    src/cellScm.cpp
      M    src/cell.h
      Added some more debug to figure out why we are getting some rendering error.
      (error msg: pixelShift has negative coordinates)
      M    src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
    • David Svoboda's avatar
      Vylepšená dokumentace ve stylu Doxygen. · bc3e1c0a
      David Svoboda authored
      M    CMakeLists.txt
      M    Doxyfile
      M    src/cell.cpp
      M    src/cell.h
      M    src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp
      M    src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp
      M    src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp
      M    src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp
      M    src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp
      M    src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp
      M    src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp
      M    src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp
      M    src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp
      M    src/dots.h
      M    src/main.cpp
      M    src/molecule.h
      M    src/scheduler.h
      M    src/settings.h
      M    src/toolbox/bp_lists.h
      M    src/toolbox/cell_movement.h
      M    src/toolbox/collisions.h
      M    src/toolbox/deformations.h
      M    src/toolbox/finalpreview.h
      M    src/toolbox/flowfields.h
      M    src/toolbox/importexport.h
      M    src/toolbox/perlin.h
      M    src/toolbox/randWalk.h
      M    src/toolbox/rnd_generators.h
      M    src/toolbox/shape_rendering.h
      M    src/toolbox/user_abort.h
      M    src/types.h
    • David Svoboda's avatar
      A zmena MitPacq -> MitoGen ;-) · efa11f48
      David Svoboda authored
      M    Doxyfile
    • David Svoboda's avatar
      A číslo verze dokumentace · 0ece08cc
      David Svoboda authored
      M    Doxyfile
    • David Svoboda's avatar
      Pár řádků potřebných pro Doxygen. · b7ab9416
      David Svoboda authored
      M    src/main.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Added report into the log header, a report of whether the simplified · a2630c8e
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      chromatin repairs are effective/on.
      M    src/main.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Besides some typos in the official DEBUG messages, the support · fbb50ee7
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      for creating local single-cell masks has been "enhanced". That is,
      the new created local image considers only 80% of the simulation
      (it still does not consider sceneMasks, though).
      M    src/toolbox/bp_lists.cpp
      M    src/toolbox/bp_lists.h
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      Removed definition, and added a new one, of some internal macros · b3c5a782
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      from cell.h to settings.h. The new added macro is SIMPLIFY_CHROMATIN_OUTLIERS_CORRECTIONS
      that enables to make more naive but faster routine to correct
      for chromatin outliers (instead of the "expensive" DT).
      M    cell.h
      M    settings.h
      Added sensitivity to the new macro SIMPLIFY_CHROMATIN_OUTLIERS_CORRECTIONS.
      M    cell_06_G1Phase.cpp
      M    cell_07_SPhase.cpp
      M    cell_08_G2Phase.cpp
    • Vladimír Ulman's avatar
      When RndWlk fails, the old surrounding-exploring routines are used · 54109712
      Vladimír Ulman authored
      for obtaining some valid translation vector (of cell movement) -- this has not changed :-)
      However, we used to use a "binning" during sampling of the surrounding space
      to speed up the process considerably. Now, this process is activated
      (depending on the scene, of course) only sparsly and so we can afford to
      wait longer and recover more possible translations. In this commit,
      the sampling was returned to the full-res one -- as it once used to be.
      M    cellScm.cpp