Filmová databáze obsahuje seznam filmů. Každý film má název, originální název, popisek, režiséra a kategorii. Filmy je možné vyhledat, procházet podle kategorie a nebo se z detailu dostat na filmy režiséra.
Film database containing movies. Each movie has name, original name, description, director and category. Movie search available, browsing categories and getting to director page through detail.
- NestJS
- NextJS
## Usage
### Docker
Firstly, run Docker daemon.
Navigate into the project root directory `pb138-film-database-group-project`.
Create your `.env` file here if you haven't done it yet. Example is in the `.env.example` file.
Then in the root directory run `docker-compose up -d` to build, (re)create, start, and attach to containers for a service (optional flag `-d` runs containers in the background).
When you are finished, run `docker-compose down` to stop and remove containers, networks and images created by `up`.
### Adminer
With Adminer we can manage our PostgreSQL database.
To login to Adminer in your browser you need to specify:
* System: `PostgreSQL`
* Server: `postgres` (docker-compose database service name)
* Username: same as `DB_USER` in your .env file
* Password: same as `DB_PASSWORD` in your .env file
* Database: same as `DB_NAME` in your .env file
| requirement |endpoint | method | criteria |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| Search for a movie | /search | get | returns array of movies as a result of search
| Show a single movie | /movie/:id | get | return movie
| Show popular movies | /movie/preview | get | returns array of few movies (popular) to preview
| Show a single director | /director/:id | get | returns director