Navigate into the project root directory `pb138-film-database-group-project`.
Navigate into the project root directory `pb138-film-database-group-project`.
Create your `.env` file here if you haven't done it yet. Example is in the `.env.example` file.
Then in the root directory run `docker-compose up -d` to build, (re)create, start, and attach to containers for a service (optional flag `-d` runs containers in the background).
Then in the root directory run `docker-compose up -d` to build, (re)create, start, and attach to containers for a service (optional flag `-d` runs containers in the background).
When you are finished, run `docker-compose down` to stop and remove containers, networks and images created by `up`.
When you are finished, run `docker-compose down` to stop and remove containers, networks and images created by `up`.