- Apr 23, 2021
Tereza Vrabcová authored
- Apr 14, 2021
Tereza Vrabcová authored
Tereza Vrabcová authored
- Mar 26, 2021
Vít Starý Novotný authored
- Mar 22, 2021
Tereza Vrabcová authored
- Mar 19, 2021
Tereza Vrabcová authored
- Feb 26, 2021
Vít Starý Novotný authored
- Feb 21, 2021
Vít Starý Novotný authored
Following commit 7510875, LaTeX2e no longer identifies packages by pathnames, but by filenames. This breaks the inheritance mechanism of fithesis and required copying university identifier from directory names to LaTeX package filenames. More information is available at https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/510.
- Nov 17, 2018
Vít Starý Novotný authored
- Jan 28, 2017
Vít Starý Novotný authored
Vít Starý Novotný authored
- May 15, 2016
Vít Novotný authored
- Mar 23, 2016
Vít Novotný authored
- Jan 13, 2016
Vít Novotný authored
- Dec 08, 2015
Vít Novotný authored
are no longer page-numbered, so that hyperref links work correctly.
- Nov 30, 2015
Vít Novotný authored
`\thesis@selectLocale` is no longer performed globally for the entire document during `\thesis@load` (effectively overriding the user's hyphenation settings, if Babel's or Polyglossia's `\languagename` differs from `\thesis@locale`). Instead, `\thesis@preamble` and `\thesis@postamble` now locally switch the locale and expand `\thesis@blocks@preamble` and `\thesis@blocks@postamble`, which are the new redefinables. Since this breaks the behaviour of `\thesis@blocks@mainMatter`, whose effects would also be local, `\thesis@blocks@mainMatter` is now executed directly by `\thesis@preamble` after closing the group and becomes a new part of the interface between the class and the style files. As a preparation for the future inclusion of bibliography support, the /csquotes/ package is loaded, `\thesis@<locale>@csquotesStyle` is a new part of the locale interface that sets the /csquotes/ style of a locale, and `\thesis@selectLocale` now switches the /csquotes/ style.
- Nov 19, 2015
Vít Novotný authored
Vít Novotný authored
macro definition within the `mu/fi` style file.
- Jun 27, 2015
- Jun 26, 2015
witiko authored
- Jun 23, 2015
witiko authored
- May 31, 2015
witiko authored
- May 30, 2015
witiko authored
theses. Instead, the `\ifthesis@blocks@assignment` conditional can be set either by the subsequently loaded style files or by the user. So far, only the `fi` and `sci` style files set the conditional.
- May 14, 2015
witiko authored
- May 05, 2015
witiko authored
- May 03, 2015
- May 02, 2015
- Apr 28, 2015
witiko authored
user to have a separate Makefile for documents derived from example.tex.
- Apr 27, 2015
witiko authored
- Apr 26, 2015
witiko authored
- Apr 19, 2015
witiko authored
Instead of defining `\thesis@[name]` within the `[locale].def` files and `\thesis@[name]En` within the `base.def` files, each [locale] now defines macros in form `\thesis@[locale]@[name]` within their `[locale].def` files meaning that English is no longer special-cased and multiple locales can be loaded at the same time. This enables the model, where style files conditionally load additional locale files (like `czech` and `english` in case of the style file of the Faculty of Science, which was the original motivation for the change). The string manipulation macros `\thesis@`, `\thesis@@`, `\thesis@@upper`, `\thesis@@lower` and `\thesis@requireLocale` macros were also added to alleviate the complexity added by this model. More specifically, the style files need to be able to require new locales (this functionality is provided by the `\thesis@requireLocale` macros) and strings of the current locale can no longer be accessed directly through a command sequence, but a command sequence must be composed from letter tokens and from the expansion of the `\thesis@locale` macro (this functionality is provided by the `\thesis@@*` macros). The `\thesis@season` macro now returns a string rather than a macro to allow for easy command sequence composition using the `\thesis@` macro. The `\thesis@requireWithOptions` was renamed to `\thesis@requireStyle` as it resembles the semantics of the `\thesis@requireLocale` macro. The Faculty of Science style file now correctly typesets the front matter in Czech and English regardless of the main locale. The implicit options of the `mu/base` style file are now `nolof` and `nolot` instead of `lof` and `lot`, respectively.
- Apr 16, 2015
- Apr 12, 2015
witiko authored
The `\thesis@blocks@titlePage` is no longer defined in `mu/base.sty`, but in `mu/fi.sty` instead. In case of a rigorous thesis, an advisor signature field is added to the title page.
- Apr 11, 2015
witiko authored
The support for injecting the thesis assignment PDF via the `assignment=path` option of `\thesissetup` was added. One of the larger design decisions in this commit is the fact that each locale string stored within a `\macro` macro needs to have a `\macroEn` counterpart defined. Such a solution was much easier to implement and document than special-casing and documenting each string, whose English version was needed across locales. The implementation comprises `base.def` files containing the English definitions. These definitions are then automatically imported by the locale file inheritance scheme. Several new macros were added to allow for multi-lingual blocks: * `\thesis@authorEn`, `\thesis@advisor` -- They gets redefined via the `author` and `advisor` `\thesissetup` keys like their locale-agnostic counterparts, but the initial values are `\thesis@placeholders@authorEn` and `\thesis@placeholders@advisorEn` rather than `\thesis@placeholders@author` and `\thesis@placeholders@advisor`. * `\thesis@field` -- The field of study, required by the sci style * `\thesis@departmentEn`, `\thesis@programmeEn`, `\thesis@fieldEn` `\thesis@titleEn`, `\thesis@TeXtitleEn` -- The English versions of their locale-agnostic counterparts * `\thesis@abstractEn`, `\thesis@keywordsEn` -- These no longer default to `\undefined`, but instead use the fresh-defined `\thesis@placeholders@abstractEn` and `\thesis@placeholders@keywordsEn` locale macros. * `\thesis@date`, `\thesis@year`, `\thesis@month`, `\thesis@day`, `\thesis@season`, `\thesis@academicYear`, `\thesis@semester` -- These are all parsed out of a single value assigned to the `date` key via `\thesissetup`.
- Apr 10, 2015
witiko authored
- Apr 09, 2015
witiko authored
Added the \thesis@TeXtitle private macro.
- Apr 08, 2015
witiko authored