An error occurred while fetching the health status.
- actuator for every service (health, metrics, observation?)
- automated way e.g. Prometheus
- monitoring dashboard, e.g. Grafana
assigned to @xhajna
changed milestone to %Milestone 3
to address this issue created branch 11-actuator
to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !42 (merged)
marked the checklist item actuator for every service (health, metrics, observation?) as completed
marked the checklist item actuator for every service (health, metrics, observation?) as incomplete
marked the checklist item automated way e.g. Prometheus as completed
marked the checklist item actuator for every service (health, metrics, observation?) as completed
marked the checklist item monitoring dashboard, e.g. Grafana as completed
closed with commit 599e1c46
mentioned in commit 599e1c46