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Commit 65a81a7a authored by Vladimír Ulman's avatar Vladimír Ulman
Browse files

Three big changes occured:

-> gtgen-ng was renamed to mitopacq (spelled as MitoPacq in official documents)
-> tools renamed to scripts, src/tools introduced
-> many tools from the CBIA Optical flow collection of tools was
	adopted in this archive, you'll find them in src/tools as well as
	former src/toolbox/motion etc.

M    Doxyfile					- changed gtgen-ng to mitopacq
M    CMakeLists.txt			- adds the new tools
									- the binary gtgen-ng renamed to mitopacq

M    scripts/	- changed the name of the binary: gtgen-ng -> mitopacq
M    scripts/visualize_scheduling/  - ranamed gtgen-ng to mitopacq

M    src/main.cpp				- changed advice at the end: gtgen-ng -> mitopacq
M    src/scheduler.cpp		- changed the name of the lock file: gtgen-ng -> mitopacq

D    tools
D    src/toolbox/tracks
D    src/toolbox/motion
A    src/tools
A    src/tools/imagetognuplot.cpp
A    src/tools/imageinfo.cpp
A    src/tools/getslice.cpp
A    src/tools/floattogray16.cpp
A    src/tools/dt.cpp
A    src/...
parent 9e67c406
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