Prioritized labels 0
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Other labels 20
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to the API portion of the application.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to the backend portion of the application.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to bugs in the codebase.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label when you want to track use cases or feedback from customers. This label indicates that a specific feature or functionality is being tested or evaluated by customers, and their feedback will be used to improve the overall product.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to the database portion of the application.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to deployment of the application, such as setting up CI/CD pipelines or configuring server environments.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label when you need to have a discussion with your programming colleagues about a specific problem or feature. This label indicates that further discussion and collaboration are needed before proceeding with a decision.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to documentation, such as updating README files or documenting code.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to feature enhancements.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to new features or functionality being added to the application.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to the frontend portion of the application.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to ongoing maintenance tasks, such as updating dependencies or patching security vulnerabilities.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues that have to be made prior to the first milestone.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues that have to be made prior to the second milestone.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues that have to be made prior to the third milestone.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to performance optimization or bottlenecks.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to code refactoring or cleanup.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to security vulnerabilities or concerns.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Issues related to the overall structure and design of the project, including use case diagrams, database models, and other design-related tasks.
Marek Skácelík / Smart Energy Management System
Use this label for issues related to testing the codebase, such as writing or updating unit/integration tests.