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## System Environment Preparation
### Install docker
If your machine doesn't have *Docker* installed, please refer to [Install Docker Engine](
### OS Setups
Firstly, you need to check the following command:
121:/ragflow# sysctl vm.max_map_count
vm.max_map_count = 262144
If **vm.max_map_count** is not larger than 65535, please run the following commands:
121:/ragflow# sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
However, this change is not persistent and will be reset after a system reboot.
To make the change permanent, you need to update the **/etc/sysctl.conf**.
Add or update the following line in the file:
> If you want to change the basic setups, like port, password .etc., please refer to [.env](./docker/.env) before starting the system.
> If you change anything in [.env](./docker/.env), please check [service_conf.yaml](./docker/service_conf.yaml) which is a
> configuration of the back-end service and should be consistent with [.env](./docker/.env).
> - In [service_conf.yaml](./docker/service_conf.yaml), configuration of *LLM* in **user_default_llm** is strongly recommended.
> In **user_default_llm** of [service_conf.yaml](./docker/service_conf.yaml), you need to specify LLM factory and your own _API_KEY_.
> It's O.K if you don't have _API_KEY_ at the moment, you can specify it later at the setting part after starting and logging in the system.
> - We have supported the flowing LLM factory, and the others is coming soon:
> [OpenAI](, [通义千问/QWen](,
> [智谱AI/ZhipuAI](
121:/ragflow/docker# docker compose up -d
If after about a half of minutes, use the following command to check the server status. If you can have the following outputs,
_**Hallelujah!**_ You have successfully launched the system.
121:/ragflow# docker logs -f ragflow-server
____ ______ __
/ __ \ ____ _ ____ _ / ____// /____ _ __
/ /_/ // __ `// __ `// /_ / // __ \| | /| / /
/ _, _// /_/ // /_/ // __/ / // /_/ /| |/ |/ /
/_/ |_| \__,_/ \__, //_/ /_/ \____/ |__/|__/
* Running on all addresses (
* Running on
* Running on
INFO:werkzeug:Press CTRL+C to quit
Open your browser, after entering the IP address of your server, if you see the flowing in your browser, _**Hallelujah**_ again!
> The default serving port is 80, if you want to change that, please refer to [ragflow.conf](./nginx/ragflow.conf),
> and change the *listen* value.
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