- GB1_native.pdb : A PDB file with the native structure of the GB1 protein.
- traj-whole.xtc: A trajectory in xtc format. To make the exercise easier, GB1 has been made whole already.
- traj-broken.xtc: The same trajectory as it was originally produced by GROMACS. Here GB1 is broken by periodic boundary conditions and should be fixed.
- `GB1_native.pdb` : A PDB file with the native structure of the GB1 protein.
- `traj-whole.xtc` : A trajectory in `xtc` format. To make the exercise easier, GB1 has been made whole already.
- `traj-broken.xtc` : The same trajectory as it was originally produced by GROMACS. Here GB1 is broken by periodic boundary conditions and should be fixed.
The archive can be unpacked using the following command:
@@ -174,12 +174,11 @@ This tutorial has been tested with PLUMED version 2.6.2.
In this exercise, we will make practice with computing and printing collective variables.
To analyze the trajectories provided here, you should:
- Create a PLUMED input file with a text editor (let us call it `plumed.dat`) similar to the one above.
- Run the command `plumed driver` command (see below)
- Create a PLUMED input file with a text editor (let us call it `plumed.dat`) similar to the one above;
- Run the command `plumed driver` (see below).
Notice that you can also visualize trajectories with VMD directly.
For example, the trajectory `traj-whole.xtc` can be visualized with
the command:
For example, the trajectory `traj-whole.xtc` can be visualized with the command:
vmd GB1_native.pdb traj-whole.xtc
@@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ the dihedral phi is defined by these atoms: C(i-1),N(i),CA(i),C(i) (see Fig. \re
\anchor master-ISDD-1-dih-fig
\image html master-ISDD-1-dih-fig.png "Definition of backbone dihedral angles phi and psi."
After consulting the manual and inspecting GB1_native.pdb, let's define the dihedral angle phi of residue 2
After consulting the manual and inspecting `GB1_native.pdb`, let's define the dihedral angle phi of residue 2
in two different ways: using the \ref MOLINFO shortcut and with an explicit list of 4 atoms.