keys.addOutputComponent("eig","default","the projections on each eigenvalue are stored on values labeled eig-1, eig-2, ...");
keys.addOutputComponent("eig","default","the projections on each eigenvalue are stored on values labeled eig-1, eig-2, ...");
keys.addOutputComponent("residual","default","the distance of the present configuration from the configuration supplied as AVERAGE in terms of MSD after optimal alignment ");
keys.addOutputComponent("residual","default","the distance of the present configuration from the configuration supplied as AVERAGE in terms of MSD after optimal alignment ");
keys.addFlag("SQUARED-ROOT",false," This should be setted if you want RMSD instead of MSD ");
keys.addFlag("SQUARED-ROOT",false," This should be setted if you want RMSD instead of MSD ");
keys.addFlag("SQUARED_ROOT",false," Same as SQUARED-ROOT");