@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ Once this tutorial is completed students will be able to:
- Write the PLUMED input file to perform metadynamics simulations
- Calculate the free energy from a metadynamics run
- Monitor the behavior of variables in a metadynamics run
- Estimating the error in reconstructing free energies using block analysis
- Assess the convergence of a metadynamics simulation
\section master-ISDD-2-resources Resources
@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ cd handson_2
The \tarball{master-ISDD-2} for this project contains the following files:
- diala.pdb: a PDB file for alanine dipeptide in vacuo
- topol.tpr: a GROMACS run file to perform MD of alanine dipeptide
- do_block_fes.py: a python script to perform error analysis
The archive can be unpacked using the following command:
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ We will play with a toy system, alanine dipeptide simulated in vacuo using the A
force field (see Fig. \ref master-ISDD-2-ala-fig).
This rather simple molecule is useful to understand data analysis and free-energy methods.
This system is a nice example because it presents two metastable states separated by a high free-energy barrier.
It is conventional use to characterize the two states in terms of Ramachandran dihedral angles, which are denoted with \f$ \Phi \f$ and \f$ \Psi \f$ in Fig. \ref master-ISDD-2-transition-fig.
It is conventional use to characterize the two states in terms of Ramachandran dihedral angles, which are denoted with \f$ \Phi \f$ and \f$ \Psi \f$ in Fig. \ref master-ISDD-2-transition-fig.
\anchor master-ISDD-2-ala-fig
\image html belfast-2-ala.png "The molecule of the day: alanine dipeptide."