- Added aliases for some actions/options containing dashes (`-`) in their name. This will improve
- Added aliases for some actions/options containing dashes (`-`) in their name. This will improve
backward compatibility when these actions/options will be removed (see \issue{449}).
backward compatibility when these actions/options will be removed (see \issue{449}).
## Version 2.4.6 ()
## Version 2.4.6 (coming soon)
For users:
For users:
- Fixed a bug in \ref COORDINATIONNUMBER where derivatives were wrong when using R_POWER > 2, thanks to @MoleOrbitalHybridAnalyst for spotting and fixing
- Fixed a bug in \ref COORDINATIONNUMBER where derivatives were wrong when using R_POWER > 2, thanks to @MoleOrbitalHybridAnalyst for spotting and fixing