CHANGES/ : change log
Makefile : makefile
PEOPLE : list of authors
README : this file
README.git : quick reference for git
configurations/ : template configuration files
developer-doc : developer documentation
patches : set of diff and patch scripts, needed to embed plumed in MD programs
regtest : extensive set of regression tests, including reference results
scripts : shell tools
src : source code
test : examples
user-doc : user documentation
Extensive installation instructions are in the user documentation.
A precompiled version of the user documentation can be found here:
Needed software:
* GNU make
* c/c++/fortran compiler
* xxd (present in most unix distributions)
* doxygen ( to build user manual
* latex to build the user manual - used by doxygen
* graphviz ( to show class hierarchy in developer manual - used by doxygen
* if necessary, edit Makefile.conf
* configure your environment
> source ./
* compile plumed
> make
* the "plumed" executable should be now in the path
> plumed help
* compile the manuals
> make doc
The starting point for user documentation is
The starting point for developer documentation is
* To install plumed:
> export PLUMED_PREFIX=/usr/local
> umask 022
> make install
* A sample modulefile with environment variable will be placed in
* Path to installed documentation can be found with command
> plumed info --user-doc
Several branches and tags are stored on the git repository.
Branches named v2.X correspond to release branches.
Master branch may contain non tested features and is not expected to be used by non-developers.
It is typically containing features that will be available on the next release.
Tags named v2.XbY correspond to beta releases - use with care
Tags named v2.X.Y correspond to official releases - use the latest available.
To report problems found on beta or official releases, use the normal plumed-users
mailing list. Just state exactly which version you are using.
To report problems found on master branch, use the plumed2-git mailing list.
This is also the correct place for discussions about new features etc.
When reporting please provide the git hash (get it with "git rev-parse HEAD").