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md.cpp 92 KiB
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            if (fplog && do_log && bDoExpanded)
                /* only needed if doing expanded ensemble */
                PrintFreeEnergyInfoToFile(fplog, ir->fepvals, ir->expandedvals, ir->bSimTemp ? ir->simtempvals : nullptr,
                                          state_global->dfhist, state->fep_state, ir->nstlog, step);
            if (bCalcEner)
                upd_mdebin(mdebin, bDoDHDL, bCalcEnerStep,
                           t, mdatoms->tmass, enerd, state,
                           ir->fepvals, ir->expandedvals, lastbox,
                           shake_vir, force_vir, total_vir, pres,
                           ekind, mu_tot, constr);

            gmx_bool do_dr  = do_per_step(step, ir->nstdisreout);
            gmx_bool do_or  = do_per_step(step, ir->nstorireout);

            print_ebin(mdoutf_get_fp_ene(outf), do_ene, do_dr, do_or, do_log ? fplog : nullptr,
                       step, t,
                       eprNORMAL, mdebin, fcd, groups, &(ir->opts), ir->awh);

            if (ir->bPull)
                pull_print_output(ir->pull_work, step, t);

            if (do_per_step(step, ir->nstlog))
                if (fflush(fplog) != 0)
                    gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Cannot flush logfile - maybe you are out of disk space?");
        if (bDoExpanded)
            /* Have to do this part _after_ outputting the logfile and the edr file */
            /* Gets written into the state at the beginning of next loop*/
            state->fep_state = lamnew;
        /* Print the remaining wall clock time for the run */
        if (MULTIMASTER(cr) &&
            (do_verbose || gmx_got_usr_signal()) &&
            if (shellfc)
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
            print_time(stderr, walltime_accounting, step, ir, cr);

        /* Ion/water position swapping.
         * Not done in last step since trajectory writing happens before this call
         * in the MD loop and exchanges would be lost anyway. */
        bNeedRepartition = FALSE;
        if ((ir->eSwapCoords != eswapNO) && (step > 0) && !bLastStep &&
            do_per_step(step, ir->swap->nstswap))
            bNeedRepartition = do_swapcoords(cr, step, t, ir, wcycle,
                                             bRerunMD ? rerun_fr.x   : as_rvec_array(state->,
                                             bRerunMD ? : state->box,
                                             MASTER(cr) && mdrunOptions.verbose,

            if (bNeedRepartition && DOMAINDECOMP(cr))
                dd_collect_state(cr->dd, state, state_global);

        /* Replica exchange */
        bExchanged = FALSE;
        if (bDoReplEx)
            bExchanged = replica_exchange(fplog, cr, repl_ex,
                                          state_global, enerd,
                                          state, step, t);

        if ( (bExchanged || bNeedRepartition) && DOMAINDECOMP(cr) )
            dd_partition_system(fplog, step, cr, TRUE, 1,
                                state_global, top_global, ir,
                                state, &f, mdAtoms, top, fr,
                                vsite, constr,
                                nrnb, wcycle, FALSE);
            shouldCheckNumberOfBondedInteractions = true;
            update_realloc(upd, state->natoms);

        bFirstStep             = FALSE;
        bInitStep              = FALSE;
        startingFromCheckpoint = false;

        /* With all integrators, except VV, we need to retain the pressure
         * at the current step for coupling at the next step.
        if ((state->flags & (1<<estPRES_PREV)) &&
            (bGStatEveryStep ||
             (ir->nstpcouple > 0 && step % ir->nstpcouple == 0)))
            /* Store the pressure in t_state for pressure coupling
             * at the next MD step.
            copy_mat(pres, state->pres_prev);

        /* #######  END SET VARIABLES FOR NEXT ITERATION ###### */

        if ( (membed != nullptr) && (!bLastStep) )
            rescale_membed(step_rel, membed, as_rvec_array(state_global->;

        if (bRerunMD)
            if (MASTER(cr))
                /* read next frame from input trajectory */
                bLastStep = !read_next_frame(oenv, status, &rerun_fr);

            if (PAR(cr))
                rerun_parallel_comm(cr, &rerun_fr, &bLastStep);

        cycles = wallcycle_stop(wcycle, ewcSTEP);
        if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && wcycle)
            dd_cycles_add(cr->dd, cycles, ddCyclStep);

        if (!bRerunMD || !rerun_fr.bStep)
            /* increase the MD step number */

        /* TODO make a counter-reset module */
        /* If it is time to reset counters, set a flag that remains
           true until counters actually get reset */
        if (step_rel == wcycle_get_reset_counters(wcycle) ||
            signals[eglsRESETCOUNTERS].set != 0)
            if (pme_loadbal_is_active(pme_loadbal))
                /* Do not permit counter reset while PME load
                 * balancing is active. The only purpose for resetting
                 * counters is to measure reliable performance data,
                 * and that can't be done before balancing
                 * completes.
                 * TODO consider fixing this by delaying the reset
                 * until after load balancing completes,
                 * e.g. */
                gmx_fatal(FARGS, "PME tuning was still active when attempting to "
                          "reset mdrun counters at step %" GMX_PRId64 ". Try "
                          "resetting counters later in the run, e.g. with gmx "
                          "mdrun -resetstep.", step);
            reset_all_counters(fplog, mdlog, cr, step, &step_rel, ir, wcycle, nrnb, walltime_accounting,
                               use_GPU(fr->nbv) ? fr->nbv : nullptr, fr->pmedata);
            wcycle_set_reset_counters(wcycle, -1);
            if (!thisRankHasDuty(cr, DUTY_PME))
                /* Tell our PME node to reset its counters */
                gmx_pme_send_resetcounters(cr, step);
            /* Correct max_hours for the elapsed time */
            max_hours                -= elapsed_time/(60.0*60.0);
            /* If mdrun -maxh -resethway was active, it can only trigger once */
            bResetCountersHalfMaxH    = FALSE; /* TODO move this to where signals[eglsRESETCOUNTERS].sig is set */
            /* Reset can only happen once, so clear the triggering flag. */
            signals[eglsRESETCOUNTERS].set = 0;

        /* If bIMD is TRUE, the master updates the IMD energy record and sends positions to VMD client */
        IMD_prep_energies_send_positions(ir->bIMD && MASTER(cr), bIMDstep, ir->imd, enerd, step, bCalcEner, wcycle);

    /* End of main MD loop */

    /* Closing TNG files can include compressing data. Therefore it is good to do that
     * before stopping the time measurements. */

    /* Stop measuring walltime */

    if (bRerunMD && MASTER(cr))

    if (!thisRankHasDuty(cr, DUTY_PME))
        /* Tell the PME only node to finish */

    if (MASTER(cr))
        if (ir->nstcalcenergy > 0 && !bRerunMD)
            print_ebin(mdoutf_get_fp_ene(outf), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, fplog, step, t,
                       eprAVER, mdebin, fcd, groups, &(ir->opts), ir->awh);
    // TODO Enable the next line when merging to master branch
    // done_ebin(mdebin->ebin);

    if (bPMETune)
        pme_loadbal_done(pme_loadbal, fplog, mdlog, use_GPU(fr->nbv));

    done_shellfc(fplog, shellfc, step_rel);

    if (useReplicaExchange && MASTER(cr))
        print_replica_exchange_statistics(fplog, repl_ex);

    if (ir->bDoAwh)
        delete ir->awh;

    // Clean up swapcoords
    if (ir->eSwapCoords != eswapNO)

    /* Do essential dynamics cleanup if needed. Close .edo file */

    /* IMD cleanup, if bIMD is TRUE. */
    IMD_finalize(ir->bIMD, ir->imd);

    walltime_accounting_set_nsteps_done(walltime_accounting, step_rel);
    if (step_rel >= wcycle_get_reset_counters(wcycle) &&
        signals[eglsRESETCOUNTERS].set == 0 &&

    return 0;