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    \page hrex Using Hamiltonian replica exchange with GROMACS
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    When patching GROMACS with PLUMED, it is also possible to perform 
    Hamiltonian replica exchange with different topologies.
    Although this feature is provided together with PLUMED, it is actually
    a new feature for GROMACS itself that can be enabled using the `-hrex`
    flag of `mdrun`.
    This implementation is very close to the one used to produce the data in this paper
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    \cite bussi2013mp. In case you find it useful, please cite this paper.
    \warning This feature is currently used by several groups and should be
    robust enough. However, be sure that you understand its limitations and
    to perform all the tests discussed in this page before using it in production.
    In this short tutorial you will learn how to do two things:
    - Generate scaled topologies with `plumed partial_tempering`. This is actually not directly related to
      the `-hrex` flag.
    - Run GROMACS with replica exchange and multiple topologies.
    \section multipletopologies Generate scaled topologies
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    Plumed comes with a `partial_tempering` command line tool that can be used to generate
    scaled topologies. Notice that you might want to generate these topologies
    by yourself. This step is totally independent from the use of the `-hrex` flag.
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    The `partial_tempering` tool can be invoked as follows:
      plumed partial_tempering scale <
    where scale is the Hamiltonian scaling factor and is a post-processed topology file (i.e. produced with grompp -pp)
    where each "hot" atom has a "_" appended to the atom type, e.g. change this
         1         HC     1    ACE   HH31      1     0.1123      1.008   ; qtot 0.1123
    to this:
         1         HC_    1    ACE   HH31      1     0.1123      1.008   ; qtot 0.1123
    Notice that the section that should be edited is the [atoms] section for all the
    molecules that you wish to affect (typically only for the solute, but you may also
    want to change solvent parameters).
    If you select all the atoms of the solute, you will be able to prepare topologies
    such as those needed in a REST2 simulation
    \cite wang2011replica.
    Also remember to first produce the file with grompp -pp. Editing a normal file will not work, because it does not contain all the parameters.
    The file should not have any "#include" statement.
    # produce a processed topology
    grompp -pp
    # choose the "hot" atoms
    # generate the actual topology
    plumed partial_tempering $scale < > topol$
    - It's not very robust and there might be force-field dependent issues!
    - It certainly does not work with charmm cmap
    Suggested tests:
    1. Compare partial_tempering with scale=1.0 to non-scaled force field. E.g.
    grompp -o topol-unscaled.tpr
    grompp -pp
    vi # choose the "hot" atoms appending "_". You can choose whatever.
    plumed partial_tempering 1.0 < > # scale with factor 1
    grompp -p -o topol-scaled.tpr
    # Then do a rerun on a trajectory
    mdrun -s topol-unscaled.tpr -rerun rerun.trr
    mdrun -s topol-scaled.tpr -rerun rerun.trr
    # and compare the resuling energy files. they should be identical
    2. Compare partial_tempering with scale=0.5 to non-scaled force field.
    Repeat the same procedure but using "plumed partial_tempering 0.5".
    Choose all the atoms in all the relevant [atoms] sections (e.g. solute, solvent and ions).
    In the two resulting energy files you should see:
    long range electrostatics, LJ, and dihedral energy is *half* in the scaled case
    all other terms (bonds/bends) are identical.
    \section hrexpatch Run GROMACS
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    If GROMACS has been patched with PLUMED it should accept the -hrex option
    in mdrun. Please double check this (mdrun -h should list this possibility).
    Notice that not all the versions of GROMACS allow this feature.
    First of all prepare separate topologies for each replicas using `plumed partial_tempering`
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    tool as shown above (or using some other tool). Then run a normal replica exchange with gromacs adding the flag "-hrex" on the command line.
    A complete run script could be adapted from the following
    # five replicas
    # "effective" temperature range
    # build geometric progression
    awk -v n=$nrep \
        -v tmin=$tmin \
        -v tmax=$tmax \
        printf(t); if(i<n-1)printf(",");
    # clean directory
    rm -fr \#*
    rm -fr topol*
    # choose lambda as T[0]/T[i]
    # remember that high temperature is equivalent to low lambda
      lambda=$(echo $list | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";}{print $1/$'$((i+1))';}')
    # process topology
    # (if you are curious, try "diff" to see the changes)
      plumed partial_tempering $lambda < > topol$
    # prepare tpr file
    # -maxwarn is often needed because box could be charged
      grompp_mpi_d  -maxwarn 1 -o topol$i.tpr -f grompp$i.mdp -p topol$
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    mpirun -np $nrep gmx_mpi mdrun_d -v -plumed plumed.dat -multi $nrep -replex 100 -nsteps 15000000 -hrex -dlb no
    Notice that total cell could be charged. This happens whenever the scaled portion of the system
    is not neutral. There should be no problem in this. When used with pbc, GROMACS
    will add a compensating background.
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    Suggested check:
    - Try with several identical force fields (hardcode the same lambda for all replicas in the
      script above) and different seed/starting point. Acceptance should be 1.0
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    Notice that when you run with GPUs acceptance could be different from 1.0.
    The reason is that to compute the acceptance GROMACS is sending the coordinates to the neighboring
    replicas which then recompute energy. If all the tpr files are identical, one would expect
    energy to be identically to the originally computed one. However, calculations
    made with GPUs are typically not reproducible to machine precision. For a large system, even
    an error in the total energy for the last significant digit could be on the order of a kJ.
    This results in practice in a lower acceptance. The error induced on the final ensemble is
    expected to be very small.
    - Topologies should have the same number of atoms, same masses and same constraint topology.
      Some of these differences (e.g. masses) are not explicitly checked and might lead to
      unnoticed errors in the final results.
    - Choose neighbor list update (nstlist) that divides replex. Notice that running with GPUs
      GROMACS is going to change nstlist automatically, be sure that it still divides replex.
    Giovanni Bussi's avatar
    Giovanni Bussi committed
    - It seems that when using multiple processes per replica it is necessary to switch off
      dynamic load balancing (`-dlb no`) otherwise the simulation could crash randomly,
      see \issue{410}.
    - Option -hrex requires also option -plumed. If you do not care about plumed, just provide an empty
      plumed.dat file.
    - It should work correctly if replicas have different force-field, temperature, lambda, pressure,
      in any combination. However, not all these combinations have been tried in practice, so
      please first test the code on a system for which you know the result.
    link: @subpage hrex
    description: This tutorial explains how to use Hamiltonian replica exchange in GROMACS