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  • /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       Copyright (c) 2011-2016 The plumed team
       (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
       See for more information.
       This file is part of plumed, version 2.
       plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
       the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       (at your option) any later version.
       plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
       You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
       along with plumed.  If not, see <>.
    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
    #include "ReweightWham.h"
    Gareth Tribello's avatar
    Gareth Tribello committed
    #include "core/ActionRegister.h"
    \par Examples
    namespace PLMD {
    namespace bias {
    void ReweightWham::registerKeywords(Keywords& keys ) {
      ReweightBase::registerKeywords( keys ); keys.use("ARG");
      keys.add("compulsory","MAXITER","1000","maximum number of iterations for WHAM algorithm");
      keys.add("compulsory","WHAMTOL","1e-10","threshold for convergence of WHAM algorithm");
    ReweightWham::ReweightWham(const ActionOptions&ao):
      std::vector<Value*> targ, fagr;
      unsigned nbias = 0; wlists.push_back( 0 );
      for(unsigned i=1;; i++) {
        if( !parseArgumentList("ARG",i,targ ) ) break;
        log.printf("  bias number %d involves :");
        for(unsigned j=0; j<targ.size(); ++j) {
          log.printf("%s ",targ[j]->getName().c_str() );
          fagr.push_back( targ[j] );
        log.printf("\n"); targ.resize(0);
        wlists.push_back( fagr.size() );
      plumed_assert( wlists.size()==(nbias+1) ); requestArguments( fagr );
      parse("MAXITER",maxiter); parse("WHAMTOL",thresh);
    double ReweightWham::getLogWeight() {
      if( getStep()==0 ) return 1.0;  // This is here as first step is ignored in all analyses
      for(unsigned i=0; i<wlists.size()-1; ++i) {
        double total_bias=0;
        for(unsigned j=wlists[i]; j<wlists[i+1]; ++j) total_bias+=getArgument(j);
        stored_biases.push_back( total_bias );
      return 1.0;
    void ReweightWham::clearData() {
    void ReweightWham::calculateWeights( const unsigned& nframes ) {
      if( stored_biases.size()!=(wlists.size()-1)*nframes ) error("wrong number of weights stored");
      // Get the minimum value of the bias
      double minv = *min_element(std::begin(stored_biases), std::end(stored_biases));
      // Resize final weights array
      plumed_assert( stored_biases.size()%(wlists.size()-1)==0 );
      final_weights.resize( stored_biases.size() / (wlists.size()-1), 1.0 );
      // Offset and exponential of the bias
      std::vector<double> expv( stored_biases.size() );
      for(unsigned i=0; i<expv.size(); ++i) expv[i] = exp( (-stored_biases[i]+minv) / simtemp );
      // Initialize Z
      std::vector<double> Z( wlists.size()-1, 1.0 ), oldZ( wlists.size()-1 );
      // Now the iterative loop to calculate the WHAM weights
      for(unsigned iter=0; iter<maxiter; ++iter) {
        // Store Z
        for(unsigned j=0; j<Z.size(); ++j) oldZ[j]=Z[j];
        // Recompute weights
        double norm=0;
        for(unsigned j=0; j<final_weights.size(); ++j) {
          double ew=0;
          for(unsigned k=0; k<Z.size(); ++k) ew += expv[j*Z.size()+k]  / Z[k];
          final_weights[j] = 1.0 / ew; norm += final_weights[j];
        // Normalize weights
        for(unsigned j=0; j<final_weights.size(); ++j) final_weights[j] /= norm;
        // Recompute Z
        for(unsigned j=0; j<Z.size(); ++j) Z[j] = 0.0;
        for(unsigned j=0; j<final_weights.size(); ++j) {
          for(unsigned k=0; k<Z.size(); ++k) Z[k] += final_weights[j]*expv[j*Z.size()+k];
        // Normalize Z and compute change in Z
        double change=0; norm=0; for(unsigned k=0; k<Z.size(); ++k) norm+=Z[k];
        for(unsigned k=0; k<Z.size(); ++k) {
          Z[k] /= norm; double d = std::log( Z[k] / oldZ[k] ); change += d*d;
        if( change<thresh ) { weightsCalculated=true; return; }
      error("Too many iterations in WHAM" );