\page Installation Installation
Gareth Tribello
At the present times plumed can be added to the following list of codes:
\section CompilingPlumed Compiling Plumed
First configure using
> ./configure
In case it is necessary, edit the resulting Makefile.conf. A new file
will appear in the main plumed directory. Just source it (presently only for bash shell):
> source
Then compile plumed
> make -j 4
A "plumed" executable should be in your path. Try to type
> plumed -h
You can also check if plumed is correctly compiled performing our regression tests.
Be warned that some of them just fails because of the different numerical accuracy of different machines.
> cd regtest
> make
\section Patching Patching your MD code
To patch your MD code, you should have PLUMED already installed and properly
working. In particular, you should have the command "plumed" in your execution
path. Then, follow these steps
- Configure and compile your MD enginge
- Test if it is working properly
- Go to the root diretory of the MD engine
- Patch:
The script will interactively ask which MD engine you are patching.
- Recompile the MD code (if dependencies are set up properly in the MD engine,
only modified files will be recompiled)
If your MD code is not supported, you may want to implement an interface for
it. Refer to the <a href="../../developer-doc/html/index.html"> developer
manual </a>.