@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Explore the technical documentation to gain a deeper understanding of the platfo
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Explore the technical documentation to gain a deeper understanding of the platfo
Learn about the process of conducting tabletop exercises using the INJECT Exercise Platform.
Learn about the process of conducting tabletop exercises using the INJECT Exercise Platform.
-**[Inject Process]()**: A detailed guide on how to plan, execute, and evaluate tabletop exercises using INJECT Exercise Platform.
-**[Inject Process](INJECT_process/intro/overview.md)**: A detailed guide on how to plan, execute, and evaluate tabletop exercises using INJECT Exercise Platform.
@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ Instructors cannot create users with higher privileges. admin (admin can be crea
@@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ Instructors cannot create users with higher privileges. admin (admin can be crea
- last name of the created user if you want to identify them later
- last name of the created user if you want to identify them later
As a separator for the column, you can use either `,` or `;`.
As a separator for the column, you can use either `,` or `;`.
An example of such a file can be downloaded [here]()
An example of such a file can be downloaded [here](https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/inject/inject-docs/-/raw/main/docs/tech/example_csv.csv?ref_type=heads&inline=false)