GUI refactoring, especially the project dashboard
Batch processing, downsampling for the symmetry and ICP, Procrustes, initial functions for landmarks management, project-oriented workflow, textures
Cutting planes with profile curves
Cutting planes with profile curves
Cutting planes with profile curves
Cutting planes with profile curves
Cutting planes with profile curves
GUI fixes
Weighted Hausdorff distance
Initial compact GUI integrating all implemented functions
ICP, its visualizattion, and control panel
Symmetry plane computation and visualization
Final decomposition of distance visitors, including the Hausdorff distance visitor
Improved efficiency: concurrent visitors, hashing in the corner table, and new implementation of the point-to-triangle distance computation.
Listeners introduced to MeshModel, KdTree and HumanFace. HumanFace extended with kd-tree. Project refactoring.
kd-trees and basic Hausdorff distance (computed directly on meshes without using kd-trees)
Configuration added to menu