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Commit 02d935c3 authored by Vít Starý Novotný's avatar Vít Starý Novotný
Browse files

The examples now use a BibLaTeX (not BibTeX) bibliography database.

parent 896800d4
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@preamble{ "\newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} "
# "\newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{#1} "
# "\newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} "
# "\newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{#2#1} " }
author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport},
title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System},
journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal},
year = 1986,
author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport},
title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System},
journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal},
year = 1986,
volume = 41,
number = 7,
pages = "73+",
month = jul,
note = "This is a full ARTICLE entry",
The KEY field is here to override the KEY field in the journal being
cross referenced (so is the NOTE field, in addition to its imparting
crossref = {WHOLE-JOURNAL},
key = "",
author = {L[eslie] A. Aamport},
title = {The Gnats and Gnus Document Preparation System},
pages = "73+",
note = "This is a cross-referencing ARTICLE entry",
key = "GAJ",
journal = {\mbox{G-Animal's} Journal},
year = 1986,
volume = 41,
number = 7,
month = jul,
note = {The entire issue is devoted to gnats and gnus
(this entry is a cross-referenced ARTICLE (journal))},
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973",
chapter = "1.2",
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
volume = 1,
series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
edition = "Second",
month = "10~" # jan,
year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973",
type = "Section",
chapter = "1.2",
pages = "10--119",
note = "This is a full INBOOK entry",
crossref = "whole-set",
title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
volume = 1,
series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
edition = "Second",
year = "{\noopsort{1973b}}1973",
type = "Section",
chapter = "1.2",
note = "This is a cross-referencing INBOOK entry",
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981",
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
volume = 2,
series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
edition = "Second",
month = "10~" # jan,
year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981",
note = "This is a full BOOK entry",
crossref = "whole-set",
title = "Seminumerical Algorithms",
volume = 2,
series = "The Art of Computer Programming",
edition = "Second",
year = "{\noopsort{1973c}}1981",
note = "This is a cross-referencing BOOK entry",
author = "Donald E. Knuth",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
title = "The Art of Computer Programming",
series = "Four volumes",
year = "{\noopsort{1973a}}{\switchargs{--90}{1968}}",
note = "Seven volumes planned (this is a cross-referenced set of BOOKs)",
key = "Kn{\printfirst{v}{1987}}",
title = "The Programming of Computer Art",
author = "Jill C. Knvth",
title = "The Programming of Computer Art",
howpublished = "Vernier Art Center",
address = "Stanford, California",
month = feb,
year = 1988,
note = "This is a full BOOKLET entry",
author = "Daniel D. Lincoll",
title = "Semigroups of Recurrences",
booktitle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
publisher = "Academic Press",
year = 1977,
author = "Daniel D. Lincoll",
title = "Semigroups of Recurrences",
editor = "David J. Lipcoll and D. H. Lawrie and A. H. Sameh",
booktitle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
number = 23,
series = "Fast Computers",
chapter = 3,
type = "Part",
pages = "179--183",
publisher = "Academic Press",
address = "New York",
edition = "Third",
month = sep,
year = 1977,
note = "This is a full INCOLLECTION entry",
crossref = "whole-collection",
author = "Daniel D. Lincoll",
title = "Semigroups of Recurrences",
pages = "179--183",
note = "This is a cross-referencing INCOLLECTION entry",
editor = "David J. Lipcoll and D. H. Lawrie and A. H. Sameh",
title = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
booktitle = "High Speed Computer and Algorithm Organization",
number = 23,
series = "Fast Computers",
publisher = "Academic Press",
address = "New York",
edition = "Third",
month = sep,
year = 1977,
note = "This is a cross-referenced BOOK (collection) entry",
key = "Manmaker",
title = "The Definitive Computer Manual",
author = "Larry Manmaker",
title = "The Definitive Computer Manual",
organization = "Chips-R-Us",
address = "Silicon Valley",
edition = "Silver",
month = apr # "-" # may,
year = 1986,
note = "This is a full MANUAL entry",
author = "{\'{E}}douard Masterly",
title = "Mastering Thesis Writing",
school = "Stanford University",
year = 1988,
author = "{\'{E}}douard Masterly",
title = "Mastering Thesis Writing",
school = "Stanford University",
type = "Master's project",
address = "English Department",
month = jun # "-" # aug,
year = 1988,
note = "This is a full MASTERSTHESIS entry",
key = "Missilany",
note = "This is a minimal MISC entry",
author = "Joe-Bob Missilany",
title = "Handing out random pamphlets in airports",
howpublished = "Handed out at O'Hare",
month = oct,
year = 1984,
note = "This is a full MISC entry",
@STRING{STOC-key = "OX{\singleletter{stoc}}"}
@STRING{ACM = "The OX Association for Computing Machinery"}
@STRING{STOC = " Symposium on the Theory of Computing"}
author = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis Yannakakis",
title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits",
booktitle = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # STOC,
year = 1983,
author = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis Yannakakis",
title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits",
editor = "Wizard V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis",
booktitle = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # STOC,
number = 17,
series = "All ACM Conferences",
pages = "133--139",
month = mar,
year = 1983,
address = "Boston",
organization = ACM,
publisher = "Academic Press",
note = "This is a full INPROCEDINGS entry",
crossref = "whole-proceedings",
author = "Alfred V. Oaho and Jeffrey D. Ullman and Mihalis Yannakakis",
title = "On Notions of Information Transfer in {VLSI} Circuits",
organization = "",
pages = "133--139",
note = "This is a cross-referencing INPROCEEDINGS entry",
key = STOC-key,
title = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC,
year = 1983,
editor = "Wizard V. Oz and Mihalis Yannakakis",
title = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC,
number = 17,
series = "All ACM Conferences",
month = mar,
year = 1983,
address = "Boston",
organization = ACM,
publisher = "Academic Press",
note = "This is a full PROCEEDINGS entry",
key = STOC-key,
organization = ACM,
title = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual" # STOC,
address = "Boston",
year = 1983,
booktitle = "Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM" # STOC,
note = "This is a cross-referenced PROCEEDINGS",
author = "F. Phidias Phony-Baloney",
title = "Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases",
school = "Fanstord University",
year = 1988,
author = "F. Phidias Phony-Baloney",
title = "Fighting Fire with Fire: Festooning {F}rench Phrases",
school = "Fanstord University",
type = "{PhD} Dissertation",
address = "Department of French",
month = jun # "-" # aug,
year = 1988,
note = "This is a full PHDTHESIS entry",
author = "Tom Terrific",
title = "An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} Sorting Algorithm",
institution = "Fanstord University",
year = 1988,
author = "Tom T{\'{e}}rrific",
title = "An {$O(n \log n / \! \log\log n)$} Sorting Algorithm",
institution = "Fanstord University",
type = "Wishful Research Result",
number = "7",
address = "Computer Science Department, Fanstord, California",
month = oct,
year = 1988,
note = "This is a full TECHREPORT entry",
author = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul Pot",
title = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results",
note = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a minimal UNPUBLISHED entry)",
author = "Ulrich {\"{U}}nderwood and Ned {\~N}et and Paul Pot",
title = "Lower Bounds for Wishful Research Results",
month = nov # ", " # dec,
year = 1988,
note = "Talk at Fanstord University (this is a full UNPUBLISHED entry)",
key = {Volume-2},
note = "Volume~2 is listed under Knuth \cite{book-full}"
% The example bibliographical entries below were borrowed from the
% <> package documentation.
% BORGMAN, Christine L., 2003. From Gutenberg to the global information
% infrastructure: access to information in the networked world. First. Cambridge
% (Mass): The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-52345-0 [xviii, 324]
author = {Borgman, Christine L.},
date = {2003},
title = {From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure},
subtitle = {access to information in the networked world},
edition = {1}, % should not be stated
location = {Cambridge (Mass)},
publisher = {The MIT Press},
pagetotal = {xviii, 324},
isbn = {0-262-52345-0},
langid = {english}
% GREENBERG, David, 1998. Camel drivers and gatecrashers: quality control in
% the digital research library. In: HAWKINS, B.L et al. (eds.). The mirage of
% continuity: reconfiguring academic information resources for the 21st
% century. Washington (D.C.): Council on Library and Information Resources;
% Association of American Universities, pp. 105–116
crossref = {mirage98},
author = {Greenberg, David},
title = {Camel drivers and gatecrashers},
subtitle = {quality control in the digital research library},
pages = {105-116},
title = {The mirage of continuity},
subtitle = {reconfiguring academic information
resources for the 21st century},
editor = {Hawkins, B.L and Battin, P},
date = {1998},
location = {Washington (D.C.)},
publisher = {Council on Library and Information Resources;
Association of American Universities},
langid = {english}
% LYNCH, C., 2005. Where do we go from here?: the next decade for digital
% libraries. DLib Magazine [online]. Vol. 11, no. 7/8 [visited on 2005-08-15].
% ISSN 1082-9873. Available from:
crossref = {dlib},
author = {Lynch, C.},
title = {Where do we go from here?},
subtitle = {the next decade for digital libraries},
url = {},
urldate = {2005-08-15}
journaltitle = {DLib Magazine},
date = {2005},
volume = {11},
number = {7/8},
issn = {1082-9873},
langid = {english},
% HÀN, Thé Thành, 2001. Micro-typographic extensions to the TEX type- setting
% system [online]. Brno [visited on 2016-12-09]. Available from:
% PhD thesis. The Faculty of
% Informatics, Masaryk University.
author = {Hàn, Thé Thành},
title = {Micro-typographic extensions to the \TeX{} typesetting system},
date = {2001},
institution = {The Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University},
location = {Brno},
url = {},
urldate = {2016-12-09},
langid = {english}
% SHANNON, Claude Elwood, 1940. A symbolic analysis of relay and switching
% circuits. Available from DOI: 1721.1/11173. Master’s thesis. Massachusetts
% Institute of Technology.
author = {Shannon, Claude Elwood},
title = {A symbolic analysis of relay and switching circuits},
date = {1940},
institution = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology},
langid = {english},
doi = {1721.1/11173},
% EHLINGER JR., Philip Charles. Device for the treatment of hiccups. US.
% US Patent, 7062320.
author = {EHLINGER, JR., Philip Charles},
title = {Device for the treatment of hiccups},
type = {US Patent},
location = {US},
date = {2006},
number = {7062320},
langid = {english}
% Masaryk University, 1996–2009 [online]. Brno: Masaryk University
% [visited on 2016-12-09]. Available from:
publisher = {Masaryk University},
title = {Masaryk University},
date = {1996/2009},
url = {},
urldate = {2016-12-09},
location = {Brno},
langid = {english}
......@@ -861,22 +861,22 @@ After linking a bibliography data\-base files to the document using
the \verb"\"\texttt{thesissetup\{bib\discretionary{=}{=}{=}%
\{\textit{file1},\textit{file2},\,\ldots\,\}\}} command, you can
start citing the entries. This is just dummy text
\parencite{inbook-full} lightly sprinkled with citations
\parencite[p.~123]{incollection-full}. Several sources can be cited
at once: \cite{inproceedings-full,manual-full,mastersthesis-full}.
\citetitle{inbook-full} was written by \citeauthor{inbook-full} in
\citeyear{inbook-full}. We can also produce \textcite{inbook-full}%
\parencite{borgman03} lightly sprinkled with citations
\parencite[p.~123]{greenberg98}. Several sources can be cited at
once: \cite{borgman03,greenberg98,thanh01}.
\citetitle{greenberg98} was written by \citeauthor{greenberg98} in
\citeyear{greenberg98}. We can also produce \textcite{greenberg98}%
\ or %% Let us define a compound command:
. The full bibliographic citation is:
\emph{\fullcite{inbook-full}}. We can easily insert a bibliographic
citation into the footnote\footfullcite{inbook-full}.
\emph{\fullcite{greenberg98}}. We can easily insert a bibliographic
citation into the footnote\footfullcite{greenberg98}.
The \verb"\nocite" command will not generate any
output\nocite{booklet-full}, but it will insert its arguments into
output\nocite{muni}, but it will insert its arguments into
the bibliography. The \verb"\nocite{*}" command will insert all the
records in the bibliography database file into the bibliography.
Try uncommenting the command
......@@ -900,10 +900,10 @@ hovering the cursor over a directory. Select the \textsf{Open
Command Window Here} option in the context menu that opens shortly
With online services -- such as Overleaf -- all commands are
executed automatically. When you omit the
\verb"\printbibliography" command, its location will be decided
by the template.
With online services -- such as Overleaf -- or when using an
automatic tool -- such as \LaTeX MK -- all commands are executed
automatically. When you omit the \verb"\printbibliography" command,
its location will be decided by the template.
\printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] %% Print the bibliography.
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