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    """Adds Gaussian noise to the image. The noise is drawn from normal distribution with given parameters.

            var_limit (tuple, optional): Variance of normal distribution is randomly chosen from this interval.

                Defaults to ``(0.001, 0.1)``.
            mean (float, optional): Mean of normal distribution.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``0.5``.


    def __init__(self, var_limit: tuple = (0.001, 0.1), mean: float = 0,
                 always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.var_limit = var_limit
        self.mean = mean

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.gaussian_noise(img, sigma=params['sigma'], mean=self.mean)

    def get_params(self, **params):
        var = uniform(self.var_limit[0], self.var_limit[1])
        sigma = var ** 0.5
        return {"sigma": sigma}

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'GaussianNoise({self.var_limit}, {self.mean}, {self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

class PoissonNoise(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Adds Poisson noise to the image.

            intensity_limit (tuple): Range to sample the expected intensity of Poisson noise.

                Defaults to ``(1, 10)``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``0.5``.


    def __init__(self,
                 peak_limit=(0.1, 0.5),
                 always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.peak_limit = peak_limit

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.poisson_noise(img, peak=params['peak'])

    def get_params(self, **params):
        peak = uniform(self.peak_limit[0], self.peak_limit[1])
        return {"peak": peak}

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'PoissonNoise({self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

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# TODO create checks (mean, std, got good shape, and etc.), what if given list but only one channel, and reverse.
class NormalizeMeanStd(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Normalize image values to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1, given channel-wise means and standard deviations.

        For a single-channel image, the normalization is applied by the formula: :math:`img = (img - mean) / std`.
        If the image contains more channels, then the previous formula is used for each channel separately.

        It is recommended to input dataset-wide means and standard deviations.

            mean (float | List[float]): Channel-wise image mean.

                Must be either of: ``M``, ``(M_1, M_2, ..., M_C)``.
            std (float | List[float]): Channel-wise image standard deviation.

                Must be either of: ``S``, ``(S_1, S_2, ..., S_C)``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``True``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``1``.

    def __init__(self, mean: Union[List[float], float], std: Union[List[float], float],
                 always_apply: bool = True, p: float = 1.0):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.mean = np.array(mean, dtype=np.float32) 
        self.std = np.array(std, dtype=np.float32) 
        self.denominator = np.reciprocal(self.std, dtype=np.float32)

    def apply(self, image, **params):
        return F.normalize_mean_std(image, self.mean, self.denominator)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'NormalizeMeanStd({self.mean}, {self.std}, ' \
               f' {self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

class GaussianBlur(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Performs Gaussian blurring of the image. In case of a multi-channel image, individual channels are blured separately.

        Internally, the ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter`` function is used. The ``border_mode`` and ``cval``
        arguments are forwarded to it. More details at:

            sigma (float, Tuple(float), List[Tuple(float) | float] , optional): Gaussian sigma.

                Must be either of: ``S``, ``(S_Z, S_Y, S_X)``, ``(S_Z, S_Y, S_X, S_T)``, ``[S_1, S_2, ..., S_C]``,
                ``[(S_Z1, S_Y1, S_X1), (S_Z2, S_Y2, S_X2), ..., (S_ZC, S_YC, S_XC)]``, or
                ``[(S_Z1, S_Y1, S_X1, S_T1), (S_Z2, S_Y2, S_X2, S_T2), ..., (S_ZC, S_YC, S_XC, S_TC)]``.

                If a float, the spatial dimensions are blurred with the same strength (equivalent to ``(S, S, S)``).

                If a tuple, the sigmas for spatial dimensions and possibly the time dimension must be specified.

                If a list, sigmas for each channel must be specified either as a single number or as a tuple.

                Defaults to ``0.8``.
            border_mode (str, optional): Values outside image domain are filled according to this mode.

                Defaults to ``'reflect'``.
            cval (float, optional): Value to fill past edges of image. Only applied when ``border_mode = 'constant'``.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``0.5``.

    def __init__(self, sigma: Union[float , Tuple[float], List[ Union[Tuple[float], float]]] = 0.8,
                 border_mode: str = "reflect", cval: float = 0,
                 always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.border_mode = border_mode
        self.cval = cval

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.gaussian_blur(img, self.sigma, self.border_mode, self.cval)

class RandomGaussianBlur(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Performs Gaussian blur on the image with a random strength blurring.
        In case of a multi-channel image, individual channels are blured separately.

        Behaves similarly to GaussianBlur. The Gaussian sigma is randomly drawn from
        the interval [min_sigma, s] for the respective s from ``max_sigma`` for each channel and dimension.

        Internally, the ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter`` function is used. The ``border_mode`` and ``cval``
        arguments are forwarded to it. More details at:

            max_sigma (float, Tuple(float), List[Tuple(float) | float] , optional): Maximum Gaussian sigma.

                Must be either of: ``S``, ``(S_Z, S_Y, S_X)``, ``(S_Z, S_Y, S_X, S_T)``, ``[S_1, S_2, ..., S_C]``,
                ``[(S_Z1, S_Y1, S_X1), (S_Z2, S_Y2, S_X2), ..., (S_ZC, S_YC, S_XC)]``, or
                ``[(S_Z1, S_Y1, S_X1, S_T1), (S_Z2, S_Y2, S_X2, S_T2), ..., (S_ZC, S_YC, S_XC, S_TC)]``.

                If a float, the spatial dimensions are blurred equivalently (equivalent to ``(S, S, S)``).

                If a tuple, the sigmas for spatial dimensions and possibly the time dimension must be specified.

                If a list, sigmas for each channel must be specified either as a single number or as a tuple.

                Defaults to ``0.8``.
            min_sigma (float, optional): Minimum Gaussian sigma for all channels and dimensions.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            border_mode (str, optional): Values outside image domain are filled according to this mode.

                Defaults to ``'reflect'``.
            cval (float, optional): Value to fill past edges of image. Only applied when ``border_mode = 'constant'``.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``0.5``.

    def __init__(self, max_sigma: Union[float, TypeTripletFloat] = 0.8,
                 min_sigma: float = 0, border_mode: str = "reflect", cval: float = 0,
                 always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.max_sigma = parse_coefs(max_sigma)
        self.min_sigma = min_sigma
        self.border_mode = border_mode
        self.cval = cval

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.gaussian_blur(img, params["sigma"], self.border_mode, self.cval)

    def get_params(self, **data):
        if isinstance(self.max_sigma, (float, int)):
            sigma = random.uniform(self.min_sigma, self.max_sigma)
        elif isinstance(self.max_sigma, tuple):
            sigma = tuple([random.uniform(self.min_sigma, self.max_sigma[i]) for i in range(len(self.max_sigma))])
            sigma = []
            for channel in self.max_sigma:
                if isinstance(channel, (float, int)):
                    sigma.append(random.uniform(self.min_sigma, channel))
                    sigma.append(tuple([random.uniform(self.min_sigma, channel) for i in range(len(channel))]))
        return {"sigma": sigma}

class RandomGamma(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Performs the gamma transformation with a randomly chosen gamma. If image values (in any channel) are outside
        the [0,1] interval, this transformation is not performed.

            gamma_limit (Tuple(float), optional): Interval from which gamma is selected.

                Defaults to ``(0.8, 1.2)``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``0.5``.

    def __init__(self, gamma_limit: Tuple[float] = (0.8, 1.2),
                 always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 0.5):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.gamma_limit = gamma_limit

    def apply(self, img, gamma=1, **params):
        return F.gamma_transform(img, gamma=gamma)

    def get_params(self, **data):
        return {"gamma": random.uniform(self.gamma_limit[0], self.gamma_limit[1])}

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'RandomGamma({self.gamma_limit}, {self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

class RandomBrightnessContrast(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Randomly change brightness and contrast of the input image.

        Unlike ``RandomBrightnessContrast`` from `Albumentations`, this transform is using the
        formula :math:`f(a) = (c+1) * a + b`, where :math:`c` is contrast and :math:`b` is brightness.

            brightness_limit ((float, float) | float, optional): Interval from which the change in brightness is
                randomly drawn. If the change in brightness is 0, the brightness will not change.

                Must be either of: ``B``, ``(B1, B2)``.

                If a float, the interval will be ``(-B, B)``.

                Defaults to ``0.2``.
            contrast_limit ((float, float) | float, optional): Interval from which the change in contrast is
                randomly drawn. If the change in contrast is 1, the contrast will not change.

                Must be either of: ``C``, ``(C1, C2)``.

                If a float, the interval will be ``(-C, C)``.

                Defaults to ``0.2``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``0.5``.

    def __init__(self, brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=0.2, always_apply=False, p=0.5,):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.brightness_limit = to_tuple(brightness_limit)
        self.contrast_limit = to_tuple(contrast_limit)

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.brightness_contrast_adjust(img, params['alpha'], params['beta'])

    def get_params(self, **data):
        return {
            "alpha": 1.0 + random.uniform(self.contrast_limit[0], self.contrast_limit[1]),
            "beta": 0.0 + random.uniform(self.brightness_limit[0], self.brightness_limit[1]),

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'RandomBrightnessContrast({self.brightness_limit}, {self.contrast_limit},  ' \
               f'{self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

class HistogramEqualization(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Performs equalization of histogram. The equalization is done channel-wise, meaning that each channel is equalized

        **Warning! Images are normalized over both spatial and temporal domains together. The output is in the range [0, 1].**

            bins (int, optional): Number of bins for image histogram.

                Defaults to ``256``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``False``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``1``.

    def __init__(self, bins: int = 256, always_apply: bool = False, p: float = 1):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.bins = bins

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.histogram_equalization(img, self.bins)

class Pad(DualTransform):
    """Pads the input.

            pad_size (int | Tuple[int] | List[int | Tuple[int]]): Number of pixels padded to the edges of each axis.

                Must be either of: ``P``, ``(P1, P2)``, ``[P_Z, P_Y, P_X]``, ``[P_Z, P_Y, P_X, P_T]``,
                ``[(P_Z1, P_Z2), (P_Y1, P_Y2), (P_X1, P_X2)]``, or
                ``[(P_Z1, P_Z2), (P_Y1, P_Y2), (P_X1, P_X2), (P_T1, P_T2)]``.

                If an integer, it is equivalent to ``[(P, P), (P, P), (P, P)]``.

                If a tuple, it is equivalent to ``[(P1, P2), (P1, P2), (P1, P2)]``.

                If a list, it must specify padding for all spatial dimensions and possibly also for the time dimension.

                The unspecified dimensions (C and possibly T) are not affected.
            border_mode (str, optional): Values outside image domain are filled according to this mode.

                Defaults to ``'constant'``.
            ival (float | Sequence, optional): Values of `image` voxels outside of the `image` domain.
                Only applied when ``border_mode = 'constant'`` or ``border_mode = 'linear_ramp'``.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            mval (float | Sequence, optional): Values of `mask` voxels outside of the `mask` domain.
                Only applied when ``border_mode = 'constant'`` or ``border_mode = 'linear_ramp'``.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            ignore_index (float | None, optional): If a float, then transformation of `mask` is done with 
                ``border_mode = 'constant'`` and ``mval = ignore_index``. 
                If ``None``, this argument is ignored.

                Defaults to ``None``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``True``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``1``.

            image, mask, float_mask
    def __init__(self, pad_size: Union[int, Tuple[int],  List[Union[int, Tuple[int]]]], border_mode: str = 'constant',
                 ival: Union[float, Sequence] = 0, mval: Union[float, Sequence] = 0,
                 ignore_index: Union[float, None] = None, always_apply: bool = True, p : float = 1):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.pad_size: TypeSextetInt = parse_pads(pad_size)
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        self.border_mode = border_mode
        self.mask_mode = border_mode 
        self.ival = ival
        self.mval = mval

        if not (ignore_index is None):
            self.mask_mode = "constant"
            self.mval = ignore_index

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.pad_pixels(img, self.pad_size, self.border_mode, self.ival)

    def apply_to_mask(self, mask, **params):
        return F.pad_pixels(mask, self.pad_size, self.mask_mode, self.mval, True)

    def apply_to_keypoints(self, keypoints, **params):
        return F.pad_keypoints(keypoints, self.pad_size)

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    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Pad({self.pad_size}, {self.border_mode}, {self.ival}, {self.mval}, {self.always_apply}, ' \

class Normalize(ImageOnlyTransform):
    """Change image mean and standard deviation to the given values (channel-wise).

            mean (float | List[float], optional): The desired channel-wise means.

                Must be either of: ``M``, ``[M_1, M_2, ..., M_C]``.

                Defaults to ``0``.
            std (float | List[float], optional): The desired channel-wise standard deviations.

                Must be either of: ``S``, ``[S_1, S_2, ..., S_C]``.

                Defaults to ``1``.
            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``True``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition. 
                Defaults to ``1``.

    def __init__(self, mean: Union[float, List[float]] = 0, std: Union[float, List[float]] = 1,
                 always_apply: bool = True, p: float = 1.0):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)
        self.mean = mean
        self.std = std

    def apply(self, img, **params):
        return F.normalize(img, self.mean, self.std)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Normalize({self.mean}, {self.std}, {self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

class Contiguous(DualTransform):
    """Transform the image data to a contiguous array.

            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``True``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``1``.

            image, mask, float_mask
    def __init__(self, always_apply: bool = True, p: float = 1.0):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)

    def apply(self, image, **params):
        return np.ascontiguousarray(image)

    def apply_to_mask(self, mask, **params):
        return np.ascontiguousarray(mask)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Contiguous({self.always_apply}, {self.p})'

class StandardizeDatatype(DualTransform):
    """Change image and float_mask datatype to ``np.float32`` without changing intensities.
    Change mask datatype to ``np.int32``.
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            always_apply (bool, optional): Always apply this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``True``.
            p (float, optional): Chance of applying this transformation in composition.

                Defaults to ``1``.

            image, mask, float_mask
    def __init__(self, always_apply: bool = True, p: float = 1.0):
        super().__init__(always_apply, p)

    def apply(self, image, **params):
        return image.astype(np.float32)

    def apply_to_mask(self, mask, **params):
        return mask.astype(np.int32)

    def apply_to_float_mask(self, mask, **params):
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        return mask.astype(np.float32)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Float({self.always_apply}, {self.p})'