- Mar 20, 2024
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
- Jan 06, 2022
Vladimír Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Aug 26, 2021
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Feb 03, 2021
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Nov 27, 2020
Vladimír Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Feb 25, 2020
Vladimír Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Feb 24, 2020
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Dec 28, 2019
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimir Ulman authored
- Mar 15, 2019
Vladimir Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Mar 29, 2017
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Feb 23, 2017
Vladimír Ulman authored
Vladimír Ulman authored
- Dec 20, 2016
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/tools/imageinfo.cpp
- Nov 03, 2016
Vladimír Ulman authored
M CMakeLists.txt - searches now also for Apple's .dylibs M src/cellChr.cpp - on Apple: #include<values.h> -> #include<float.h> M src/scheduler.cpp - ditto
- Apr 22, 2016
Vladimír Ulman authored
(note: sh shell cannot handle variable substrings, unlike bash!) M scripts/finalize.sh
Vladimír Ulman authored
Get max, krome GPL licence, vypisuje radek s "identifikatorem" MAXX M src/tools/getMax.cpp Skript preskakuje lic. texty a hleda radek s MAXX, aby ziskal co potrebuje vedet pro svou praci; A taky vola mitogen namisto mitopacqu... M scripts/finalize.sh LOCK file se jmenuje Mitogen (bylo Mitopacq) M src/scheduler.cpp
Vladimír Ulman authored
M src/main.cpp
- Apr 01, 2016
David Svoboda authored
M CMakeLists.txt M src/cell.cpp M src/cell.h M src/cellChr.cpp M src/cellSOFA.cpp M src/cellScm.cpp M src/cell_00_Samplephase.cpp M src/cell_01_Prophase.cpp M src/cell_02_Metaphase.cpp M src/cell_03_Anaphase.cpp M src/cell_04_Telophase.cpp M src/cell_05_Cytokinesis.cpp M src/cell_06_G1Phase.cpp M src/cell_07_SPhase.cpp M src/cell_08_G2Phase.cpp M src/dots.cpp M src/dots.h M src/macros.h M src/main.cpp M src/molecule.cpp M src/molecule.h M src/scheduler.cpp M src/scheduler.h M src/settings.h M src/toolbox/bp_lists.h M src/toolbox/cell_movement.h M src/toolbox/collisions.cpp M src/toolbox/collisions.h M src/toolbox/deformations.cpp M src/toolbox/deformations.h M src/toolbox/finalpreview.cpp M src/toolbox/finalpreview.h M src/toolbox/flowfields.h A src/toolbox/hungarian/README M src/toolbox/importexport.h M src/toolbox/perlin.h M src/toolbox/rnd_generators.cpp M src/toolbox/rnd_generators.h M src/toolbox/shape_rendering.cpp M src/toolbox/shape_rendering.h M src/toolbox/user_abort.cpp M src/toolbox/user_abort.h M src/types.h
- Nov 18, 2015
Vladimír Ulman authored
It is intentionally called a displacement, instead of velocity, to stress the fact that the class does not deal with time variable at all. Added one more state handling of a real number generator (because of the disp. distro). Added UseCorrectedUniformDistribution() for the turning angle distribution which actually creates not uniform distribution, but after drawing random samples from it, the produced distribution is some-what nearly uniform (quite unlike from the one produced with UseUniformDistribution()). Added RandomWalk::ReadyToStartSimulation() indicator for those who are not sure... M toolbox/randWalk.h Adjusted to provide similar trajectory data as the real example. M toolbox/walks.cc
- Nov 13, 2015
Vladimír Ulman authored
Now produces: + series of images with trajectories of individual walks + single image of labeled trajectories + histogram of finishing positions of all trajectories + data for the MSD analysis in the same format as is used in the analyzer of real sequences M toolbox/walks.cc
Vladimír Ulman authored
M toolbox/walks.cc
Vladimír Ulman authored
Functions are provided also for standard turning ang. distributions. Inteface has changed... M toolbox/randWalk.h Sample controlling program. M toolbox/walks.cc
- Nov 09, 2015
Vladimír Ulman authored
A toolbox/randWalk.h And a sample program showing how to use it. A toolbox/walks.cc
- Jul 29, 2015
Vladimír Ulman authored
(used to be depending only on time which produces exactly the same sequences when executed at the very same time, e.g., from a script) M rnd_generators.cpp