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Commit f7fdf6b5 authored by Jim Blandy's avatar Jim Blandy Committed by Dzmitry Malyshau
Browse files

Makefile: Be more flexible in removing YAML headers from snapshots.

The snapshot files in tests/out start with headers like this:

    source: tests/
    expression: dis
    ; SPIR-V
    ; Version: 1.0
    ; Generator: rspirv

The Makefile's `validate-foo` targets trim off those lines with `tail -n +5`
before submitting their test to the validators.

However, some versions of the `insta` crate seem to generate headers with an
extra blank line, like this:

    source: tests/
    expression: dis


This makes the `validate-foo` targets unhappy.

This commit changes the `validate-foo` targets to use `sed` to cope with both
kinds of headers.
parent 3f57e4db
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