The locale macros `\thesis@<locale>@winter` and `\thesis@<locale>@summer`
were renamed to `\thesis@<locale>@spring` and `\thesis@<locale>@fall`. The semantics have also changed. The `\thesis@parseDate` macro no longer sets `\thesis@season` to `winter` if `\thesis@month` < 7 and to `summer` otherwise. Instead, the `\thesis@season` macro is set to `spring` if 2 > `\thesis@month` < 9 and to `fall` otherwise. The `\thesis@academicYear` macro is no longer set to `\thesis@year`-1/`\thesis@year` if `\thesis@month` < 7 and to `\thesis@year`/`\thesis@year`+1 otherwise. Instead, the `\thesis@academicYear` macro is set to `\thesis@year`-1/`\thesis@year` if `\thesis@month` < 9 and to `\thesis@year`/`\thesis@year`+1 otherwise. These changed month ranges reflect more accurately the beginning and the end of the spring and fall semesters.
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