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Commit 3abe586a authored by Martin Juhás's avatar Martin Juhás
Browse files

feat: add confirmation button to info alternatives

### Additions

* added new type `ConfirmationType`
* added field `confirmation: ConfirmationType` to `InjectDetailsType` type
* added field `confirmed: Boolean` to `InjectDetailsType` type
* added field `confirmedBy: RestrictedUser` to `InjectDetailsType` type
* added field `timestampConfirmed: DateTime` to `InjectDetailsType` type
* added field `eventType: EventType!` to `ActionLogsSubscription` subscription
* added field `eventType: EventType!` to `AnalyticsActionLogsSubscription` subscription
* added new mutation `confirmAction(teamId: ID!, logId: ID!): ActionLogType!`

### Changes

* renamed `ExerciseEventTypeEnum` to `EventType`

Closes #351
parent ba53e57f
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