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Commit 1842df16 authored by Martin Juhás's avatar Martin Juhás
Browse files

feat: extend definitions to contain more information

### Additions

* added field `description: String!` to `DefinitionType` type
* added field `description: String!` to `LearningObjectiveType` type
* added field `description: String!` to `LearningActivityType` type
* added field `displayName: String!` to `DefinitionChannelType` type
* added field `description: String!` to `DefinitionChannelType` type
* added field `description: String!` to `MilestoneType` type
* added field `displayName: String!` to `MilestoneType` type
* added field `tags: [String!]!` to `MilestoneType` type
* added field `displayName: String!` to `DefinitionRoleType` type
* added field `description: String!` to `DefinitionRoleType` type
* added field `description: String!` to `QuestionnaireType` type

Closes #353
parent c8a3a9ce
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