diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 61e1d3e3af12547d52a3a5fc7583b694a6b53407..d249e0e11de6ce18ad1c55b4b1f028ebb1c8cbae 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 - [Build and run the app with Docker](#build-and-run-the-app-with-docker)
 - [Collecting Metrics](#collecting-and-displaying-metrics)
 - [Grafana](#grafana-setup)
+- [Runnable scenario](#runnable-scenario)
 ## About Project
@@ -89,13 +90,6 @@ cd core
-or alternatively:
-cd core
-mvn spring-boot:run
 To see the running REST api's in action, use CURL or swagger UI:
@@ -173,7 +167,8 @@ docker-compose down
 To collect the metrics in an automated way we use Prometheus,
 Grafana is used for displaying the most useful metrics.
-Both services are running in docker container together with modules.<br>
+Both services are running automatically in docker container together with other modules,
+ when you run the docker-compose.<br>
 You can check prometheus UI at http://localhost:9090.<br>
 You can see grafana at http://localhost:3000
@@ -183,4 +178,98 @@ Credentials to log into Grafana are:
 - user `admin`
 - password `admin`
-Two dashboards are imported automatically, but feel free to experiment and see different metrics.
\ No newline at end of file
+Two dashboards are imported automatically, but feel free to experiment and see different metrics.
+## Runnable scenario
+To showcase our system, we defined two scenarios:<br>
+- Engineer, manager and their everyday business
+- Applications module load test
+### Engineer, manager and their everyday business
+Our system is a management system for a formula 1 team. It is designed to help engineers and manager
+to keep track of drivers, car components and current state of the cars. Naturally, this system will
+not experience any high loads, so (in the core module) there is no reason to simulate user behaviour
+with any kind of script. The best way to test the system is to manually try it.
+#### 1. Become a manager of our F1 team (optional)
+Navigate to ``/core/src/main/resources/application.properties`` file and add your e-mail address to the
+``notification.receivers`` field. You can either delete the address that's already there, or add your own
+separated with a comma(,). This means that you will get e-mail notifications same as the manager would.
+#### 2. Run all modules
+docker-compose up --build
+Now, all the modules, including prometheus and grafana should be available through your web browser.
+Feel free to play around with every module's swagger UI. Ports of all modules are listed above.<br>
+Also feel free to monitor the system through grafana during all the following steps.
+#### 3. Log in as an engineer and create a new component
+- Visit swagger UI of core module at http://localhost:8090/swagger-ui/index.html. 
+- Check, that without logging in, you are unable to perform any operations, except the /seed and /clear. 
+- Log in with the authorize button and select the engineer scope (test_1). 
+- Now, you are able to perform only the operations at the ``/carComponent`` endpoint.
+- Create a new component that you just made with your team of engineers at your lab.
+- Log out from the engineer scope.
+If you followed step 1, you (as a manager) should also get an e-mail notification about 
+new component being created. 
+*Note: It is possible to time-out our team's e-mail address if you make too many new notifications (for example during the second scenario - load test). 
+So if the Notifications module is not working, try to wait a few minutes, maybe another reviewer
+was doing a load test at the same time. In real system we would not use a regular Gmail address for such job - there would be no timeouts.*
+#### 4. Log in as an manager and create a visualization of a car
+- Log in using a manager scope (test_5), same way as before.
+- Now, you can perform all operations, except POST at /carComponent (only engineers can do that).
+- Check, that the new component created by the engineer is really in the system.
+- Play around with the other endpoints, for example try to change the driver in one of the cars. 
+(If you cleared the database before, seed it so you don't have to create everything manually)
+- Now call the GET operation on a certain car, this operation returns the car as a JSON directly in the response,
+but also calls the Visualization module with that car.
+- Check ``/visualization/output-data`` and you should be able to see a PDF visualization of the car you chose.
+- Hopefully you chose the right components and drivers for your cars. Good luck in the next race.
+This scenario showcased the functionality of the Core module and it's communication with Notification and Visualization modules.
+### Applications module load test:
+This scenario showcases a situation, where lots of people are sending applications to this F1 team.<br>
+At the same time, some admin (someone from HR for example) is randomly accepting/rejecting these applications.<br>
+Before running this scenario make sure you have installed ``python`` and ``locust`` module, which can be installed with<br>
+``pip install locust``
+#### 1. Run all modules
+docker-compose up
+#### 2. Run script
+cd scenario-locust
+locust -f scenario.py --host http://localhost:8081 --users 2
+*Note: Script can be run without arguments, but then you have them fill up in the next step.*
+#### 3. Open in web browser
+Adjust ``Number of users`` and ``Spawn rate`` to test different scenarios.
+<br>*Note: At least 2 users are required  to simulate ``Admin`` and ``User`` simultaneously*
+<br>*Note: !Do not change Host!*
+#### 4. Collecting and displaying Metrics
+After started swarming in web browser, locust provides several pages to display various data.
+Feel free to explore them, but two main pages are ``Statistics`` and ``Charts``
+If you want to display more complex metrics, do not hesitate to use:
+- ``Grafana`` http://localhost:9090
+- ``Prometheus`` http://localhost:3000
+#### 5. Clear Data - optional
+Don't forget to clear your Application DB via ``/clear`` end point. 
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diff --git a/notification/openapi.yaml b/notification/openapi.yaml
index 975d5f7cbfac27de5761ce59eb5ce89611b680fb..b212e96299d64ab3f266e3b086f2f6fa8611ef5e 100644
--- a/notification/openapi.yaml
+++ b/notification/openapi.yaml
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ components:
       type: string
       description: Type of a component
-        - chassis
-        - engine
-        - frontWing
-        - suspension
+        - CHASSIS
+        - ENGINE
+        - FRONTWING
+        - SUSPENSION
       type: object
       title: Component
diff --git a/scenario-locust/scenario.py b/scenario-locust/scenario.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abbeff262096946c59db8351db6675065f728afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenario-locust/scenario.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from locust import HttpUser, task
+import random
+class Admin(HttpUser):
+    fixed_count = 1
+    @task
+    def update_random_application_status(self):
+        response = self.client.get("/application")
+        if len(response.json()) == 0:
+            return
+        applicationNumber = random.choice([i for i in range(1, len(response.json()))])
+        status = random.choice(["accepted", "rejected"])
+        self.client.put(f"/application/status?id={applicationNumber}&applicationStatus={status}")
+    @task
+    def get_application(self):
+        self.client.get("/application?id=1")
+    @task
+    def get_all_application(self):
+        self.client.get("/application")
+class User(HttpUser):
+    @task
+    def create_application(self):
+        self.client.post("/application", json={
+            "name": "Jozko",
+            "surname": "Example",
+            "birthday": "2000-05-06",
+            "email": "john@example.com"
+        })