#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <map> #include <lapacke.h> #include <i3d/draw.h> #include <i3d/morphology.h> #include <i3d/transform.h> #include <i3d/DistanceTransform.h> #include <i3d/filters.h> #include "TriangleMesh.h" #include "../cmath3d_v/TriangleMesh_v.h" #include "../src/rnd_generators.h" #include "../src/texture/texture.h" #undef min #undef max //'multiple' should be ideally 10^desired_decimal_accuracy int inline RoundTo(const float val, const float multiple=1000.f) { return ( int(floorf(val*multiple)) ); } //puts v1 into Pos, with mPos being a helper structure preventing having //v1 multiple times inside the Pos long unsigned int Enlist( const Vector3FC& v1, std::vector<Vector3FC>& Pos, std::map< int,std::map< int,std::map< int,long unsigned int > > >& mPos) { long unsigned int o1; //ret val std::map< int,std::map< int,long unsigned int > >& mY=mPos[RoundTo(v1.x)]; if (mY.empty()) { Pos.push_back(v1); o1=Pos.size(); //add reference to this vertex in the mPos structure std::map< int,long unsigned int > mZ; mZ[RoundTo(v1.z)]=o1; std::map< int,std::map< int,long unsigned int > > my; my[RoundTo(v1.y)]=mZ; mPos[RoundTo(v1.x)]=my; } else { std::map< int,long unsigned int >& mZ=mY[RoundTo(v1.y)]; if (mZ.empty()) { Pos.push_back(v1); o1=Pos.size(); //add reference to this vertex in the mPos structure std::map< int,long unsigned int > mZ; mZ[RoundTo(v1.z)]=o1; mY[RoundTo(v1.y)]=mZ; } else { if (mZ[RoundTo(v1.z)] == 0) { Pos.push_back(v1); o1=Pos.size(); //add reference to this vertex in the mPos structure mZ[RoundTo(v1.z)]=o1; } else { o1=mZ[RoundTo(v1.z)]; } } } return o1; } int ActiveMesh::ImportSTL(const char *filename) { Pos.clear(); ID.clear(); norm.clear(); //a helper map to (efficiently) search for already stored vertices inside Pos std::map< int,std::map< int,std::map< int,long unsigned int > > > mPos; // x y z offset+1 in Pos //try to open the file std::ifstream file(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return 1; //read the "header" line char tmp[1024]; file >> tmp; //dangerous... //check tmp for "solid" or complain if (tmp[0] != 's' || tmp[1] != 'o' || tmp[2] != 'l' || tmp[3] != 'i' || tmp[4] != 'd') { file.close(); return(2); } //read (and skip) the rest of the header line file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read facet by facet while (file >> tmp) { //check tmp for "facet" or "endsolid" or complain if (tmp[0] != 'f' || tmp[1] != 'a' || tmp[2] != 'c' || tmp[3] != 'e' || tmp[4] != 't') { //no new face starting, end of file then? if (tmp[0] != 'e' || tmp[1] != 'n' || tmp[2] != 'd' || tmp[3] != 's' || tmp[4] != 'o') { file.close(); return(3); } else break; } //read normal file >> tmp; //"normal" keyword float x,y,z; file >> x >> y >> z; Vector3F normal(x,y,z); //read triangle vertices file >> tmp; //check tmp for "outer" or complain if (tmp[0] != 'o' || tmp[1] != 'u' || tmp[2] != 't' || tmp[3] != 'e' || tmp[4] != 'r') { file.close(); return(4); } file >> tmp; //"loop" keyword file >> tmp; //"vertex" keyword file >> x >> y >> z; Vector3FC v1(x,y,z); file >> tmp; file >> x >> y >> z; Vector3FC v2(x,y,z); file >> tmp; file >> x >> y >> z; Vector3FC v3(x,y,z); file >> tmp; //"endloop" keyword file >> tmp; //"endfacet" keyword //add this triangle to the ActiveMesh data structures //we need to: // scale, round and use this for comparison against already // discovered vertices to avoid for having the same vertex saved twice long unsigned int o1,o2,o3; o1=Enlist(v1,Pos,mPos); o2=Enlist(v2,Pos,mPos); o3=Enlist(v3,Pos,mPos); // // three offsets to the Pos array should be output // add them to the ID array ID.push_back(o1-1); ID.push_back(o2-1); ID.push_back(o3-1); // add normal to the norm array norm.push_back(normal); /* std::cout << "v1: " << v1.x << "," << v1.y << "," << v1.z << " -- o1=" << o1 << "\n"; std::cout << "v2: " << v2.x << "," << v2.y << "," << v2.z << " -- o2=" << o2 << "\n"; std::cout << "v3: " << v3.x << "," << v3.y << "," << v3.z << " -- o3=" << o3 << "\n"; std::cout << "normal: " << normal.x << "," << normal.y << "," << normal.z << "\n\n"; */ } file.close(); return(0); } int ActiveMesh::ExportSTL(const char *filename) { //try to open the file std::ofstream file(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return(1); file << "solid Vladimir Ulman - meshSurface testing app\n"; for (unsigned int i=0; i < ID.size(); i+=3) { file << "facet normal " << norm[i/3].x << " " << norm[i/3].y << " " << norm[i/3].z << "\n"; file << "outer loop\n"; file << "vertex " << Pos[ID[i+0]].x << " " << Pos[ID[i+0]].y << " " << Pos[ID[i+0]].z << "\n"; file << "vertex " << Pos[ID[i+1]].x << " " << Pos[ID[i+1]].y << " " << Pos[ID[i+1]].z << "\n"; file << "vertex " << Pos[ID[i+2]].x << " " << Pos[ID[i+2]].y << " " << Pos[ID[i+2]].z << "\n"; file << "endloop\nendfacet\n"; } file.close(); return(0); } int ActiveMesh::ImportVTK(const char *filename) //surface version { Pos.clear(); ID.clear(); norm.clear(); //try to open the file std::ifstream file(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return 1; //read the "header" line char tmp[1024]; file >> tmp >> tmp; //dangerous... //check tmp for "vtk" or complain if (tmp[0] != 'v' || tmp[1] != 't' || tmp[2] != 'k') { file.close(); return(2); } //read (and skip) the rest of the header line file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore "vtk output" file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read "ASCII" file >> tmp; if (tmp[0] != 'A' || tmp[1] != 'S' || tmp[2] != 'C' || tmp[3] != 'I' || tmp[4] != 'I') { file.close(); return(3); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore "DATASET POLYDATA" file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read points header int itemCount; file >> tmp >> itemCount;; if (tmp[0] != 'P' || tmp[1] != 'O' || tmp[2] != 'I' || tmp[3] != 'N' || tmp[4] != 'T' || tmp[5] != 'S') { file.close(); return(4); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); std::cout << "reading " << itemCount << " point coordinates\n"; Pos.reserve(itemCount); //read all points... float x,y,z; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> x) { file >> y >> z; //... and save them Vector3FC v1(x,y,z); v1*=100.f; Pos.push_back(v1); --itemCount; } std::cout << "last coordinate was: " << x << "," << y << "," << z << "\n"; //prepare "information about faces normals" Vector3F fictiveNormal(1.f,0.f,0.f); //read polyhedra header file >> tmp >> itemCount; if (tmp[0] != 'P' || tmp[1] != 'O' || tmp[2] != 'L' || tmp[3] != 'Y' || tmp[4] != 'G' || tmp[5] != 'O' || tmp[6] != 'N' || tmp[7] != 'S') { file.close(); return(5); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); std::cout << "reading " << itemCount << " triangles\n"; ID.reserve(3*itemCount); norm.reserve(itemCount); //read all polyhedra vertices int ignore,v1,v2,v3; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> ignore && ignore == 3) { file >> v1 >> v2 >> v3; //save v1,v2,v3 (TODO: if not already saved...) //make triangles use CW winding order ID.push_back(v1); ID.push_back(v3); ID.push_back(v2); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); --itemCount; } std::cout << "last triangle was: " << v1 << "," << v2 << "," << v3 << "\n"; file.close(); return(0); } int ActiveMesh::ImportVTK_Volumetric(const char *filename) { Pos.clear(); ID.clear(); norm.clear(); //try to open the file std::ifstream file(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return 1; //read the "header" line char tmp[1024]; file >> tmp >> tmp; //dangerous... //check tmp for "vtk" or complain if (tmp[0] != 'v' || tmp[1] != 't' || tmp[2] != 'k') { file.close(); return(2); } //read (and skip) the rest of the header line file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore "vtk output" file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read "ASCII" file >> tmp; if (tmp[0] != 'A' || tmp[1] != 'S' || tmp[2] != 'C' || tmp[3] != 'I' || tmp[4] != 'I') { file.close(); return(3); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED GRID" file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read points header int itemCount; file >> tmp >> itemCount;; if (tmp[0] != 'P' || tmp[1] != 'O' || tmp[2] != 'I' || tmp[3] != 'N' || tmp[4] != 'T' || tmp[5] != 'S') { file.close(); return(4); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); std::cout << "reading " << itemCount << " point coordinates\n"; Pos.reserve(itemCount); //read all points... float x,y,z; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> x) { file >> y >> z; //... and save them Vector3FC v1(x,y,z); v1*=100.f; Pos.push_back(v1); --itemCount; } std::cout << "last coordinate was: " << x << "," << y << "," << z << "\n"; //prepare "information about faces normals" Vector3F fictiveNormal(1.f,0.f,0.f); //read polyhedra header file >> tmp >> itemCount; if (tmp[0] != 'C' || tmp[1] != 'E' || tmp[2] != 'L' || tmp[3] != 'L' || tmp[4] != 'S') { file.close(); return(5); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); std::cout << "reading " << itemCount << " polyhedra\n"; ID.reserve(3*itemCount); norm.reserve(itemCount); //read all polyhedra vertices int ignore,v1,v2,v3,v4; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> ignore && ignore == 4) { file >> v1 >> v2 >> v3 >> v4; //save v1,v2,v3 (TODO: if not already saved...) ID.push_back(v1); ID.push_back(v2); ID.push_back(v3); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); //save v1,v2,v4 (TODO: if not already saved...) ID.push_back(v1); ID.push_back(v2); ID.push_back(v4); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); //save v1,v4,v3 (TODO: if not already saved...) ID.push_back(v1); ID.push_back(v4); ID.push_back(v3); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); //save v4,v2,v3 (TODO: if not already saved...) ID.push_back(v4); ID.push_back(v2); ID.push_back(v3); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); --itemCount; } std::cout << "last polyhedron was: " << v1 << "," << v2 << "," << v3 << "," << v4 << "\n"; file.close(); return(0); } int ActiveMesh::ImportVTK_Ftree(const char *filename,bool resetMesh) { const int PointsOnRadiusPeriphery=10; const float radiusCorrection=0.1f; if (resetMesh) { Pos.clear(); ID.clear(); norm.clear(); } //local/temporary list of vertices of segments that make up the f-tree //later, we convert these to triangles and save these guys instead fPoints.clear(); segFromPoint.clear(); segToPoint.clear(); segFromRadius.clear(); //try to open the file std::ifstream file(filename); if (!file.is_open()) return 1; //read the "header" line char tmp[1024]; file >> tmp >> tmp; //dangerous... //check tmp for "vtk" or complain if (tmp[0] != 'v' || tmp[1] != 't' || tmp[2] != 'k') { file.close(); return(2); } //read (and skip) the rest of the header line file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore "vtk output" file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read "ASCII" file >> tmp; if (tmp[0] != 'A' || tmp[1] != 'S' || tmp[2] != 'C' || tmp[3] != 'I' || tmp[4] != 'I') { file.close(); return(3); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED GRID" file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //read points header int itemCount; file >> tmp >> itemCount;; if (tmp[0] != 'P' || tmp[1] != 'O' || tmp[2] != 'I' || tmp[3] != 'N' || tmp[4] != 'T' || tmp[5] != 'S') { file.close(); return(4); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); std::cout << "reading " << itemCount << " point coordinates\n"; fPoints.reserve(itemCount); //read all points... float x,y,z; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> x) { file >> y >> z; //... and save them Vector3FC v1(x,y,z); v1*=100.f; fPoints.push_back(v1); --itemCount; } std::cout << "last coordinate was: " << x << "," << y << "," << z << "\n"; //read segments header file >> tmp >> itemCount; if (tmp[0] != 'C' || tmp[1] != 'E' || tmp[2] != 'L' || tmp[3] != 'L' || tmp[4] != 'S') { file.close(); return(5); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); std::cout << "reading " << itemCount << " segments\n"; segFromPoint.reserve(itemCount); segToPoint.reserve(itemCount); segFromRadius.reserve(itemCount); //read all segments vertices int ignore,v1,v2; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> ignore && ignore == 2) { file >> v1 >> v2; segFromPoint.push_back(v1); segToPoint.push_back(v2); --itemCount; } std::cout << "last segment was: " << v1 << "," << v2 << "\n"; //"ignore" cell types header, body file >> tmp >> itemCount; if (tmp[0] != 'C' || tmp[1] != 'E' || tmp[2] != 'L' || tmp[3] != 'L' || tmp[4] != '_' || tmp[5] != 'T' || tmp[6] != 'Y') { file.close(); return(6); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); while (itemCount > 0) { file.ignore(10240,'\n'); --itemCount; } //read radii, i.e. CELL_DATA header file >> tmp >> itemCount; if (tmp[0] != 'C' || tmp[1] != 'E' || tmp[2] != 'L' || tmp[3] != 'L' || tmp[4] != '_' || tmp[5] != 'D' || tmp[6] != 'A') { file.close(); return(7); } file.ignore(10240,'\n'); file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore SCALARS.. file.ignore(10240,'\n'); //ignore LOOKUP_TABLE //read the radii v1=0; while (itemCount > 0 && file >> x) { segFromRadius.push_back(x*radiusCorrection); --itemCount; ++v1; } file.close(); //now widen segments and save triangles... //prepare "information about faces normals" Vector3F fictiveNormal(1.f,0.f,0.f); size_t firstRadiusPoint=Pos.size(); PointsFirstOffset=firstRadiusPoint; //for all bending points except the last one (tip) for (unsigned int i=0; i < segFromPoint.size(); ++i) { //we need to construct rotation matrix that would //rotate points on a circle which lays in the XZ plane //(Y axis is normal to it then) such that the points //would lay in the plane to which this new Y axis //would be normal // //new Y axis Vector3F nYaxis=fPoints[segToPoint[i]]; if (i == 0) nYaxis-=fPoints[segFromPoint[i]]; else { nYaxis-=fPoints[segFromPoint[i-1]]; nYaxis/=2.f; //unnecessary scaling } Vector3F nZaxis(0.f,1.f,0.f); //in fact it is original Yaxis _for now_ Vector3F nXaxis; //new X axis is perpendicular to the original and new Y axis Mul(nYaxis,nZaxis,nXaxis); //new Z axis is perpendicular to the new X and Y axes Mul(nYaxis,nXaxis,nZaxis); //normalize... nXaxis/=nXaxis.Len(); nZaxis/=nZaxis.Len(); //now render the points on the circle and project them into the scene for (int p=0; p < PointsOnRadiusPeriphery; ++p) { //the point in its original position float x=segFromRadius[i]*cosf(6.28f*float(p)/float(PointsOnRadiusPeriphery)); float z=segFromRadius[i]*sinf(6.28f*float(p)/float(PointsOnRadiusPeriphery)); //rotate Vector3FC V(x*nXaxis); V+=z*nZaxis; //shift to the centre and save V+=fPoints[segFromPoint[i]]; Pos.push_back(V); } } //finally, add the tip point Pos.push_back(fPoints[segToPoint.back()]); //now create triangles for all segment strips //except the last one (that leads to the tip) for (unsigned int i=1; i < segFromPoint.size(); ++i) { int p=0; for (; p < PointsOnRadiusPeriphery-1; ++p) { ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+1); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery+1); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+1); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); } ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint +PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); firstRadiusPoint+=PointsOnRadiusPeriphery; } //the last segment... int p=0; for (; p < PointsOnRadiusPeriphery-1; ++p) { ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p+1); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); } ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+p); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint); ID.push_back(firstRadiusPoint+PointsOnRadiusPeriphery); norm.push_back(fictiveNormal); return(0); } void ActiveMesh::RenderMask(i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16>& mask,const bool showTriangles) { //time savers: resolution const float xRes=mask.GetResolution().GetX(); const float yRes=mask.GetResolution().GetY(); const float zRes=mask.GetResolution().GetZ(); //time savers: offset const float xOff=mask.GetOffset().x; const float yOff=mask.GetOffset().y; const float zOff=mask.GetOffset().z; //over all triangles for (unsigned int i=0; i < ID.size()/3; ++i) //for (unsigned int i=0; i < 15; ++i) { const Vector3F& v1=Pos[ID[3*i+0]]; const Vector3F& v2=Pos[ID[3*i+1]]; const Vector3F& v3=Pos[ID[3*i+2]]; //sweeping (and rendering) the triangle for (float c=0.f; c <= 1.0f; c += 0.1f) for (float b=0.f; b <= (1.0f-c); b += 0.1f) { float a=1.0f -b -c; Vector3F v=a*v1; v+=b*v2; v+=c*v3; //std::cout << "ID #" << i << ": v=(" << v.x << "," << v.y << "," << v.z << ")\n"; //nearest neighbor pixel coordinate const int x=(int)roundf( (v.x-xOff) *xRes); const int y=(int)roundf( (v.y-yOff) *yRes); const int z=(int)roundf( (v.z-zOff) *zRes); short val=(showTriangles)? short(i%5 *30 +100) : 100; if (mask.Include(x,y,z)) mask.SetVoxel(x,y,z,val); } } //this floods cell exterior from the image corner i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16> tmpMask(mask); i3d::Dilation(tmpMask,mask,i3d::nb3D_o18); i3d::FloodFill(mask,(i3d::GRAY16)50,0); //this removes the flooding while filling //everything else (and closing holes in this was) i3d::GRAY16* p=mask.GetFirstVoxelAddr(); i3d::GRAY16* const pL=p+mask.GetImageSize(); while (p != pL) { *p=(*p != 50)? std::max(*p,i3d::GRAY16(100)) : 0; ++p; } } void ActiveMesh::RenderMaskB(i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16>& mask) { //time savers: resolution const float xRes=mask.GetResolution().GetX(); const float yRes=mask.GetResolution().GetY(); const float zRes=mask.GetResolution().GetZ(); //time savers: offset const float xOff=mask.GetOffset().x; const float yOff=mask.GetOffset().y; const float zOff=mask.GetOffset().z; //over all triangles //for (unsigned int i=0; i < ID.size()/3; ++i) for (unsigned int i=0; i < 15; ++i) { const Vector3F& v1=Pos[ID[3*i+0]]; const Vector3F& v2=Pos[ID[3*i+1]]; const Vector3F& v3=Pos[ID[3*i+2]]; //Vector3F e12=v2-v1; //ID=0 //Vector3F e13=v3-v1; //ID=1 //Vector3F e23=v3-v2; //ID=2 Vector3F edges[3]={v2-v1,v3-v1,v3-v2}; short order[3]={0,1,2}; if (edges[1].LenQ() < edges[0].LenQ()) { order[0]=1; order[1]=0; } if (edges[2].LenQ() < edges[order[1]].LenQ()) { order[2]=order[1]; order[1]=2; if (edges[2].LenQ() < edges[order[0]].LenQ()) { order[1]=order[0]; order[0]=2; } } //point within a triangle will of the form: vv + b*vb + c*vc //vb is the shortest edge, vc is the longest edge //vv is their common vertex //vb,vc are oriented outward from this vertex Vector3F vv,vb,vc; if (order[0]==0 && order[2]==1) { //order[0] "points" at shortest edge vv=v1; vb=edges[0]; vc=edges[1]; } else if (order[0]==0 && order[2]==2) { vv=v2; vb=-edges[0]; vc=edges[2]; } else if (order[0]==1 && order[2]==0) { vv=v1; vb=edges[1]; vc=edges[0]; } else if (order[0]==1 && order[2]==2) { vv=v3; vb=-edges[1]; vc=-edges[2]; } else if (order[0]==2 && order[2]==0) { vv=v2; vb=edges[2]; vc=-edges[0]; } else if (order[0]==2 && order[2]==1) { vv=v3; vb=-edges[2]; vc=-edges[1]; } //optimal increment for the short and long edge, respectively float db=(vb.x*xRes > vb.y*yRes)? vb.x*xRes : vb.y*yRes; db=(vb.z*zRes > db)? vb.z*zRes : db; db=1.f/db; float dc=(vc.x*xRes > vc.y*yRes)? vc.x*xRes : vc.y*yRes; dc=(vc.z*zRes > dc)? vc.z*zRes : dc; dc=1.f/dc; std::cout << "\nID #" << i << ": v1=(" << v1.x << "," << v1.y << "," << v1.z << ")\n"; std::cout << "ID #" << i << ": v2=(" << v2.x << "," << v2.y << "," << v2.z << ")\n"; std::cout << "ID #" << i << ": v3=(" << v3.x << "," << v3.y << "," << v3.z << ")\n"; //sweeping (and rendering) the triangle for (float c=0.f; c <= 1.0f; c += dc) for (float b=0.f; b <= (1.0f-c); b += db) { Vector3F v=vv; v+=b*vb; v+=c*vc; std::cout << "ID #" << i << ": v=(" << v.x << "," << v.y << "," << v.z << ")\n"; //nearest neighbor pixel coordinate const int x=(int)roundf( (v.x-xOff) *xRes); const int y=(int)roundf( (v.y-yOff) *yRes); const int z=(int)roundf( (v.z-zOff) *zRes); if (mask.Include(x,y,z)) mask.SetVoxel(x,y,z,short(i)); } } } void ActiveMesh::RenderOneTimeTexture(const i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16>& mask, i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16>& texture) { i3d::Image3d<float> dt; i3d::GrayToFloat(mask,dt); i3d::EDM(dt,0,100.f,false); dt.SaveImage("1_DTAlone.ics"); i3d::Image3d<float> perlinInner,perlinOutside; perlinInner.CopyMetaData(mask); DoPerlin3D(perlinInner,5.0,0.8*1.5,0.7*1.5,6); perlinInner.SaveImage("2_PerlinAlone_Inner.ics"); perlinOutside.CopyMetaData(mask); DoPerlin3D(perlinOutside,2.,0.8*1.5,0.7*1.5,6); perlinOutside.SaveImage("2_PerlinAlone_Outside.ics"); i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16> erroded; i3d::ErosionO(mask,erroded,1); //initial object intensity levels float* p=dt.GetFirstVoxelAddr(); float* const pL=p+dt.GetImageSize(); float* pI=perlinInner.GetFirstVoxelAddr(); float* pO=perlinOutside.GetFirstVoxelAddr(); i3d::GRAY16* er=erroded.GetFirstVoxelAddr(); while (p != pL) { //are we within the mask? if (*p > 0.f) { //close to the surface? if (*p < 0.3f || *er == 0) *p=2000.f + 5000.f*(*pO); //corona else *p=500.f + 800.f*(*pI); //inside if (*er == 0) *p=2000.f; //std::max(*p,2000.f); //corona if (*p < 0.f) *p=0.f; } ++p; ++pI; ++pO; ++er; } dt.SaveImage("3_texture.ics"); perlinInner.DisposeData(); perlinOutside.DisposeData(); erroded.DisposeData(); i3d::GaussIIR(dt,2.f,2.f,2.0f); dt.SaveImage("4_texture_filtered.ics"); //downsample now: float factor[3]={1.f,1.f,0.125f}; i3d::Image3d<float>* tmp=NULL; i3d::lanczos_resample(&dt,tmp,factor,2); tmp->SaveImage("6_texture_resampled.ics"); dt=*tmp; delete tmp; p=dt.GetFirstVoxelAddr(); for (int z=0; z < (signed)dt.GetSizeZ(); ++z) for (int y=0; y < (signed)dt.GetSizeY(); ++y) for (int x=0; x < (signed)dt.GetSizeX(); ++x, ++p) { //background signal: float distSq=((float)x-110.f)*((float)x-110.f) + ((float)y-110.f)*((float)y-110.f); *p+=100.f*expf(-0.5f * distSq / 900.f); //uncertainty in the number of incoming photons const float noiseMean = sqrtf(*p), // from statistics: shot noise = sqrt(signal) noiseVar = noiseMean; // for Poisson distribution E(X) = D(X) *p+=30.f*((float)GetRandomPoisson(noiseMean) - noiseVar); //constants are parameters of Andor iXon camera provided from vendor: //photon shot noise: dark current *p+=(float)GetRandomPoisson(0.06f); //read-out noise: // variance up to 25.f (old camera on ILBIT) // variance about 1.f (for the new camera on ILBIT) *p+=GetRandomGauss(480.f,20.f); //*p+=530.f; } dt.SaveImage("5_texture_filtered_finalized.ics"); //obtain final GRAY16 image i3d::FloatToGrayNoWeight(dt,texture); /* //resample to anisotropic version float factor[3]={1.f,1.f,0.125f}; i3d::Image3d<i3d::GRAY16>* tmp=NULL; i3d::lanczos_resample(&texture,tmp,factor,2); tmp->SaveImage("6_texture_resampled.ics"); //copy back the temp resized image into the output one texture=*tmp; //clear the memory delete tmp; */ } void ActiveMesh::CenterMesh(const Vector3F& newCentre) { //calc geom. centre double x=0.,y=0.,z=0.; for (unsigned int i=0; i < Pos.size(); ++i) { x+=Pos[i].x; y+=Pos[i].y; z+=Pos[i].z; } x/=double(Pos.size()); y/=double(Pos.size()); z/=double(Pos.size()); x-=newCentre.x; y-=newCentre.y; z-=newCentre.z; //shift the centre to point (0,0,0) for (unsigned int i=0; i < Pos.size(); ++i) { Pos[i].x-=float(x); Pos[i].y-=float(y); Pos[i].z-=float(z); } for (unsigned int i=0; i < fPoints.size(); ++i) { fPoints[i].x-=float(x); fPoints[i].y-=float(y); fPoints[i].z-=float(z); } } void ActiveMesh::ScaleMesh(const Vector3F& scale) { for (unsigned int i=0; i < Pos.size(); ++i) { Pos[i].x*=scale.x; Pos[i].y*=scale.y; Pos[i].z*=scale.z; } } void ActiveMesh::TranslateMesh(const Vector3F& shift) { for (unsigned int i=0; i < Pos.size(); ++i) { Pos[i].x+=shift.x; Pos[i].y+=shift.y; Pos[i].z+=shift.z; } } // ============== surface fitting ============== int ActiveMesh::CalcQuadricSurface_Taubin(const int vertexID, float (&coeffs)[10]) { //determine some reasonable number of nearest neighbors std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > neigsLeveled; ulm::getVertexNeighbours(*this,vertexID,2,neigsLeveled); //make it flat... std::vector<size_t> neigs; for (unsigned int l=0; l < neigsLeveled.size(); ++l) for (unsigned int i=0; i < neigsLeveled[l].size(); ++i) neigs.push_back(neigsLeveled[l][i]); neigsLeveled.clear(); //V be the vector of [x,y,z] combinations, a counterpart to coeffs float V[10],V1[10],V2[10],V3[10]; //M be the matrix holding initially sum of (square matrices) V*V' //N is similar, just a sum of three different Vs is used float M[100],N[100]; for (int i=0; i < 100; ++i) M[i]=N[i]=0.f; //over all neighbors (including the centre vertex itself), // //this order garuantees that array V will be relevant for input //vertexID after the cycles are over -- will become handy later for (signed int n=(int)neigs.size()-1; n >= 0; --n) { //shortcut to the current point const Vector3FC& v=Pos[neigs[n]]; //get Vs for the given point 'v' V[0]=1.f; V1[0]=0.f; V2[0]=0.f; V3[0]=0.f; V[1]=v.x; V1[1]=1.f; V2[1]=0.f; V3[1]=0.f; V[2]=v.y; V1[2]=0.f; V2[2]=1.f; V3[2]=0.f; V[3]=v.z; V1[3]=0.f; V2[3]=0.f; V3[3]=1.f; V[4]=v.x*v.y; V1[4]=v.y; V2[4]=v.x; V3[4]=0.f; V[5]=v.x*v.z; V1[5]=v.z; V2[5]=0.f; V3[5]=v.x; V[6]=v.y*v.z; V1[6]=0.f; V2[6]=v.z; V3[6]=v.y; V[7]=v.x*v.x; V1[7]=2.f*v.x; V2[7]=0.f; V3[7]=0.f; V[8]=v.y*v.y; V1[8]=0.f; V2[8]=2.f*v.y; V3[8]=0.f; V[9]=v.z*v.z; V1[9]=0.f; V2[9]=0.f; V3[9]=2.f*v.z; //construct V*V' and add it to M and N for (int j=0; j < 9; ++j) //for column for (int i=0; i < 9; ++i) //for row; note the order optimal for Fortran { //C order (row-major): M_i,j -> M[i][j] -> &M +i*STRIDE +j //Lapack/Fortran order (column-major): M_i,j -> M[i][j] -> &M +j*STRIDE +i //const int off=i*10 +j; //C const int off=j*9 +i; //Fortran M[off]+= V[j+1]* V[i+1]; N[off]+=V1[j+1]*V1[i+1]; N[off]+=V2[j+1]*V2[i+1]; N[off]+=V3[j+1]*V3[i+1]; } } //now, solve the generalized eigenvector of the matrix pair (M,N): //MC = nNC // //M,N are (reduced) 9x9 matrices constructed above, //C is vector (infact, the coeff), n is scalar Lagrange multiplier // //if M,N were (full-size) 10x10 matrices, the N would be singular //as the 1st row would contain only zeros, //it is therefore reduced to 9x9 sacrifing the first row // //according to netlib (Lapack) docs, http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lug/node34.html //type 1, Az=lBz -- A=M, B=N, z=C //function: SSYGV lapack_int itype=1; char jobz='V'; char uplo='U'; lapack_int n=9; float w[10]; float work[512]; lapack_int lwork=512; lapack_int info; LAPACK_ssygv(&itype,&jobz,&uplo,&n,M,&n,N,&n,w,work,&lwork,&info); std::cout << "vertices considered: " << neigs.size() << "\n"; std::cout << "info=" << info << " (0 is OK)\n"; std::cout << "work(1)=" << work[0] << " (should be below 512)\n"; //if some error, report it to the caller if (info != 0) return info; //M is now matrix of eigenvectors //it should hold (according to Lapack docs): //Z^T N Z = I where Z is one eigenvector, I is identity matrix // //w holds eigenvalues in ascending order //our result c[1]...c[9] is the eigenvector //corresponding to the smallest non-negative eigenvalue, so the j-th eigenvector int j=0; while (j < 9 && w[j] < 0.f) ++j; //have we found some non-negative eigenvalue? if (j == 9) return(-9999); //also: //the last missing coefficient c[0] we will determine by submitting //the given input vertex to the algebraic expresion of the surface //(given with coeffs) and equating it to zero: coeffs[0]=0.f; for (int i=0; i < 9; ++i) { coeffs[i+1]=M[j*9 +i]; //copy eigenvector coeffs[0]-=coeffs[i+1]*V[i+1]; //determine c[0] } std::cout << "w(j)=" << w[j] << ", j=" << j << "\n"; return 0; } bool ActiveMesh::GetPointOnQuadricSurface(const float x,const float y, float &z1, float &z2, const float (&coeffs)[10]) { const float a=coeffs[9]; const float b=coeffs[3] +coeffs[5]*x +coeffs[6]*y; const float c=coeffs[0] +coeffs[1]*x +coeffs[2]*y +coeffs[4]*x*y +coeffs[7]*x*x +coeffs[8]*y*y; const float sqArg=b*b - 4*a*c; if (sqArg < 0.f) return false; if (a == 0.f) return false; z1=(-b + sqrtf(sqArg)) / (2.f*a); z2=(-b - sqrtf(sqArg)) / (2.f*a); return true; } float ActiveMesh::GetClosestPointOnQuadricSurface(Vector3F& point, const float (&coeffs)[10]) { //backup original input coordinate const float x=point.x; const float y=point.y; const float z=point.z; float tmp1,tmp2; //list of possible coordinates std::vector<Vector3F> pointAdepts; //took a pair of coordinates, calculate the third one //and make it an adept... if (GetPointOnQuadricSurface(x,y,tmp1,tmp2,coeffs)) { pointAdepts.push_back(Vector3F(x,y,tmp1)); pointAdepts.push_back(Vector3F(x,y,tmp2)); } if (GetPointOnQuadricSurface(x,z,tmp1,tmp2,coeffs)) { pointAdepts.push_back(Vector3F(x,tmp1,z)); pointAdepts.push_back(Vector3F(x,tmp2,z)); } if (GetPointOnQuadricSurface(y,z,tmp1,tmp2,coeffs)) { pointAdepts.push_back(Vector3F(tmp1,y,z)); pointAdepts.push_back(Vector3F(tmp2,y,z)); } //are we doomed? if (pointAdepts.size() == 0) return (-999999.f); //find the closest int closestIndex=ChooseClosestPoint(pointAdepts,point); //calc distance to it point-=pointAdepts[closestIndex]; tmp1=point.Len(); //adjust the input/output point point=pointAdepts[closestIndex]; return (tmp1); } int ActiveMesh::ChooseClosestPoint(const std::vector<Vector3F>& points, const Vector3F& point) { int minIndex=-1; float minSqDist=9999999999999.f; Vector3F p; for (unsigned int i=0; i < points.size(); ++i) { p=point; p-=points[i]; if (p.LenQ() < minSqDist) { minIndex=i; minSqDist=p.LenQ(); } } return minIndex; }