diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 23ba923063dc9a340ee290adca0f843a94be8bbf..1b3fd8c271188442707689c510cbd5c1d7f775dc 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-[submodule "tracking/libct"]
-	path = tracking/libct
-	url = https://github.com/vislearn/libct.git
-[submodule "embedtrack"]
-	path = embedtrack
-	url = https://git.scc.kit.edu/kit-loe-ge/embedtrack.git
+[submodule "EmbedTrack"]
+	path = EmbedTrack
+	url = https://github.com/xluxf/EmbedTrack
diff --git a/DATA b/DATA
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24bbc67ab4d028426d8d0dc858c2352b21387afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DATA
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ctc_metrics/DETMeasure b/ctc_metrics/DETMeasure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61c5373274dfb44ae7e9a659e64285443b51256f
Binary files /dev/null and b/ctc_metrics/DETMeasure differ
diff --git a/ctc_metrics/SEGMeasure b/ctc_metrics/SEGMeasure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd6413e2e6eca8ef56cc6673f1e8d5ea0f22c07f
Binary files /dev/null and b/ctc_metrics/SEGMeasure differ
diff --git a/ctc_metrics/TRAMeasure b/ctc_metrics/TRAMeasure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92204218d129c74d33286724f234351a0db36e13
Binary files /dev/null and b/ctc_metrics/TRAMeasure differ
diff --git a/embedtrack b/embedtrack
deleted file mode 160000
index 7ba7e3db40a4592b50f9cb070bf772e5c769ef86..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/embedtrack
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 7ba7e3db40a4592b50f9cb070bf772e5c769ef86
diff --git a/tracking/__init__ b/tracking/__init__
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/tracking/divergence_tools.py b/tracking/divergence_tools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ee23a083db02b3c1325b3a74289f678a1644415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracking/divergence_tools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+Author: Filip Lux (2023), Masaryk University
+Licensed under MIT License
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from tqdm import tqdm
+def compute_divergence(path, plot=False):
+    '''
+    offset_path = path / 'wavefunc_offset.csv'
+    seg_path = path / 'wavefunc_seg.csv'
+    vertex_prob_path =  path / 'vertex_prob.csv'
+    '''
+    offset_path = path / 'tra_offsets.csv'
+    seg_path = path / 'seg_offsets.csv'
+    vertex_prob_path =  path / 'vertex_prob.csv'
+    assert offset_path.exists(), offset_path
+    assert seg_path.exists()
+    assert vertex_prob_path.exists(), vertex_prob_path
+    df_off = pd.read_csv(offset_path)
+    df_seg = pd.read_csv(seg_path)
+    df_vprob = pd.read_csv(vertex_prob_path)
+    samples = []
+    times = np.unique(df_off.time)
+    times[::-1].sort()
+    for time_offset in tqdm(times):
+        # correction of the offset time
+        time = time_offset - 1
+        # get slices of time 'time'
+        seg_prev = df_seg[df_seg.time == time - 1]
+        off_curr = df_off[df_off.time == time_offset]
+        seg_curr = df_seg[df_seg.time == time]
+        assert len(off_curr) == len(seg_curr)
+        if plot:
+            plot_offsets(seg, off)
+        samples += compute_kl_multivariate(seg_prev, off_curr, time)
+    edge_prob_df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['time_curr', 'time_prev', 'label_curr', 'label_prev', 'divergence'])
+    edge_prob_df['cost'] = np.log(edge_prob_df.divergence)
+    # store edge and vertex probs as .csv files
+    divergence_path = path / "edge_prob_divergence.csv"
+    print(f'storing {divergence_path}')
+    edge_prob_df.to_csv(
+        divergence_path,
+        index=False,
+    )
+def compute_divergence_v2(path, plot=False):
+    offset_path = path / 'tra_offsets.csv'
+    seg_path = path / 'seg_offsets.csv'
+    vertex_prob_path =  path / 'vertex_prob.csv'
+    assert offset_path.exists(), offset_path
+    assert seg_path.exists()
+    assert vertex_prob_path.exists(), vertex_prob_path
+    divergence_path = path / "edge_prob_divergence.csv"
+    if divergence_path.exists():
+        print(divergence_path, 'already exists')
+        return 
+    df_off = pd.read_csv(offset_path)
+    df_seg = pd.read_csv(seg_path)
+    df_vprob = pd.read_csv(vertex_prob_path)
+    samples = []
+    times = np.unique(df_off.time)
+    times[::-1].sort()
+    for time_curr in tqdm(times):
+        # correction of the offset time
+        time_prev = time_curr - 1
+        # get slices of time 'time'
+        seg_prev = df_seg[df_seg.time == time_prev]
+        off_curr = df_off[df_off.time == time_curr]
+        seg_curr = df_seg[df_seg.time == time_curr]
+        assert len(off_curr) == len(seg_curr)
+        if plot:
+            plot_offsets(seg, off)
+        samples += compute_kl_multivariate(seg_prev, off_curr, time_curr)
+    edge_prob_df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['time_curr', 'time_prev', 'label_curr', 'label_prev', 'divergence'])
+    edge_prob_df['cost'] = np.log(edge_prob_df.divergence)
+    # store edge and vertex probs as .csv files   
+    print(f'storing {divergence_path}')
+    edge_prob_df.to_csv(
+        divergence_path,
+        index=False,
+    )
+def kl_divergence(mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2):
+    return np.log1p(sigma2/sigma1) + (sigma1**2 + (mu1 - mu2) ** 2) / (2 * sigma2 ** 2) - .5
+def print_kl(seg, off):
+    samples = []
+    for i, line in enumerate(seg.values):
+        _, label1, mx1, my1, sx1, sy1 = line
+        for j, line in enumerate(off.values):
+            _, label2, mx2, my2, sx2, sy2 = line
+            kl = kl_divergence(mx1, mx2, sx1, sx2) + kl_divergence(my1, my2, sy1, sy2)
+            samples.append([label1, label2, kl])
+    return pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['label from', 'label to', 'divergence'])
+def compute_kl_multivariate(seg, off, time, divergence_thr=50, distance_thr=100):
+    samples = []
+    for i, line in enumerate(seg.values):
+        # time prev
+        _, label_seg_prev, mx, my, sx, sy, c00, c01, c10, c11 = line
+        S0 = np.array([[c00, c01], [c10, c11]])
+        m0 = np.array([mx, my])
+        for j, line in enumerate(off.values):
+            # time curr
+            _, label_off_curr, mx, my, sx, sy, c00, c01, c10, c11 = line
+            S1 = np.array([[c00, c01], [c10, c11]])
+            m1 = np.array([mx, my])
+            if euklidian_distance(m0, m1) > distance_thr:
+                continue
+            kl_divergence = kl_mvn(m0, S0, m1, S1)
+            if kl_divergence < divergence_thr:
+                # columns=['time_curr', 'time_prev', 'label_curr', 'label_prev', 'divergence']
+                samples.append([time, time-1, int(label_off_curr), int(label_seg_prev), kl_divergence])
+    #return pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['time_curr', 'time_prev', 'label_curr', 'label_prev', 'divergence'])
+    return samples
+def euklidian_distance(m0, m1):
+    return np.linalg.norm(m0 - m1)
+def kl_mvn(m0, S0, m1, S1):
+    """
+    Kullback-Liebler divergence from Gaussian pm,pv to Gaussian qm,qv.
+    Also computes KL divergence from a single Gaussian pm,pv to a set
+    of Gaussians qm,qv.
+    From wikipedia
+    KL( (m0, S0) || (m1, S1))
+         = .5 * ( tr(S1^{-1} S0) + log |S1|/|S0| + 
+                  (m1 - m0)^T S1^{-1} (m1 - m0) - N )
+    """
+    # store inv diag covariance of S1 and diff between means
+    N = m0.shape[0]
+    iS1 = np.linalg.inv(S1)
+    diff = m1 - m0
+    # kl is made of three terms
+    tr_term   = np.trace(iS1 @ S0)
+    det_term  = np.log(np.linalg.det(S1)/np.linalg.det(S0)) #np.sum(np.log(S1)) - np.sum(np.log(S0))
+    quad_term = diff.T @ np.linalg.inv(S1) @ diff #np.sum( (diff*diff) * iS1, axis=1)
+    #print(tr_term,det_term,quad_term)
+    return .5 * (tr_term + det_term + quad_term - N) 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tracking/global_tracker.py b/tracking/global_tracker.py
index a56ee58e33c3290fc867acbd1e93b61978aed23f..292fec192b0aaa3ac8974a0cee696a818eeb8b96 100644
--- a/tracking/global_tracker.py
+++ b/tracking/global_tracker.py
@@ -1,219 +1,680 @@
-from pathlib import Path
+Author: Filip Lux (2023), Masaryk University
+Licensed under MIT License
-class FlowGraph():
-    def __init__(self, path, sequence):
+import os
+import math
-        # unique indexes of source and termination vertices
-        self.source_idx = 0  # source
-        self.sink_idx = 1    # target
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
-        # first cell index
-        self.vertex_index = 2
-        self.edge_index = 0
-        self.vertices = {}   # vertices[f_idx][label] = v_idx
-        # define res_path
-        res_path = Path(path, f'{sequence}_DATA')
-        assert res_path.exists()
-        # get datset of frames 
-        self.dataset = Dataset(res_path, name_pattern='mask')
+from pathlib import Path
+from .sys_tools import run_procedure
+from .libct import run_libct, libct2ctc
+from .graph import FlowGraph
+from .divergence_tools import compute_divergence_v2
-        '''
-        #########
-        OUTPUTS
-        #########
-        each vertex and edge has its index
-        v_idx, e_idx
-        using this index you can get vertices that it represents
-        '''
-        self.edges = {} # edges[e_idx] = (v_idx, v_idx)
-        'vertex_map maps vetex id to location on a particular frame'
-        self.vertex_map = {}  # maps v_idx to tuple (frame, x, y)
-        'veiws to sets of edges'
-        self.edge_from_me = {self.source_idx: [], self.sink_idx: []}     # edge_from[v_idx] = [e_idx, e_idx, ...]
-        self.edge_to_me =   {self.source_idx: [], self.sink_idx: []}     # edge_to[v_idx] = [e_idx, e_idx, ...]
+from itertools import repeat, chain
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+class GlobalTracker():
+    '''
+    one instance per a sequence
+    operates in a one directory XX_DATA, where outputs of embedtrack are stored
+    '''
+    def __init__(self,
+                 data_path,
+                 res_path,
+                 lbd=.5,
+                 mean_dist=10,
+                 max_dist=20,
+                 vertex_thr=0.95,
+                 app_cost=10000,
+                 edge_min_cost=-1):
-        'pd DataFrames to store events'
-        EDGE_COLUMNS = ['edge_index', 'f0', 'f1', 'x0', 'y0', 'x1', 'y1']
-        df_edges = pd.DataFrame(columns=MOVE_COLUMNS)
-        df_vertices = pd.DataFrame(columns=MOVE_COLUMNS)
+        Parameters:
+        -----------
+        data_path : str
+            path to the raw data
+            schema of the directory:
+            <data_path>/01
+                       /01_GT
+                       # added directories
+                       /01_RES                 # symlink to <res_path>/01_RES
+                       /01_DATA/mask0000.tif   # output of the segmentation procedure
+                               /...
+                               /tra_offsets.csv
+                               /...
+                       ...
+        res_path : str
+            path to the stored results
+            <res_path>/01_RES/tracking.txt      # self.run_tracking()
+                             /libct.sol
+                             /...
+                             /mask0000.tif      # self.libctsol2ctc()          
+                             /...
+                             /res_track.txt     # self.evaluate_ctc()
+                             /...
-        # edge_df_rows = []
-        self.vertex_prob = {0: 1., 1: 1.}
-        self.edge_prob = {}
-        'list of coos from the frames'
-        self.coos = {}
-    def _read_frame(self, frame_idx):
-        frame = self.dataset.get_frame(frame_idx)
-        res = {}
-        for reg in measure.regionprops(frame):
-            res[reg.label] = reg.centroid
+        sequence = os.path.basename(res_path)[:2]
+        assert sequence == os.path.basename(data_path)[:2]
-        return res
-    def read_coos(self, frame_idx, label):
-        if frame_idx not in self.coos.keys():
-            self.coos[frame_idx] = self._read_frame(frame_idx)
+        self.res_path = res_path
+        self.data_path = data_path
+        assert os.path.isdir(data_path), data_path
+        assert os.path.isdir(res_path), res_path
+        self.graph = None
+        self.sequence = sequence
+        self.lbd=lbd
+        self.mean_dist = mean_dist
+        self.max_dist = max_dist
+        self.vertex_thr = vertex_thr
+        self.app_cost = app_cost
+        self.edge_min_cost = edge_min_cost
+    def run_tracking(self,
+                     idx_min=0,
+                     idx_max=10000,
+                     limit_dist=100,
+                     n_neighbours=2):
+        # compute divergence
+        div_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'edge_prob_divergence.csv')
+        if not os.path.isfile(div_path):
+            print('computing divergence')
+            compute_divergence_v2(self.data_path)
-        coos = self.coos[frame_idx]
-        assert label in coos.keys()
+        assert os.path.isfile(div_path)
+        # create graph
+        print('creating graph')
+        self.graph = get_graph_embedtrack(
+                        self.data_path,
+                        min_frame=idx_min,
+                        max_frame=idx_max,
+                        limit_dist=limit_dist,
+                        n_neighbours=n_neighbours,
+                        mean_dist=self.mean_dist,
+                        max_dist=self.max_dist)
+        # create and save tracking file
+        print('creating tracking file')
+        tracking = graph2tracking(self.graph,
+                                  lbd=self.lbd,
+                                  vertex_thr=self.vertex_thr,
+                                  max_cost=self.app_cost,
+                                  mean_dist=self.mean_dist,
+                                  max_dist=self.max_dist,
+                                  edge_min_cost=self.edge_min_cost)
+        save_tracking(tracking, self.res_path)
+        # compute solution
+        print('computiong solution')
+        run_libct(self.res_path) 
-        return coos[label]
-    def get_dictionary_from_masks(self):
-        dataset = Dataset(res_path, name_pattern='mask')
+    def save_results_ctc(self):
+        # translate libct.sol to ctc result format
+        lm = libct2ctc(data_path=self.data_path,
+                       res_path=self.res_path)
+        return lm  
+    def solution_stats(self, plot=False):
+        '''
+        outputs 'solution_stats.txt' file, describing
+        a contribution of individual items on a solution
+        '''
+        tracking_file_path = Path(self.res_path, 'tracking.txt')
+        sol_file_path = Path(self.res_path, 'tracking.sol')
+        assert os.path.isfile(tracking_file_path), tracking_file_path
+        assert os.path.isfile(sol_file_path), sol_file_path
-    def add_vertex(self, frame_idx, label, prob):
+        sol_stats(sol_file_path, tracking_file_path, plot=plot)
-        frame_idx, label = int(frame_idx), int(label)
-        # get new index
-        v_idx = self.vertex_index
-        self.vertex_index += 1
+    def evaluate_ctc(self):
+        '''
+        computes CTC metrics to evaluate the results
+        '''
-        # create dict, if necessary
-        if frame_idx not in self.vertices.keys():
-            self.vertices[frame_idx] = {}
-        # check
-        assert label not in self.vertices[frame_idx].keys()
+        # TODO: test if the data_path containt GT directory
-        self.vertices[frame_idx][label] = v_idx
+        dirname = os.path.dirname(self.data_path)
+        directory = os.path.basename(self.res_path)
-        #if prob < .
+        gt_path = os.path.join(dirname, directory.replace('RES', 'GT'))
+        if not os.path.isdir(gt_path):
+            print(f'ground truth masks are not available {gt_path}')
+            return
-        self.vertex_prob[v_idx] = prob
+        temp_res_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dirname, directory)
+        src_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.res_path)
-        # frame, label, x, y
-        # TODO: add coordinates
-        #            - contain dataset
-        #            - load each frame only ones
-        x, y = self.read_coos(frame_idx, label)       #TODO: read from dictonary
+        print(src_path)
-        self.vertex_map[v_idx] = (frame_idx, label, x, y)
+        # try to remove symlink
+        run_procedure(f'rm {temp_res_path}')
-        # prepare edge containers
-        self.edge_from_me[v_idx] = []
-        self.edge_to_me[v_idx] = []
+        assert not Path(temp_res_path).exists(), f'the target folder already exists {temp_res_path}'
+        assert Path(src_path).exists()
-        return v_idx
+        # create symlink from results to original data folder
+        run_procedure(f'ln -s {src_path} {temp_res_path}')
-    def add_edge(self, frame1, label1, frame2, label2, prob):
+        # run evaluation procedures
+        measures = ['TRAMeasure', 'DETMeasure', 'SEGMeasure']
+        #measures = ['TRAMeasure', 'SEGMeasure']
+        for m in measures:
+            command = f'./ctc_metrics/{m} {dirname} {self.sequence} 4'
+            print(f'running {command}')
+            run_procedure(command)
+        # remove symlink
+        run_procedure(f'rm {temp_res_path}')
+def compute_edge_cost(log_kl_divergence, distance, avg_dist=10):
+    # A) cost depends only on a distance of objects
+    cost = distance - avg_dist
+    # B) combine time 5
+    #cost = cost + np.log1p(np.maximum((dist - avg_dist)**3, 0))
+    #cost = cost - (((dist - avg_dist) / 9) **3)
+    return - cost
+def get_graph_embedtrack(
+        res_path,
+        min_frame=0,
+        max_frame=2000,
+        virtual_edge_prob=50,  # equal to divergence_thr=50 in divergence_tools.py
+        limit_dist=50,
+        n_neighbours=3,
+        mean_dist=10,
+        max_dist=20,
+        edge_min_cost=-1
+    ):
+    '''
+    creates instance of candidate graph
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    res_path: str
+        path to the dataset
+    min_frame: int
+        first frame to analyze 
+    max_frame: int 
+        last frame to analyze
+    Returns
+    -------
+    graph: tuple
+        structured data about the graph
+    '''
+    # create consistent graph structure
+    graph = FlowGraph(res_path)
+    #pd_edge_path = os.path.join(res_path, 'edge_prob.csv')
+    pd_edge_path = os.path.join(res_path, 'edge_prob_divergence.csv')
+    pd_vertex_path = os.path.join(res_path, 'vertex_prob.csv')
+    assert os.path.isfile(pd_edge_path), pd_edge_path
+    assert os.path.isfile(pd_vertex_path), pd_vertex_path
+    df_edges = pd.read_csv(pd_edge_path, index_col=False)
+    df_vertices = pd.read_csv(pd_vertex_path, index_col=False)
+    # compute cost
+    df_edges['cost'] = np.log(df_edges.divergence)
-        frame1, label1, frame2, label2 = int(frame1), int(label1), int(frame2), int(label2)
+    # list of real frame indexes
+    frame_indexes = df_vertices['time'].unique()
+    # TODO: sort in reverse order
+    frame_indexes.sort()
+    min_frame = int(np.maximum(frame_indexes.min(), min_frame))
+    max_frame = int(np.minimum(frame_indexes.max(), max_frame))
+    ########## 
+    print('GET GRAPH: adding vertices')
+    for i, row in df_vertices.iterrows():
+        prob = row['prob']
+        label = row['label']
+        frame_idx = row['time']
-        v1_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame1, label1)
-        v2_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame2, label2)
+        if not (min_frame <= frame_idx <= max_frame):
+            continue
-        e_idx = self.edge_index
-        self.edge_index += 1
+        assert label > 0
-        self.__add_edge(v1_idx, v2_idx, e_idx, prob)
+        graph.add_vertex(frame_idx, label, prob)
-        return e_idx
+        ########## 
+        if int(frame_idx) == min_frame:
+            graph.add_source_edge(frame_idx, label)
+        elif int(frame_idx) == max_frame:
+            graph.add_sink_edge(frame_idx, label)
+    ###########
+    print('GET GRAPH: adding edges')
+    for i, row in df_edges.iterrows():
+        #prob = row['prob']
+        cost = row['cost']
+        label_curr = row['label_curr']
+        frame_curr = row['time_curr']
+        label_prev = row['label_prev']
+        frame_prev = row['time_prev']
+        if (frame_prev < min_frame) or (frame_curr > max_frame):
+            continue
+        # no appearance in the sequence
+        graph.add_edge(frame_curr, label_curr, frame_prev, label_prev, cost)
+    ###########
+    # ADD VIRTUAL edges
+    # for every edge, that has no connection to t+1:
+    #     - add adges to three closest edges (up to 'limit_dist')
+    #     - the edge prob is 'virtual_edge_prob' (=.25)
+    # TODO: replace with creating full graph only based on a distance
+    #       virtual edges then only supports predicted 
-    def __add_edge(self, v1_idx, v2_idx, e_idx, prob):
+    print(f'GET GRAPH: entangling to {n_neighbours} neighbours')
+    if n_neighbours > 0:
-        self.edges[e_idx] = (v1_idx, v2_idx)
-        self.edge_prob[e_idx] = prob
+        # to_me, from_me = [], []   # REMOVE
+        for v_idx in graph.vertex_map.keys():
+            if len(graph.edge_to_me[v_idx]) < n_neighbours:
+                from_me_ = [graph.edges[e_idx][1] for e_idx in graph.edge_from_me[v_idx]]
+                frame_idx, label, x2, y2 = graph.vertex_map[v_idx]
+                if frame_idx == min_frame:
+                    continue
+                # to_me.append(v_idx)  REMOVE
+                neighbors = graph.knn(frame_idx-1, x2, y2,
+                                      n=n_neighbours,
+                                      limit_dist=limit_dist)  # returns list of v_idxs
+                # add virtual edges
+                for n_v_idx in neighbors:
+                    # skip already included neighbours
+                    if n_v_idx in from_me_:
+                        continue
+                    frame_prev, label_prev, x1, y1 = graph.vertex_map[n_v_idx]
+                    graph.add_edge(frame_idx,
+                                   label,
+                                   frame_prev,
+                                   label_prev,
+                                   virtual_edge_prob)
+                    ''' REMOVE
+                    cost = get_distance_cost(x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                             mean_dist=mean_dist,
+                                             max_dist=max_dist,
+                                             min_cost=edge_min_cost)
+                    graph.add_edge(frame_idx, label, frame_prev, label_prev, cost)
+                    '''
+    ''' OUTPUT '''
+    indexes = graph.vertex_index, graph.edge_index
+    probs = graph.edge_prob, graph.vertex_prob
+    move_edges = graph.edge_to_me, graph.edge_from_me
+    return indexes, probs, graph.edges, move_edges, graph.vertex_map
+def get_distance_cost(dist,
+                      mean_dist=10,
+                      max_dist=20,
+                      min_cost=-1):
+    #dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]))
+    #return -max((dist - max_dist) / (max_dist - mean_dist), min_cost)
+    # TODO: include mean_dist
+    return - (dist * min_cost / max_dist - min_cost)
+    #return ((dist/max_dist)**2 - 1) * (-min_cost)
+# KL
+def vertex_cost(prob,
+                vertex_thr=0.95,
+                min_cost=5):
+    '''
+    probs of real vertices is higher than .95
+    '''
+    # TODO: extravagant hand-made metrics
+    #       replace 
+    return - min_cost / (1 - vertex_thr) * ( prob - vertex_thr)
+def edge_cost(prob, x1, y1, x2, y2, lbd=.5, mean_dist=10, max_dist=20, min_cost=-1):
+    '''
+    edge cost is log(divergence)
+    '''
+    dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]))
+    dst_cost = - get_distance_cost(dist, mean_dist, max_dist, min_cost)
+    dvg_cost = - prob
-        self.edge_from_me[v1_idx].append(e_idx)
-        self.edge_to_me[v2_idx].append(e_idx)
+    return lbd * dst_cost + (1 - lbd) * dvg_cost
+def graph2tracking(graph,
+                   max_cost=10000,
+                   lbd=.5,
+                   vertex_thr=0.95,
+                   mean_dist=10,
+                   max_dist=20,
+                   edge_min_cost=-1):
+    # decompose graph
+    indexes, probs, edges, move_edges, vertex_map = graph
+    vertex_index, edge_index = indexes
+    edge_prob, vertex_prob = probs
+    edge_to, edge_from = move_edges
+    # variables
+    tracking = [] 
+    last_frame_index = np.max([f_idx for f_idx, _, _, _ in vertex_map.values()])
+    first_frame_index = np.min([f_idx for f_idx, _, _, _ in vertex_map.values()])
+    frame_shift = first_frame_index
-    def add_source_edge(self, frame2, label2):
+    # vertex hypothesis
+    # iterate over vertex_map
+    for v_idx in tqdm(vertex_map.keys()):
-        frame2, label2 = int(frame2), int(label2)
+        frame_idx, label, x, y = vertex_map[v_idx]
+        prob = vertex_prob[v_idx]
-        v2_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame2, label2)
+        # compute cost
+        cost = vertex_cost(prob, vertex_thr=vertex_thr)
-        e_idx = self.edge_index
-        self.edge_index += 1
+        #unique_id = f'V_{time}_{label}' 
+        unique_id = f'1{frame_idx:05d}{label:05d}' 
-        self.__add_edge(self.source_idx, v2_idx, e_idx, 1.)
+        assert len(unique_id) == 11, unique_id
-        return e_idx
-    def add_sink_edge(self, frame1, label1):
-        frame1, label1 = int(frame1), int(label1)
+        tracking.append(f'H {frame_idx-frame_shift} {unique_id} {cost} {x} {y}')
-        v1_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame1, label1)
+        # no appearance and diappearance -> cost 10000
+        app_cost, disapp_cost = max_cost, max_cost
+        if (frame_idx == first_frame_index):
+            app_cost = 0.
+        if (frame_idx == last_frame_index):
+            disapp_cost = 0.
+        # add appearance and disappearance
+        unique_id_app = f'4{frame_idx:05d}{label:05d}' 
+        unique_id_dis = f'5{frame_idx:05d}{label:05d}' 
+        tracking.append(f'APP {unique_id_app} {unique_id} {app_cost}')
+        tracking.append(f'DISAPP {unique_id_dis} {unique_id} {disapp_cost}')
+    edges_ = {}
+    for e_idx in edges.keys():
-        e_idx = self.edge_index
-        self.edge_index += 1
+        v_idx_curr, v_idx_prev  = edges[e_idx]
-        self.__add_edge(v1_idx, self.sink_idx, e_idx, 1.)
+        # appearance
+        if v_idx_prev in [0, 1]:
+            continue
+        if v_idx_curr == 0:
+            continue
-        return e_idx
+        frame_idx_prev, label_prev, x1, y1 = vertex_map[v_idx_prev]
+        frame_idx_curr, label_curr, x2, y2 = vertex_map[v_idx_curr]
+        dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]))
+        # embed cost - bonus term, only negative
+        embed_cost = min(edge_prob[e_idx], 0)
+        embed_cost = edge_prob[e_idx]
+        # dist cost - standard term, zero for ~.95 percentile
+        dist_cost = get_distance_cost(dist,
+                                      mean_dist=mean_dist,
+                                      max_dist=max_dist,
+                                      min_cost=edge_min_cost)
+        # final cost, weighted by lambda
+        cost = lbd * dist_cost + (1-lbd) * embed_cost
+        # create the edge descriptor
+        seg_id_right = f'1{frame_idx_curr:05d}{label_curr:05d}' 
+        seg_id_left = f'1{frame_idx_prev:05d}{label_prev:05d}' 
+        unique_id = f'2{seg_id_left}{seg_id_right}'
+        assert len(unique_id) == 23, unique_id
+        # update tracking
+        tracking.append(f'MOVE {unique_id} {seg_id_left} {seg_id_right} {cost}')
+        # propagate info to compute division events later on
+        edges_[seg_id_left] = edges_.get(seg_id_left, [])
+        edges_[seg_id_left].append((seg_id_right, cost, dist_cost))
+    # division
+    div_idx = 0
+    for id_left in tqdm(edges_.keys(), 'divisions'):
+        right_ids = edges_[id_left]
+        for id_right1, cost1, dist_cost1 in right_ids:
+            for id_right2, cost2, dist_cost2 in right_ids:
+                if id_right1 >= id_right2:
+                    continue
+                # define unique id
+                unique_id = f'3{id_left}{id_right1}{id_right2}'
+                assert len(unique_id) == 34, unique_id
+                # experimental cost
+                #cost = - max(cost1, cost2)
+                # experimental cost
+                # penalize if costs are different
+                #diff_penalty = (dist_cost1 - dist_cost2)**2
+                #cost = (cost1 + cost2) // 2 + diff_penalty / 10
+                cost = (cost1 + cost2) // 2
+                if cost > 1:
+                    continue
+                tracking.append(f'DIV {unique_id} {id_left} {id_right1} {id_right2} {cost}')
+                div_idx += 1
+    print(f'Added {div_idx} division candidates.')
+    return tracking
+def save_tracking(tracking, data_path):
-    def get_vertex_index(self, frame, label):
+    tracking_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'tracking.txt')
+    with open(tracking_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
+        line_end = repeat("\n")
+        lines = chain.from_iterable(zip(tracking, line_end))
+        f.writelines(lines)
-        # appearance
-        if label == 0:
-            return self.source_idx 
-        assert frame in self.vertices.keys(), f'{frame} {label}'
-        assert label in self.vertices[frame].keys(), f'{frame} {label}'
-        return self.vertices[frame][label]
+def sol_stats(sol_path,
+              tra_path,
+              plot=False):
+    '''
+    Displays candidate graph 
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    sol_path : str
+        path to 'tracking.sol' file, in libct format
+    tra_path : str
+        path to 'tracking.txt' file, in libct format
+    plot : bool
+        plot the histograms
+    '''
+    assert os.path.isfile(tra_path), tra_path
+    assert os.path.isfile(sol_path), sol_path
+    dirname = os.path.dirname(tra_path)
-    def knn(self, frame_idx, x, y, n=3, limit_dist=100):
+    # COLORS 
+    # get vertex map from 'tracking.txt'
+    vertex_map = {} # vertex_id : (x, y, frame_idx)
+    tra = {'H': {},
+           'APP': {},
+           'DISAPP': {},
+           'MOVE': {},
+           'DIV': {}}
+    all_tra = {'H': [],
+               'APP': [],
+               'DISAPP': [],
+               'MOVE': [],
+               'DIV': []}
-        # get v_idxs in the frame
-        # for each compute distance (limit by x, y square
-        # sort by distance
-        # take first n
+    with open(tra_path, 'r') as f:
-        all_dets = self.vertices[frame_idx].values()
-        cands = {}
-        for v_idx in all_dets:
-            _, _, x0, y0 = self.vertex_map[v_idx]
-            if (abs(x0 - x) < limit_dist) and (abs(y0 - y) < limit_dist):
-                cands[v_idx] = abs(x0 - x) + abs(y0 - y)
+        # show vertices
+        for line in tqdm(f.readlines()):
+            tokens = line.split(' ')
+            key = tokens[0]
+            if key == 'H':
+                unique_id, cost = tokens[2], tokens[3]
+            elif key == 'APP':
+                unique_id, cost = tokens[1], tokens[3]
+            elif key == 'DISAPP':
+                unique_id, cost = tokens[1], tokens[3]
+            elif key == 'MOVE':
+                unique_id, cost = tokens[1], tokens[4]
+            elif key == 'DIV':
+                unique_id, cost = tokens[1], tokens[5]
+            else:
+                assert False, key
-        res = sorted(cands.items(), key=lambda x : x[1])[:3]
-        return [key for key, _ in res]
+            tra[key][unique_id] = cost
+            all_tra[key].append(cost)
+    sol = {'H': [],
+           'APP': [],
+           'DISAPP': [],
+           'MOVE': [],
+           'DIV': []}
+    with open(sol_path, 'r') as f:
+        # show vertices
+        for line in tqdm(f.readlines()):
+            key, unique_id = line.rstrip().split(' ')
+            cost = tra[key][unique_id]
+            sol[key].append(cost)
+    dir_name = os.path.dirname(sol_path)
+    res_path = os.path.join(dir_name, 'sol_stats.txt')
+    with open(res_path, 'w') as f:
+        lines = []
+        # show vertices
+        for key in sol.keys():
+            # tra
+            vals = np.array(all_tra[key], dtype=float)
+            line = f'TRA {str(key)} {vals.sum()} {len(vals)} {vals.min()} {vals.mean()} {vals.max()}\n'
+            lines.append(line)
+            # sol
+            vals = np.array(sol[key], dtype=float)
+            if len(vals) > 0:
+                line = f'SOL {str(key)} {vals.sum()} {len(vals)} {vals.min()} {vals.mean()} {vals.max()}\n'
-subset = 'train'
-sequence = '01'
-dataset = 'BF-C2DL-HSC'
-model = "adam_norm_onecycle_allcrops_15"
-model = "model2"
-path = Path('embedtrack_results', dataset, model, subset)
-assert path.exists(), path
+                lines.append(line)
+        f.writelines(lines)
+    if plot:
+        plt.figure()
+        for key in sol.keys():
+            vals = np.array(sol[key], dtype=float)
+            plt.hist(vals,
+                     histtype='step',
+                     density=True,
+                     bins=100)
+        plt.legend(sol.keys())
+        plt.title('tracking.sol')
+        plt.xlim((-5, 5))
+        plt.ylim((0, 5))
+        plt.savefig(os.path.join(dirname, 'sol.png'))
+        plt.show()
+        plt.figure()
+        for key in sol.keys():
+            vals = np.array(all_tra[key], dtype=float)
+            plt.hist(vals,
+                     histtype='step',
+                     density=True,
+                     bins=100)
+        plt.legend(sol.keys())
+        plt.title('tracking.txt')
+        plt.xlim((-5, 5))
+        plt.ylim((0, 5))
+        plt.savefig(os.path.join(dirname, 'tra.png'))
+        plt.show()
-res_path = path / f'{sequence}_DATA'
-assert res_path.exists(), res_path   
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tracking/graph.py b/tracking/graph.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ffc9fc604e070286bffadcf55ee18dd7c924188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracking/graph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+Author: Filip Lux (2023), Masaryk University
+Licensed under MIT License
+from skimage import measure
+import numpy as np
+from .my_utils.image import Dataset
+class FlowGraph():
+    def __init__(self, res_path):
+        # unique indexes of source and termination vertices
+        self.source_idx = 0  # source
+        self.sink_idx = 1    # target
+        # first cell index
+        self.vertex_index = 2
+        self.edge_index = 0
+        self.vertices = {}   # vertices[f_idx][label] = v_idx
+        # define res_path
+        #res_path = Path(path, f'{sequence}_DATA')
+        assert res_path.exists(), res_path
+        # get datset of frames 
+        self.dataset = Dataset(res_path, name_pattern='mask')
+        '''
+        #########
+        OUTPUTS
+        #########
+        each vertex and edge has its index
+        v_idx, e_idx
+        using this index you can get vertices that it represents
+        '''
+        self.edges = {} # edges[e_idx] = (v_idx, v_idx)
+        'vertex_map maps vetex id to location on a particular frame'
+        self.vertex_map = {}  # maps v_idx to tuple (frame, x, y)
+        'veiws to sets of edges'
+        self.edge_from_me = {self.source_idx: [], self.sink_idx: []}     # edge_from[v_idx] = [e_idx, e_idx, ...]
+        self.edge_to_me =   {self.source_idx: [], self.sink_idx: []}     # edge_to[v_idx] = [e_idx, e_idx, ...]
+        '''
+        'pd DataFrames to store events'
+        EDGE_COLUMNS = ['edge_index', 'f0', 'f1', 'x0', 'y0', 'x1', 'y1']
+        df_edges = pd.DataFrame(columns=MOVE_COLUMNS)
+        df_vertices = pd.DataFrame(columns=MOVE_COLUMNS)
+        '''
+        # edge_df_rows = []
+        self.vertex_prob = {0: 1., 1: 1.}
+        self.edge_prob = {}
+        'list of coos from the frames'
+        self.coos = {}
+    def _read_frame(self, frame_idx):
+        frame = self.dataset.get_frame(frame_idx)
+        res = {}
+        for reg in measure.regionprops(frame):
+            res[reg.label] = reg.centroid
+        return res
+    def read_coos(self, frame_idx, label):
+        if frame_idx not in self.coos.keys():
+            self.coos[frame_idx] = self._read_frame(frame_idx)
+        coos = self.coos[frame_idx]
+        assert label in coos.keys()
+        return coos[label]
+    def get_dictionary_from_masks(self):
+        dataset = Dataset(self.res_path, name_pattern='mask')
+    def add_vertex(self, frame_idx, label, prob):
+        frame_idx, label = int(frame_idx), int(label)
+        # get new index
+        v_idx = self.vertex_index
+        self.vertex_index += 1
+        # create dict, if necessary
+        if frame_idx not in self.vertices.keys():
+            self.vertices[frame_idx] = {}
+        # check
+        assert label not in self.vertices[frame_idx].keys()
+        self.vertices[frame_idx][label] = v_idx
+        #if prob < .
+        self.vertex_prob[v_idx] = prob
+        # frame, label, x, y
+        # TODO: add coordinates
+        #            - contain dataset
+        #            - load each frame only ones
+        x, y = self.read_coos(frame_idx, label)       #TODO: read from dictonary
+        self.vertex_map[v_idx] = (frame_idx, label, x, y)
+        # prepare edge containers
+        self.edge_from_me[v_idx] = []
+        self.edge_to_me[v_idx] = []
+        return v_idx
+    def add_edge(self, frame1, label1, frame2, label2, prob):
+        frame1, label1, frame2, label2 = int(frame1), int(label1), int(frame2), int(label2)
+        v1_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame1, label1)
+        v2_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame2, label2)
+        e_idx = self.edge_index
+        self.edge_index += 1
+        self.__add_edge(v1_idx, v2_idx, e_idx, prob)
+        return e_idx
+    def __add_edge(self, v1_idx, v2_idx, e_idx, prob):
+        self.edges[e_idx] = (v1_idx, v2_idx)
+        self.edge_prob[e_idx] = prob
+        self.edge_from_me[v1_idx].append(e_idx)
+        self.edge_to_me[v2_idx].append(e_idx)
+    def add_source_edge(self, frame2, label2):
+        frame2, label2 = int(frame2), int(label2)
+        v2_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame2, label2)
+        e_idx = self.edge_index
+        self.edge_index += 1
+        self.__add_edge(self.source_idx, v2_idx, e_idx, 1.)
+        return e_idx
+    def add_sink_edge(self, frame1, label1):
+        frame1, label1 = int(frame1), int(label1)
+        v1_idx = self.get_vertex_index(frame1, label1)
+        e_idx = self.edge_index
+        self.edge_index += 1
+        self.__add_edge(v1_idx, self.sink_idx, e_idx, 1.)
+        return e_idx
+    def get_vertex_index(self, frame, label):
+        # appearance
+        if label == 0:
+            return self.source_idx 
+        assert frame in self.vertices.keys(), f'{frame} {label}'
+        assert label in self.vertices[frame].keys(), f'{frame} {label}'
+        return self.vertices[frame][label]
+    def get_distance(self, frame1, label1, frame2, label2):
+        f_idx1 = self.get_vertex_index(frame1, label1)
+        f_idx2 = self.get_vertex_index(frame2, label2)
+        _, _, x1, y1 = self.vertex_map[f_idx1]
+        _, _, x2, y2 = self.vertex_map[f_idx2]
+        return np.linalg.norm(np.array([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]))
+    def knn(self, frame_idx, x1, y1, n=3, limit_dist=100):
+        # get v_idxs in the frame
+        # for each compute distance (limit by x, y square
+        # sort by distance
+        # take first n
+        all_dets = self.vertices[frame_idx].values()
+        cands = {}
+        for v_idx in all_dets:
+            _, _, x2, y2 = self.vertex_map[v_idx]
+            # speed optimization
+            if (abs(x1 - x2) >= limit_dist) or (abs(y1 - y2) >= limit_dist):
+                continue
+            dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x2 - x1, y2 - y1]))
+            if dist < limit_dist:
+                cands[v_idx] = dist
+        res = sorted(cands.items(), key=lambda x : x[1])[:n]
+        return [key for key, _ in res]
diff --git a/tracking/libct b/tracking/libct
deleted file mode 160000
index 62417c01bd5d476bd1e38d56035b30f1423262ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tracking/libct
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 62417c01bd5d476bd1e38d56035b30f1423262ab
diff --git a/tracking/libct.py b/tracking/libct.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4a7efb27336c01cf46d97cf9cf673856fe409b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tracking/libct.py
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+Author: Filip Lux (2023), Masaryk University
+Licensed under MIT License
+import os
+import shutil
+from pathlib import Path
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from skimage import io
+import numpy as np
+from .graph import FlowGraph
+from .sys_tools import run_procedure
+def run_libct(res_path,
+              idx_min=0):
+    # copy tracking.txt to libct
+    source_file = Path(res_path, 'tracking.txt')
+    source_solution = Path(res_path, 'tracking.sol')
+    assert os.path.isfile(source_file), source_file
+    local_input = 'tracking.txt' 
+    local_output = 'tracking.sol'
+    # copy to local
+    shutil.copyfile(source_file, local_input)
+    #show_libct(local_input, z_shift=idx_min, description=f'{sequence}_test', time=blender_time)
+    # run solution
+    #!tracking/libct/setup-dev-env
+    res = run_procedure(f'ct {local_input}')
+    if res != 0:
+        return
+    # copy to results
+    shutil.copyfile(local_output, source_solution)
+    assert os.path.isfile(source_solution)
+    print('source file', source_file)
+    print('source solution', source_solution)
+    #show_libct_solution(source_solution, z_shift=idx_min, time=blender_time+1)
+def parse_vertex_id(vertex_id):
+    frame_idx, label = vertex_id[-10:-5], vertex_id[-5:]
+    return int(frame_idx), int(label)
+def libct2ctc(data_path, res_path):
+    '''
+    Save labeled images in a format 'maskXXX.tif to the <res_path>
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    data_path : str
+        path where raw segmentations are stored
+    res_path : str
+        directory containing libct.sol and tracking.txt
+        also output directory
+    Returns:
+    --------
+    None
+    '''
+    # remove all the files from the res_path directory
+    for file in os.listdir(res_path):
+        if 'tracking' not in file:
+            os.remove(os.path.join(res_path, file))
+    # test if libct.sol exists
+    sol_path = os.path.join(res_path, 'tracking.sol')
+    assert os.path.isfile(sol_path), sol_path
+    # read sol file
+    edges_from, start_vertices = parse_sol_file(sol_path)
+    tracker = DFSTracker(edges_from, start_vertices)
+    label_map = tracker.dfs()
+    # save ctc res_track.txt file
+    tracker.save_ctc_tracking(res_path)
+    translate_results(data_path, res_path, label_map)
+    return label_map
+def get_frame_idx(img_name):
+    res = ''
+    for d in img_name:
+        if d.isdigit():
+            res = res + d
+    return int(res)
+def translate_results(data_path, res_path, label_map):
+    print('storing res images')
+    # iterate over images in res_path
+    img_names = [n for n in os.listdir(data_path) if '.tif' in n]
+    for img_name in tqdm(img_names):
+        f_idx = get_frame_idx(img_name)
+        # read original labeled image
+        image_path = os.path.join(data_path, img_name)
+        assert os.path.isfile(image_path)
+        img = io.imread(image_path)
+        res = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.uint16)
+        mapping = label_map.get(f_idx, {})
+        for old_label in mapping.keys():
+            new_label = mapping[old_label]
+            res[img == old_label] = new_label
+        # save result
+        store_path = os.path.join(res_path, img_name)
+        io.imsave(store_path,
+                  res,
+                  check_contrast=False,
+                  plugin='tifffile',
+                  compression ='zlib')
+class DFSTracker():
+    def __init__(self,
+                edges_from,
+                start_vertices):
+        self.edges_from = edges_from
+        self.start_vertices = start_vertices
+        # DFS
+        self.label_map = {} 
+        # label_map = { f_idx : { old_label : new_label } }
+        self.start_frames = {}
+        # start_frames = { label : ( start_frame_idx, mother ) }
+        self.ctc_tracking = []  # label start_frame, end_frame, mother_idx
+    def dfs(self):
+        new_label = 1
+        # start all tracks from start vertices
+        for v_id in self.start_vertices:
+            f_idx, old_label = parse_vertex_id(v_id)
+            mother_idx = 0
+            # start new track
+            self.start_frames[new_label] = (f_idx, mother_idx)
+            self.update_label_map(f_idx, old_label, new_label)
+            # recursive call
+            new_label = self.dfs_rec(v_id, new_label, f_idx)
+        return self.label_map
+    def dfs_rec(self, v_id, label, f_idx):
+        # move to the next frames
+        edges = self.edges_from[v_id]
+        # stop condition
+        if (len(edges) == 1) and (edges[0] == 0):
+            # add info to the tracking file
+            self.close_track(label, f_idx)
+            # increase the label value
+            return label + 1
+        # next iteration
+        if len(edges) == 1:
+            v_id_next = edges[0]
+            frame_next, old_label = parse_vertex_id(v_id_next)
+            assert frame_next == (f_idx + 1)
+            # continue the track
+            self.update_label_map(frame_next, old_label, label)
+            return self.dfs_rec(v_id_next, label, frame_next)
+        elif len(edges) == 2:
+            # close current track
+            self.close_track(label, f_idx)
+            # new label index
+            new_label = label + 1
+            mother_idx = label
+            for v_id_next in edges:
+                frame_next, old_label = parse_vertex_id(v_id_next)
+                assert frame_next == (f_idx + 1)
+                # start new track
+                self.start_frames[new_label] = (frame_next, mother_idx)
+                # continue new track
+                self.update_label_map(frame_next, old_label, new_label)
+                new_label = self.dfs_rec(v_id_next, new_label, frame_next)
+            return new_label
+        else:
+            assert False, f'improper successors {edges}'
+    def update_label_map(self, f_idx, old_label, new_label):
+        self.label_map[f_idx] = self.label_map.get(f_idx, {})
+        self.label_map[f_idx][old_label] = new_label   
+    def close_track(self, label, f_idx):
+            start_frame, mother_idx = self.start_frames[label]
+            tracklet = (str(label), str(start_frame), str(f_idx), str(mother_idx))
+            self.ctc_tracking.append(tracklet)
+    def save_ctc_tracking(self, res_path):
+        path = os.path.join(res_path, 'res_track.txt')
+        lines = [' '.join(list(tr)) + '\n' for tr in self.ctc_tracking]
+        print(f'saving {path}')
+        with open(path, 'w') as f:
+            f.writelines(lines)
+def parse_sol_file(sol_path):
+    assert os.path.isfile(sol_path), sol_path
+    # process tracking result
+    # create dictionary path_to
+    edge_from = {}
+    start_vertices = []
+    # every vertex is indexed as libct ID
+    # f'{frame_idx:05d}{label:05d}'
+    # iterate over 
+    with open(sol_path, 'r') as f:
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            tokens = line.rstrip().split(' ')          
+            if tokens[0] == 'H':
+                v_idx = tokens[1][-10:]
+                edge_from[v_idx] = []
+            if tokens[0] == 'DISAPP':
+                v_idx = tokens[1][-10:]
+                # diappearing track is marked by 0
+                edge_from[v_idx].append(0)
+            if tokens[0] == 'APP':
+                v_idx = tokens[1][-10:]
+                # diappearing track is marked by 0
+                start_vertices.append(v_idx)
+            if tokens[0] == 'MOVE':
+                v_idx_src = tokens[1][-21:-11]
+                v_idx_dst = tokens[1][-10:]
+                assert len(v_idx_src) == len(v_idx_dst) == 10
+                edge_from[v_idx_src].append(v_idx_dst)
+            if tokens[0] == 'DIV':
+                v_idx_src = tokens[1][-32:-22]
+                v_idx_ds1 = tokens[1][-21:-11]
+                v_idx_ds2 = tokens[1][-10:]
+                assert len(v_idx_src) == len(v_idx_ds1) == len(v_idx_ds2) == 10
+                edge_from[v_idx_src].append(v_idx_ds1)
+                edge_from[v_idx_src].append(v_idx_ds2)
+    return edge_from, start_vertices