/* * This file is part of the GROMACS molecular simulation package. * * Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team. * Copyright (c) 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017, by the GROMACS development team, led by * Mark Abraham, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and Erik Lindahl, * and including many others, as listed in the AUTHORS file in the * top-level source directory and at http://www.gromacs.org. * * GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GROMACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with GROMACS; if not, see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses, or write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please * consider that scientific software is very special. Version * control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to * consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but * derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found * in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the * official version at http://www.gromacs.org. * * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite * the research papers on the package. Check out http://www.gromacs.org. */ #include "gmxpre.h" #include "force.h" #include "config.h" #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> #include "gromacs/domdec/domdec.h" #include "gromacs/domdec/domdec_struct.h" #include "gromacs/ewald/ewald.h" #include "gromacs/ewald/long-range-correction.h" #include "gromacs/ewald/pme.h" #include "gromacs/gmxlib/network.h" #include "gromacs/gmxlib/nrnb.h" #include "gromacs/gmxlib/nonbonded/nonbonded.h" #include "gromacs/listed-forces/listed-forces.h" #include "gromacs/math/vec.h" #include "gromacs/math/vecdump.h" #include "gromacs/mdlib/forcerec-threading.h" #include "gromacs/mdlib/genborn.h" #include "gromacs/mdlib/mdrun.h" #include "gromacs/mdlib/ns.h" #include "gromacs/mdlib/qmmm.h" #include "gromacs/mdtypes/commrec.h" #include "gromacs/mdtypes/forceoutput.h" #include "gromacs/mdtypes/inputrec.h" #include "gromacs/mdtypes/md_enums.h" #include "gromacs/pbcutil/ishift.h" #include "gromacs/pbcutil/mshift.h" #include "gromacs/pbcutil/pbc.h" #include "gromacs/timing/wallcycle.h" #include "gromacs/utility/cstringutil.h" #include "gromacs/utility/exceptions.h" #include "gromacs/utility/fatalerror.h" #include "gromacs/utility/smalloc.h" /* PLUMED */ #include "../../../Plumed.h" int plumedswitch=0; plumed plumedmain; void(*plumedcmd)(plumed,const char*,const void*)=NULL; /* END PLUMED */ void ns(FILE *fp, t_forcerec *fr, matrix box, gmx_groups_t *groups, gmx_localtop_t *top, t_mdatoms *md, t_commrec *cr, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_bool bFillGrid) { int nsearch; if (!fr->ns->nblist_initialized) { init_neighbor_list(fp, fr, md->homenr); } nsearch = search_neighbours(fp, fr, box, top, groups, cr, nrnb, md, bFillGrid); if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "nsearch = %d\n", nsearch); } /* Check whether we have to do dynamic load balancing */ /*if ((nsb->nstDlb > 0) && (mod(step,nsb->nstDlb) == 0)) count_nb(cr,nsb,&(top->blocks[ebCGS]),nns,fr->nlr, &(top->idef),opts->ngener); */ if (fr->ns->dump_nl > 0) { dump_nblist(fp, cr, fr, fr->ns->dump_nl); } } static void clearEwaldThreadOutput(ewald_corr_thread_t *ewc_t) { ewc_t->Vcorr_q = 0; ewc_t->Vcorr_lj = 0; ewc_t->dvdl[efptCOUL] = 0; ewc_t->dvdl[efptVDW] = 0; clear_mat(ewc_t->vir_q); clear_mat(ewc_t->vir_lj); } static void reduceEwaldThreadOuput(int nthreads, ewald_corr_thread_t *ewc_t) { ewald_corr_thread_t &dest = ewc_t[0]; for (int t = 1; t < nthreads; t++) { dest.Vcorr_q += ewc_t[t].Vcorr_q; dest.Vcorr_lj += ewc_t[t].Vcorr_lj; dest.dvdl[efptCOUL] += ewc_t[t].dvdl[efptCOUL]; dest.dvdl[efptVDW] += ewc_t[t].dvdl[efptVDW]; m_add(dest.vir_q, ewc_t[t].vir_q, dest.vir_q); m_add(dest.vir_lj, ewc_t[t].vir_lj, dest.vir_lj); } } void do_force_lowlevel(t_forcerec *fr, t_inputrec *ir, t_idef *idef, t_commrec *cr, t_nrnb *nrnb, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, t_mdatoms *md, rvec x[], history_t *hist, rvec *forceForUseWithShiftForces, gmx::ForceWithVirial *forceWithVirial, gmx_enerdata_t *enerd, t_fcdata *fcd, gmx_localtop_t *top, gmx_genborn_t *born, gmx_bool bBornRadii, matrix box, t_lambda *fepvals, real *lambda, t_graph *graph, t_blocka *excl, rvec mu_tot[], int flags, float *cycles_pme) { int i, j; int donb_flags; int pme_flags; t_pbc pbc; real dvdl_dum[efptNR], dvdl_nb[efptNR]; #if GMX_MPI double t0 = 0.0, t1, t2, t3; /* time measurement for coarse load balancing */ #endif set_pbc(&pbc, fr->ePBC, box); /* reset free energy components */ for (i = 0; i < efptNR; i++) { dvdl_nb[i] = 0; dvdl_dum[i] = 0; } /* do QMMM first if requested */ if (fr->bQMMM) { enerd->term[F_EQM] = calculate_QMMM(cr, forceForUseWithShiftForces, fr); } /* Call the short range functions all in one go. */ #if GMX_MPI /*#define TAKETIME ((cr->npmenodes) && (fr->timesteps < 12))*/ #define TAKETIME FALSE if (TAKETIME) { MPI_Barrier(cr->mpi_comm_mygroup); t0 = MPI_Wtime(); } #endif if (ir->nwall) { /* foreign lambda component for walls */ real dvdl_walls = do_walls(ir, fr, box, md, x, forceForUseWithShiftForces, lambda[efptVDW], enerd->grpp.ener[egLJSR], nrnb); enerd->dvdl_lin[efptVDW] += dvdl_walls; } /* If doing GB, reset dvda and calculate the Born radii */ if (ir->implicit_solvent) { wallcycle_sub_start(wcycle, ewcsNONBONDED); for (i = 0; i < born->nr; i++) { fr->dvda[i] = 0; } if (bBornRadii) { calc_gb_rad(cr, fr, ir, top, x, fr->gblist, born, md, nrnb); } wallcycle_sub_stop(wcycle, ewcsNONBONDED); } where(); /* We only do non-bonded calculation with group scheme here, the verlet * calls are done from do_force_cutsVERLET(). */ if (fr->cutoff_scheme == ecutsGROUP && (flags & GMX_FORCE_NONBONDED)) { donb_flags = 0; /* Add short-range interactions */ donb_flags |= GMX_NONBONDED_DO_SR; /* Currently all group scheme kernels always calculate (shift-)forces */ if (flags & GMX_FORCE_FORCES) { donb_flags |= GMX_NONBONDED_DO_FORCE; } if (flags & GMX_FORCE_VIRIAL) { donb_flags |= GMX_NONBONDED_DO_SHIFTFORCE; } if (flags & GMX_FORCE_ENERGY) { donb_flags |= GMX_NONBONDED_DO_POTENTIAL; } wallcycle_sub_start(wcycle, ewcsNONBONDED); do_nonbonded(fr, x, forceForUseWithShiftForces, md, excl, &enerd->grpp, nrnb, lambda, dvdl_nb, -1, -1, donb_flags); /* If we do foreign lambda and we have soft-core interactions * we have to recalculate the (non-linear) energies contributions. */ if (fepvals->n_lambda > 0 && (flags & GMX_FORCE_DHDL) && fepvals->sc_alpha != 0) { for (i = 0; i < enerd->n_lambda; i++) { real lam_i[efptNR]; for (j = 0; j < efptNR; j++) { lam_i[j] = (i == 0 ? lambda[j] : fepvals->all_lambda[j][i-1]); } reset_foreign_enerdata(enerd); do_nonbonded(fr, x, forceForUseWithShiftForces, md, excl, &(enerd->foreign_grpp), nrnb, lam_i, dvdl_dum, -1, -1, (donb_flags & ~GMX_NONBONDED_DO_FORCE) | GMX_NONBONDED_DO_FOREIGNLAMBDA); sum_epot(&(enerd->foreign_grpp), enerd->foreign_term); enerd->enerpart_lambda[i] += enerd->foreign_term[F_EPOT]; } } wallcycle_sub_stop(wcycle, ewcsNONBONDED); where(); } /* If we are doing GB, calculate bonded forces and apply corrections * to the solvation forces */ /* MRS: Eventually, many need to include free energy contribution here! */ if (ir->implicit_solvent) { wallcycle_sub_start(wcycle, ewcsLISTED); calc_gb_forces(cr, md, born, top, x, forceForUseWithShiftForces, fr, idef, ir->gb_algorithm, ir->sa_algorithm, nrnb, &pbc, graph, enerd); wallcycle_sub_stop(wcycle, ewcsLISTED); } #if GMX_MPI if (TAKETIME) { t1 = MPI_Wtime(); fr->t_fnbf += t1-t0; } #endif if (fepvals->sc_alpha != 0) { enerd->dvdl_nonlin[efptVDW] += dvdl_nb[efptVDW]; } else { enerd->dvdl_lin[efptVDW] += dvdl_nb[efptVDW]; } if (fepvals->sc_alpha != 0) /* even though coulomb part is linear, we already added it, beacuse we need to go through the vdw calculation anyway */ { enerd->dvdl_nonlin[efptCOUL] += dvdl_nb[efptCOUL]; } else { enerd->dvdl_lin[efptCOUL] += dvdl_nb[efptCOUL]; } if (debug) { pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "fshift after SR", fr->fshift, SHIFTS); } /* Shift the coordinates. Must be done before listed forces and PPPM, * but is also necessary for SHAKE and update, therefore it can NOT * go when no listed forces have to be evaluated. * * The shifting and PBC code is deliberately not timed, since with * the Verlet scheme it only takes non-zero time with triclinic * boxes, and even then the time is around a factor of 100 less * than the next smallest counter. */ /* Here sometimes we would not need to shift with NBFonly, * but we do so anyhow for consistency of the returned coordinates. */ if (graph) { shift_self(graph, box, x); if (TRICLINIC(box)) { inc_nrnb(nrnb, eNR_SHIFTX, 2*graph->nnodes); } else { inc_nrnb(nrnb, eNR_SHIFTX, graph->nnodes); } } /* Check whether we need to do listed interactions or correct for exclusions */ if (fr->bMolPBC && ((flags & GMX_FORCE_LISTED) || EEL_RF(fr->ic->eeltype) || EEL_FULL(fr->ic->eeltype) || EVDW_PME(fr->ic->vdwtype))) { /* TODO There are no electrostatics methods that require this transformation, when using the Verlet scheme, so update the above conditional. */ /* Since all atoms are in the rectangular or triclinic unit-cell, * only single box vector shifts (2 in x) are required. */ set_pbc_dd(&pbc, fr->ePBC, DOMAINDECOMP(cr) ? cr->dd->nc : nullptr, TRUE, box); } do_force_listed(wcycle, box, ir->fepvals, cr, idef, (const rvec *) x, hist, forceForUseWithShiftForces, forceWithVirial, fr, &pbc, graph, enerd, nrnb, lambda, md, fcd, DOMAINDECOMP(cr) ? cr->dd->gatindex : nullptr, flags); where(); *cycles_pme = 0; /* Do long-range electrostatics and/or LJ-PME, including related short-range * corrections. */ if (EEL_FULL(fr->ic->eeltype) || EVDW_PME(fr->ic->vdwtype)) { int status = 0; real Vlr_q = 0, Vlr_lj = 0; /* We reduce all virial, dV/dlambda and energy contributions, except * for the reciprocal energies (Vlr_q, Vlr_lj) into the same struct. */ ewald_corr_thread_t &ewaldOutput = fr->ewc_t[0]; clearEwaldThreadOutput(&ewaldOutput); if (EEL_PME_EWALD(fr->ic->eeltype) || EVDW_PME(fr->ic->vdwtype)) { /* With the Verlet scheme exclusion forces are calculated * in the non-bonded kernel. */ /* The TPI molecule does not have exclusions with the rest * of the system and no intra-molecular PME grid * contributions will be calculated in * gmx_pme_calc_energy. */ if ((ir->cutoff_scheme == ecutsGROUP && fr->n_tpi == 0) || ir->ewald_geometry != eewg3D || ir->epsilon_surface != 0) { int nthreads, t; wallcycle_sub_start(wcycle, ewcsEWALD_CORRECTION); if (fr->n_tpi > 0) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "TPI with PME currently only works in a 3D geometry with tin-foil boundary conditions"); } nthreads = fr->nthread_ewc; #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nthreads) schedule(static) for (t = 0; t < nthreads; t++) { try { ewald_corr_thread_t &ewc_t = fr->ewc_t[t]; if (t > 0) { clearEwaldThreadOutput(&ewc_t); } /* Threading is only supported with the Verlet cut-off * scheme and then only single particle forces (no * exclusion forces) are calculated, so we can store * the forces in the normal, single forceWithVirial->force_ array. */ ewald_LRcorrection(md->homenr, cr, nthreads, t, fr, ir, md->chargeA, md->chargeB, md->sqrt_c6A, md->sqrt_c6B, md->sigmaA, md->sigmaB, md->sigma3A, md->sigma3B, md->nChargePerturbed || md->nTypePerturbed, ir->cutoff_scheme != ecutsVERLET, excl, x, box, mu_tot, ir->ewald_geometry, ir->epsilon_surface, as_rvec_array(forceWithVirial->force_.data()), ewc_t.vir_q, ewc_t.vir_lj, &ewc_t.Vcorr_q, &ewc_t.Vcorr_lj, lambda[efptCOUL], lambda[efptVDW], &ewc_t.dvdl[efptCOUL], &ewc_t.dvdl[efptVDW]); } GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR; } if (nthreads > 1) { reduceEwaldThreadOuput(nthreads, fr->ewc_t); } wallcycle_sub_stop(wcycle, ewcsEWALD_CORRECTION); } if (EEL_PME_EWALD(fr->ic->eeltype) && fr->n_tpi == 0) { /* This is not in a subcounter because it takes a negligible and constant-sized amount of time */ ewaldOutput.Vcorr_q += ewald_charge_correction(cr, fr, lambda[efptCOUL], box, &ewaldOutput.dvdl[efptCOUL], ewaldOutput.vir_q); } if ((EEL_PME(fr->ic->eeltype) || EVDW_PME(fr->ic->vdwtype)) && thisRankHasDuty(cr, DUTY_PME) && (pme_run_mode(fr->pmedata) == PmeRunMode::CPU)) { /* Do reciprocal PME for Coulomb and/or LJ. */ assert(fr->n_tpi >= 0); if (fr->n_tpi == 0 || (flags & GMX_FORCE_STATECHANGED)) { pme_flags = GMX_PME_SPREAD | GMX_PME_SOLVE; if (flags & GMX_FORCE_FORCES) { pme_flags |= GMX_PME_CALC_F; } if (flags & GMX_FORCE_VIRIAL) { pme_flags |= GMX_PME_CALC_ENER_VIR; } if (fr->n_tpi > 0) { /* We don't calculate f, but we do want the potential */ pme_flags |= GMX_PME_CALC_POT; } /* With domain decomposition we close the CPU side load * balancing region here, because PME does global * communication that acts as a global barrier. */ if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr)) { ddCloseBalanceRegionCpu(cr->dd); } wallcycle_start(wcycle, ewcPMEMESH); status = gmx_pme_do(fr->pmedata, 0, md->homenr - fr->n_tpi, x, as_rvec_array(forceWithVirial->force_.data()), md->chargeA, md->chargeB, md->sqrt_c6A, md->sqrt_c6B, md->sigmaA, md->sigmaB, box, cr, DOMAINDECOMP(cr) ? dd_pme_maxshift_x(cr->dd) : 0, DOMAINDECOMP(cr) ? dd_pme_maxshift_y(cr->dd) : 0, nrnb, wcycle, ewaldOutput.vir_q, ewaldOutput.vir_lj, &Vlr_q, &Vlr_lj, lambda[efptCOUL], lambda[efptVDW], &ewaldOutput.dvdl[efptCOUL], &ewaldOutput.dvdl[efptVDW], pme_flags); *cycles_pme = wallcycle_stop(wcycle, ewcPMEMESH); if (status != 0) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Error %d in reciprocal PME routine", status); } /* We should try to do as little computation after * this as possible, because parallel PME synchronizes * the nodes, so we want all load imbalance of the * rest of the force calculation to be before the PME * call. DD load balancing is done on the whole time * of the force call (without PME). */ } if (fr->n_tpi > 0) { if (EVDW_PME(ir->vdwtype)) { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Test particle insertion not implemented with LJ-PME"); } /* Determine the PME grid energy of the test molecule * with the PME grid potential of the other charges. */ gmx_pme_calc_energy(fr->pmedata, fr->n_tpi, x + md->homenr - fr->n_tpi, md->chargeA + md->homenr - fr->n_tpi, &Vlr_q); } } } if (!EEL_PME(fr->ic->eeltype) && EEL_PME_EWALD(fr->ic->eeltype)) { Vlr_q = do_ewald(ir, x, as_rvec_array(forceWithVirial->force_.data()), md->chargeA, md->chargeB, box, cr, md->homenr, ewaldOutput.vir_q, fr->ic->ewaldcoeff_q, lambda[efptCOUL], &ewaldOutput.dvdl[efptCOUL], fr->ewald_table); } /* Note that with separate PME nodes we get the real energies later */ forceWithVirial->addVirialContribution(ewaldOutput.vir_q); forceWithVirial->addVirialContribution(ewaldOutput.vir_lj); enerd->dvdl_lin[efptCOUL] += ewaldOutput.dvdl[efptCOUL]; enerd->dvdl_lin[efptVDW] += ewaldOutput.dvdl[efptVDW]; enerd->term[F_COUL_RECIP] = Vlr_q + ewaldOutput.Vcorr_q; enerd->term[F_LJ_RECIP] = Vlr_lj + ewaldOutput.Vcorr_lj; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Vlr_q = %g, Vcorr_q = %g, Vlr_corr_q = %g\n", Vlr_q, ewaldOutput.Vcorr_q, enerd->term[F_COUL_RECIP]); pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "vir_el_recip after corr", ewaldOutput.vir_q, DIM); pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "fshift after LR Corrections", fr->fshift, SHIFTS); fprintf(debug, "Vlr_lj: %g, Vcorr_lj = %g, Vlr_corr_lj = %g\n", Vlr_lj, ewaldOutput.Vcorr_lj, enerd->term[F_LJ_RECIP]); pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "vir_lj_recip after corr", ewaldOutput.vir_lj, DIM); } } else { /* Is there a reaction-field exclusion correction needed? * With the Verlet scheme, exclusion forces are calculated * in the non-bonded kernel. */ if (ir->cutoff_scheme != ecutsVERLET && EEL_RF(fr->ic->eeltype)) { real dvdl_rf_excl = 0; enerd->term[F_RF_EXCL] = RF_excl_correction(fr, graph, md, excl, x, forceForUseWithShiftForces, fr->fshift, &pbc, lambda[efptCOUL], &dvdl_rf_excl); enerd->dvdl_lin[efptCOUL] += dvdl_rf_excl; } } where(); if (debug) { print_nrnb(debug, nrnb); } #if GMX_MPI if (TAKETIME) { t2 = MPI_Wtime(); MPI_Barrier(cr->mpi_comm_mygroup); t3 = MPI_Wtime(); fr->t_wait += t3-t2; if (fr->timesteps == 11) { char buf[22]; fprintf(stderr, "* PP load balancing info: rank %d, step %s, rel wait time=%3.0f%% , load string value: %7.2f\n", cr->nodeid, gmx_step_str(fr->timesteps, buf), 100*fr->t_wait/(fr->t_wait+fr->t_fnbf), (fr->t_fnbf+fr->t_wait)/fr->t_fnbf); } fr->timesteps++; } #endif if (debug) { pr_rvecs(debug, 0, "fshift after bondeds", fr->fshift, SHIFTS); } /* PLUMED */ if(plumedswitch){ int plumedNeedsEnergy; (*plumedcmd)(plumedmain,"isEnergyNeeded",&plumedNeedsEnergy); if(!plumedNeedsEnergy) (*plumedcmd)(plumedmain,"performCalc",NULL); } /* END PLUMED */ } void init_enerdata(int ngener, int n_lambda, gmx_enerdata_t *enerd) { int i, n2; for (i = 0; i < F_NRE; i++) { enerd->term[i] = 0; enerd->foreign_term[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < efptNR; i++) { enerd->dvdl_lin[i] = 0; enerd->dvdl_nonlin[i] = 0; } n2 = ngener*ngener; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Creating %d sized group matrix for energies\n", n2); } enerd->grpp.nener = n2; enerd->foreign_grpp.nener = n2; for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++) { snew(enerd->grpp.ener[i], n2); snew(enerd->foreign_grpp.ener[i], n2); } if (n_lambda) { enerd->n_lambda = 1 + n_lambda; snew(enerd->enerpart_lambda, enerd->n_lambda); } else { enerd->n_lambda = 0; } } void destroy_enerdata(gmx_enerdata_t *enerd) { int i; for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++) { sfree(enerd->grpp.ener[i]); } for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++) { sfree(enerd->foreign_grpp.ener[i]); } if (enerd->n_lambda) { sfree(enerd->enerpart_lambda); } } static real sum_v(int n, real v[]) { real t; int i; t = 0.0; for (i = 0; (i < n); i++) { t = t + v[i]; } return t; } void sum_epot(gmx_grppairener_t *grpp, real *epot) { int i; /* Accumulate energies */ epot[F_COUL_SR] = sum_v(grpp->nener, grpp->ener[egCOULSR]); epot[F_LJ] = sum_v(grpp->nener, grpp->ener[egLJSR]); epot[F_LJ14] = sum_v(grpp->nener, grpp->ener[egLJ14]); epot[F_COUL14] = sum_v(grpp->nener, grpp->ener[egCOUL14]); /* We have already added 1-2,1-3, and 1-4 terms to F_GBPOL */ epot[F_GBPOL] += sum_v(grpp->nener, grpp->ener[egGB]); /* lattice part of LR doesnt belong to any group * and has been added earlier */ epot[F_BHAM] = sum_v(grpp->nener, grpp->ener[egBHAMSR]); epot[F_EPOT] = 0; for (i = 0; (i < F_EPOT); i++) { if (i != F_DISRESVIOL && i != F_ORIRESDEV) { epot[F_EPOT] += epot[i]; } } } void sum_dhdl(gmx_enerdata_t *enerd, gmx::ArrayRef<const real> lambda, t_lambda *fepvals) { int index; double dlam; enerd->dvdl_lin[efptVDW] += enerd->term[F_DVDL_VDW]; /* include dispersion correction */ enerd->term[F_DVDL] = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < efptNR; i++) { if (fepvals->separate_dvdl[i]) { /* could this be done more readably/compactly? */ switch (i) { case (efptMASS): index = F_DKDL; break; case (efptCOUL): index = F_DVDL_COUL; break; case (efptVDW): index = F_DVDL_VDW; break; case (efptBONDED): index = F_DVDL_BONDED; break; case (efptRESTRAINT): index = F_DVDL_RESTRAINT; break; default: index = F_DVDL; break; } enerd->term[index] = enerd->dvdl_lin[i] + enerd->dvdl_nonlin[i]; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "dvdl-%s[%2d]: %f: non-linear %f + linear %f\n", efpt_names[i], i, enerd->term[index], enerd->dvdl_nonlin[i], enerd->dvdl_lin[i]); } } else { enerd->term[F_DVDL] += enerd->dvdl_lin[i] + enerd->dvdl_nonlin[i]; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "dvd-%sl[%2d]: %f: non-linear %f + linear %f\n", efpt_names[0], i, enerd->term[F_DVDL], enerd->dvdl_nonlin[i], enerd->dvdl_lin[i]); } } } /* Notes on the foreign lambda free energy difference evaluation: * Adding the potential and ekin terms that depend linearly on lambda * as delta lam * dvdl to the energy differences is exact. * For the constraints this is not exact, but we have no other option * without literally changing the lengths and reevaluating the energies at each step. * (try to remedy this post 4.6 - MRS) */ if (fepvals->separate_dvdl[efptBONDED]) { enerd->term[F_DVDL_BONDED] += enerd->term[F_DVDL_CONSTR]; } else { enerd->term[F_DVDL] += enerd->term[F_DVDL_CONSTR]; } enerd->term[F_DVDL_CONSTR] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fepvals->n_lambda; i++) { /* note we are iterating over fepvals here! For the current lam, dlam = 0 automatically, so we don't need to add anything to the enerd->enerpart_lambda[0] */ /* we don't need to worry about dvdl_lin contributions to dE at current lambda, because the contributions to the current lambda are automatically zeroed */ for (size_t j = 0; j < lambda.size(); j++) { /* Note that this loop is over all dhdl components, not just the separated ones */ dlam = (fepvals->all_lambda[j][i] - lambda[j]); enerd->enerpart_lambda[i+1] += dlam*enerd->dvdl_lin[j]; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "enerdiff lam %g: (%15s), non-linear %f linear %f*%f\n", fepvals->all_lambda[j][i], efpt_names[j], (enerd->enerpart_lambda[i+1] - enerd->enerpart_lambda[0]), dlam, enerd->dvdl_lin[j]); } } } } void reset_foreign_enerdata(gmx_enerdata_t *enerd) { int i, j; /* First reset all foreign energy components. Foreign energies always called on neighbor search steps */ for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++) { for (j = 0; (j < enerd->grpp.nener); j++) { enerd->foreign_grpp.ener[i][j] = 0.0; } } /* potential energy components */ for (i = 0; (i <= F_EPOT); i++) { enerd->foreign_term[i] = 0.0; } } void reset_enerdata(gmx_enerdata_t *enerd) { int i, j; /* First reset all energy components. */ for (i = 0; (i < egNR); i++) { for (j = 0; (j < enerd->grpp.nener); j++) { enerd->grpp.ener[i][j] = 0.0; } } for (i = 0; i < efptNR; i++) { enerd->dvdl_lin[i] = 0.0; enerd->dvdl_nonlin[i] = 0.0; } /* Normal potential energy components */ for (i = 0; (i <= F_EPOT); i++) { enerd->term[i] = 0.0; } enerd->term[F_DVDL] = 0.0; enerd->term[F_DVDL_COUL] = 0.0; enerd->term[F_DVDL_VDW] = 0.0; enerd->term[F_DVDL_BONDED] = 0.0; enerd->term[F_DVDL_RESTRAINT] = 0.0; enerd->term[F_DKDL] = 0.0; if (enerd->n_lambda > 0) { for (i = 0; i < enerd->n_lambda; i++) { enerd->enerpart_lambda[i] = 0.0; } } /* reset foreign energy data - separate function since we also call it elsewhere */ reset_foreign_enerdata(enerd); }