UNITS NATURAL COM ATOMS=1-7 LABEL=com DISTANCE ATOMS=1,com LABEL=d1 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d1 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. DISTANCE ATOMS=2,com LABEL=d2 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d2 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. DISTANCE ATOMS=3,com LABEL=d3 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d3 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. DISTANCE ATOMS=4,com LABEL=d4 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d4 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. DISTANCE ATOMS=5,com LABEL=d5 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d5 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. DISTANCE ATOMS=6,com LABEL=d6 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d6 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. DISTANCE ATOMS=7,com LABEL=d7 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d7 AT=2.0 KAPPA=100. # Get the potential energy e: ENERGY # Calculate block averages of the potential energy av_e: AVERAGE ARG=e CLEAR=100 STRIDE=1 # Print the block averages of the potential energy to a file PRINT ARG=av_e STRIDE=100 FILE=energy