diff --git a/src/isdb/Metainference.cpp b/src/isdb/Metainference.cpp
index 27e2c6c00501c8c5d35f4865a565cdf71f322657..cbf482469bc96f7cf9d29f75a90695c89fef7137 100644
--- a/src/isdb/Metainference.cpp
+++ b/src/isdb/Metainference.cpp
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ void Metainference::registerKeywords(Keywords& keys) {
   keys.addOutputComponent("acceptScale",  "SCALEDATA",    "MC acceptance");
   keys.addOutputComponent("weight",       "REWEIGHT",     "weights of the weighted average");
   keys.addOutputComponent("biasDer",      "REWEIGHT",     "derivatives with respect to the bias");
-  keys.addOutputComponent("scale",        "default",      "scale parameter");
-  keys.addOutputComponent("offset",       "default",      "offset parameter");
+  keys.addOutputComponent("scale",        "SCALEDATA",    "scale parameter");
+  keys.addOutputComponent("offset",       "ADDOFFSET",    "offset parameter");
   keys.addOutputComponent("ftilde",       "GENERIC",      "ensemble average estimator");
@@ -526,28 +526,43 @@ Metainference::Metainference(const ActionOptions&ao):
   vector<double> readsigma;
-    error("If you want to use more than one SIGMA you should use NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS");
+    error("If you want to use more than one SIGMA you should use NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC");
   if(noise_type_==MGAUSS||noise_type_==MOUTLIERS||noise_type_==GENERIC) {
-    if(readsigma.size()==narg) {
-      sigma_.resize(narg);
-      sigma_=readsigma;
-    } else if(readsigma.size()==1) {
-      sigma_.resize(narg,readsigma[0]);
-    } else {
-      error("SIGMA0 can accept either one single value or as many values as the number of arguments (with NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS)");
-    }
+    sigma_.resize(readsigma.size());
+    sigma_=readsigma;
   } else sigma_.resize(1, readsigma[0]);
-  double read_smin_;
-  parse("SIGMA_MIN",read_smin_);
-  sigma_min_.resize(sigma_.size(),read_smin_);
-  double read_smax_;
-  parse("SIGMA_MAX",read_smax_);
-  sigma_max_.resize(sigma_.size(),read_smax_);
-  double read_dsigma_=-1.;
-  parse("DSIGMA",read_dsigma_);
-  if(read_dsigma_<0) read_dsigma_ = 0.05*(read_smax_ - read_smin_);
-  Dsigma_.resize(sigma_.size(),read_dsigma_);
+  vector<double> readsigma_min;
+  parseVector("SIGMA_MIN",readsigma_min);
+  if((noise_type_!=MGAUSS&&noise_type_!=MOUTLIERS&&noise_type_!=GENERIC)&&readsigma_min.size()>1)
+    error("If you want to use more than one SIGMA you should use NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC");
+  if(noise_type_==MGAUSS||noise_type_==MOUTLIERS||noise_type_==GENERIC) {
+    sigma_min_.resize(readsigma_min.size());
+    sigma_min_=readsigma_min;
+  } else sigma_min_.resize(1, readsigma_min[0]);
+  vector<double> readsigma_max;
+  parseVector("SIGMA_MAX",readsigma_max);
+  if((noise_type_!=MGAUSS&&noise_type_!=MOUTLIERS&&noise_type_!=GENERIC)&&readsigma_max.size()>1)
+    error("If you want to use more than one SIGMA you should use NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC");
+  if(noise_type_==MGAUSS||noise_type_==MOUTLIERS||noise_type_==GENERIC) {
+    sigma_max_.resize(readsigma_max.size());
+    sigma_max_=readsigma_max;
+  } else sigma_max_.resize(1, readsigma_max[0]);
+  if(sigma_max_.size()!=sigma_min_.size()) error("The number of values for SIGMA_MIN and SIGMA_MAX must be the same");
+  vector<double> read_dsigma;
+  parseVector("DSIGMA",read_dsigma);
+  if((noise_type_!=MGAUSS&&noise_type_!=MOUTLIERS&&noise_type_!=GENERIC)&&readsigma_max.size()>1)
+    error("If you want to use more than one SIGMA you should use NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC");
+  if(read_dsigma.size()>0) {
+    Dsigma_.resize(read_dsigma.size());
+    Dsigma_=read_dsigma;
+  } else {
+    Dsigma_.resize(sigma_max_.size());
+    for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_max_.size(); i++) Dsigma_[i] = 0.05*(sigma_max_[i] - sigma_min_[i]);
+  }
   // monte carlo stuff
@@ -564,6 +579,34 @@ Metainference::Metainference(const ActionOptions&ao):
+  // set sigma_bias
+  if(noise_type_==MGAUSS||noise_type_==MOUTLIERS||noise_type_==GENERIC) {
+    if(sigma_.size()==1) {
+      double tmp = sigma_[0];
+      sigma_.resize(narg, tmp);
+    } else if(sigma_.size()>1&&sigma_.size()!=narg) {
+      error("SIGMA0 can accept either one single value or as many values as the number of arguments (with NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC)");
+    }
+    if(sigma_min_.size()==1) {
+      double tmp = sigma_min_[0];
+      sigma_min_.resize(narg, tmp);
+    } else if(sigma_min_.size()>1&&sigma_min_.size()!=narg) {
+      error("SIGMA_MIN can accept either one single value or as many values as the number of arguments (with NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC)");
+    }
+    if(sigma_max_.size()==1) {
+      double tmp = sigma_max_[0];
+      sigma_max_.resize(narg, tmp);
+    } else if(sigma_max_.size()>1&&sigma_max_.size()!=narg) {
+      error("SIGMA_MAX can accept either one single value or as many values as the number of arguments (with NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC)");
+    }
+    if(Dsigma_.size()==1) {
+      double tmp = Dsigma_[0];
+      Dsigma_.resize(narg, tmp);
+    } else if(Dsigma_.size()>1&&Dsigma_.size()!=narg) {
+      error("DSIGMA can accept either one single value or as many values as the number of arguments (with NOISETYPE=MGAUSS|MOUTLIERS|GENERIC)");
+    }
+  }
   IFile restart_sfile;
   if(getRestart()&&restart_sfile.FileExist(status_file_name_)) {
@@ -683,9 +726,15 @@ Metainference::Metainference(const ActionOptions&ao):
   log.printf("  initial data uncertainties");
   for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %f", sigma_[i]);
-  log.printf("  minimum data uncertainty %f\n",read_smin_);
-  log.printf("  maximum data uncertainty %f\n",read_smax_);
-  log.printf("  maximum MC move of data uncertainty %f\n",read_dsigma_);
+  log.printf("  minimum data uncertainties");
+  for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %f",sigma_min_[i]);
+  log.printf("\n");
+  log.printf("  maximum data uncertainties");
+  for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %f",sigma_max_[i]);
+  log.printf("\n");
+  log.printf("  maximum MC move of data uncertainties");
+  for(unsigned i=0; i<sigma_.size(); ++i) log.printf(" %f",Dsigma_[i]);
+  log.printf("\n");
   log.printf("  temperature of the system %f\n",kbt_);
   log.printf("  MC steps %u\n",MCsteps_);
   log.printf("  MC stride %u\n",MCstride_);