diff --git a/src/tools/File.cpp b/src/tools/File.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc8a52e21304855f298d350c44a31f7932ad4d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/tools/File.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
-   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
-   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
-   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
-   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
-#include "File.h"
-#include "PlumedException.h"
-#include "core/Action.h"
-#include "core/PlumedMain.h"
-#include "core/Value.h"
-#include "Communicator.h"
-#include "Tools.h"
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-using namespace PLMD;
-void FileBase::test(){
-  PLMD::OFile pof;
-  pof.open("ciao");
-  pof.printf("%s\n","test1");
-  pof.setLinePrefix("plumed: ");
-  pof.printf("%s\n","test2");
-  pof.setLinePrefix("");
-  pof.addConstantField("x2").printField("x2",67.0);
-  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",20.12345678901234567890).printField();
-  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
-  pof.printField("x3",10.0).printField("x2",777.0).printField("x1",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
-  pof.printField("x3",67.0).printField("x1",18.0).printField();
-  pof.close();
-  PLMD::IFile pif;
-  std::string s;
-  pif.open("ciao");
-  pif.getline(s); std::printf("%s\n",s.c_str());
-  pif.getline(s); std::printf("%s\n",s.c_str());
-  int x1,x2,x3;
-  while(pif.scanField("x1",x1).scanField("x3",x2).scanField("x2",x3).scanField()){
-    std::cout<<"CHECK "<<x1<<" "<<x2<<" "<<x3<<"\n";
-  }
-  pif.close();
-size_t OFile::llwrite(const char*ptr,size_t s){
-  size_t r;
-  if(linked) return linked->llwrite(ptr,s);
-  if(! (comm && comm->Get_rank()>0)){
-    if(!fp) plumed_merror("writing on uninitilized File");
-    r=fwrite(ptr,1,s,fp);
-  }
-  if(comm) comm->Bcast(&r,1,0);
-  return r;
-size_t IFile::llread(char*ptr,size_t s){
-  plumed_assert(fp);
-  size_t r;
-  r=fread(ptr,1,s,fp);
-  if(feof(fp))   eof=true;
-  if(ferror(fp)) err=true;
-  return r;
-FileBase& FileBase::link(FILE*fp){
-  this->fp=fp;
-  cloned=true;
-  return *this;
-FileBase& FileBase::flush(){
-  fflush(fp);
-  if(heavyFlush){
-    fclose(fp);
-    fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(path.c_str()),"a");
-  }
-  return *this;
-FileBase& FileBase::link(Communicator&comm){
-  plumed_massert(!fp,"cannot link an already open file");
-  this->comm=&comm;
-  return *this;
-FileBase& FileBase::link(PlumedMain&plumed){
-  plumed_massert(!fp,"cannot link an already open file");
-  this->plumed=&plumed;
-  link(plumed.comm);
-  return *this;
-FileBase& FileBase::link(Action&action){
-  plumed_massert(!fp,"cannot link an already open file");
-  this->action=&action;
-  link(action.plumed);
-  return *this;
-FileBase& FileBase::open(const std::string& path,const std::string& mode){
-  plumed_assert(!cloned);
-  eof=false;
-  err=false;
-  fp=NULL;
-  if(plumed){
-    this->path=path+plumed->getSuffix();
-    fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),const_cast<char*>(mode.c_str()));
-  }
-  if(!fp){
-    this->path=path;
-    fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),const_cast<char*>(mode.c_str()));
-  }
-  if(plumed) plumed->insertFile(*this);
-  plumed_massert(fp,"file " + path + "cannot be found");
-  return *this;
-bool FileBase::FileExist(const std::string& path){
-  FILE *ff=NULL;
-  bool do_exist=false;
-  if(plumed){
-    this->path=path+plumed->getSuffix();
-    ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"r");
-  }
-  if(!ff){
-    this->path=path;
-    ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"r");
-  }
-  if(ff) {do_exist=true; fclose(ff);}
-  return do_exist; 
-bool FileBase::isOpen(){
-  bool isopen=false;
-  if(fp) isopen=true;
-  return isopen; 
-void        FileBase::close(){
-  plumed_assert(!cloned);
-  eof=false;
-  err=false;
-  std::fclose(fp);
-  fp=NULL;
-  fp(NULL),
-  comm(NULL),
-  plumed(NULL),
-  action(NULL),
-  cloned(false),
-  eof(false),
-  err(false),
-  heavyFlush(false)
-  if(plumed) plumed->eraseFile(*this);
-  if(!cloned && fp) fclose(fp);
-FileBase::operator bool()const{
-  return !eof;
-  linked(NULL),
-  fieldChanged(false)
-  fmtField();
-  buflen=1;
-  buffer=new char[buflen];
-// these are set to zero to avoid valgrind errors
-  for(unsigned i=0;i<buflen;++i) buffer[i]=0;
-  buffer_string=new char [1000];
-// these are set to zero to avoid valgrind errors
-  for(unsigned i=0;i<1000;++i) buffer_string[i]=0;
-  delete [] buffer_string;
-  delete [] buffer;
-OFile& OFile::link(OFile&l){
-  fp=NULL;
-  linked=&l;
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::setLinePrefix(const std::string&l){
-  linePrefix=l;
-  return *this;
-int OFile::printf(const char*fmt,...){
-  size_t pointer=strlen(buffer);
-  va_list arg;
-  va_start(arg, fmt);
-  int r=std::vsnprintf(&buffer[pointer],buflen-pointer,fmt,arg);
-  va_end(arg);
-  if(r>=buflen-pointer){
-    int newlen=buflen;
-    while(newlen<=r+pointer) newlen*=2;
-    char* newbuf=new char [newlen];
-    memmove(newbuf,buffer,buflen);
-    for(int k=buflen;k<newlen;k++) newbuf[k]=0;
-    delete [] buffer;
-    buffer=newbuf;
-    buflen=newlen;
-    va_list arg;
-    va_start(arg, fmt);
-    r=std::vsnprintf(&buffer[pointer],buflen-pointer,fmt,arg);
-    va_end(arg);
-  }
-  plumed_massert(r>-1 && r<buflen-pointer,"error using fmt string " + std::string(fmt));
-// Line is buffered until newline, then written with a PLUMED: prefix
-  char*p1=buffer;
-  char*p2;
-  while((p2=strchr(p1,'\n'))){
-    *p2='\0';
-    if(linePrefix.length()>0) llwrite(linePrefix.c_str(),linePrefix.length());
-    llwrite(p1,std::strlen(p1));
-    llwrite("\n",1);
-    p1=p2+1;
-  };
-  memmove(buffer,p1,strlen(p1)+1);
-  return r;
-OFile& OFile::addConstantField(const std::string&name){
-  Field f;
-  f.name=name;
-  const_fields.push_back(f);
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::clearFields(){
-  fields.clear();
-  const_fields.clear();
-  previous_fields.clear();
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::fmtField(const std::string&fmt){
-  this->fieldFmt=fmt;
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::fmtField(){
-  this->fieldFmt="%23.16lg";
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::printField(const std::string&name,double v){
-  sprintf(buffer_string,fieldFmt.c_str(),v);
-  printField(name,buffer_string);
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::printField(const std::string&name,int v){
-  sprintf(buffer_string," %d",v);
-  printField(name,buffer_string);
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::printField(const std::string&name,const std::string & v){
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i=0;i<const_fields.size();i++) if(const_fields[i].name==name) break;
-  if(i>=const_fields.size()){
-    Field field;
-    field.name=name;
-    field.value=v;
-    fields.push_back(field);
-  } else {
-    if(const_fields[i].value!=v) fieldChanged=true;
-    const_fields[i].value=v;
-  }
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::setupPrintValue( Value *val ){
-  if( val->isPeriodic() ){
-      addConstantField("min_" + val->getName() );
-      addConstantField("max_" + val->getName() );
-  }
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::printField( Value* val, const double& v ){
-  printField( val->getName(), v );
-  if( val->isPeriodic() ){
-      std::string min, max; val->getDomain( min, max );
-      printField( "min_" + val->getName(), min );
-      printField("max_" + val->getName(), max ); 
-  }  
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::printField(){
-  bool reprint=false;
-  if(fieldChanged || fields.size()!=previous_fields.size()){
-    reprint=true;
-  } else for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++){
-    if( previous_fields[i].name!=fields[i].name ||
-        (fields[i].constant && fields[i].value!=previous_fields[i].value) ){
-      reprint=true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(reprint){
-    printf("#! FIELDS");
-    for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++) printf(" %s",fields[i].name.c_str());
-    printf("\n");
-    for(unsigned i=0;i<const_fields.size();i++){
-        printf("#! SET %s %s",const_fields[i].name.c_str(),const_fields[i].value.c_str());
-        printf("\n");
-    }
-  }
-  for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++) printf("%s",fields[i].value.c_str());
-  printf("\n");
-  previous_fields=fields;
-  fields.clear();
-  fieldChanged=false;
-  return *this;
-OFile& OFile::open(const std::string&path){
-  plumed_assert(!cloned);
-  eof=false;
-  err=false;
-  fp=NULL;
-  this->path=path;
-  if(plumed){
-    this->path+=plumed->getSuffix();
-  }
-  if(plumed && plumed->getRestart()){
-     fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"a");
-  } else {
-     if(!comm || comm->Get_rank()==0){
-       FILE* ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"r");
-       FILE* fff=NULL;
-       if(ff){
-         std::string backup;
-         size_t found=this->path.find_last_of("/\\");
-         std::string directory=this->path.substr(0,found+1);
-         std::string file=this->path.substr(found+1);
-         for(int i=0;;i++){
-           std::string num;
-           Tools::convert(i,num);
-           backup=directory+"bck."+num+"."+file;
-           fff=std::fopen(backup.c_str(),"r");
-           if(!fff) break;
-         }
-         int check=rename(this->path.c_str(),backup.c_str());
-         plumed_massert(check==0,"renaming "+this->path+" into "+backup+" failed for some reason");
-       }
-       if(ff) std::fclose(ff);
-       if(fff) std::fclose(fff);
-     }
-     comm->Barrier();
-     fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"w");
-  }
-  if(plumed) plumed->insertFile(*this);
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::advanceField(){
-  plumed_assert(!inMiddleOfField);
-  std::string line;
-  bool done=false;
-  while(!done){
-    getline(line);
-    if(!*this){return *this;}
-    std::vector<std::string> words=Tools::getWords(line);
-    if(words.size()>=2 && words[0]=="#!" && words[1]=="FIELDS"){
-      fields.clear();
-      for(unsigned i=2;i<words.size();i++){
-        Field field;
-        field.name=words[i];
-        fields.push_back(field);
-      }
-    } else if(words.size()==4 && words[0]=="#!" && words[1]=="SET"){
-      Field field;
-      field.name=words[2];
-      field.value=words[3];
-      field.constant=true;
-      fields.push_back(field);
-    } else {
-      unsigned nf=0;
-      for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++) if(!fields[i].constant) nf++;
-      Tools::trimComments(line);
-      words=Tools::getWords(line);
-      if( words.size()==nf ){
-          unsigned j=0;
-          for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++){
-            if(fields[i].constant) continue;
-            fields[i].value=words[j];
-            fields[i].read=false;
-            j++;
-          }
-          done=true;
-      } else if( words.size()!=0 ) {
-          plumed_merror("mismatch between number of fields in file and expected number");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  inMiddleOfField=true;
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::open(const std::string&name){
-  FileBase::open(name,"r");
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::scanFieldList(std::vector<std::string>&s){
-  if(!inMiddleOfField) advanceField();
-  if(!*this) return *this;
-  s.clear();
-  for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++)
-    s.push_back(fields[i].name);
-  return *this;
-bool IFile::FieldExist(const std::string& s){
-     std::vector<std::string> slist;
-     scanFieldList(slist);
-     int mycount = (int) std::count(slist.begin(), slist.end(), s);
-     if(mycount>0) return true;
-     else return false;
-IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,std::string&str){
-  if(!inMiddleOfField) advanceField();
-  if(!*this) return *this;
-  unsigned i=findField(name);
-  str=fields[i].value;
-  fields[i].read=true;
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,double &x){
-  std::string str;
-  scanField(name,str);
-  if(*this) Tools::convert(str,x);
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,int &x){
-  std::string str;
-  scanField(name,str);
-  if(*this) Tools::convert(str,x);
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::scanField(Value* val){
-  double ff; scanField(  val->getName(), ff );
-  val->set( ff );
-  if( FieldExist("min_" + val->getName() ) ){ 
-      std::string min, max;
-      scanField("min_" + val->getName(), min );
-      scanField("max_" + val->getName(), max );
-      val->setDomain( min, max ); 
-  } else {
-      val->setNotPeriodic();
-  }
-  return *this;
-IFile& IFile::scanField(){
-  if(!ignoreFields){
-     for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++){
-       plumed_assert(fields[i].read);
-     }
-  }
-  inMiddleOfField=false;
-  return *this;
-  inMiddleOfField(false),
-  ignoreFields(false)
-  plumed_assert(!inMiddleOfField);
-IFile& IFile::getline(std::string &str){
-  char tmp;
-  str="";
-  fpos_t pos;
-  fgetpos(fp,&pos);
-  while(llread(&tmp,1)==1 && tmp && tmp!='\n' && !eof && !err){
-    str+=tmp;
-  }
-  if(tmp!='\n' || err){
-    eof = true;
-    str="";
-    fsetpos(fp,&pos);
-  }
-  return *this;
-unsigned IFile::findField(const std::string&name)const{
-  unsigned i;
-  for(i=0;i<fields.size();i++) if(fields[i].name==name) break;
-  if(i>=fields.size()) plumed_merror(name);
-  return i;
-void IFile::reset(bool reset){
- eof = reset;
- err = reset;
- if(!reset) clearerr(fp);
- return;
-void IFile::allowIgnoredFields(){
-  ignoreFields=true;
diff --git a/src/tools/File.h b/src/tools/File.h
index 99888dcebefb4e0ac775c70c0ad05812010095ad..4bafe99f5caea140194046f275d5acc481f6e3ea 100644
--- a/src/tools/File.h
+++ b/src/tools/File.h
@@ -22,314 +22,7 @@
 #ifndef __PLUMED_tools_File_h
 #define __PLUMED_tools_File_h
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include <sstream>
-namespace PLMD{
-class Communicator;
-class PlumedMain;
-class Action;
-class Value;
-Base class for dealing with files.
-This class just provides things which are common among OFile and IFile
-class FileBase{
-/// Copy constructor is disabled (private and unimplemented)
-  FileBase(const FileBase&);
-/// Assignment operator is disabled (private and unimplemented)
-  FileBase& operator=(const FileBase&);
-/// Internal tool.
-/// Base for IFile::Field and OFile::Field
-  class FieldBase{
-// everything is public to simplify usage
-  public:
-    std::string name;
-    std::string value;
-    bool constant;
-    FieldBase(): constant(false){}
-  };
-/// file pointer
-  FILE* fp;
-/// communicator. NULL if not set
-  Communicator* comm;
-/// pointer to main plumed object. NULL if not linked
-  PlumedMain* plumed;
-/// pointer to corresponding action. NULL if not linked
-  Action* action;
-/// Control closing on destructor.
-/// If true, file will not be closed in destructor
-  bool cloned;
-/// Private constructor.
-/// In this manner one cannot instantiate a FileBase object
-  FileBase();
-/// Set to true when end of file is encountered
-  bool eof;
-/// Set to true when error is encountered
-  bool err;
-/// path of the opened file
-  std::string path;
-/// Set to true if you want flush to be heavy (close/reopen)
-  bool heavyFlush;
-/// Link to an already open filed
-  FileBase& link(FILE*);
-/// Link to a PlumedMain object
-/// Automatically links also the corresponding Communicator.
-  FileBase& link(PlumedMain&);
-/// Link to a Communicator object
-  FileBase& link(Communicator&);
-/// Link to an Action object.
-/// Automatically links also the corresponding PlumedMain and Communicator.
-  FileBase& link(Action&);
-/// Flushes the file to disk
-  FileBase& flush();
-/// Closes the file
-/// Should be used only for explicitely opened files.
-  void        close();
-/// Virtual destructor (allows inheritance)
-  virtual ~FileBase();
-/// Runs a small testcase
-  static void test();
-/// Check for error/eof.
-  operator bool () const;
-/// Set heavyFlush flag
-  void setHeavyFlush(){ heavyFlush=true;};
-/// Opens the file (without auto-backup)
-  FileBase& open(const std::string&name,const std::string& mode);
-/// Check if the file exists
-  bool FileExist(const std::string& path);
-/// Check if a file is open
-  bool isOpen();
-\ingroup TOOLBOX
-Class for output files
-This class provides features similar to those in the standard C "FILE*" type,
-but only for sequential output. See IFile for sequential input.
-See the example here for a possible use:
-#include "File.h"
-int main(){
-  PLMD::OFile pof;
-  pof.open("ciao","w");
-  pof.printf("%s\n","test1");
-  pof.setLinePrefix("plumed: ");
-  pof.printf("%s\n","test2");
-  pof.setLinePrefix("");
-  pof.addConstantField("x2").printField("x2",67.0);
-  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",20.12345678901234567890).printField();
-  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
-  pof.printField("x3",10.0).printField("x2",777.0).printField("x1",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
-  pof.printField("x3",67.0).printField("x1",18.0).printField();
-  pof.close();
-  return 0;
-This program is expected to produce a file "ciao" which reads
-plumed: test2
-#! FIELDS x1 x3
-#! SET x2                      67
-                     10      20.12345678901234
-                     10 -2.012345678901235e+71
-#! FIELDS x1 x3
-#! SET x2                     777
- -2.012345678901235e+71                     10
-                     18                     67
-- "x2" is declared as "constant", which means that it is written using the "SET"
-keyword. Thus, everytime it is modified, all the headers are repeated in the output file.
-- printField() without arguments is used as a "newline".
-- most methods return a reference to the OFile itself, to allow chaining many calls on the same line
-(this is similar to << operator in std::ostream)
-class OFile:
-public virtual FileBase{
-/// Pointer to a linked OFile.
-/// see link(OFile&)
-  OFile* linked;
-/// Internal buffer for printf
-  char* buffer_string;
-/// Internal buffer (generic use)
-  char* buffer;
-/// Internal buffer length
-  int buflen;
-/// Class identifying a single field for fielded output
-  class Field:
-  public FieldBase{
-  };
-/// Low-level write
-  size_t llwrite(const char*,size_t);
-/// True if fields has changed.
-/// This could be due to a change in the list of fields or a reset
-/// of a nominally constant field
-  bool fieldChanged;
-/// Format for fields writing
-  std::string fieldFmt;
-/// All the previously defined variable fields
-  std::vector<Field> previous_fields;
-/// All the defined variable fields
-  std::vector<Field> fields;
-/// All the defined constant fields
-  std::vector<Field> const_fields;
-/// Prefix for line (e.g. "PLUMED: ")
-  std::string linePrefix;
-/// Temporary ostringstream for << output
-  std::ostringstream oss;
-/// Find field index given name
-  unsigned findField(const std::string&name)const;
-/// Constructor
-  OFile();
-/// Destructor
-  ~OFile();
-/// Allows overloading of link
-  using FileBase::link;
-/// Allows overloading of open
-  using FileBase::open;
-/// Allows linking this OFile to another one.
-/// In this way, everything written to this OFile will be immediately
-/// written on the linked OFile. Notice that a OFile should
-/// be either opened explicitly, linked to a FILE or linked to a OFile
-  OFile& link(OFile&);
-/// Opens the file using automatic append/backup
-  OFile& open(const std::string&name);
-/// Set the prefix for output.
-/// Typically "PLUMED: ". Notice that lines with a prefix cannot
-/// be parsed using fields in a IFile.
-  OFile& setLinePrefix(const std::string&);
-/// Set the format for writing double precision fields
-  OFile& fmtField(const std::string&);
-/// Reset the format for writing double precision fields to its default
-  OFile& fmtField();
-/// Set the value of a double precision field
-  OFile& printField(const std::string&,double);
-/// Set the value of a int field
-  OFile& printField(const std::string&,int);
-/// Set the value of a string field
-  OFile& printField(const std::string&,const std::string&);
-  OFile& addConstantField(const std::string&);
-/// Used to setup printing of values
-  OFile& setupPrintValue( Value *val );
-/// Print a value
-  OFile& printField( Value* val, const double& v );
-/** Close a line.
-Typically used as
-  of.printField("a",a).printField("b",b).printField();
-  OFile& printField();
-Resets the list of fields.
-As it is only possible to add new constant fields (addConstantField()),
-this method can be used to clean the field list.
-  OFile& clearFields();
-/// Formatted output with explicit format - a la printf
-  int printf(const char*fmt,...);
-/// Formatted output with << operator
-  template <class T>
-  friend OFile& operator<<(OFile&,const T &);
-\ingroup TOOLBOX
-Class for input files
-This class provides features similar to those in the standard C "FILE*" type,
-but only for sequential input. See OFile for sequential output.
-class IFile:
-/// Class identifying a single field for fielded output
-public virtual FileBase{
-  class Field:
-  public FieldBase{
-  public:
-    bool read;
-    Field(): read(false) {}
-  };
-/// Low-level read.
-/// Note: in parallel, all processes read
-  size_t llread(char*,size_t);
-/// All the defined fields
-  std::vector<Field> fields;
-/// Flag set in the middle of a field reading
-  bool inMiddleOfField;
-/// Set to true if you want to allow fields to be ignored in the read in file
-  bool ignoreFields;
-/// Advance to next field (= read one line)
-  IFile& advanceField();
-/// Find field index by name
-  unsigned findField(const std::string&name)const;
-/// Constructor
-  IFile();
-/// Destructor
-  ~IFile();
-/// Opens the file 
-  IFile& open(const std::string&name);
-/// Gets the list of all fields
-  IFile& scanFieldList(std::vector<std::string>&);
-/// Read a double field
-  IFile& scanField(const std::string&,double&);
-/// Read a int field
-  IFile& scanField(const std::string&,int&);
-/// Read a string field
-  IFile& scanField(const std::string&,std::string&);
- Ends a field-formatted line.
-Typically used as
-  if.scanField("a",a).scanField("b",b).scanField();
-  IFile& scanField();
-/// Get a full line as a string
-  IFile& getline(std::string&);
-/// Reset end of file                                                              
-  void reset(bool);
-/// Check if a field exist                                                       
-  bool FieldExist(const std::string& s);
-/// Read in a value
-  IFile& scanField(Value* val);
-/// Allow some of the fields in the input to be ignored
-  void allowIgnoredFields();
-/// Write using << syntax
-template <class T>
-OFile& operator<<(OFile&of,const T &t){
-  of.oss<<t;
-  of.printf("%s",of.oss.str().c_str());
-  of.oss.str("");
-  return of;
+#include "IFile.h"
+#include "OFile.h"
diff --git a/src/tools/FileBase.cpp b/src/tools/FileBase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9190df2acbc5e834ccc72b12a7749015e9f2088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/FileBase.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
+   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
+   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
+   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
+   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
+#include "File.h"
+#include "PlumedException.h"
+#include "core/Action.h"
+#include "core/PlumedMain.h"
+#include "core/Value.h"
+#include "Communicator.h"
+#include "Tools.h"
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace PLMD{
+void FileBase::test(){
+  PLMD::OFile pof;
+  pof.open("ciao");
+  pof.printf("%s\n","test1");
+  pof.setLinePrefix("plumed: ");
+  pof.printf("%s\n","test2");
+  pof.setLinePrefix("");
+  pof.addConstantField("x2").printField("x2",67.0);
+  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",20.12345678901234567890).printField();
+  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
+  pof.printField("x3",10.0).printField("x2",777.0).printField("x1",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
+  pof.printField("x3",67.0).printField("x1",18.0).printField();
+  pof.close();
+  PLMD::IFile pif;
+  std::string s;
+  pif.open("ciao");
+  pif.getline(s); std::printf("%s\n",s.c_str());
+  pif.getline(s); std::printf("%s\n",s.c_str());
+  int x1,x2,x3;
+  while(pif.scanField("x1",x1).scanField("x3",x2).scanField("x2",x3).scanField()){
+    std::cout<<"CHECK "<<x1<<" "<<x2<<" "<<x3<<"\n";
+  }
+  pif.close();
+FileBase& FileBase::link(FILE*fp){
+  this->fp=fp;
+  cloned=true;
+  return *this;
+FileBase& FileBase::flush(){
+  fflush(fp);
+  if(heavyFlush){
+    fclose(fp);
+    fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(path.c_str()),"a");
+  }
+  return *this;
+FileBase& FileBase::link(Communicator&comm){
+  plumed_massert(!fp,"cannot link an already open file");
+  this->comm=&comm;
+  return *this;
+FileBase& FileBase::link(PlumedMain&plumed){
+  plumed_massert(!fp,"cannot link an already open file");
+  this->plumed=&plumed;
+  link(plumed.comm);
+  return *this;
+FileBase& FileBase::link(Action&action){
+  plumed_massert(!fp,"cannot link an already open file");
+  this->action=&action;
+  link(action.plumed);
+  return *this;
+FileBase& FileBase::open(const std::string& path,const std::string& mode){
+  plumed_assert(!cloned);
+  eof=false;
+  err=false;
+  fp=NULL;
+  if(plumed){
+    this->path=path+plumed->getSuffix();
+    fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),const_cast<char*>(mode.c_str()));
+  }
+  if(!fp){
+    this->path=path;
+    fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),const_cast<char*>(mode.c_str()));
+  }
+  if(plumed) plumed->insertFile(*this);
+  plumed_massert(fp,"file " + path + "cannot be found");
+  return *this;
+bool FileBase::FileExist(const std::string& path){
+  FILE *ff=NULL;
+  bool do_exist=false;
+  if(plumed){
+    this->path=path+plumed->getSuffix();
+    ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"r");
+  }
+  if(!ff){
+    this->path=path;
+    ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"r");
+  }
+  if(ff) {do_exist=true; fclose(ff);}
+  return do_exist; 
+bool FileBase::isOpen(){
+  bool isopen=false;
+  if(fp) isopen=true;
+  return isopen; 
+void        FileBase::close(){
+  plumed_assert(!cloned);
+  eof=false;
+  err=false;
+  std::fclose(fp);
+  fp=NULL;
+  fp(NULL),
+  comm(NULL),
+  plumed(NULL),
+  action(NULL),
+  cloned(false),
+  eof(false),
+  err(false),
+  heavyFlush(false)
+  if(plumed) plumed->eraseFile(*this);
+  if(!cloned && fp) fclose(fp);
+FileBase::operator bool()const{
+  return !eof;
diff --git a/src/tools/FileBase.h b/src/tools/FileBase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad77f71075af464d8c8302367728bb772099d947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/FileBase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
+   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
+   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
+   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
+   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
+#ifndef __PLUMED_tools_FileBase_h
+#define __PLUMED_tools_FileBase_h
+#include <string>
+namespace PLMD{
+class Communicator;
+class PlumedMain;
+class Action;
+Base class for dealing with files.
+This class just provides things which are common among OFile and IFile
+class FileBase{
+/// Copy constructor is disabled (private and unimplemented)
+  FileBase(const FileBase&);
+/// Assignment operator is disabled (private and unimplemented)
+  FileBase& operator=(const FileBase&);
+/// Internal tool.
+/// Base for IFile::Field and OFile::Field
+  class FieldBase{
+// everything is public to simplify usage
+  public:
+    std::string name;
+    std::string value;
+    bool constant;
+    FieldBase(): constant(false){}
+  };
+/// file pointer
+  FILE* fp;
+/// communicator. NULL if not set
+  Communicator* comm;
+/// pointer to main plumed object. NULL if not linked
+  PlumedMain* plumed;
+/// pointer to corresponding action. NULL if not linked
+  Action* action;
+/// Control closing on destructor.
+/// If true, file will not be closed in destructor
+  bool cloned;
+/// Private constructor.
+/// In this manner one cannot instantiate a FileBase object
+  FileBase();
+/// Set to true when end of file is encountered
+  bool eof;
+/// Set to true when error is encountered
+  bool err;
+/// path of the opened file
+  std::string path;
+/// Set to true if you want flush to be heavy (close/reopen)
+  bool heavyFlush;
+/// Link to an already open filed
+  FileBase& link(FILE*);
+/// Link to a PlumedMain object
+/// Automatically links also the corresponding Communicator.
+  FileBase& link(PlumedMain&);
+/// Link to a Communicator object
+  FileBase& link(Communicator&);
+/// Link to an Action object.
+/// Automatically links also the corresponding PlumedMain and Communicator.
+  FileBase& link(Action&);
+/// Flushes the file to disk
+  FileBase& flush();
+/// Closes the file
+/// Should be used only for explicitely opened files.
+  void        close();
+/// Virtual destructor (allows inheritance)
+  virtual ~FileBase();
+/// Runs a small testcase
+  static void test();
+/// Check for error/eof.
+  operator bool () const;
+/// Set heavyFlush flag
+  void setHeavyFlush(){ heavyFlush=true;};
+/// Opens the file (without auto-backup)
+  FileBase& open(const std::string&name,const std::string& mode);
+/// Check if the file exists
+  bool FileExist(const std::string& path);
+/// Check if a file is open
+  bool isOpen();
diff --git a/src/tools/IFile.cpp b/src/tools/IFile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2032cb0a4f57068916b98f5d6c1c04767172a664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/IFile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
+   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
+   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
+   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
+   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
+#include "File.h"
+#include "PlumedException.h"
+#include "core/Action.h"
+#include "core/PlumedMain.h"
+#include "core/Value.h"
+#include "Communicator.h"
+#include "Tools.h"
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace PLMD{
+size_t IFile::llread(char*ptr,size_t s){
+  plumed_assert(fp);
+  size_t r;
+  r=fread(ptr,1,s,fp);
+  if(feof(fp))   eof=true;
+  if(ferror(fp)) err=true;
+  return r;
+IFile& IFile::advanceField(){
+  plumed_assert(!inMiddleOfField);
+  std::string line;
+  bool done=false;
+  while(!done){
+    getline(line);
+    if(!*this){return *this;}
+    std::vector<std::string> words=Tools::getWords(line);
+    if(words.size()>=2 && words[0]=="#!" && words[1]=="FIELDS"){
+      fields.clear();
+      for(unsigned i=2;i<words.size();i++){
+        Field field;
+        field.name=words[i];
+        fields.push_back(field);
+      }
+    } else if(words.size()==4 && words[0]=="#!" && words[1]=="SET"){
+      Field field;
+      field.name=words[2];
+      field.value=words[3];
+      field.constant=true;
+      fields.push_back(field);
+    } else {
+      unsigned nf=0;
+      for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++) if(!fields[i].constant) nf++;
+      Tools::trimComments(line);
+      words=Tools::getWords(line);
+      if( words.size()==nf ){
+          unsigned j=0;
+          for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++){
+            if(fields[i].constant) continue;
+            fields[i].value=words[j];
+            fields[i].read=false;
+            j++;
+          }
+          done=true;
+      } else if( words.size()!=0 ) {
+          plumed_merror("mismatch between number of fields in file and expected number");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  inMiddleOfField=true;
+  return *this;
+IFile& IFile::open(const std::string&name){
+  FileBase::open(name,"r");
+  return *this;
+IFile& IFile::scanFieldList(std::vector<std::string>&s){
+  if(!inMiddleOfField) advanceField();
+  if(!*this) return *this;
+  s.clear();
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++)
+    s.push_back(fields[i].name);
+  return *this;
+bool IFile::FieldExist(const std::string& s){
+     std::vector<std::string> slist;
+     scanFieldList(slist);
+     int mycount = (int) std::count(slist.begin(), slist.end(), s);
+     if(mycount>0) return true;
+     else return false;
+IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,std::string&str){
+  if(!inMiddleOfField) advanceField();
+  if(!*this) return *this;
+  unsigned i=findField(name);
+  str=fields[i].value;
+  fields[i].read=true;
+  return *this;
+IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,double &x){
+  std::string str;
+  scanField(name,str);
+  if(*this) Tools::convert(str,x);
+  return *this;
+IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,int &x){
+  std::string str;
+  scanField(name,str);
+  if(*this) Tools::convert(str,x);
+  return *this;
+IFile& IFile::scanField(Value* val){
+  double ff; scanField(  val->getName(), ff );
+  val->set( ff );
+  if( FieldExist("min_" + val->getName() ) ){ 
+      std::string min, max;
+      scanField("min_" + val->getName(), min );
+      scanField("max_" + val->getName(), max );
+      val->setDomain( min, max ); 
+  } else {
+      val->setNotPeriodic();
+  }
+  return *this;
+IFile& IFile::scanField(){
+  if(!ignoreFields){
+     for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++){
+       plumed_assert(fields[i].read);
+     }
+  }
+  inMiddleOfField=false;
+  return *this;
+  inMiddleOfField(false),
+  ignoreFields(false)
+  plumed_assert(!inMiddleOfField);
+IFile& IFile::getline(std::string &str){
+  char tmp;
+  str="";
+  fpos_t pos;
+  fgetpos(fp,&pos);
+  while(llread(&tmp,1)==1 && tmp && tmp!='\n' && !eof && !err){
+    str+=tmp;
+  }
+  if(tmp!='\n' || err){
+    eof = true;
+    str="";
+    fsetpos(fp,&pos);
+  }
+  return *this;
+unsigned IFile::findField(const std::string&name)const{
+  unsigned i;
+  for(i=0;i<fields.size();i++) if(fields[i].name==name) break;
+  if(i>=fields.size()) plumed_merror(name);
+  return i;
+void IFile::reset(bool reset){
+ eof = reset;
+ err = reset;
+ if(!reset) clearerr(fp);
+ return;
+void IFile::allowIgnoredFields(){
+  ignoreFields=true;
diff --git a/src/tools/IFile.h b/src/tools/IFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d5682e78eeaf0056bec8ac4d5cab064cf9f0ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/IFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
+   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
+   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
+   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
+   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
+#ifndef __PLUMED_tools_IFile_h
+#define __PLUMED_tools_IFile_h
+#include "FileBase.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace PLMD{
+class Value;
+\ingroup TOOLBOX
+Class for input files
+This class provides features similar to those in the standard C "FILE*" type,
+but only for sequential input. See OFile for sequential output.
+class IFile:
+/// Class identifying a single field for fielded output
+public virtual FileBase{
+  class Field:
+  public FieldBase{
+  public:
+    bool read;
+    Field(): read(false) {}
+  };
+/// Low-level read.
+/// Note: in parallel, all processes read
+  size_t llread(char*,size_t);
+/// All the defined fields
+  std::vector<Field> fields;
+/// Flag set in the middle of a field reading
+  bool inMiddleOfField;
+/// Set to true if you want to allow fields to be ignored in the read in file
+  bool ignoreFields;
+/// Advance to next field (= read one line)
+  IFile& advanceField();
+/// Find field index by name
+  unsigned findField(const std::string&name)const;
+/// Constructor
+  IFile();
+/// Destructor
+  ~IFile();
+/// Opens the file 
+  IFile& open(const std::string&name);
+/// Gets the list of all fields
+  IFile& scanFieldList(std::vector<std::string>&);
+/// Read a double field
+  IFile& scanField(const std::string&,double&);
+/// Read a int field
+  IFile& scanField(const std::string&,int&);
+/// Read a string field
+  IFile& scanField(const std::string&,std::string&);
+ Ends a field-formatted line.
+Typically used as
+  if.scanField("a",a).scanField("b",b).scanField();
+  IFile& scanField();
+/// Get a full line as a string
+  IFile& getline(std::string&);
+/// Reset end of file                                                              
+  void reset(bool);
+/// Check if a field exist                                                       
+  bool FieldExist(const std::string& s);
+/// Read in a value
+  IFile& scanField(Value* val);
+/// Allow some of the fields in the input to be ignored
+  void allowIgnoredFields();
diff --git a/src/tools/OFile.cpp b/src/tools/OFile.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0277288cdc327b823bb5b91ef8f1642e68912d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/OFile.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
+   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
+   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
+   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
+   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
+#include "File.h"
+#include "PlumedException.h"
+#include "core/Action.h"
+#include "core/PlumedMain.h"
+#include "core/Value.h"
+#include "Communicator.h"
+#include "Tools.h"
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+namespace PLMD{
+size_t OFile::llwrite(const char*ptr,size_t s){
+  size_t r;
+  if(linked) return linked->llwrite(ptr,s);
+  if(! (comm && comm->Get_rank()>0)){
+    if(!fp) plumed_merror("writing on uninitilized File");
+    r=fwrite(ptr,1,s,fp);
+  }
+  if(comm) comm->Bcast(&r,1,0);
+  return r;
+  linked(NULL),
+  fieldChanged(false)
+  fmtField();
+  buflen=1;
+  buffer=new char[buflen];
+// these are set to zero to avoid valgrind errors
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<buflen;++i) buffer[i]=0;
+  buffer_string=new char [1000];
+// these are set to zero to avoid valgrind errors
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<1000;++i) buffer_string[i]=0;
+  delete [] buffer_string;
+  delete [] buffer;
+OFile& OFile::link(OFile&l){
+  fp=NULL;
+  linked=&l;
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::setLinePrefix(const std::string&l){
+  linePrefix=l;
+  return *this;
+int OFile::printf(const char*fmt,...){
+  size_t pointer=strlen(buffer);
+  va_list arg;
+  va_start(arg, fmt);
+  int r=std::vsnprintf(&buffer[pointer],buflen-pointer,fmt,arg);
+  va_end(arg);
+  if(r>=buflen-pointer){
+    int newlen=buflen;
+    while(newlen<=r+pointer) newlen*=2;
+    char* newbuf=new char [newlen];
+    memmove(newbuf,buffer,buflen);
+    for(int k=buflen;k<newlen;k++) newbuf[k]=0;
+    delete [] buffer;
+    buffer=newbuf;
+    buflen=newlen;
+    va_list arg;
+    va_start(arg, fmt);
+    r=std::vsnprintf(&buffer[pointer],buflen-pointer,fmt,arg);
+    va_end(arg);
+  }
+  plumed_massert(r>-1 && r<buflen-pointer,"error using fmt string " + std::string(fmt));
+// Line is buffered until newline, then written with a PLUMED: prefix
+  char*p1=buffer;
+  char*p2;
+  while((p2=strchr(p1,'\n'))){
+    *p2='\0';
+    if(linePrefix.length()>0) llwrite(linePrefix.c_str(),linePrefix.length());
+    llwrite(p1,std::strlen(p1));
+    llwrite("\n",1);
+    p1=p2+1;
+  };
+  memmove(buffer,p1,strlen(p1)+1);
+  return r;
+OFile& OFile::addConstantField(const std::string&name){
+  Field f;
+  f.name=name;
+  const_fields.push_back(f);
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::clearFields(){
+  fields.clear();
+  const_fields.clear();
+  previous_fields.clear();
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::fmtField(const std::string&fmt){
+  this->fieldFmt=fmt;
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::fmtField(){
+  this->fieldFmt="%23.16lg";
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::printField(const std::string&name,double v){
+  sprintf(buffer_string,fieldFmt.c_str(),v);
+  printField(name,buffer_string);
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::printField(const std::string&name,int v){
+  sprintf(buffer_string," %d",v);
+  printField(name,buffer_string);
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::printField(const std::string&name,const std::string & v){
+  unsigned i;
+  for(i=0;i<const_fields.size();i++) if(const_fields[i].name==name) break;
+  if(i>=const_fields.size()){
+    Field field;
+    field.name=name;
+    field.value=v;
+    fields.push_back(field);
+  } else {
+    if(const_fields[i].value!=v) fieldChanged=true;
+    const_fields[i].value=v;
+  }
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::setupPrintValue( Value *val ){
+  if( val->isPeriodic() ){
+      addConstantField("min_" + val->getName() );
+      addConstantField("max_" + val->getName() );
+  }
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::printField( Value* val, const double& v ){
+  printField( val->getName(), v );
+  if( val->isPeriodic() ){
+      std::string min, max; val->getDomain( min, max );
+      printField( "min_" + val->getName(), min );
+      printField("max_" + val->getName(), max ); 
+  }  
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::printField(){
+  bool reprint=false;
+  if(fieldChanged || fields.size()!=previous_fields.size()){
+    reprint=true;
+  } else for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++){
+    if( previous_fields[i].name!=fields[i].name ||
+        (fields[i].constant && fields[i].value!=previous_fields[i].value) ){
+      reprint=true;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if(reprint){
+    printf("#! FIELDS");
+    for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++) printf(" %s",fields[i].name.c_str());
+    printf("\n");
+    for(unsigned i=0;i<const_fields.size();i++){
+        printf("#! SET %s %s",const_fields[i].name.c_str(),const_fields[i].value.c_str());
+        printf("\n");
+    }
+  }
+  for(unsigned i=0;i<fields.size();i++) printf("%s",fields[i].value.c_str());
+  printf("\n");
+  previous_fields=fields;
+  fields.clear();
+  fieldChanged=false;
+  return *this;
+OFile& OFile::open(const std::string&path){
+  plumed_assert(!cloned);
+  eof=false;
+  err=false;
+  fp=NULL;
+  this->path=path;
+  if(plumed){
+    this->path+=plumed->getSuffix();
+  }
+  if(plumed && plumed->getRestart()){
+     fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"a");
+  } else {
+     if(!comm || comm->Get_rank()==0){
+       FILE* ff=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"r");
+       FILE* fff=NULL;
+       if(ff){
+         std::string backup;
+         size_t found=this->path.find_last_of("/\\");
+         std::string directory=this->path.substr(0,found+1);
+         std::string file=this->path.substr(found+1);
+         for(int i=0;;i++){
+           std::string num;
+           Tools::convert(i,num);
+           backup=directory+"bck."+num+"."+file;
+           fff=std::fopen(backup.c_str(),"r");
+           if(!fff) break;
+         }
+         int check=rename(this->path.c_str(),backup.c_str());
+         plumed_massert(check==0,"renaming "+this->path+" into "+backup+" failed for some reason");
+       }
+       if(ff) std::fclose(ff);
+       if(fff) std::fclose(fff);
+     }
+     comm->Barrier();
+     fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(this->path.c_str()),"w");
+  }
+  if(plumed) plumed->insertFile(*this);
+  return *this;
diff --git a/src/tools/OFile.h b/src/tools/OFile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b7df1c0bedbe7ecb0facae80ca19c07f68537a22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/OFile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   Copyright (c) 2012 The plumed team
+   (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
+   See http://www.plumed-code.org for more information.
+   This file is part of plumed, version 2.0.
+   plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+   along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
+#ifndef __PLUMED_tools_OFile_h
+#define __PLUMED_tools_OFile_h
+#include "FileBase.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace PLMD{
+\ingroup TOOLBOX
+Class for output files
+This class provides features similar to those in the standard C "FILE*" type,
+but only for sequential output. See IFile for sequential input.
+See the example here for a possible use:
+#include "File.h"
+int main(){
+  PLMD::OFile pof;
+  pof.open("ciao","w");
+  pof.printf("%s\n","test1");
+  pof.setLinePrefix("plumed: ");
+  pof.printf("%s\n","test2");
+  pof.setLinePrefix("");
+  pof.addConstantField("x2").printField("x2",67.0);
+  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",20.12345678901234567890).printField();
+  pof.printField("x1",10.0).printField("x3",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
+  pof.printField("x3",10.0).printField("x2",777.0).printField("x1",-1e70*20.12345678901234567890).printField();
+  pof.printField("x3",67.0).printField("x1",18.0).printField();
+  pof.close();
+  return 0;
+This program is expected to produce a file "ciao" which reads
+plumed: test2
+#! FIELDS x1 x3
+#! SET x2                      67
+                     10      20.12345678901234
+                     10 -2.012345678901235e+71
+#! FIELDS x1 x3
+#! SET x2                     777
+ -2.012345678901235e+71                     10
+                     18                     67
+- "x2" is declared as "constant", which means that it is written using the "SET"
+keyword. Thus, everytime it is modified, all the headers are repeated in the output file.
+- printField() without arguments is used as a "newline".
+- most methods return a reference to the OFile itself, to allow chaining many calls on the same line
+(this is similar to << operator in std::ostream)
+class OFile:
+public virtual FileBase{
+/// Pointer to a linked OFile.
+/// see link(OFile&)
+  OFile* linked;
+/// Internal buffer for printf
+  char* buffer_string;
+/// Internal buffer (generic use)
+  char* buffer;
+/// Internal buffer length
+  int buflen;
+/// Class identifying a single field for fielded output
+  class Field:
+  public FieldBase{
+  };
+/// Low-level write
+  size_t llwrite(const char*,size_t);
+/// True if fields has changed.
+/// This could be due to a change in the list of fields or a reset
+/// of a nominally constant field
+  bool fieldChanged;
+/// Format for fields writing
+  std::string fieldFmt;
+/// All the previously defined variable fields
+  std::vector<Field> previous_fields;
+/// All the defined variable fields
+  std::vector<Field> fields;
+/// All the defined constant fields
+  std::vector<Field> const_fields;
+/// Prefix for line (e.g. "PLUMED: ")
+  std::string linePrefix;
+/// Temporary ostringstream for << output
+  std::ostringstream oss;
+/// Find field index given name
+  unsigned findField(const std::string&name)const;
+/// Constructor
+  OFile();
+/// Destructor
+  ~OFile();
+/// Allows overloading of link
+  using FileBase::link;
+/// Allows overloading of open
+  using FileBase::open;
+/// Allows linking this OFile to another one.
+/// In this way, everything written to this OFile will be immediately
+/// written on the linked OFile. Notice that a OFile should
+/// be either opened explicitly, linked to a FILE or linked to a OFile
+  OFile& link(OFile&);
+/// Opens the file using automatic append/backup
+  OFile& open(const std::string&name);
+/// Set the prefix for output.
+/// Typically "PLUMED: ". Notice that lines with a prefix cannot
+/// be parsed using fields in a IFile.
+  OFile& setLinePrefix(const std::string&);
+/// Set the format for writing double precision fields
+  OFile& fmtField(const std::string&);
+/// Reset the format for writing double precision fields to its default
+  OFile& fmtField();
+/// Set the value of a double precision field
+  OFile& printField(const std::string&,double);
+/// Set the value of a int field
+  OFile& printField(const std::string&,int);
+/// Set the value of a string field
+  OFile& printField(const std::string&,const std::string&);
+  OFile& addConstantField(const std::string&);
+/// Used to setup printing of values
+  OFile& setupPrintValue( Value *val );
+/// Print a value
+  OFile& printField( Value* val, const double& v );
+/** Close a line.
+Typically used as
+  of.printField("a",a).printField("b",b).printField();
+  OFile& printField();
+Resets the list of fields.
+As it is only possible to add new constant fields (addConstantField()),
+this method can be used to clean the field list.
+  OFile& clearFields();
+/// Formatted output with explicit format - a la printf
+  int printf(const char*fmt,...);
+/// Formatted output with << operator
+  template <class T>
+  friend OFile& operator<<(OFile&,const T &);
+/// Write using << syntax
+template <class T>
+OFile& operator<<(OFile&of,const T &t){
+  of.oss<<t;
+  of.printf("%s",of.oss.str().c_str());
+  of.oss.str("");
+  return of;