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+\page lugano-1 Lugano tutorial: Introduction to PLUMED syntax and analyzing CVs
+\section lugano-1-aims Aims
+The aim of this tutorial is to introduce you to the PLUMED syntax. We will go through the writing of input files to calculate
+and print simple collective variables on a pre-calculated trajectory.
+\section lugano-1-lo Learning Outcomes
+Once this tutorial is completed, students will be able to:
+- Write a simple PLUMED input file and use it with the PLUMED \ref driver to analyze a trajectory.
+- Use the \ref GROUP keyword to make the input file compact and easy to read and to quickly build complex atom groups.
+- Print collective variables such as distances
+  (\ref DISTANCE), torsional angles (\ref TORSION), gyration radius (\ref GYRATION), and RMSD (\ref RMSD) using the \ref PRINT action.
+- Learn how to use \ref MOLINFO shortcuts
+- Take care of periodic boundary conditions within PLUMED using \ref WHOLEMOLECULES and be able to verify the result with \ref DUMPATOMS.
+\section lugano-1-resources Resources
+The reference trajectories and other files needed for the exercises proposed in this tutorial
+can be downloaded from `github` using the following command:
+wget https://github.com/plumed/lugano2019/raw/master/handson_1/handson_1.tgz
+The zip archive contains the following files:
+- GB1_native.pdb : A PDB file with the native structure of the GB1 protein.
+- traj-whole.xtc: A trajectory in xtc format. To make the exercise easier, GB1 has been made whole already.
+- traj-broken.xtc: The same trajectory as it was originally produced by GROMACS. Here GB1 is broken by periodic boundary conditions and should be fixed.
+This tutorial has been tested on a pre-release version of PLUMED 2.6. However, it should also work with PLUMED version 2.5.
+\section lugano-1-instructions Instructions
+PLUMED is a library that can be incorporated into many MD codes by adding a relatively simple and well documented interface.
+Once it is incorporated you can use PLUMED to perform a variety of different analyzes on the fly and to bias 
+the sampling in the molecular dynamics engine.  PLUMED can also, however, be used as a standalone code for analyzing trajectories.
+If you are using the code in this way you can, once PLUMED is compiled, run the plumed executable by issuing the command:
+plumed <instructions>
+Let's start by getting a feel for the range of calculations that we can use PLUMED to perform.  Issue the following command now:
+plumed --help 
+What is output when this command is run is a list of the tasks you can use PLUMED to perform.  There are commands that allow you
+to patch an MD code, commands that allow you to run molecular dynamics and commands that allow you to build the manual.  In this
+tutorial we will mostly be using PLUMED to analyze trajectories, however.  As such most of the calculations we will perform will be performed 
+using the driver tool.  Let's look at the options we can issue to plumed driver by issuing the following command:  
+plumed driver --help
+As you can see we can do a number of things with plumed driver. For all of these options, however, we are going to need to write 
+a PLUMED input file. The syntax of the PLUMED input file is the same that we will use later to run enhanced sampling simulations,
+so all the things that you will learn now will be useful later when you will run PLUMED coupled to an MD code.
+In the following we are going to see how to write an input file for PLUMED.
+\subsection lugano-1-units PLUMED's internal units
+By default the PLUMED inputs and outputs quantities in the following units:
+- Energy - kJ/mol
+- Length - nanometers
+- Time - picoseconds
+If you want to change these units you can do this using the \ref UNITS keyword. 
+\section lugano-1-structure The syntax of the PLUMED input file
+The main goal of PLUMED is to compute collective variables, which are complex descriptors than can be used
+to analyze a conformational change or a chemical reaction. This can be done either on-the-fly during
+molecular dynamics or a posteriori, using PLUMED as a post-processing tool. 
+In both cases one, should create an input file with a specific PLUMED syntax. A sample input file is below:
+# Compute distance between atoms 1 and 10.
+# Atoms are ordered as in the trajectory files and their numbering starts from 1.
+# The distance is called "d" for future reference.
+# Create a virtual atom in the center between atoms 20 and 30.
+# The virtual atom only exists within PLUMED and is called "center" for future reference.
+center: CENTER ATOMS=20,30
+# Compute the torsional angle between atoms 1, 10, 20, and center.
+# Notice that virtual atoms can be used as real atoms here.
+# The angle is called "phi" for future reference.
+phi1: TORSION ATOMS=1,10,20,center
+# the same CV defined before can be split into multiple line
+# Print d every 10 step on a file named "COLVAR1".
+# Print phi1 and phi2 on another file names "COLVAR2" every 100 steps.
+In the input file above, each line defines a so-called action. An action could either compute a distance,
+or the center between two or more atoms, or print some value on a file. Each action supports a number of keywords,
+whose value is specified. Action names are highlighted in green and, clicking on them, you can go to the
+corresponding page in the manual that contains a detailed description for each keyword.
+Actions that support the keyword `STRIDE` are those that determine how frequently things are to be done.
+Notice that the default value for `STRIDE` is always 1. In the example above, omitting `STRIDE` keywords
+the corresponding COLVAR files would have been written for every frame of the analyzed trajectory.
+All the other actions in the example above do not 
+support the `STRIDE` keyword and are only calculated when requested. That is, `d` will be computed
+every 10 frames, and `phi1` and `phi2` every 100 frames.
+In short, you can think that for every snapshot in the trajectory that you are analyzing PLUMED
+is going to execute all the listed actions, though some of them are optimized out when `STRIDE` is different from 1.
+Variables should be given a name (in the example above, `d`, `phi1`, and `phi2`), which is
+then used to refer to these variables.
+Lists of atoms should be provided as
+comma separated numbers, with no space. Virtual atoms can be created and assigned a name for later use.
+You can find more information on the PLUMED syntax
+at \ref Syntax page of the manual. The complete documentation for all the supported
+collective variables can be found at the \ref colvarintro page.
+\section lugano-1-ex Exercises
+\subsection lugano-1-ex-1 Exercise 1: Computing and printing simple collective variables
+To analyze the trajectories provided here, you should:
+- Create a PLUMED input file with a text editor (let us call it `plumed.dat`) similar to the one above.
+- Run the command `plumed driver --mf_xtc traj.xtc --plumed plumed.dat`.
+Here `traj.xtc` is the trajectory that you want to analyze. Notice that \ref driver
+can read multiple file formats using embedded molfile plugins from VMD (that's where the `mf` letters come from).
+Notice that you can also visualize trajectories with VMD directly. Trajectory `traj-whole.xtc` can be visualized with
+the command `vmd GB1_native.pdb traj-whole.xtc`.
+In this exercise, we will make practice with computing and printing collective variables.
+\subsection lugano-1-ex-2 Exercise 2:  MOLINFO shortcuts
+In the previous sections we have seen how we can use PLUMED to calculate distances and how by plotting these distances we can begin to simplify the 
+high dimensional data contained in a trajectory.  Obviously, calculating a \ref DISTANCE is not always the best way to simplify the information contained 
+in a trajectory and we often find we have to work with other more-complex quantities.  PLUMED thus started as a library that was used to gather all the various 
+implementations people had written for different collective variables (CVs) that people had used to "analyze" trajectories over the years (analyze is in 
+inverted commas here because, as you will see if you continue to use PLUMED, we use CVs to do much more than simply analyze trajectories).  
+Now we will not have time to go over all the quantities that can be calculated in this tutorial.  Once you understand the basic principles, however, you 
+should be able to use the manual to work out how to calculate other quantities of interest.  With this in mind then lets learn how to calculate 
+a \ref TORSION.  As with \ref DISTANCE the atoms that we specify in our \ref TORSION command can be real or virtual.  In the example below two
+real atoms and a virtual atom are used:  
+first: CENTER ATOMS=1-6
+last: CENTER ATOMS=251-256
+cvtor: TORSION ATOMS=first,102,138,last
+Copy this input to a PLUMED input file and use it to analyze the trajectory you downloaded at the start of this exercise by using the commands
+described in section \ref lugano-1-introinput then plot the CV output using gnuplot.
+As you can hopefully see calculating \ref TORSION values and other CVs is no more difficult than calculating \ref DISTANCE values.  In fact it is 
+easier as generally when you calculate the torsion angles of a protein you often wish to calculate particular, named torsion angles (i.e. the \f$\phi\f$ and \f$\psi\f$
+angles).  The \ref MOLINFO command makes it particularly easy to do this.  For instance suppose that you want to calculate and print the \f$\phi\f$ angle
+in the sixth residue of the protein and the \f$\psi\f$ angle in the eighth residue of the protein.  You can do so using the following input:
+phi6: TORSION ATOMS=@phi-6
+psi8: TORSION ATOMS=@psi-8
+PRINT ARG=phi6,psi8 FILE=colvar
+Copy this input to a PLUMED input file and use it to analyze the trajectory you downloaded at the start of this exercise by using the commands
+described in section \ref lugano-1-introinput then plot the CV output using gnuplot.  Notice that you will need the template.pdb file you downloaded 
+at the start of this exercise in order for this to run.
+\subsection lugano-1-ex-3 Exercise 3: Virtual atoms
+When calculating many collective variables it is useful to not think in terms of calculating them directly based on the positions of a number of atoms.
+It is useful to instead think of them as being calculated from the position of one or more virtual atoms whose positions are generated based on the position
+of a collection of other atoms.  For example you might want to calculate the distance between the center of masses of two molecules.  In this case it is useful
+to calculate the two positions of the centers of mass first and to then calculate the distance between the centers of mass.  The PLUMED input that you would use
+for such a calculation reflects this way of thinking.  An example of a PLUMED input that can be used to perform this sort of calculation is shown below: 
+# geometric center of mass of first residue
+first: CENTER ATOMS=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+# geometric center of last residue
+last: CENTER ATOMS=427-436
+d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=first,last
+d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=first,last NOPBC
+Make a PLUMED input containing the above input and execute it on the trajectory `traj-broken.xtc` by making use of the following command:
+plumed driver --mf_xtc traj-broken.xtc --plumed plumed.dat
+Before we turn to analyzing what is output from this calculation there are a few things to note about this input file.  Firstly, I should describe what this file
+instructs PLUMED to do. It tells PLUMED to:
+1. calculate the position of the Virtual Atom 'first' as the \ref CENTER of atoms from 1 to 8;
+2. calculate the position of the Virtual Atom 'last' as the \ref CENTER of atoms from 427 to 436;
+3. calculate the distance between the two atoms 'first' and 'last' and saves it in 'd1';
+4. calculate the distance (ignoring periodic boundary conditions) between the two atoms 'first' and 'last' and saves it in 'd2';
+5. print the content of 'd1' and 'd2' in the file COLVAR for every frame of the trajectory
+Notice that in the input above we have used two different ways of writing the atoms used in the \ref CENTER calculation:
+1. ATOMS=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 is the explicit list of the atoms we need
+2. ATOMS=427-436 is the range of atoms needed
+Notice also that ranges of atoms can be defined with a stride which can also be negative as shown by the commands below, which are both equivalent:
+3. ATOMS=from,to:by (i.e.: 427-436:2)
+4. ATOMS=to,from:-by (i.e.: 436-427:-2)
+Lets now return to the business of analyzing what was output by the calculation.  Lets begin by looking at the contents of the COLVAR file that was output.
+When you do so you should find that the first few lines of this file read:
+#! FIELDS time e2edist comdist
+ 0.000000 2.516315 2.464043
+Lets now plot contents of the COLVAR file so we can compare the behavior of the distance between  the 
+centers of the mass of the two terminal residues in this trajectory, with and without accounting for periodic boundary conditions.  To plot this data
+issue the following commands:
+p 'COLVAR' u 1:2 w l, '' u 1:3 w l
+Given what you observe for the behavior of these two distance what do you now expect to see in the trajectory? Let's look at the trajectory to see if 
+we are right.  To look at the trajectory issue the following commands: 
+vmd template.pdb trajectory-short.xyz 
+\subsection lugano-1-ex-4 Exercise 4: Taking care of periodic boundary conditions
+\subsection lugano-1-ex-5 Exercise 5: Using CVs that measure the distance from a reference conformation
+\subsection lugano-1-ex-6 Exercise 6: Creating your own CV directly in the PLUMED input file
+link: @subpage lugano-1
+description: This tutorial explains the syntax of the PLUMED input file and how to use PLUMED to analyze CVs
+additional-files: lugano-1