diff --git a/developer-doc/usingDoxygen.md b/developer-doc/usingDoxygen.md
index 7ef8e8e692d5b8185295d212f357baf50bcf1819..e0dda8b7d3241d65125246cf6dfcf063a45826bc 100644
--- a/developer-doc/usingDoxygen.md
+++ b/developer-doc/usingDoxygen.md
@@ -466,20 +466,14 @@ DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 LABEL=dist
 INCLUDE FILE=toBeIncluded.inc
 \ endplumedfile    /*** But with no space between the \ and the endplumedfile
-# this is toBeIncluded.inc
+#SETTINGS FILENAME=toBeIncluded.inc  
-\ endplumedincludefile   /*** But with no space between the \ and the endplumedincludefile
-Please note that it is essential that you write:
-# this is <filename>
+\ endplumedfile   /*** But with no space between the \ and the endplumedincludefile
-on the second line in the plumedincludefile environment as this is where the script that builds the user documentation gets the name of the included file
-from.  Also notice that if, as in the example above, the included file is not (by itself) a valid plumed input it CANNOT be called *.dat as the script that 
+By including the FILENAME attribute on the SETTINGS line you can set the name of the plumed input file that is generated when the input is tested.
+Also notice that if, as in the example above, the included file is not (by itself) a valid plumed input it CANNOT be called *.dat as the script that 
 checks the input will complain.  
 \subsection molfileeg Using MOLFILE in your example input files
diff --git a/src/generic/Group.cpp b/src/generic/Group.cpp
index 59b26c780d33341308f4bfde9bf0fdfaa7c32a00..bdf44b2235b897a18e94ea9cbd27cb82989a6525 100644
--- a/src/generic/Group.cpp
+++ b/src/generic/Group.cpp
@@ -79,11 +79,12 @@ PRINT ARG=c FILE=colvar
 Groups can be conveniently stored in a separate file.
 E.g. one could create a file named `groups.dat` which reads
 # this is groups.dat
 o: GROUP ATOMS=1,4,7,11,14
 h: GROUP ATOMS=2,3,5,6,8,9,12,13
 and then include it in the main 'plumed.dat' file
 INCLUDE FILE=groups.dat
diff --git a/src/generic/Include.cpp b/src/generic/Include.cpp
index 950d6ef7e7d979ac8e7df861fb6492ea4c4adf3f..d146678a54f6fef9db40b8250b6fcb796ebf85e2 100644
--- a/src/generic/Include.cpp
+++ b/src/generic/Include.cpp
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ d: DISTANCE ATOMS=c1,c2
 where the content of file pippo.dat is
 # this is pippo.dat
 c1: COM ATOMS=1-100
 c2: COM ATOMS=101-202
 The files in this example are rather short, but imagine a case like this one:
@@ -67,7 +68,8 @@ c: COORDINATION GROUPA=groupa GROUPB=groupb R_0=0.5
 Here `groups.dat` could be huge file containing group definitions such as
 # this is groups.dat
 groupa: GROUP ...
@@ -91,17 +93,18 @@ groupb: GROUP ...
 So, included files are the best place where one can store long definitions.
 Another case where INCLUDE is very useful is when running multi-replica simulations.
 Here different replicas might have different input files, but perhaps a large part of the
 input is shared. This part can be put in a common included file. For instance you could have
 # this is common.dat
 t: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4
 Then `plumed.0.dat`:
 # this is plumed.0.dat
@@ -128,15 +131,17 @@ t: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4
 INCLUDE FILE=other.inc
 Then `other.0.inc`:
 # this is other.0.inc
 And `other.1.inc`:
 # this is other.1.inc
diff --git a/user-doc/Doxyfile b/user-doc/Doxyfile
index 571e3ad3b2d0754e28d81bafef988651c6a9aff6..26134d62f23de31bc8e7f368925c462a9bfc4475 100644
--- a/user-doc/Doxyfile
+++ b/user-doc/Doxyfile
@@ -238,8 +238,6 @@ ALIASES                = \
                          "tarball{1}=\htmlonly<span style=\"background-color:yellow\">\endhtmlonly<a href=\"tutorial-resources/\1.tar.gz\" style=\"font-weight:bold\" style=\"color:green\" download=\"\1.tar.gz\"> TARBALL </a>\htmlonly</span>\endhtmlonly" \
                          "plumedfile=\verbatim BEGIN_PLUMED_FILE" \
                          "endplumedfile=\endverbatim" \
-                         "plumedincludefile=\verbatim BEGIN_PLUMED_FILE" \
-                         "endplumedincludefile=\endverbatim" \
                          "auxfile{1}=\verbatim" \
                          "endauxfile=\endverbatim" \
                          "plumednotmaintained=\warning This branch is not maintained. Users are invited to upgrade to a newer version"
diff --git a/user-doc/Makefile b/user-doc/Makefile
index 9e869587acfe2f19716fb27bc362580110ebbb7a..9e35d3c8ed97a625c73297932d116bc8fa504936 100644
--- a/user-doc/Makefile
+++ b/user-doc/Makefile
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ else
 ifeq ($(make_doc),yes)
 	make_pdfdoc=$(make_pdfdoc) ./extract
-	# temporarily removed for travis to build:
+	# check examples in input file:
 	make_pdfdoc=$(make_pdfdoc) ./go-doxygen
 	cp *png html/
diff --git a/user-doc/Miscelaneous.md b/user-doc/Miscelaneous.md
index a1a452d417897e3aff42fcfcfff4c40bb8a16c4f..01e9712f20287eb0c5e505dac68e3b196341a46b 100644
--- a/user-doc/Miscelaneous.md
+++ b/user-doc/Miscelaneous.md
@@ -482,10 +482,11 @@ DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 LABEL=dist
 INCLUDE FILE=toBeIncluded.inc
 plus a "toBeIncluded.inc" file
+#SETTINGS FILENAME=toBeIncluded.inc
 # this is toBeIncluded.inc
 However, when you do this it is important to recognize that \ref INCLUDE is a real directive that is only resolved
 after all the \ref comments have been stripped and the \ref ContinuationLines have been unrolled.  This means it
diff --git a/user-doc/go-example-check b/user-doc/go-example-check
index bd52325922082bc13bb3f10f99f62cec1bb07a1e..846bedfdf60e469779631860a0a66d9533a48928 100755
--- a/user-doc/go-example-check
+++ b/user-doc/go-example-check
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ mkdir example-check
 # This generates plumed.dat files for each of the documentation pages in the manual
 for file in *PP.md automatic/*.txt ../CHANGES/*.md tutorials/*.txt tutorials/*.site tutorials/others/*.txt ; do
-    # echo Generating examples to check for file $file
+    #echo Generating examples to check for file $file
     # Single replica examples
     splits=`echo $file | sed -e 's/\// /g'`
     nf=`echo $splits | awk '{print NF}'`
@@ -29,31 +29,16 @@ for file in *PP.md automatic/*.txt ../CHANGES/*.md tutorials/*.txt tutorials/*.s
             wrongc=`grep "this is wrong" example-check/$fname/$i.dat | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
             if [ $wrongc -gt 0 ] ; then
                  rm example-check/$fname/$i.dat
+            else 
+               # This deals with include files
+               hasname=`grep "#SETTINGS" example-check/$fname/$i.dat | grep "FILENAME=" | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
+               if [ $hasname -gt 0 ] ; then
+                    filename=`grep "#SETTINGS" example-check/$fname/$i.dat  | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i){if(match($i,"FILENAME=")){print $i}}}' | sed -e 's/FILENAME=//'`
+                    mv example-check/$fname/$i.dat example-check/$fname/$filename
+               fi
-       # Check for plumed include files
-       cat $file |
-       awk 'BEGIN{inp=0;}{
-             if( $1=="\\endplumedincludefile" ){ print ">>END OF EXAMPLE>>"; inp=0; }
-             else if( $1=="\\plumedincludefile" ){ inp=1; }
-             else if( inp==1 ){ print $0; }  
-           }' > example-check/$fname.inc
-       ninc=`grep ">>END OF EXAMPLE>>" example-check/$fname.inc | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
-       # And split the set of include files
-       sline=0
-       for ((i=1;i<=$ninc;++i)) ; do
-            checks=`grep -A 1 "plumedincludefile" $file | head -n $((($i-1)*6+2)) | tail -n 1 | awk '{match($0,"# this is")}'`
-            ifname=`grep -A 1 "plumedincludefile" $file | head -n $((($i-1)*6+2)) | tail -n 1 | awk '{if(match($0,"# this is")){ print $4; } else { print "ERROR";}}'`
-            if [ $ifname == "ERROR" ] ; then
-                 echo ERROR in specification of include file for $file
-                 exit 1
-            fi
-            eline=`grep -n ">>END OF EXAMPLE>>" example-check/$fname.inc | head -n $i | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/:>>END//g'`
-            head -n $(($eline-1)) example-check/$fname.inc | tail -n $(($eline-1-$sline)) > example-check/$fname/$ifname
-            sline=$eline
-       done
-       rm example-check/$fname.inc
        # Check for auxiliary files
        cat $file |
        awk 'BEGIN{inp=0;}{
@@ -145,7 +130,7 @@ for dir in * ; do
             nerr=`grep "PLUMED error" check.log | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'`
             if [ $nerr -gt 0 ] ; then
-                echo Found mistakes for examples $file
+                echo Found mistakes for examples in $dir example $file
                 cat check.log
                 exit 1
diff --git a/user-doc/go-spelling b/user-doc/go-spelling
index 6b9ced05d40852fdd61136d38ac4711d10ce09b1..e01ae4b2f46ce58f620b55b92916873043ab4aa1 100755
--- a/user-doc/go-spelling
+++ b/user-doc/go-spelling
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ for file in *PP.md automatic/*.txt ../CHANGES/*.md tutorials/*.txt tutorials/*.s
     # This is some stuff to get rid of stuff that trips up the spell checker: the equations and the plumed examples 
     cat $file | grep -v "\\image" | grep -v "anchor" | sed -e 's/psi-1//' | sed -e 's/-#//' | sed -e 's/@//' | sed -e 's/&//' | sed -e 's/\vdots//' | 
     awk 'BEGIN{inp=0}{
-          if($1=="\\endplumedfile" || $1=="\\f]" || $1=="\\f}" || $1=="\\endauxfile" || $1=="\\endplumedincludefile" || $1=="\\endverbatim" || $1=="\\endcode"){inp=0;}
-          else if($1=="\\plumedfile" || $1=="\\f[" || $1=="\\f{eqnarray*}{" || match($1,"\\auxfile") || $1=="\\plumedincludefile" || $1=="\\verbatim" || index($1,"\\code{")!=0 ){inp=1;}
+          if($1=="\\endplumedfile" || $1=="\\f]" || $1=="\\f}" || $1=="\\endauxfile" || $1=="\\endverbatim" || $1=="\\endcode"){inp=0;}
+          else if($1=="\\plumedfile" || $1=="\\f[" || $1=="\\f{eqnarray*}{" || match($1,"\\auxfile") || $1=="\\verbatim" || index($1,"\\code{")!=0 ){inp=1;}
           else if(inp==0){
diff --git a/user-doc/tutorials/aa-lugano-2.txt b/user-doc/tutorials/aa-lugano-2.txt
index 9235e1311f8acd5f383ea38e6a85d36114822841..4c92988a1e994766457499de18e66a6a275ccd8a 100644
--- a/user-doc/tutorials/aa-lugano-2.txt
+++ b/user-doc/tutorials/aa-lugano-2.txt
@@ -390,7 +390,8 @@ is presented in the following but the exercise is possible only if plumed is com
 Here we use the "replica" syntax of plumed to write a single plumed input file for all the windows:
 # this is plumed.dat
 # vim:ft=plumed
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ restraint-phi: RESTRAINT ...
 } ...
 # monitor the two variables and the bias potential from the restraint
 PRINT STRIDE=20 ARG=phi,psi,restraint-phi.bias FILE=COLVAR
 The \@replicas syntax allow to define different values for a variable for the different replicas.