diff --git a/user-doc/tutorials/a-trieste-4.txt b/user-doc/tutorials/a-trieste-4.txt
index 68a11799ca7826bb79363d4b90f19bd4a3c33fb7..5f7abb5def0f162715f2b20ad96ce62b707af5bb 100644
--- a/user-doc/tutorials/a-trieste-4.txt
+++ b/user-doc/tutorials/a-trieste-4.txt
@@ -133,9 +133,10 @@ psi: TORSION ATOMS=__FILL__
 # Activate well-tempered metadynamics in phi
 metad: __FILL__ ARG=__FILL__ ...
-# Deposit a Gaussian every 500 time steps, with initial height equal
-# to 1.2 kJoule/mol, biasfactor equal to 10.0
+# Deposit a Gaussian every 500 time steps, with initial height equal to 1.2 kJoule/mol
+PACE=500 HEIGHT=1.2 
+# the bias factor should be wisely chosen
 # Gaussian width (sigma) should be chosen based on CV fluctuation in unbiased run
 # Gaussians will be written to file and also stored on grid
@@ -335,7 +336,7 @@ psi: TORSION ATOMS=__FILL__
 # Activate well-tempered metadynamics in phi
 metad: __FILL__ ARG=__FILL__ ...
 # Set the deposition stride to a large number 
-PACE=10000000 HEIGHT=1.2 BIASFACTOR=10.0
 # Gaussian width (sigma) should be chosen based on CV fluctuation in unbiased run
 # Gaussians will be read from file and stored on grid