diff --git a/CHANGES/v2.5.md b/CHANGES/v2.5.md
index eefd78c678e3e30a7cbfc7e4043ce989deec0616..bd29ab92d193e013ec9d62610b67798036f67d45 100644
--- a/CHANGES/v2.5.md
+++ b/CHANGES/v2.5.md
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ Changes from version 2.4 which are relevant for users:
   - \ref pdbrenumber (see \issue{371}).
 - Changes in the ISDB module
-  - \ref CS2BACKBONE is now mpi parallelised in particular with DOSCORE and CAMSHIFT
-  - \ref SAXS has an additional implementation based on bessel functions that can be faster for large systems (new keyword BESSEL)
+  - \ref CS2BACKBONE is now mpi parallelized in particular with DOSCORE and CAMSHIFT
+  - \ref SAXS has an additional implementation based on Bessel functions that can be faster for large systems (new keyword BESSEL)
   - \ref SAXS keyword SCEXP has been renamed into SCALEINT
   - \ref METAINFERENCE and all related methods has a new keyword REGRES_ZERO to scale data using a linear scale fit
   - \ref CALIBER new bias to perform Maximum Caliber replica-averaged restrained simulations 
@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ Changes from version 2.4 which are relevant for users:
 - Other changes:
   - \ref METAD there is a new FLYING_GAUSSIAN keyword to activate the flying gaussian methods by Spiwok (contributed by Spiwok and Hozzova)
   - \ref EXTERNAL can now SCALE the input grid. This allows for more flexibility without modifying the grid file.
-  - \ref ALPHABETA can now combine dihedrals with different coefficients
+  - \ref ALPHABETA can now combine dihedral angles with different coefficients
   - \ref INCLUDE can now be used also before setup actions.
-  - \ref CENTER can now be computed using trigonometric functions (PHASES) to simplify its calculation with PBCs.
+  - \ref CENTER can now be computed using trigonometric functions (PHASES) to simplify its calculation with periodic boundary conditions.
   - Libmatheval is not used anymore. \ref MATHEVAL (and \ref CUSTOM) are still available
     but employ an internal implementation of the lepton library.
-    Functions available in libmatheval and absent in the original lepton library have been added so as to have backward compatbility.
+    Functions available in libmatheval and absent in the original lepton library have been added so as to have backward compatibility.
     `atan2(y,x)` function has also been added.
     Notice that MATHEVAL (and CUSTOM) \ref switchingfunction "switching functions"
     using the lepton library have been further optimized with respect to PLUMED 2.4.
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Changes from version 2.4 which are relevant for users:
   - \ref MOLINFO now allows selecting atoms from chains with a numeric ID (see \issue{320}).
   - Removed the patch for GMX 5.1.4
   - \ref RMSD calculation has been optimized. This should positively affect the performances of CVs where
-     many RMSDs are computed on small groups of atoms, such as secondary structure variables.
+     many RMSD values are computed on small groups of atoms, such as secondary structure variables.
   - In \ref METAD, when using a bias factor equal to one (no bias) the `rct` component is set to zero rather than to one.
   - New shortcuts are available for selecting atoms: `@allatoms` and `@mdatoms` (see \ref atomSpecs).
   - When using \ref MOLINFO, also the following shortcuts are available for selecting atoms: `@nucleic`, `@protein`, `@water`, `@ions`, `@hydrogens`, `@nonhydrogens`.
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ Changes from version 2.4 which are relevant for developers:
 - Exception class has been rewritten to allow more extensive messages. Now also function name is shown.
 - On linux, library is linked with `-Bsymbolic`.
 - A small number of header files is installed
-- When launching `plumed`, flags `--no-mpi` and `--mpi` can appear multiple times. The last appearence is the effective one.
-- Internal blas and lapack libraries updated to gromacs 2018.
+- When launching `plumed`, flags `--no-mpi` and `--mpi` can appear multiple times. The last appearance is the effective one.
+- Internal BLAS and LAPACK libraries updated to gromacs 2018.
 - Choosing `./configure --prefix=$PWD` does not lead anymore to deletion of all header files.
 - Runtime loader in `Plumed.c` now works also when linked without `-rdynamic` (that is, 
   its names are not exported). Notice that all the combinations are expected to