From 8c0b1386be6c5afbb5238f1dc26a87dbb3d55cce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Giovanni Bussi <> Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 11:12:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Syntax highlight in doc I replaced verbatim endverbatim with plumedfile endplumedfile in (hopefully) all the places where it was appropriate. --- src/adjmat/ClusterDiameter.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/ClusterDistribution.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/ClusterProperties.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/ClusterSize.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/ClusterWithSurface.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/ContactAlignedMatrix.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/ContactMatrix.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/DFSClustering.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/HbondMatrix.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/MatrixColumnSums.cpp | 8 +-- src/adjmat/MatrixRowSums.cpp | 8 +-- src/adjmat/OutputCluster.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/SMACMatrix.cpp | 4 +- src/adjmat/Sprint.cpp | 8 +-- src/analysis/Average.cpp | 12 ++-- .../ClassicalMultiDimensionalScaling.cpp | 4 +- src/analysis/Commit.cpp | 4 +- src/analysis/Histogram.cpp | 16 ++--- src/analysis/PCA.cpp | 8 +-- src/bias/ABMD.cpp | 5 +- src/bias/BiasValue.cpp | 11 ++-- src/bias/ExtendedLagrangian.cpp | 10 ++- src/bias/External.cpp | 9 ++- src/bias/LWalls.cpp | 4 +- src/bias/MetaD.cpp | 36 +++++----- src/bias/Metainference.cpp | 10 ++- src/bias/MovingRestraint.cpp | 12 ++-- src/bias/PBMetaD.cpp | 16 ++--- src/bias/Restraint.cpp | 5 +- src/bias/ReweightBias.cpp | 4 +- src/bias/ReweightMetad.cpp | 5 +- src/bias/UWalls.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/Angle.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/CS2Backbone.cpp | 8 +-- src/colvar/Cell.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/Constant.cpp | 9 ++- src/colvar/ContactMap.cpp | 15 ++--- src/colvar/Coordination.cpp | 13 ++-- src/colvar/DHEnergy.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/DRMSD.cpp | 8 +-- src/colvar/Dimer.cpp | 20 +++--- src/colvar/Dipole.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/Distance.cpp | 23 +++---- src/colvar/ERMSD.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/Energy.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/Fake.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/FretEfficiency.cpp | 10 ++- src/colvar/Gyration.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/Implicit.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/Jcoupling.cpp | 8 +-- src/colvar/MultiRMSD.cpp | 8 +-- src/colvar/NOE.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/PCARMSD.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/PRE.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/PathMSD.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/Position.cpp | 6 +- src/colvar/PropertyMap.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/Puckering.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/RDC.cpp | 5 +- src/colvar/RMSD.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/Template.cpp | 4 +- src/colvar/Torsion.cpp | 8 +-- src/colvar/Volume.cpp | 5 +- src/crystallization/Fccubic.cpp | 4 +- src/crystallization/Gradient.cpp | 8 +-- .../InterMolecularTorsions.cpp | 4 +- src/crystallization/MoleculeOrientation.cpp | 4 +- src/crystallization/Q3.cpp | 24 +++---- src/crystallization/Q4.cpp | 24 +++---- src/crystallization/Q6.cpp | 24 +++---- src/crystallization/SMAC.cpp | 8 +-- src/crystallization/SimpleCubic.cpp | 8 +-- src/crystallization/Tetrahedral.cpp | 8 +-- src/eds/EDS.cpp | 12 ++-- src/function/Combine.cpp | 8 +-- src/function/Ensemble.cpp | 5 +- src/function/FuncPathMSD.cpp | 8 +-- src/function/LocalEnsemble.cpp | 4 +- src/function/Matheval.cpp | 16 ++--- src/function/Piecewise.cpp | 5 +- src/function/Sort.cpp | 5 +- src/function/Stats.cpp | 4 +- src/function/Target.cpp | 4 +- src/generic/Debug.cpp | 4 +- src/generic/DumpAtoms.cpp | 10 ++- src/generic/DumpDerivatives.cpp | 4 +- src/generic/DumpForces.cpp | 6 +- src/generic/DumpMassCharge.cpp | 9 ++- src/generic/DumpProjections.cpp | 4 +- src/generic/EffectiveEnergyDrift.cpp | 8 +-- src/generic/FitToTemplate.cpp | 5 +- src/generic/Flush.cpp | 4 +- src/generic/Group.cpp | 24 +++---- src/generic/Include.cpp | 12 ++-- src/generic/Print.cpp | 5 +- src/generic/RandomExchanges.cpp | 12 ++-- src/generic/Read.cpp | 4 +- src/generic/ResetCell.cpp | 5 +- src/generic/Time.cpp | 5 +- src/generic/UpdateIf.cpp | 5 +- src/generic/WholeMolecules.cpp | 15 ++--- src/generic/WrapAround.cpp | 20 +++--- src/gridtools/ConvertToFES.cpp | 4 +- src/gridtools/DumpCube.cpp | 4 +- src/gridtools/DumpGrid.cpp | 16 ++--- src/gridtools/FindContour.cpp | 4 +- src/gridtools/FindSphericalContour.cpp | 4 +- src/gridtools/FourierTransform.cpp | 4 +- src/gridtools/InterpolateGrid.cpp | 4 +- src/maketools/plumedcheck | 6 ++ src/manyrestraints/LWalls.cpp | 4 +- src/manyrestraints/UWalls.cpp | 4 +- src/mapping/PCAVars.cpp | 4 +- src/mapping/Path.cpp | 16 ++--- src/mapping/PropertyMap.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/AlphaBeta.cpp | 12 ++-- src/multicolvar/Angles.cpp | 12 ++-- src/multicolvar/Bridge.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/CenterOfMultiColvar.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/Density.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/DihedralCorrelation.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/DistanceFromContour.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/Distances.cpp | 24 +++---- src/multicolvar/DumpMultiColvar.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/FilterBetween.cpp | 16 ++--- src/multicolvar/FilterLessThan.cpp | 12 ++-- src/multicolvar/FilterMoreThan.cpp | 16 ++--- src/multicolvar/InPlaneDistances.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/LocalAverage.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/MultiColvarDensity.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/NumberOfLinks.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/Torsions.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/VolumeAround.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/VolumeCavity.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/VolumeInCylinder.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/VolumeInSphere.cpp | 4 +- src/multicolvar/VolumeTetrapore.cpp | 8 +-- src/multicolvar/XAngle.cpp | 12 ++-- src/multicolvar/XDistances.cpp | 48 +++++++------- src/multicolvar/XYDistances.cpp | 12 ++-- src/multicolvar/XYTorsion.cpp | 24 +++---- src/secondarystructure/AlphaRMSD.cpp | 5 +- src/secondarystructure/AntibetaRMSD.cpp | 5 +- src/secondarystructure/ParabetaRMSD.cpp | 5 +- src/setup/Load.cpp | 12 ++-- src/setup/MolInfo.cpp | 10 ++- src/setup/Restart.cpp | 15 ++--- src/setup/Units.cpp | 9 ++- src/vatom/COM.cpp | 5 +- src/vatom/Center.cpp | 5 +- src/vatom/FixedAtom.cpp | 10 ++- src/vatom/Ghost.cpp | 5 +- user-doc/Analysis.txt | 8 +-- user-doc/Colvar.txt | 8 +-- user-doc/Files.txt | 10 ++- user-doc/Functions.txt | 4 +- user-doc/Group.txt | 16 ++--- user-doc/Misc.txt | 65 +++++++++---------- user-doc/Performances.txt | 12 ++-- user-doc/Regex.txt | 16 ++--- user-doc/Syntax.txt | 14 ++-- 162 files changed, 675 insertions(+), 749 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/adjmat/ClusterDiameter.cpp b/src/adjmat/ClusterDiameter.cpp index ec26f2eeb..8bebeab92 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ClusterDiameter.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ClusterDiameter.cpp @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ than 2.0 and if they are within 6.0 nm of each other. Depth first search cluste between every pair of atoms that are within the largest of the clusters found is then calculated and the largest of these distances is output to a file named colvar. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # Calculate coordination numbers c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-512 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} # Select coordination numbers that are more than 2.0 @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ dfs: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=mat clust1: CLUSTER_PROPERTIES CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 dia: CLUSTER_DIAMETER CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 PRINT ARG=dia FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/ClusterDistribution.cpp b/src/adjmat/ClusterDistribution.cpp index 93f12fb04..afd7c956e 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ClusterDistribution.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ClusterDistribution.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ algorithm on the corresponding graph. The number of componets in this graph that As discussed in \cite tribello-clustering this input was used to analyse the formation of a polycrystal of GeTe from amorphous GeTe. -\verbatim +\plumedfile q6: Q6 SPECIES=1-32768 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=5.29 R_0=0.01 D_MAX=5.3} LOWMEM lq6: LOCAL_Q6 SPECIES=q6 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=5.29 R_0=0.01 D_MAX=5.3} LOWMEM flq6: MFILTER_MORE DATA=lq6 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=0.19 R_0=0.01 D_MAX=0.2} @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ mat: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=fcc SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=3.59 R_0=0.01 D_MAX=3.6} dfs: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=mat nclust: CLUSTER_DISTRIBUTION CLUSTERS=dfs TRANSFORM={GAUSSIAN D_0=5.99 R_0=0.01 D_MAX=6.0} MORE_THAN={GAUSSIAN D_0=26.99 R_0=0.01 D_MAX=27} PRINT ARG=nclust.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/ClusterProperties.cpp b/src/adjmat/ClusterProperties.cpp index 9a0d38e5b..b1d891fe0 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ClusterProperties.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ClusterProperties.cpp @@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ a graph. This dfs action then finds the largest connected component in this gra numbers for the atoms in this largest connected component are then computed and this quantity is output to a colvar file. The way this input can be used is described in detail in \cite tribello-clustering. -\verbatim +\plumedfile lq: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.45 D_MAX=0.55} LOWMEM cm: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=lq SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.45 D_MAX=0.55} dfs: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=cm clust1: CLUSTER_PROPERTIES CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 SUM PRINT ARG=clust1.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/ClusterSize.cpp b/src/adjmat/ClusterSize.cpp index b0b22621d..4ae18bb49 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ClusterSize.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ClusterSize.cpp @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ The following input uses PLUMED to calculate a adjacency matrix that connects a than 2.0 and if they are within 6.0 nm of each other. Depth first search clustering is used to find the connected components in this matrix and then the number of atoms in the largest cluster is found. This quantity is then output to a file called colvar -\verbatim +\plumedfile # Calculate coordination numbers c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-512 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} # Select coordination numbers that are more than 2.0 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ dfs: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=mat clust1: CLUSTER_PROPERTIES CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 nat: CLUSTER_NATOMS CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 PRINT ARG=nat FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/ClusterWithSurface.cpp b/src/adjmat/ClusterWithSurface.cpp index ab472eee5..1042accd0 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ClusterWithSurface.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ClusterWithSurface.cpp @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ number of atoms with indices that are between 1 and 1996 and that are either in atoms within the the second largest cluster are then counted and this number of atoms is output to a file called size. In addition the indices of the atoms that were counted are output to a file called dfs2.dat. -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-1996 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.34 D_MAX=0.38} cf: MFILTER_LESS DATA=c1 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=13 D_MAX=13.5} mat: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=cf SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.34 D_MAX=0.38} @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ clust2a: CLUSTER_WITHSURFACE CLUSTERS=dfs RCUT_SURF=0.3 size2a: CLUSTER_NATOMS CLUSTERS=clust2a CLUSTER=2 PRINT ARG=size2a FILE=size FMT=%8.4f OUTPUT_CLUSTER CLUSTERS=clust2a CLUSTER=2 FILE=dfs2.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/adjmat/ContactAlignedMatrix.cpp b/src/adjmat/ContactAlignedMatrix.cpp index e1bdfcdba..d00542aea 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ContactAlignedMatrix.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ContactAlignedMatrix.cpp @@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ is greater than 0.5. The sum of the rows of this matrix are then computed. The many of the molecules that are within the first coordination sphere of molecule \f$i\f$ have an orientation that is similar to that of molecule \f$i\f$. We thus calculate the number of these "coordination numbers" that are greater than 1.0 and output this quantity to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile m1: MOLECULES MOL1=1,2 MOL2=3,4 MOL3=5,6 MOL4=7,8 mat: ALIGNED_MATRIX ATOMS=m1 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} ORIENTATION_SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.1 D_MAX=0.5} rr: ROWSUMS MATRIX=mat MORE_THAN={RATIONAL D_0=1.0 R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=rr.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/ContactMatrix.cpp b/src/adjmat/ContactMatrix.cpp index 1105a1aa2..e1a332a2a 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/ContactMatrix.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/ContactMatrix.cpp @@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ The input shown below calculates a \f$6 \times 6\f$ matrix whose elements are eq of each other and which is zero otherwise. The columns in this matrix are then summed so as to give the coordination number for each atom. The final quantity output in the colvar file is thus the average coordination number. -\verbatim +\plumedfile aa: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=1-6 SWITCH={EXP D_0=0.2 R_0=0.1 D_MAX=0.66} COLUMNSUMS MATRIX=mat MEAN LABEL=csums PRINT ARG=csums.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/DFSClustering.cpp b/src/adjmat/DFSClustering.cpp index af0dc327e..23bf5c592 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/DFSClustering.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/DFSClustering.cpp @@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ a graph. This dfs action then finds the largest connected component in this gra numbers for the atoms in this largest connected component are then computed and this quantity is output to a colvar file. The way this input can be used is described in detail in \cite tribello-clustering. -\verbatim +\plumedfile lq: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.45 D_MAX=0.55} LOWMEM cm: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=lq SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.45 D_MAX=0.55} dfs: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=cm clust1: CLUSTER_PROPERTIES CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 SUM PRINT ARG=clust1.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/HbondMatrix.cpp b/src/adjmat/HbondMatrix.cpp index f75e95754..32e7989de 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/HbondMatrix.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/HbondMatrix.cpp @@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ on the number of hydrogen bonds each of the water molecules donates and accepts. five columns of data. The first four of these columns are a label for the atom and the x, y and z position of the oxygen. The last column is then the number of accepted/donated hydrogen bonds. -\verbatim +\plumedfile mat: HBOND_MATRIX ATOMS=1-192:3 HYDROGENS=2-192:3,3-192:3 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=3.20} HSWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=2.30} ASWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.167pi} SUM rsums: ROWSUMS MATRIX=mat MEAN csums: COLUMNSUMS MATRIX=mat MEAN DUMPMULTICOLVAR DATA=rsums DUMPMULTICOLVAR DATA=csums FILE=acceptors.x -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/MatrixColumnSums.cpp b/src/adjmat/MatrixColumnSums.cpp index 773502349..cae24fcec 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/MatrixColumnSums.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/MatrixColumnSums.cpp @@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ tells you whether atoms \f$i\f$ and \f$j\f$ are within 1.0 nm of each other. Th and the average value is computed. As such the following input provides an alternative method for calculating the coordination numbers of atoms 1 to 10. -\verbatim +\plumedfile mat: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=1-10 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.0} rsums: COLUMNSUMS MATRIX=mat MEAN PRINT ARG=rsums.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input demonstrates another way that an average coordination number can be computed. This input calculates the number of atoms with indices between 1 and 5 that are within the first coordination spheres of each of the atoms within indices between 6 and 15. The average coordination number is then calculated from these fifteen coordination numbers and this quantity is output to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile mat2: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMSA=1-5 ATOMSB=6-15 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.0} rsums: COLUMNSUMS MATRIX=mat2 MEAN PRINT ARG=rsums.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/MatrixRowSums.cpp b/src/adjmat/MatrixRowSums.cpp index 038aa89a7..6ef15fb28 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/MatrixRowSums.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/MatrixRowSums.cpp @@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ tells you whether atoms \f$i\f$ and \f$j\f$ are within 1.0 nm of each other. Th and the average value is computed. As such the following input provides an alternative method for calculating the coordination numbers of atoms 1 to 10. -\verbatim +\plumedfile mat: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=1-10 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.0} rsums: ROWSUMS MATRIX=mat MEAN PRINT ARG=rsums.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input demonstrates another way that an average coordination number can be computed. This input calculates the number of atoms with indices between 6 and 15 that are within the first coordination spheres of each of the atoms within indices between 1 and 5. The average coordination number is then calculated from these five coordination numbers and this quantity is output to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile mat2: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMSA=1-5 ATOMSB=6-15 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.0} rsums: ROWSUMS MATRIX=mat2 MEAN PRINT ARG=rsums.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/OutputCluster.cpp b/src/adjmat/OutputCluster.cpp index c2b752f0d..4dd430f3c 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/OutputCluster.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/OutputCluster.cpp @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ that satisfy this criteria. The DFS algorithm is then used to find the connecte in this matrix and the indices of the atoms in the largest connected component are then output to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-1996 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.34 D_MAX=0.38} cf: MFILTER_LESS DATA=c1 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=13 D_MAX=13.5} mat: CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=cf SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=0.34 D_MAX=0.38} dfs: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=mat OUTPUT_CLUSTER CLUSTERS=dfs CLUSTER=1 FILE=dfs.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/SMACMatrix.cpp b/src/adjmat/SMACMatrix.cpp index ac433076b..a4e8288f4 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/SMACMatrix.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/SMACMatrix.cpp @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ molecules \f$i\f$ and \f$j\f$ are within 6 angstroms of each other and if the to of these molecules is close to 0 or \f$\pi\f$. The various connected components of this matrix are determined using the \ref DFSCLUSTERING algorithm and then the size of the largest cluster of connectes molecules is output to a colvar file -\verbatim +\plumedfile UNITS LENGTH=A MOLECULES ... @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ SMAC_MATRIX ... dfs1: DFSCLUSTERING MATRIX=smacm cc2: CLUSTER_NATOMS CLUSTERS=dfs1 CLUSTER=1 PRINT ARG=smac.*,cc1.*,cc2 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/adjmat/Sprint.cpp b/src/adjmat/Sprint.cpp index f7e0a0da8..3e90100e8 100644 --- a/src/adjmat/Sprint.cpp +++ b/src/adjmat/Sprint.cpp @@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ This example input calculates the 7 SPRINT coordinates for a 7 atom cluster of L atoms and prints their values to a file. In this input the SPRINT coordinates are calculated in the manner described in ?? so two atoms are adjacent if they are within a cutoff: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DENSITY SPECIES=1-7 LABEL=d1 CONTACT_MATRIX ATOMS=d1 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} LABEL=mat SPRINT MATRIX=mat LABEL=ss PRINT ARG=ss.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This example input calculates the 14 SPRINT coordinates foa a molecule composed of 7 hydrogen and 7 carbon atoms. Once again two atoms are adjacent if they are within a cutoff: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DENSITY SPECIES=1-7 LABEL=c DENSITY SPECIES=8-14 LABEL=h @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ CONTACT_MATRIX ... SPRINT MATRIX=mat LABEL=ss PRINT ARG=ss.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/analysis/Average.cpp b/src/analysis/Average.cpp index c96b2556b..9d0566da8 100644 --- a/src/analysis/Average.cpp +++ b/src/analysis/Average.cpp @@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ and output this to a file called COLVAR. In this example it is assumed that no on the system and that the weights, \f$w(t')\f$ in the formulae above can thus all be set equal to one. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 d1a: AVERAGE ARG=d1 PRINT ARG=d1a FILE=colvar STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following example calculates the ensemble average for the torsional angle involving atoms 1, 2, 3 and 4. At variance with the previous example this quantity is periodic so the second formula in the above introduction @@ -65,23 +65,23 @@ forgotten and the process of averaging is begun again. The quantities output in block averages taken over the first 100 frames of the trajectory, the block average over the second 100 frames of trajectory and so on. -\verbatim +\plumedfile t1: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 t1a: AVERAGE ARG=t1 CLEAR=100 PRINT ARG=t1a FILE=colvar STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This third example incorporates a bias. Notice that the effect the bias has on the ensemble average is removed by taking advantage of the \ref REWEIGHT_BIAS method. The final ensemble averages output to the file are thus block ensemble averages for the unbiased canononical ensemble at a temperature of 300 K. -\verbatim +\plumedfile t1: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 RESTRAINT ARG=t1 AT=pi KAPPA=100. ww: REWEIGHT_BIAS TEMP=300 t1a: AVERAGE ARG=t1 LOGWEIGHTS=ww CLEAR=100 PRINT ARG=t1a FILE=colvar STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/analysis/ClassicalMultiDimensionalScaling.cpp b/src/analysis/ClassicalMultiDimensionalScaling.cpp index 93bb25f1d..68ac6aeae 100644 --- a/src/analysis/ClassicalMultiDimensionalScaling.cpp +++ b/src/analysis/ClassicalMultiDimensionalScaling.cpp @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ can be found in the tutorial \ref belfast-3 and in the following <a href="https: The following command instructs plumed to construct a classical multidimensional scaling projection of a trajectory. The RMSD distance between atoms 1-256 have moved is used to measure the distances in the high-dimensional space. -\verbatim +\plumedfile CLASSICAL_MDS ... ATOMS=1-256 METRIC=OPTIMAL-FAST @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ CLASSICAL_MDS ... NLOW_DIM=2 OUTPUT_FILE=rmsd-embed ... CLASSICAL_MDS -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following section is for people who are interested in how this method works in detail. A solid understanding of this material is not necessary to use MDS. diff --git a/src/analysis/Commit.cpp b/src/analysis/Commit.cpp index 5cbacf4db..d51d6b9e5 100644 --- a/src/analysis/Commit.cpp +++ b/src/analysis/Commit.cpp @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation, defines two basins (A and B) as a function of the two torsions and stops the simulation when it falls in one of the two. In the log file will be shown the latest values for the CVs and the basin reached. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 COMMITTOR ... @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ COMMITTOR ... BASIN_LL2=-0.15,-0.20 BASIN_UL2=-0.25,-0.40 ... COMMITTOR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/analysis/Histogram.cpp b/src/analysis/Histogram.cpp index b8a74c797..16abb4a6d 100644 --- a/src/analysis/Histogram.cpp +++ b/src/analysis/Histogram.cpp @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Additional material and examples can be also found in the tutorial \ref belfast- The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs a continuos histogram as a function of them at the end of the simulation. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs a discrete histogram as a function of them at the end of the simulation. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs the histogram accumulated thus far every 100000 steps. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo STRIDE=100000 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs a separate histogram for each 100000 steps worth of trajectory. Notice how the CLEAR keyword is used here and how it is not used in the previous example. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo STRIDE=100000 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/analysis/PCA.cpp b/src/analysis/PCA.cpp index 5b31a04fa..528c6290b 100644 --- a/src/analysis/PCA.cpp +++ b/src/analysis/PCA.cpp @@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ of the first 22 atoms. The TYPE=OPTIMAL instruction ensures that translational The first two principal components will be output to a file called pca-comp.pdb. Trajectory frames will be collected on every step and the PCA calculation will be performed at the end of the simulation. -\verbatim +\plumedfile PCA METRIC=OPTIMAL ATOMS=1-22 STRIDE=1 USE_ALL_DATA NLOW_DIM=2 OFILE=pca-comp.pdb -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input instructs PLUMED to perform a principal component analysis in which the covariance matrix is calculated from chnages in the six distances seen in the previous lines. Notice that here the TYPE=EUCLIDEAN keyword is used to indicate that no alighment has to be done when calculating the various @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ PCA analysis will be performed twice. The REWEIGHT_BIAS keyword in this input t when calculating averages and covariances a reweighting should be performed based and each frames' weight in these calculations should be determined based on the current value of the instantaneous bias (see \ref REWEIGHT_BIAS). -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,3 d3: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,4 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ d5: DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 d6: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,4 PCA ARG=d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6 METRIC=EUCLIDEAN STRIDE=5 RUN=1000 NLOW_DIM=2 REWEIGHT_BIAS OFILE=pca-comp.pdb -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/ABMD.cpp b/src/bias/ABMD.cpp index 5e8bef344..a76c5341c 100644 --- a/src/bias/ABMD.cpp +++ b/src/bias/ABMD.cpp @@ -70,13 +70,12 @@ an additional white noise acting on the minimum position of the bias. The following input sets up two biases, one on the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and another on the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The two target values are defined using TO and the two strength using KAPPA. The total energy of the bias is printed. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 ABMD ARG=d1,d2 TO=1.0,1.5 KAPPA=5.0,5.0 LABEL=abmd PRINT ARG=abmd.bias,abmd.d1_min,abmd.d2_min -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/BiasValue.cpp b/src/bias/BiasValue.cpp index 3e77621a5..ff741a6c0 100644 --- a/src/bias/BiasValue.cpp +++ b/src/bias/BiasValue.cpp @@ -42,18 +42,17 @@ to some collective variable then using the value of this function directly as a The following input tells plumed to use the value of the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the value of the distance between atoms 2 and 4 as biases. It then tells plumed to print the energy of the restraint -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=3,6 LABEL=d2 BIASVALUE ARG=d1,d2 LABEL=b PRINT ARG=d1,d2,b.d1,b.d2 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile Another thing one can do is asking one system to follow a circle in sin/cos according a time dependence -\verbatim +\plumedfile t: TIME # this just print cos and sin of time cos: MATHEVAL ARG=t VAR=t FUNC=cos(t) PERIODIC=NO @@ -72,9 +71,7 @@ vv1: MATHEVAL ARG=mycos,mysin,cos,sin VAR=mc,ms,c,s FUNC=100*((mc-c)^2+(ms-s)^ cc: BIASVALUE ARG=vv1 # some printout PRINT ARG=t,cos,sin,d.x,d.y,d.z,mycos,mysin,cc.bias.vv1 STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim -(see also \ref TIME, \ref MATHEVAL, \ref COM, \ref DISTANCE, and \ref PRINT). - +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/ExtendedLagrangian.cpp b/src/bias/ExtendedLagrangian.cpp index 85de570dd..ee3d3ada0 100644 --- a/src/bias/ExtendedLagrangian.cpp +++ b/src/bias/ExtendedLagrangian.cpp @@ -88,28 +88,26 @@ and many shorter runs. The following input tells plumed to perform a metadynamics with an extended Lagrangian on two torsional angles. -\verbatim +\plumedfile phi: TORSION ATOMS=5,7,9,15 psi: TORSION ATOMS=7,9,15,17 ex: EXTENDED_LAGRANGIAN ARG=phi,psi KAPPA=20,20.0 TAU=0.1,0.1 METAD ARG=ex.phi_fict,ex.psi_fict PACE=100 SIGMA=0.35,0.35 HEIGHT=0.1 # monitor the two variables PRINT STRIDE=10 ARG=phi,psi,ex.phi_fict,ex.psi_fict FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim -(See also \ref TORSION, \ref METAD, and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile The following input tells plumed to perform a TAMD (or dAFED) calculation on two torsional angles, keeping the two variables at a fictitious temperature of 3000K with a Langevin thermostat with friction 10 -\verbatim +\plumedfile phi: TORSION ATOMS=5,7,9,15 psi: TORSION ATOMS=7,9,15,17 ex: EXTENDED_LAGRANGIAN ARG=phi,psi KAPPA=20,20.0 TAU=0.1,0.1 FRICTION=10,10 TEMP=3000 # monitor the two variables PRINT STRIDE=10 ARG=phi,psi,ex.phi_fict,ex.psi_fict FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim -(See also \ref TORSION and \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/External.cpp b/src/bias/External.cpp index 62bc54cf9..7c714efae 100644 --- a/src/bias/External.cpp +++ b/src/bias/External.cpp @@ -39,11 +39,10 @@ Calculate a restraint that is defined on a grid that is read during start up \par Examples The following is an input for a calculation with an external potential that is defined in the file bias.dat and that acts on the distance between atoms 3 and 5. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 EXTERNAL ARG=d1 FILE=bias.dat LABEL=external -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile The header in the file bias.dat should read: \verbatim @@ -61,11 +60,11 @@ with NOSPLINE you do not need to provide derivative information. You can also include grids that are a function of more than one collective variable. For instance the following would be the input for an external potential acting on two torsional angles: -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=4,5,6,7 LABEL=t1 TORSION ATOMS=6,7,8,9 LABEL=t2 EXTERNAL ARG=t1,t2 FILE=bias.dat LABEL=ext -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The header in the file bias.dat for this calculation would read: \verbatim diff --git a/src/bias/LWalls.cpp b/src/bias/LWalls.cpp index 33d7f7c04..26bb720f1 100644 --- a/src/bias/LWalls.cpp +++ b/src/bias/LWalls.cpp @@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ The following input tells plumed to add both a lower and an upper walls on the d between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The lower and upper limits are defined at different values. The strength of the walls is the same for the four cases. It also tells plumed to print the energy of the walls. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d1,d2 AT=1.0,1.5 KAPPA=150.0,150.0 EXP=2,2 EPS=1,1 OFFSET=0,0 LABEL=uwall LOWER_WALLS ARG=d1,d2 AT=0.0,1.0 KAPPA=150.0,150.0 EXP=2,2 EPS=1,1 OFFSET=0,0 LABEL=lwall PRINT ARG=uwall.bias,lwall.bias -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). */ diff --git a/src/bias/MetaD.cpp b/src/bias/MetaD.cpp index b58618570..5023c38f2 100644 --- a/src/bias/MetaD.cpp +++ b/src/bias/MetaD.cpp @@ -163,35 +163,35 @@ The following input is for a standard metadynamics calculation using as collective variables the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The value of the CVs and the metadynamics bias potential are written to the COLVAR file every 100 steps. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 METAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=0.2,0.2 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref DISTANCE \ref PRINT). \par If you use adaptive Gaussians, with diffusion scheme where you use a Gaussian that should cover the space of 20 timesteps in collective variables. Note that in this case the histogram correction is needed when summing up hills. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 METAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=20 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint ADAPTIVE=DIFF PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \par If you use adaptive Gaussians, with geometrical scheme where you use a Gaussian that should cover the space of 0.05 nm in Cartesian space. Note that in this case the histogram correction is needed when summing up hills. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 METAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=0.05 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint ADAPTIVE=GEOM PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \par When using adaptive Gaussians you might want to limit how the hills width can change. @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ You can use SIGMA_MIN and SIGMA_MAX keywords. The sigmas should specified in terms of CV so you should use the CV units. Note that if you use a negative number, this means that the limit is not set. Note also that in this case the histogram correction is needed when summing up hills. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 METAD ... @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ METAD ... SIGMA_MIN=0.2,0.1 SIGMA_MAX=0.5,1.0 ... METAD PRINT ARG=d1,d2,restraint.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \par Multiple walkers can be also use as in \cite multiplewalkers @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ These are enabled by setting the number of walker used, the id of the current walker which interprets the input file, the directory where the hills containing files resides, and the frequency to read the other walkers. Here is an example -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 METAD ... ARG=d1 SIGMA=0.05 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=restraint @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ METAD ... WALKERS_DIR=../ WALKERS_RSTRIDE=100 ... METAD -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile where WALKERS_N is the total number of walkers, WALKERS_ID is the id of the present walker (starting from 0 ) and the WALKERS_DIR is the directory where all the walkers are located. WALKERS_RSTRIDE is the number of step between @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ presented in \cite Tiwary_jp504920s as described above. This is enabled by using the keyword REWEIGHTING_NGRID where the grid used for the calculation is set. The number of grid points given in REWEIGHTING_NGRID should be equal or larger than the number of grid points given in GRID_BIN. -\verbatim +\plumedfile METAD ... LABEL=metad ARG=phi,psi SIGMA=0.20,0.20 HEIGHT=1.20 BIASFACTOR=5 TEMP=300.0 PACE=500 @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ METAD ... REWEIGHTING_NGRID=150,150 REWEIGHTING_NHILLS=20 ... METAD -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here we have asked that the calculation is performed every 20 hills by using REWEIGHTING_NHILLS keyword. If this keyword is not given the calculation will by default be performed every 50 hills. The c(t) reweighting factor will be given @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ Alternatively, if you use a BIASFACTOR yout simulation will converge to a free energy that is a linear combination of the target free energy and of the intrinsic free energy determined by the original force field. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 METAD ... LABEL=t1 @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ METAD ... ... METAD PRINT ARG=d1,t1.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The header in the file dist.dat for this calculation would read: @@ -309,19 +309,19 @@ The header in the file dist.dat for this calculation would read: Notice that BIASFACTOR can also be chosen as equal to 1. In this case one will perform unbiased sampling. Instead of using HEIGHT, one should provide the TAU parameter. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 METAD ARG=d SIGMA=0.1 TAU=4.0 TEMP=300 PACE=100 BIASFACTOR=1.0 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The HILLS file obtained will still work with `plumed sum_hills` so as to plot a free-energy. The case where this makes sense is probably that of RECT simulations. Regarding RECT simulations, you can also use the RECT keyword so as to avoid using multiple input files. For instance, a single input file will be -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 METAD ARG=d SIGMA=0.1 TAU=4.0 TEMP=300 PACE=100 RECT=1.0,1.5,2.0,3.0 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The number of elements in the RECT array should be equal to the number of replicas. diff --git a/src/bias/Metainference.cpp b/src/bias/Metainference.cpp index e4d3e8b94..3953c436d 100644 --- a/src/bias/Metainference.cpp +++ b/src/bias/Metainference.cpp @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ them and comparing them with a set of experimental values. RDCs are compared wit the experimental data but for a multiplication factor SCALE that is also sampled by MC on-the-fly -\verbatim +\plumedfile RDC ... LABEL=rdc SCALE=0.0001 @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ LABEL=spe ... METAINFERENCE PRINT ARG=spe.bias FILE=BIAS STRIDE=1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile in the following example instead of using one uncertainty parameter per data point we use a single uncertainty value in a long-tailed gaussian to take into account for outliers. -\verbatim +\plumedfile METAINFERENCE ... ARG=ardc.* NOISETYPE=OUTLIERS @@ -99,9 +99,7 @@ SIGMA_MEAN=0.001 TEMP=300 LABEL=spe ... METAINFERENCE -\endverbatim - -(See also \ref RDC and \ref ENSEMBLE). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/MovingRestraint.cpp b/src/bias/MovingRestraint.cpp index 13cafce97..d5317af1d 100644 --- a/src/bias/MovingRestraint.cpp +++ b/src/bias/MovingRestraint.cpp @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Additional material and examples can be also found in the tutorial \ref belfast- The following input is dragging the distance between atoms 2 and 4 from 1 to 2 in the first 1000 steps, then back in the next 1000 steps. In the following 500 steps the restraint is progressively switched off. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d MOVINGRESTRAINT ... ARG=d @@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ MOVINGRESTRAINT ... STEP2=2000 AT2=1.0 STEP3=2500 KAPPA3=0.0 ... MOVINGRESTRAINT -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input is progressively building restraints distances between atoms 1 and 5 and between atoms 2 and 4 in the first 1000 steps. Afterwards, the restraint is kept static. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=1,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 MOVINGRESTRAINT ... @@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ MOVINGRESTRAINT ... STEP0=0 AT0=1.0,1.5 KAPPA0=0.0,0.0 STEP1=1000 AT1=1.0,1.5 KAPPA1=1.0,1.0 ... MOVINGRESTRAINT -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input is progressively bringing atoms 1 and 2 close to each other with an upper wall -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 LABEL=d1 MOVINGRESTRAINT ... ARG=d1 @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ MOVINGRESTRAINT ... STEP0=0 AT0=1.0 KAPPA0=10.0 STEP1=1000 AT1=0.0 ... MOVINGRESTRAINT -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile By default the Action is issuing some values which are the work on each degree of freedom, the center of the harmonic potential, diff --git a/src/bias/PBMetaD.cpp b/src/bias/PBMetaD.cpp index b50557f7d..76c35154b 100644 --- a/src/bias/PBMetaD.cpp +++ b/src/bias/PBMetaD.cpp @@ -150,18 +150,18 @@ The following input is for PBMetaD calculation using as collective variables the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The value of the CVs and the PBMetaD bias potential are written to the COLVAR file every 100 steps. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 PBMETAD ARG=d1,d2 SIGMA=0.2,0.2 HEIGHT=0.3 PACE=500 LABEL=pb FILE=HILLS_d1,HILLS_d2 PRINT ARG=d1,d2,pb.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). \par If you use well-tempered metadynamics, you should specify a single biasfactor and initial Gaussian height. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 PBMETAD ... @@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ PACE=500 BIASFACTOR=8 LABEL=pb FILE=HILLS_d1,HILLS_d2 ... PBMETAD PRINT ARG=d1,d2,pb.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \par The following input enables the MPI version of multiple-walkers. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 PBMETAD ... @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ FILE=HILLS_d1,HILLS_d2 WALKERS_MPI ... PBMETAD PRINT ARG=d1,d2,pb.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \par The disk version of multiple-walkers can be @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ enabled by setting the number of walker used, the id of the current walker which interprets the input file, the directory where the hills containing files resides, and the frequency to read the other walkers. Here is an example -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 PBMETAD ... @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ WALKERS_DIR=../ WALKERS_RSTRIDE=100 ... PBMETAD PRINT ARG=d1,d2,pb.bias STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile where WALKERS_N is the total number of walkers, WALKERS_ID is the id of the present walker (starting from 0 ) and the WALKERS_DIR is the directory where all the walkers are located. WALKERS_RSTRIDE is the number of step between diff --git a/src/bias/Restraint.cpp b/src/bias/Restraint.cpp index 8bb3df202..85208d35b 100644 --- a/src/bias/Restraint.cpp +++ b/src/bias/Restraint.cpp @@ -49,13 +49,12 @@ Additional material and examples can be also found in the tutorial \ref belfast- The following input tells plumed to restrain the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4, at different equilibrium values, and to print the energy of the restraint -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 RESTRAINT ARG=d1,d2 AT=1.0,1.5 KAPPA=150.0,150.0 LABEL=restraint PRINT ARG=restraint.bias -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/ReweightBias.cpp b/src/bias/ReweightBias.cpp index d0b2d90a3..60976e644 100644 --- a/src/bias/ReweightBias.cpp +++ b/src/bias/ReweightBias.cpp @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ restraint will have an effect on the region of phase space that will be sampled run using this variable. Consequently, when the histogram as a function of the distance, \f$x\f$, is accumulated, we use reweighting into order to discount the effect of the bias from our final histogram. -\verbatim +\plumedfile x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 RESTRAINT ARG=x SLOPE=1.0 AT=0.0 as: REWEIGHT_BIAS TEMP=300 @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hB FILE=histoB STRIDE=1 FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/bias/ReweightMetad.cpp b/src/bias/ReweightMetad.cpp index 766ed40df..42a4855c2 100644 --- a/src/bias/ReweightMetad.cpp +++ b/src/bias/ReweightMetad.cpp @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ we use reweighting into order to discount the effect of the bias from our final metadynamics instead. Notice also that we have to specify how often we would like to calculate the c(t) reweighting factor and the grid over which we calculate c(t) in the input to the METAD command. -\verbatim +\plumedfile a: ANGLE ATOMS=1,2,3 x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 METAD ARG=x PACE=100 SIGMA=0.1 HEIGHT=1.5 BIASFACTOR=5 GRID_MIN=0 GRID_MAX=10 GRID_BIN=100 REWEIGHTING_NGRID=100 REWEIGHTING_NHILLS=50 @@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hB FILE=histoB STRIDE=1 FMT=%8.4f - -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/bias/UWalls.cpp b/src/bias/UWalls.cpp index 0f096f11b..bfe4d8929 100644 --- a/src/bias/UWalls.cpp +++ b/src/bias/UWalls.cpp @@ -52,14 +52,13 @@ The following input tells plumed to add both a lower and an upper walls on the d between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The lower and upper limits are defined at different values. The strength of the walls is the same for the four cases. It also tells plumed to print the energy of the walls. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 LABEL=d1 DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 LABEL=d2 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d1,d2 AT=1.0,1.5 KAPPA=150.0,150.0 EXP=2,2 EPS=1,1 OFFSET=0,0 LABEL=uwall LOWER_WALLS ARG=d1,d2 AT=0.0,1.0 KAPPA=150.0,150.0 EXP=2,2 EPS=1,1 OFFSET=0,0 LABEL=lwall PRINT ARG=uwall.bias,lwall.bias -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Angle.cpp b/src/colvar/Angle.cpp index ed57d03ea..285d6fa50 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Angle.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Angle.cpp @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ This command tells plumed to calculate the angle between the vector connecting a the vector connecting atom 2 to atom 3 and to print it on file COLVAR1. At the same time, the angle between vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2 and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 4 is printed on file COLVAR2. -\verbatim +\plumedfile a: ANGLE ATOMS=1,2,3 # equivalently one could state: @@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ b: ANGLE ATOMS=1,2,3,4 PRINT ARG=a FILE=COLVAR1 PRINT ARG=b FILE=COLVAR2 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/colvar/CS2Backbone.cpp b/src/colvar/CS2Backbone.cpp index 040e0dfad..6c606e4e5 100644 --- a/src/colvar/CS2Backbone.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/CS2Backbone.cpp @@ -116,17 +116,17 @@ Additional material and examples can be also found in the tutorial \ref belfast- In this first example the chemical shifts are used to calculate a scoring function to be used in NMR driven Metadynamics \cite Granata:2013dk : -\verbatim +\plumedfile whole: GROUP ATOMS=2612-2514:-1,961-1:-1,2466-962:-1,2513-2467:-1 WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=whole cs: CS2BACKBONE ATOMS=1-2612 NRES=176 DATA=../data/ TEMPLATE=template.pdb CAMSHIFT NOPBC metad: METAD ARG=cs HEIGHT=0.5 SIGMA=0.1 PACE=200 BIASFACTOR=10 PRINT ARG=cs,metad.bias FILE=COLVAR STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In this second example the chemical shifts are used as replica-averaged restrained as in \cite Camilloni:2012je \cite Camilloni:2013hs. -\verbatim +\plumedfile cs: CS2BACKBONE ATOMS=1-174 DATA=data/ NRES=13 encs: ENSEMBLE ARG=(cs\.hn_.*),(cs\.nh_.*) stcs: STATS ARG=encs.* SQDEVSUM PARARG=(cs\.exphn_.*),(cs\.expnh_.*) @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ RESTRAINT ARG=stcs.sqdevsum AT=0 KAPPA=0 SLOPE=24 PRINT ARG=(cs\.hn_.*),(cs\.nh_.*) FILE=RESTRAINT STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref WHOLEMOLECULES, \ref STATS, \ref METAD, \ref RESTRAINT and \ref PRINT) diff --git a/src/colvar/Cell.cpp b/src/colvar/Cell.cpp index 5c59e9f49..082fa237d 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Cell.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Cell.cpp @@ -36,14 +36,13 @@ Calculate the components of the simulation cell \par Examples The following input tells plumed to print the squared modulo of each of the three lattice vectors -\verbatim +\plumedfile cell: CELL aaa: COMBINE,cell.ay, POWERS=2,2,2 PERIODIC=NO bbb: COMBINE ARG=cell.bx,, POWERS=2,2,2 PERIODIC=NO ccc: COMBINE,, POWERS=2,2,2 PERIODIC=NO PRINT ARG=aaa,bbb,ccc -\endverbatim -(See also \ref COMBINE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Constant.cpp b/src/colvar/Constant.cpp index 49423413d..247f9ac6d 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Constant.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Constant.cpp @@ -44,21 +44,20 @@ The following input instructs plumed to compute the distance between atoms 1 and 2. If this distance is between 1.0 and 2.0, it is printed. If it is lower than 1.0 (larger than 2.0), 1.0 (2.0) is printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile cn: CONSTANT VALUES=1.0,2.0 dis: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 sss: SORT ARG=cn.v_0,dis,cn.v_1 PRINT ARG=sss.2 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE, \ref SORT, and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile In case you want to pass a single value you can use VALUE: -\verbatim +\plumedfile cn: CONSTANT VALUE=1.0 dis: DISTANCE ATOMS=1 sss: SORT ARG=cn,dis PRINT ARG=sss.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/ContactMap.cpp b/src/colvar/ContactMap.cpp index 9405f172f..9fe8f82c9 100644 --- a/src/colvar/ContactMap.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/ContactMap.cpp @@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ The following example calculates switching functions based on the distances betw 1 and 2, 3 and 4 and 4 and 5. The values of these three switching functions are then output to a file named colvar. -\verbatim +\plumedfile CONTACTMAP ATOMS1=1,2 ATOMS2=3,4 ATOMS3=4,5 ATOMS4=5,6 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1.5} LABEL=f1 PRINT ARG=f1.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following example calculates the difference of the current contact map with respect to a reference provided. In this case REFERENCE is the fraction of contact that is formed (i.e. the distance between two atoms transformed with the SWITH), while R_0 is the contact distance. WEIGHT gives the relative weight of each contact to the final distance measure. -\verbatim +\plumedfile CONTACTMAP ... ATOMS1=1,2 REFERENCE1=0.1 WEIGHT1=0.5 ATOMS2=3,4 REFERENCE2=0.5 WEIGHT2=1.0 @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ CMDIST ... CONTACTMAP PRINT ARG=cmap FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The next example calculates calculates fraction of native contacts (Q) for Trp-cage mini-protein. R_0 is the distance at which the switch function is guaranteed to @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ WEIGHT is the 1/(number of contacts) giving equal weight to each contact. When using native contact Q switch function, please cite \cite best2013 -\verbatim +\plumedfile # Full example available in regtest/basic/rt72/ CONTACTMAP ... @@ -97,9 +97,8 @@ SUM ... CONTACTMAP PRINT ARG=cmap FILE=colvar -\endverbatim - -(See also \ref PRINT and \ref switchingfunction) +\endplumedfile +(See also \ref switchingfunction) */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Coordination.cpp b/src/colvar/Coordination.cpp index c1aa2da4f..fe0a8b08d 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Coordination.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Coordination.cpp @@ -62,19 +62,19 @@ so that they actually count as "zero". \par Examples The following example instructs plumed to calculate the total coordination number of the atoms in group 1-10 with the atoms in group 20-100. For atoms 1-10 coordination numbers are calculated that count the number of atoms from the second group that are within 0.3 nm of the central atom. A neighbour list is used to make this calculation faster, this neighbour list is updated every 100 steps. -\verbatim +\plumedfile COORDINATION GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=20-100 R_0=0.3 NLIST NL_CUTOFF=0.5 NL_STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following is a dummy example which should compute the value 0 because the self interaction of atom 1 is skipped. Notice that in plumed 2.0 "self interactions" were not skipped, and the same calculation should return 1. -\verbatim +\plumedfile c: COORDINATION GROUPA=1 GROUPB=1 R_0=0.3 PRINT ARG=c STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATION GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=1-10 R_0=0.3 x: COORDINATION GROUPA=1-10 R_0=0.3 c2: COMBINE ARG=x COEFFICIENTS=2 @@ -82,8 +82,7 @@ c2: COMBINE ARG=x COEFFICIENTS=2 # since it runs on half of the pairs. Notice that to get the same result you # should double it PRINT ARG=c1,c2 STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim -See also \ref PRINT and \ref COMBINE +\endplumedfile diff --git a/src/colvar/DHEnergy.cpp b/src/colvar/DHEnergy.cpp index 23ed21d58..d13aeecdc 100644 --- a/src/colvar/DHEnergy.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/DHEnergy.cpp @@ -56,12 +56,11 @@ Notice that if there are common atoms between GROUPA and GROUPB their interactio \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile # this is printing the electrostatic interaction between two groups of atoms dh: DHENERGY GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 EPSILON=80.0 I=0.1 TEMP=300.0 PRINT ARG=dh -\endverbatim -(see also \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/DRMSD.cpp b/src/colvar/DRMSD.cpp index 5a3152ad4..49efb882a 100644 --- a/src/colvar/DRMSD.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/DRMSD.cpp @@ -65,15 +65,15 @@ the positions of the atoms in the reference file and their instantaneous position. Only pairs of atoms whose distance in the reference structure is within 0.1 and 0.8 nm are considered. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DRMSD REFERENCE=file.pdb LOWER_CUTOFF=0.1 UPPER_CUTOFF=0.8 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following tells plumed to calculate a DRMSD value for a pair of molecules. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DRMSD REFERENCE=file.pdb LOWER_CUTOFF=0.1 UPPER_CUTOFF=0.8 TYPE=INTER-DRMSD -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In the input reference file (file.pdb) the atoms in each of the two molecules are separated by a TER command as shown below. diff --git a/src/colvar/Dimer.cpp b/src/colvar/Dimer.cpp index 827c84365..baead008e 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Dimer.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Dimer.cpp @@ -85,43 +85,43 @@ the temperature of the system. This line tells Plumed to compute the Dimer interaction energy for every dimer in the system. -\verbatim +\plumedfile dim: DIMER TEMP=300 Q=0.5 ALLATOMS DSIGMA=0.002 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile If the simulation doesn't use virtual sites for the dimers centers of mass, Plumed has to know in order to determine correctly the total number of dimers from the total number of atoms: -\verbatim +\plumedfile dim: DIMER TEMP=300 Q=0.5 ALLATOMS DSIGMA=0.002 NOVSITES -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The NOVSITES flag is not required if one provides the atom serial of each Dimer. This is defined as the atom serial of the first bead of the dimer and is thus a number between 1 and N. Along with the ATOMS list also the number N of lines describing the first beads has to be given. For example, the Dimer interaction energy of dimers 1,5,7 is: -\verbatim +\plumedfile dim: DIMER TEMP=300 Q=0.5 NATOMS=N ATOMS=1,5,7 DSIGMA=0.002 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In a Replica Exchange simulation the keyword DSIGMA can be used in two ways: if a plumed.n.dat file is provided for each replica, then DSIGMA is passed as a single value, like in the previous examples, and each replica will read its own DSIGMA value. If a unique plumed.dat is given, DSIGMA has to be a list containing a value for each replica. For 4 replicas: -\verbatim +\plumedfile dim: DIMER TEMP=300 Q=0.5 NATOMS=N ATOMS=1,5,7 DSIGMA=0.002,0.002,0.004,0.01 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \par Usage of the CV The dimer interaction is not coded in the driver program and has to be inserted in the hamiltonian of the system as a linear RESTRAINT (see \ref RESTRAINT): -\verbatim +\plumedfile dim: DIMER TEMP=300 Q=0.5 ALLATOMS DSIGMA=0.002 RESTRAINT ARG=dim AT=0 KAPPA=0 SLOPE=1 LABEL=dimforces -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In a replica exchange, Metadynamics (see \ref METAD) can be used on the Dimer CV to reduce the number of replicas. Just keep in mind that METAD SIGMA values should be tuned diff --git a/src/colvar/Dipole.cpp b/src/colvar/Dipole.cpp index 09a4a6580..3cffa3553 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Dipole.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Dipole.cpp @@ -37,11 +37,10 @@ Calculate the dipole moment for a group of atoms. \par Examples The following tells plumed to calculate the dipole of the group of atoms containing the atoms from 1-10 and print it every 5 steps -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DIPOLE GROUP=1-10 PRINT FILE=output STRIDE=5 ARG=5 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile \attention If the total charge Q of the group in non zero, then a charge Q/N will be subtracted to every atom, diff --git a/src/colvar/Distance.cpp b/src/colvar/Distance.cpp index c3a981771..279961b76 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Distance.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Distance.cpp @@ -49,46 +49,44 @@ better to use SCALED_COMPONENTS. The following input tells plumed to print the distance between atoms 3 and 5, the distance between atoms 2 and 4 and the x component of the distance between atoms 2 and 4. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 d2c: DISTANCE ATOMS=2,4 COMPONENTS PRINT ARG=d1,d2,d2c.x -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile The following input computes the end-to-end distance for a polymer of 100 atoms and keeps it at a value around 5. -\verbatim +\plumedfile WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-100 e2e: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,100 NOPBC RESTRAINT ARG=e2e KAPPA=1 AT=5 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref WHOLEMOLECULES and \ref RESTRAINT). +\endplumedfile Notice that NOPBC is used to be sure that if the end-to-end distance is larger than half the simulation box the distance is compute properly. Also notice that, since many MD codes break molecules across cell boundary, it might be necessary to use the \ref WHOLEMOLECULES keyword (also notice that it should be -_before_ distance). The list of atoms provided to WHOLEMOLECULES +_before_ distance). The list of atoms provided to \ref WHOLEMOLECULES here contains all the atoms between 1 and 100. Strictly speaking, this is not necessary. If you know for sure that atoms with difference in the index say equal to 10 are _not_ going to be farther than half cell you can e.g. use -\verbatim +\plumedfile WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 e2e: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,100 NOPBC RESTRAINT ARG=e2e KAPPA=1 AT=5 -\endverbatim -Just be sure that the ordered list provide to WHOLEMOLECULES has the following +\endplumedfile +Just be sure that the ordered list provide to \ref WHOLEMOLECULES has the following properties: - Consecutive atoms should be closer than half-cell throughout the entire simulation. - Atoms required later for the distance (e.g. 1 and 100) should be included in the list The following example shows how to take into account periodicity e.g. in z-component of a distance -\verbatim +\plumedfile # this is a center of mass of a large group c: COM ATOMS=1-100 # this is the distance between atom 101 and the group @@ -99,8 +97,7 @@ d: DISTANCE ATOMS=c,101 COMPONENTS dz: COMBINE ARG=d.z PERIODIC=-10,10 # metadynamics on dd METAD ARG=dz SIGMA=0.1 HEIGHT=0.1 PACE=200 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref COM, \ref COMBINE, and \ref METAD) +\endplumedfile Using SCALED_COMPONENTS this problem should not arise because they are always periodic with domain (-0.5,+0.5). diff --git a/src/colvar/ERMSD.cpp b/src/colvar/ERMSD.cpp index 3602df086..fb5ff6cad 100644 --- a/src/colvar/ERMSD.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/ERMSD.cpp @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ for a multi molecular system. Calculate the eRMSD from reference structure reference.pdb using the default cutoff (2.4). The list of residues involved in the calculation has to be specified. In this example, the eRMSD is calculated considering residues 1,2,3,4,5,6. -\verbatim +\plumedfile eRMSD1: ERMSD REFERENCE=reference.pdb ATOMS=@lcs-1,@lcs-2,@lcs-3,@lcs-4,@lcs-5,@lcs-6 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Energy.cpp b/src/colvar/Energy.cpp index 6f79eb883..4b3f80736 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Energy.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Energy.cpp @@ -48,11 +48,10 @@ using GROMACS with lambda replica exchange of with plumed-hrex branch. \par Examples The following input instructs plumed to print the energy of the system -\verbatim +\plumedfile ene: ENERGY PRINT ARG=ene -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Fake.cpp b/src/colvar/Fake.cpp index 70bd7f278..20d70aed9 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Fake.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Fake.cpp @@ -39,10 +39,9 @@ and just support input and period definition \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile FAKE ATOMS=1 PERIODIC=-3.14,3.14 LABEL=d2 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/FretEfficiency.cpp b/src/colvar/FretEfficiency.cpp index 02600e105..e6f149452 100644 --- a/src/colvar/FretEfficiency.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/FretEfficiency.cpp @@ -51,22 +51,20 @@ boundary conditions. This behavior can be changed with the NOPBC flag. The following input tells plumed to print the FRET efficiencies calculated as a function of the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. -\verbatim +\plumedfile fe1: FRET ATOMS=3,5 R0=5.5 fe2: FRET ATOMS=2,4 R0=5.5 PRINT ARG=fe1,fe2 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile The following input computes the FRET efficiency calculated on the terminal atoms of a polymer of 100 atoms and keeps it at a value around 0.5. -\verbatim +\plumedfile WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-100 fe: FRET ATOMS=1,100 R0=5.5 NOPBC RESTRAINT ARG=fe KAPPA=100 AT=0.5 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref WHOLEMOLECULES and \ref RESTRAINT). +\endplumedfile Notice that NOPBC is used to be sure that if the distance is larger than half the simulation diff --git a/src/colvar/Gyration.cpp b/src/colvar/Gyration.cpp index 791f6a3ed..3764ad404 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Gyration.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Gyration.cpp @@ -75,11 +75,10 @@ periodic image. The following input tells plumed to print the radius of gyration of the chain containing atoms 10 to 20. -\verbatim +\plumedfile GYRATION TYPE=RADIUS ATOMS=10-20 LABEL=rg PRINT ARG=rg STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Implicit.cpp b/src/colvar/Implicit.cpp index ad53f243c..b43b3ad60 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Implicit.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Implicit.cpp @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ where \f$\Delta G^\mathrm{free}_i\f$ is the solvation free energy of the isolate The output from this collective variable, the free energy of solvation, can be used with the \ref BIASVALUE keyword to provide implicit solvation to a system. All parameters are designed to be used with a modified CHARMM36 force field. It takes only non-hydrogen atoms as input, these can be conveniently specified using the \ref GROUP action with the NDX_GROUP parameter. To speed up the calculation, IMPLICIT internally uses a neighbourlist with a cutoff dependent on the type of atom (maximum of 1.95 nm). This cutoff can be extended further by using the NL_BUFFER keyword. \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=peptide.pdb WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-111 @@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ solv: IMPLICIT ATOMS=protein-h NL_STRIDE=10 NL_BUFFER=0.2 bias: BIASVALUE ARG=solv PRINT ARG=solv FILE=SOLV -\endverbatim -(see also \ref PRINT, \ref GROUP, \ref MOLINFO, \ref WHOLEMOLECULES) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/Jcoupling.cpp b/src/colvar/Jcoupling.cpp index d192b8bbd..8d8975f91 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Jcoupling.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Jcoupling.cpp @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ In the following example we calculate the Ha-N J-coupling from a set of atoms in dihedral \f$\psi\f$ angles in the peptide backbone. We also add the experimental datapoints and compute the correlation and other measures and finally print the results. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=peptide.pdb WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-111 @@ -81,11 +81,7 @@ JCOUPLING ... jhanst: STATS ARG=(jhan\.j_.*) PARARG=(jhan\.exp_.*) PRINT ARG=jhanst.*,jhan.* FILE=COLVAR STRIDE=100 - -ENDPLUMED - -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT, \ref STATS) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/MultiRMSD.cpp b/src/colvar/MultiRMSD.cpp index 7656c232b..4cf4ff08b 100644 --- a/src/colvar/MultiRMSD.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/MultiRMSD.cpp @@ -99,17 +99,17 @@ The following tells plumed to calculate the RMSD distance between the positions of the atoms in the reference file and their instantaneous position. The Kearseley algorithm for each of the domains. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MULTI-RMSD REFERENCE=file.pdb TYPE=MULTI-OPTIMAL -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following tells plumed to calculate the RMSD distance btween the positions of the atoms in the domains of reference the reference structure and their instantaneous positions. Here distances are calculated using the \ref DRMSD measure. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MULTI-RMSD REFERENCE=file.pdb TYPE=MULTI-DRMSD -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile in this case it is possible to use the following DRMSD options in the pdb file using the REMARK syntax: \verbatim diff --git a/src/colvar/NOE.cpp b/src/colvar/NOE.cpp index 82d2b4372..b46bd6597 100644 --- a/src/colvar/NOE.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/NOE.cpp @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ In the following examples three noes are defined, the first is calculated based of atom 1-2 and 3-2; the second is defined by the distance 5-7 and the third by the distances 4-15,4-16,8-15,8-16. -\verbatim +\plumedfile NOE ... GROUPA1=1,3 GROUPB1=2,2 GROUPA2=5 GROUPB2=7 @@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ LABEL=noes ... NOE PRINT ARG=noes.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/PCARMSD.cpp b/src/colvar/PCARMSD.cpp index f5d1cf6f2..02861e109 100644 --- a/src/colvar/PCARMSD.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/PCARMSD.cpp @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ Note that beta and occupancy values in the pdb are neglected and all the weights \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile PCARMSD AVERAGE=file.pdb EIGENVECTORS=eigenvectors.pdb -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The input is taken so to be compatible with the output you get from g_covar utility of gromacs (suitably adapted to have a pdb input format). diff --git a/src/colvar/PRE.cpp b/src/colvar/PRE.cpp index 906826b1f..82c94eee2 100644 --- a/src/colvar/PRE.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/PRE.cpp @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ In the following example five PRE intensities are calculated using the distance oxigen of the spin label and the backbone hydrogens. Omega is the NMR frequency, RTWO the R2 for the hydrogens, INEPT of 8 ms for the experiment and a TAUC of 1.21 ns -\verbatim +\plumedfile PRE ... LABEL=HN_pre INEPT=8 @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ GROUPA5=451 RTWO5=0.0086341843 PRINT ARG=HN_pre.* FILE=PRE.dat STRIDE=1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/PathMSD.cpp b/src/colvar/PathMSD.cpp index cdfd96ee1..17567f2d4 100644 --- a/src/colvar/PathMSD.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/PathMSD.cpp @@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ in input ("sss" component) and the distance from them ("zzz" component). Here below is a case where you have defined three frames and you want to calculate the progress along the path and the distance from it in p1 -\verbatim +\plumedfile p1: PATHMSD REFERENCE=file.pdb LAMBDA=500.0 NEIGH_STRIDE=4 NEIGH_SIZE=8 PRINT ARG=p1.sss,p1.zzz STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile note that NEIGH_STRIDE=4 NEIGH_SIZE=8 control the neighborlist parameter (optional but recommended for performance) and states that the neighbor list will be calculated every 4 diff --git a/src/colvar/Position.cpp b/src/colvar/Position.cpp index a381e039e..b66ae5e6c 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Position.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Position.cpp @@ -54,14 +54,12 @@ This can be done e.g. using \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE. \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile # align to a template FIT_TO_TEMPLATE REFERENCE=ref.pdb p: POSITION ATOM=3 PRINT ARG=p.x,p.y,p.z -\endverbatim -(see also \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE) - +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/PropertyMap.cpp b/src/colvar/PropertyMap.cpp index a8a21fef2..eb1c27f02 100644 --- a/src/colvar/PropertyMap.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/PropertyMap.cpp @@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ where the parameters \f$X_i\f$ and \f$Y_i\f$ are provided in the input pdb (al \f$D_i(x)\f$ is the MSD after optimal alignment calculated on the pdb frames you input (see Kearsley). \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile p3: PROPERTYMAP REFERENCE=../../trajectories/path_msd/allv.pdb PROPERTY=X,Y LAMBDA=69087 NEIGH_SIZE=8 NEIGH_STRIDE=4 PRINT ARG=p3.X,p3.Y,p3.zzz STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile note that NEIGH_STRIDE=4 NEIGH_SIZE=8 control the neighborlist parameter (optional but recommended for performance) and states that the neighbor list will be calculated every 4 diff --git a/src/colvar/Puckering.cpp b/src/colvar/Puckering.cpp index b90bdfbc4..66edb54c5 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Puckering.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Puckering.cpp @@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ namespace colvar { \par Examples This input tells plumed to print the puckering phase angle of the 3rd nucleotide of a RNA molecule on file COLVAR. - \verbatim + \plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=rna.pdb MOLTYPE=rna PUCKERING ATOMS=@sugar-3 LABEL=puck PRINT ARG=puck.phs FILE=COLVAR - \endverbatim + \endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/RDC.cpp b/src/colvar/RDC.cpp index 18db38014..43dc4c1ee 100644 --- a/src/colvar/RDC.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/RDC.cpp @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ respect to a set of experimental data is calculated and restrained. In addition, and only for analysis purposes, the same RDCs are calculated using a Single Value Decomposition algorithm. -\verbatim +\plumedfile RDC ... GYROM=-72.5388 SCALE=1.0 @@ -124,8 +124,7 @@ LABEL=svd PRINT ARG=nh.corr,rdce.bias FILE=colvar PRINT ARG=svd.* FILE=svd -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT, \ref RESTRAINT) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/colvar/RMSD.cpp b/src/colvar/RMSD.cpp index 8801dfeed..ffdcefeeb 100644 --- a/src/colvar/RMSD.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/RMSD.cpp @@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ The following tells plumed to calculate the RMSD distance between the positions of the atoms in the reference file and their instantaneous position. The Kearseley algorithm is used so this is done optimally. -\verbatim +\plumedfile RMSD REFERENCE=file.pdb TYPE=OPTIMAL -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile ... diff --git a/src/colvar/Template.cpp b/src/colvar/Template.cpp index 85cb95d27..6fb3c5845 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Template.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Template.cpp @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ This file provides a template for if you want to introduce a new CV. <!---You should put an example of how to use your CV here---> -\verbatim +\plumedfile # This should be a sample input. t: TEMPLATE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=t STRIDE=100 FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile <!---You should reference here the other actions used in this example---> (see also \ref PRINT) diff --git a/src/colvar/Torsion.cpp b/src/colvar/Torsion.cpp index 274d0565a..4b697b069 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Torsion.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Torsion.cpp @@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ orthogonal to an axis. This input tells plumed to print the torsional angle between atoms 1, 2, 3 and 4 on file COLVAR. -\verbatim +\plumedfile t: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 # this is an alternative, equivalent, definition: # t: TORSION VECTOR1=2,1 AXIS=2,3 VECTOR2=3,4 PRINT ARG=t FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile If you are working with a protein you can specify the special named torsion angles \f$\phi\f$, \f$\psi\f$, \f$\omega\f$ and \f$\chi_1\f$ by using TORSION in combination with the \ref MOLINFO command. This can be done by using the following syntax. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=myprotein.pdb t1: TORSION ATOMS=@phi-3 t2: TORSION ATOMS=@psi-4 PRINT ARG=t1,t2 FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here, \@phi-3 tells plumed that you would like to calculate the \f$\phi\f$ angle in the third residue of the protein. Similarly \@psi-4 tells plumed that you want to calculate the \f$\psi\f$ angle of the 4th residue of the protein. diff --git a/src/colvar/Volume.cpp b/src/colvar/Volume.cpp index 993dc802a..837f6ce75 100644 --- a/src/colvar/Volume.cpp +++ b/src/colvar/Volume.cpp @@ -36,11 +36,10 @@ Calculate the volume of the simulation box. \par Examples The following input tells plumed to print the volume of the system -\verbatim +\plumedfile vol: VOLUME PRINT ARG=vol -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/Fccubic.cpp b/src/crystallization/Fccubic.cpp index fc1793ab3..47154f4c6 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/Fccubic.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/Fccubic.cpp @@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ so on. Notice also that you can rotate the reference frame if you are using a n The following input calculates the FCCUBIC parameter for the 64 atoms in the system and then calculates and prints the average value for this quantity. -\verbatim +\plumedfile FCCUBIC SPECIES=1-64 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=3.0 R_0=1.5} MEAN LABEL=d PRINT ARG=d.* FILE=colv -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/Gradient.cpp b/src/crystallization/Gradient.cpp index 173d9e5ad..e3af25856 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/Gradient.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/Gradient.cpp @@ -39,22 +39,22 @@ The input below calculates the gradient of the density of atoms in the manner described in \cite fede-grad in order to detect whether or not atoms are distributed uniformly along the x-axis of the simulation cell. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DENSITY SPECIES=1-50 s1: GRADIENT ORIGIN=1 DATA=d1 DIR=x NBINS=4 SIGMA=1.0 PRINT ARG=s1 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The input below calculates the coordination numbers of the 50 atoms in the simulation cell. The gradient of this quantity is then evaluated in the manner described using the equation above to detect whether the average values of the coordination number are uniformly distributed along the x-axis of the simulation cell. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d2: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-50 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=2.0} MORE_THAN={EXP R_0=4.0} s2: GRADIENT ORIGIN=1 DATA=d2 DIR=x NBINS=4 SIGMA=1.0 PRINT ARG=s2 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/InterMolecularTorsions.cpp b/src/crystallization/InterMolecularTorsions.cpp index 3839e094d..58294492f 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/InterMolecularTorsions.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/InterMolecularTorsions.cpp @@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ between the two molecules. As such the torsional angles between molecules that histogram while the torsional angles between molecules that are far apart does not contribute to the histogram. The histogram is averaged over the whole trajectory and output once all the trajectory frames have been read. -\verbatim +\plumedfile m1: MOLECULES MOL1=1,2 MOL2=3,4 MOL3=5,6 MOL4=7,8 tt_p: INTERMOLECULARTORSIONS MOLS=m1 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.25 D_0=2.0 D_MAX=3.0} htt_p: HISTOGRAM DATA=tt_p GRID_MIN=-pi GRID_MAX=pi BANDWIDTH=0.1 GRID_BIN=200 STRIDE=1 DUMPGRID GRID=htt_p FILE=myhist.out -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/MoleculeOrientation.cpp b/src/crystallization/MoleculeOrientation.cpp index 5bade7022..6001f6f09 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/MoleculeOrientation.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/MoleculeOrientation.cpp @@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ The following input tells plumed to calculate the distances between two of the a This is done for the same set of atoms four different molecules and the average separation is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLECULES MOL1=1,2 MOL2=3,4 MOL3=5,6 MOL4=7,8 MEAN LABEL=mm PRINT ARG=mm.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/crystallization/Q3.cpp b/src/crystallization/Q3.cpp index 6c3aeedc2..038115a92 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/Q3.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/Q3.cpp @@ -60,28 +60,28 @@ the \f$q_{3}\f$ vectors on adjacent atoms. More information on these variables The following command calculates the average Q3 parameter for the 64 atoms in a box of Lennard Jones and prints this quantity to a file called colvar: -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q3 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 MEAN LABEL=q3 PRINT ARG=q3.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command calculates the histogram of Q3 parameters for the 64 atoms in a box of Lennard Jones and prints these quantities to a file called colvar: -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q3 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=1.0 NBINS=20 SMEAR=0.1} LABEL=q3 PRINT ARG=q3.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command could be used to measure the Q3 paramters that describe the arrangement of chlorine ions around the sodium atoms in NaCl. The imagined system here is composed of 64 NaCl formula units and the atoms are arranged in the input with the 64 Na\f$^+\f$ ions followed by the 64 Cl\f$-\f$ ions. Once again the average Q3 paramter is calculated and output to a file called colvar -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q3 SPECIESA=1-64 SPECIESB=65-128 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 MEAN LABEL=q3 PRINT ARG=q3.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -136,30 +136,30 @@ adjacent atoms is correlated. The following command calculates the average value of the LOCAL_Q3 parameter for the 64 Lennard Jones atoms in the system under study and prints this quantity to a file called colvar. -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q3 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q3 LOCAL_Q3 ARG=q3 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LABEL=lq3 PRINT ARG=lq3.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input calculates the distribution of LOCAL_Q3 parameters at any given time and outputs this information to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q3 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q3 LOCAL_Q3 ARG=q3 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=1.0 NBINS=20 SMEAR=0.1} LABEL=lq3 PRINT ARG=lq3.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following calculates the LOCAL_Q3 parameters for atoms 1-5 only. For each of these atoms comparisons of the geometry of the coordination sphere are done with those of all the other atoms in the system. The final quantity is the average and is outputted to a file -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q3 SPECIESA=1-5 SPECIESB=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q3a Q3 SPECIESA=6-64 SPECIESB=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q3b LOCAL_Q3 ARG=q3a,q3b SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LOWMEM LABEL=w3 PRINT ARG=w3.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/Q4.cpp b/src/crystallization/Q4.cpp index fa76b0d10..a4f7d327b 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/Q4.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/Q4.cpp @@ -60,28 +60,28 @@ the \f$q_{4}\f$ vectors on adjacent atoms. More information on these variables The following command calculates the average Q4 parameter for the 64 atoms in a box of Lennard Jones and prints this quantity to a file called colvar: -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 MEAN LABEL=q4 PRINT ARG=q4.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command calculates the histogram of Q4 parameters for the 64 atoms in a box of Lennard Jones and prints these quantities to a file called colvar: -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=1.0 NBINS=20 SMEAR=0.1} LABEL=q4 PRINT ARG=q4.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command could be used to measure the Q4 paramters that describe the arrangement of chlorine ions around the sodium atoms in NaCl. The imagined system here is composed of 64 NaCl formula units and the atoms are arranged in the input with the 64 Na\f$^+\f$ ions followed by the 64 Cl\f$-\f$ ions. Once again the average Q4 paramter is calculated and output to a file called colvar -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIESA=1-64 SPECIESB=65-128 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 MEAN LABEL=q4 PRINT ARG=q4.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -136,30 +136,30 @@ adjacent atoms is correlated. The following command calculates the average value of the LOCAL_Q4 parameter for the 64 Lennard Jones atoms in the system under study and prints this quantity to a file called colvar. -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q4 LOCAL_Q4 ARG=q4 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LABEL=lq4 PRINT ARG=lq4.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input calculates the distribution of LOCAL_Q4 parameters at any given time and outputs this information to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q4 LOCAL_Q4 ARG=q4 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=1.0 NBINS=20 SMEAR=0.1} LABEL=lq4 PRINT ARG=lq4.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following calculates the LOCAL_Q4 parameters for atoms 1-5 only. For each of these atoms comparisons of the geometry of the coordination sphere are done with those of all the other atoms in the system. The final quantity is the average and is outputted to a file -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIESA=1-5 SPECIESB=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q4a Q4 SPECIESA=6-64 SPECIESB=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q4b LOCAL_Q4 ARG=q4a,q4b SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LOWMEM LABEL=w4 PRINT ARG=w4.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/Q6.cpp b/src/crystallization/Q6.cpp index 447b0e1cb..a848174ab 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/Q6.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/Q6.cpp @@ -60,28 +60,28 @@ the \f$q_{6}\f$ vectors on adjacent atoms. More information on these variables The following command calculates the average Q6 parameter for the 64 atoms in a box of Lennard Jones and prints this quantity to a file called colvar: -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 MEAN LABEL=q6 PRINT ARG=q6.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command calculates the histogram of Q6 parameters for the 64 atoms in a box of Lennard Jones and prints these quantities to a file called colvar: -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=1.0 NBINS=20 SMEAR=0.1} LABEL=q6 PRINT ARG=q6.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command could be used to measure the Q6 paramters that describe the arrangement of chlorine ions around the sodium atoms in NaCl. The imagined system here is composed of 64 NaCl formula units and the atoms are arranged in the input with the 64 Na\f$^+\f$ ions followed by the 64 Cl\f$-\f$ ions. Once again the average Q6 paramter is calculated and output to a file called colvar -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIESA=1-64 SPECIESB=65-128 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 MEAN LABEL=q6 PRINT ARG=q6.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -136,30 +136,30 @@ adjacent atoms is correlated. The following command calculates the average value of the LOCAL_Q6 parameter for the 64 Lennard Jones atoms in the system under study and prints this quantity to a file called colvar. -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q6 LOCAL_Q6 ARG=q6 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LABEL=lq6 PRINT ARG=lq6.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input calculates the distribution of LOCAL_Q6 parameters at any given time and outputs this information to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q6 LOCAL_Q6 ARG=q6 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=1.0 NBINS=20 SMEAR=0.1} LABEL=lq6 PRINT ARG=lq6.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following calculates the LOCAL_Q6 parameters for atoms 1-5 only. For each of these atoms comparisons of the geometry of the coordination sphere are done with those of all the other atoms in the system. The final quantity is the average and is outputted to a file -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIESA=1-5 SPECIESB=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q6a Q6 SPECIESA=6-64 SPECIESB=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=q6b LOCAL_Q6 ARG=q4a,q4b SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LOWMEM LABEL=w4 PRINT ARG=w6.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/SMAC.cpp b/src/crystallization/SMAC.cpp index ce83df738..3d7085a97 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/SMAC.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/SMAC.cpp @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ the indices of three atoms for each of the MOL keywords below we are telling PLU numbers to determine the orientation of the molecule that will ultimately be used when calculating the \f$\theta_{ij}\f$ terms in the formula above. The atom with the third index meanwhile is used when we calculate \f$r_{ij}\f$. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLECULES ... MOL1=9,10,9 MOL2=89,90,89 @@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ SMAC ... ... SMAC PRINT ARG=s2.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This second example works in a way that is very similar to the previous command. Now, however, the orientation of the molecules is determined by finding the plane that contains the positions of three atoms. -\verbatim +\plumedfile PLANES ... MOL1=9,10,11 MOL2=89,90,91 @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SMAC ... ... SMAC PRINT ARG=s2.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/SimpleCubic.cpp b/src/crystallization/SimpleCubic.cpp index 4d50cc7d5..2c15767c2 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/SimpleCubic.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/SimpleCubic.cpp @@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ so on. Notice also that you can rotate the reference frame if you are using a n The following input tells plumed to calculate the simple cubic parameter for the atoms 1-100 with themselves. The mean value is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile SIMPLECUBIC SPECIES=1-100 R_0=1.0 MEAN -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input tells plumed to look at the ways atoms 1-100 are within 3.0 are arranged about atoms from 101-110. The number of simple cubic parameters that are greater than 0.8 is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile SIMPLECUBIC SPECIESA=101-110 SPECIESB=1-100 R_0=3.0 MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.8 NN=6 MM=12 D_0=0} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/crystallization/Tetrahedral.cpp b/src/crystallization/Tetrahedral.cpp index 616cf766b..87c6e33ae 100644 --- a/src/crystallization/Tetrahedral.cpp +++ b/src/crystallization/Tetrahedral.cpp @@ -54,20 +54,20 @@ when atom \f$j\f$ is in the first coordination sphere of atom \f$i\f$ and is zer The following command calculates the average value of the tetrahedrality parameter for a set of 64 atoms all of the same type and outputs this quantity to a file called colvar. -\verbatim +\plumedfile tt: TETRAHEDRAL SPECIES=1-64 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN PRINT ARG=tt.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command calculates the number of tetrahedrality parameters that are greater than 0.8 in a set of 10 atoms. In this calculation it is assumed that there are two atom types A and B and that the first coordination sphere of the 10 atoms of type A contains atoms of type B. The formula above is thus calculated for ten different A atoms and within it the sum over \f$j\f$ runs over 40 atoms of type B that could be in the first coordination sphere. -\verbatim +\plumedfile tt: TETRAHEDRAL SPECIESA=1-10 SPECIESB=11-40 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.8} PRINT ARG=tt.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/eds/EDS.cpp b/src/eds/EDS.cpp index e5e575abe..e7e0e4331 100644 --- a/src/eds/EDS.cpp +++ b/src/eds/EDS.cpp @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ It is not possible to set the target value of the observable to zero with the de The following input for a harmonic oscillator of two beads will adaptively find a linear bias to change the mean and variance to the target values. The PRINT line shows how to access the value of the coupling constants. -\verbatim +\plumedfile dist: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 # this is the squared of the distance dist2: COMBINE ARG=dist POWERS=2 PERIODIC=NO @@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ dist2: COMBINE ARG=dist POWERS=2 PERIODIC=NO #bias mean and variance eds: EDS ARG=dist,dist2 CENTER=2.0,1.0 PERIOD=50000 TEMP=1.0 PRINT ARG=dist,dist2,eds.dist_coupling,eds.dist2_coupling,eds.bias,eds.force2 FILE=colvars.dat STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Rather than trying to find the coupling constants adaptively, can ramp up to a constant value. -\verbatim +\plumedfile #ramp couplings from 0,0 to -1,1 over 50000 steps eds: EDS ARG=dist,dist2 CENTER=2.0,1.0 FIXED=-1,1 RAMP PERIOD=50000 TEMP=1.0 #same as above, except starting at -0.5,0.5 rather than default of 0,0 eds: EDS ARG=dist,dist2 CENTER=2.0,1.0 FIXED=-1,1 INIT=-0.5,0.5 RAMP PERIOD=50000 TEMP=1.0 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile A restart file can be added to dump information needed to restart/continue simulation using these parameters every STRIDE. -\verbatim +\plumedfile #add the option to write to a restart file eds: EDS ARG=dist,dist2 CENTER=2.0,1.0 PERIOD=50000 TEMP=1.0 OUT_RESTART=restart.dat @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ eds: EDS ARG=dist,dist2 CENTER=2.0,1.0 PERIOD=50000 TEMP=1.0 IN_RESTART=restart. #add the option to read in a previous restart file and continue the bias, but use the mean from the previous run as the starting point eds: EDS ARG=dist,dist2 CENTER=2.0,1.0 PERIOD=50000 TEMP=1.0 IN_RESTART=restart.dat MEAN -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/function/Combine.cpp b/src/function/Combine.cpp index e76ed7b8b..62f66e35d 100644 --- a/src/function/Combine.cpp +++ b/src/function/Combine.cpp @@ -52,23 +52,23 @@ is periodic. The following input tells plumed to print the distance between atoms 3 and 5 its square (as computed from the x,y,z components) and the distance again as computed from the square root of the square. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE LABEL=dist ATOMS=3,5 COMPONENTS COMBINE LABEL=distance2 ARG=dist.x,dist.y,dist.z POWERS=2,2,2 PERIODIC=NO COMBINE LABEL=distance ARG=distance2 POWERS=0.5 PERIODIC=NO PRINT ARG=distance,distance2 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT and \ref DISTANCE). The following input tells plumed to add a restraint on the cube of a dihedral angle. Notice that since the angle has a periodic domain -pi,pi its cube has a domain -pi**3,pi**3. -\verbatim +\plumedfile t: TORSION ATOMS=1,3,5,7 c: COMBINE ARG=t POWERS=3 PERIODIC=-31.0062766802998,31.0062766802998 RESTRAINT ARG=c KAPPA=10 AT=0 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile diff --git a/src/function/Ensemble.cpp b/src/function/Ensemble.cpp index 9976c2501..bc1e05fb2 100644 --- a/src/function/Ensemble.cpp +++ b/src/function/Ensemble.cpp @@ -38,12 +38,11 @@ Each collective variable is averaged separately and stored in a component labell \par Examples The following input tells plumed to calculate the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the average it over the available replicas. -\verbatim +\plumedfile dist: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,5 ens: ENSEMBLE ARG=dist PRINT ARG=dist,ens.dist -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT and \ref DISTANCE). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/function/FuncPathMSD.cpp b/src/function/FuncPathMSD.cpp index f4d481d73..25a87e718 100644 --- a/src/function/FuncPathMSD.cpp +++ b/src/function/FuncPathMSD.cpp @@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ It is a function of MSD that are obtained by the joint use of MSD variable and S Here below is a case where you have defined three frames and you want to calculate the progress alng the path and the distance from it in p1 -\verbatim +\plumedfile t1: RMSD REFERENCE=frame_1.dat TYPE=OPTIMAL SQUARED t2: RMSD REFERENCE=frame_21.dat TYPE=OPTIMAL SQUARED t3: RMSD REFERENCE=frame_42.dat TYPE=OPTIMAL SQUARED p1: FUNCPATHMSD ARG=t1,t2,t3 LAMBDA=500.0 PRINT ARG=t1,t2,t3,p1.s,p1.z STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In this second example is shown how to define a PATH in the \ref CONTACTMAP space: -\verbatim +\plumedfile CONTACTMAP ... ATOMS1=1,2 REFERENCE1=0.1 ATOMS2=3,4 REFERENCE2=0.5 @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ CMDIST p1: FUNCPATHMSD ARG=c1,c2,c3 LAMBDA=500.0 PRINT ARG=c1,c2,c3,p1.s,p1.z STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/function/LocalEnsemble.cpp b/src/function/LocalEnsemble.cpp index 6e3bd96f6..429a5a143 100644 --- a/src/function/LocalEnsemble.cpp +++ b/src/function/LocalEnsemble.cpp @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ The following input tells plumed to calculate the chemical shifts for four different proteins in the same simulation box then average them, calcualated the sum of the squared deviation with respect to the experiemntal values and applies a linear restraint. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=data/template.pdb chaina: GROUP ATOMS=1-1640 @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ sthn: STATS ARG=(enshn\.csa\.hn_.*) PARARG=(csa\.exphn_.*) SQDEVSUM stnh: STATS ARG=(ensnh\.csa\.nh_.*) PARARG=(csa\.expnh_.*) SQDEVSUM res: RESTRAINT ARG=stca.*,stcb.*,stco.*,sthn.*,stnh.* AT=0.,0.,0.,0.,0. KAPPA=0.,0.,0.,0.,0 SLOPE=16.,16.,12.,24.,0.5 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/function/Matheval.cpp b/src/function/Matheval.cpp index 59e6e9bf0..d21907e68 100644 --- a/src/function/Matheval.cpp +++ b/src/function/Matheval.cpp @@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ PLUMED has been linked to it The following input tells plumed to perform a metadynamics using as a CV the difference between two distances. -\verbatim +\plumedfile dAB: DISTANCE ARG=10,12 dAC: DISTANCE ARG=10,15 diff: MATHEVAL ARG=dAB,dAC FUNC=y-x PERIODIC=NO # notice: the previous line could be replaced with the following # diff: COMBINE ARG=dAB,dAC COEFFICIENTS=-1,1 METAD ARG=diff WIDTH=0.1 HEIGHT=0.5 BIASFACTOR=10 PACE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see also \ref DISTANCE, \ref COMBINE, and \ref METAD). Notice that forces applied to diff will be correctly propagated to atoms 10, 12, and 15. @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ The following input tells plumed to print the angle between vectors identified by atoms 1,2 and atoms 2,3 its square (as computed from the x,y,z components) and the distance again as computed from the square root of the square. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE LABEL=d1 ATOMS=1,2 COMPONENTS DISTANCE LABEL=d2 ATOMS=2,3 COMPONENTS MATHEVAL ... @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ MATHEVAL ... PERIODIC=NO ... MATHEVAL PRINT ARG=theta -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT and \ref DISTANCE). Notice that the matheval library implements a large number of functions (trigonometric, exp, log, etc). @@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ a straightforward implementation of if clauses. For example, imagine that you want to implement a restraint that only acts when a distance is larger than 0.5. You can do it with -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=10,15 m: MATHEVAL ARG=d FUNC=0.5*step(0.5-x)+x*step(x-0.5) PERIODIC=NO # check the function you are applying: PRINT ARG=d,n FILE=checkme RESTRAINT ARG=d AT=0.5 KAPPA=10.0 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see also \ref DISTANCE, \ref PRINT, and \ref RESTRAINT) The meaning of the function `0.5*step(0.5-x)+x*step(x-0.5)` is: @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ MATHEVAL can be used in combination with \ref DISTANCE to implement variants of DISTANCE keyword that were present in PLUMED 1.3 and that allowed to compute the distance of a point from a line defined by two other points, or the progression along that line. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # take center of atoms 1 to 10 as reference point 1 p1: CENTER ATOMS=1-10 # take center of atoms 11 to 20 as reference point 2 @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ fromaxis: MATHEVAL ARG=d13,d23,d12,onaxis VAR=x,y,z,o FUNC=(0.5*(y^2+x^2)-o^2-0. PRINT ARG=onaxis,fromaxis -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice that these equations have been used to combine \ref RMSD from different snapshots of a protein so as to define diff --git a/src/function/Piecewise.cpp b/src/function/Piecewise.cpp index e0f4bbd52..ebd886de0 100644 --- a/src/function/Piecewise.cpp +++ b/src/function/Piecewise.cpp @@ -55,15 +55,14 @@ in a vector of values. Each value will be named as the name of the original argument with suffix _pfunc. \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile dist1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,10 dist2: DISTANCE ATOMS=2,11 pw: PIECEWISE POINT0=1,10 POINT1=1,PI POINT2=3,10 ARG=dist1 ppww: PIECEWISE POINT0=1,10 POINT1=1,PI POINT2=3,10 ARG=dist1,dist2 PRINT ARG=pw,ppww.dist1_pfunc,ppww.dist2_pfunc -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT and \ref DISTANCE). +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/function/Sort.cpp b/src/function/Sort.cpp index f1e9b2a71..fc8e4ca23 100644 --- a/src/function/Sort.cpp +++ b/src/function/Sort.cpp @@ -43,15 +43,14 @@ labelled <em>label</em>.1, the second lowest will be labelled <em>label</em>.2 a \par Examples The following input tells plumed to print the distance of the closest and of the farthest atoms to atom 1, chosen among atoms from 2 to 5 -\verbatim +\plumedfile d12: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 d13: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,3 d14: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,4 d15: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,5 sort: SORT ARG=d12,d13,d14,d15 PRINT ARG=sort.1,sort.4 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT and \ref DISTANCE). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/function/Stats.cpp b/src/function/Stats.cpp index 429442e6d..438d8f98b 100644 --- a/src/function/Stats.cpp +++ b/src/function/Stats.cpp @@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ from other actions using PARARG (for example using experimental values from coll The following input tells plumed to print the distance between three couple of atoms and compare them with three reference distances. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=10,50 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,100 d3: DISTANCE ATOMS=45,75 st: STATS ARG=d1,d2,d3 PARAMETERS=1.5,4.0,2.0 PRINT ARG=d1,d2,d3,st.* -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/function/Target.cpp b/src/function/Target.cpp index 5ce912495..1724cf3ff 100644 --- a/src/function/Target.cpp +++ b/src/function/Target.cpp @@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ specified in the input. The following input calculates the distance between a reference configuration and the instaneous position of the system in the trajectory. The position of the reference configuration is specified by providing the values of the distance between atoms 1 and 2 and atoms 3 and 4. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,4 t1: TARGET REFERENCE=myref.pdb TYPE=EUCLIDEAN PRINT ARG=t1 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The contents of the file containing the reference structure (myref.pdb) is shown below. As you can see you must provide information on the labels of the CVs that are being used to define the position of the reference configuration in this file together with the values that these diff --git a/src/generic/Debug.cpp b/src/generic/Debug.cpp index 742b3b854..36654b0d9 100644 --- a/src/generic/Debug.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Debug.cpp @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ Can be used while debugging or optimizing plumed. \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile # print detailed (action-by-action) timers at the end of simulation DEBUG DETAILED_TIMERS # dump every two steps which are the atoms required from the MD code DEBUG logRequestedAtoms STRIDE=2 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/DumpAtoms.cpp b/src/generic/DumpAtoms.cpp index d6ee37748..c144b5f07 100644 --- a/src/generic/DumpAtoms.cpp +++ b/src/generic/DumpAtoms.cpp @@ -70,15 +70,14 @@ Notice that gro/xtc/trr files can only contain coordinates in nm. The following input instructs plumed to print out the positions of atoms 1-10 together with the position of the center of mass of atoms 11-20 every 10 steps to a file called -\verbatim +\plumedfile COM ATOMS=11-20 LABEL=c1 DUMPATOMS STRIDE=10 ATOMS=1-10,c1 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref COM) +\endplumedfile The following input is very similar but dumps a .gro (gromacs) file, which also contains atom and residue names. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # this is required to have proper atom names: MOLINFO STRUCTURE=reference.pdb # if omitted, atoms will have "X" name... @@ -87,8 +86,7 @@ COM ATOMS=11-20 LABEL=c1 DUMPATOMS STRIDE=10 FILE=file.gro ATOMS=1-10,c1 # notice that last atom is a virtual one and will not have # a correct name in the resulting gro file -\endverbatim -(see also \ref COM and \ref MOLINFO) +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/generic/DumpDerivatives.cpp b/src/generic/DumpDerivatives.cpp index c74343aca..38c686d7b 100644 --- a/src/generic/DumpDerivatives.cpp +++ b/src/generic/DumpDerivatives.cpp @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ can be done by outputting the derivatives calculated analytically and numericall \par Examples The following input instructs plumed to write a file called deriv that contains both the analytical and numerical derivatives of the distance between atoms 1 and 2. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOM=1,2 LABEL=distance DISTANCE ATOM=1,2 LABEL=distanceN NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES DUMPDERIVATIVES ARG=distance,distanceN STRIDE=1 FILE=deriv -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref DISTANCE) diff --git a/src/generic/DumpForces.cpp b/src/generic/DumpForces.cpp index f5e204d65..a376de281 100644 --- a/src/generic/DumpForces.cpp +++ b/src/generic/DumpForces.cpp @@ -43,12 +43,10 @@ by specifying more than one argument. You can control the buffering of output us \par Examples The following input instructs plumed to write a file called forces that contains the force acting on the distance between atoms 1 and 2. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOM=1,2 LABEL=distance DUMPFORCES ARG=distance STRIDE=1 FILE=forces -\endverbatim - -(See also \ref DISTANCE) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/DumpMassCharge.cpp b/src/generic/DumpMassCharge.cpp index 4153bc838..25224f3b3 100644 --- a/src/generic/DumpMassCharge.cpp +++ b/src/generic/DumpMassCharge.cpp @@ -49,14 +49,13 @@ masses for all atoms are written. You can add the DUMPMASSCHARGE action at the end of the plumed.dat file that you use during an MD simulations: -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COM ATOMS=1-10 c2: COM ATOMS=11-20 PRINT ARG=c1,c2 FILE=colvar STRIDE=100 DUMPMASSCHARGE FILE=mcfile -\endverbatim -(see also \ref COM and \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile In this way, you will be able to use the same masses while processing a trajectory from the \ref driver . To do so, you need to @@ -67,11 +66,11 @@ plumed driver --mc mcfile --plumed plumed.dat --ixyz With the following input you can dump only the charges for a specific group. -\verbatim +\plumedfile solute_ions: GROUP ATOMS=1-121,200-2012 DUMPATOMS FILE=traj.gro ATOMS=solute_ions STRIDE=100 DUMPMASSCHARGE FILE=mcfile ATOMS=solute_ions -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice however that if you want to process the charges with the driver (e.g. reading traj.gro) you have to fix atom numbers first, e.g. with the script diff --git a/src/generic/DumpProjections.cpp b/src/generic/DumpProjections.cpp index 3f0d40429..c3a0ca750 100644 --- a/src/generic/DumpProjections.cpp +++ b/src/generic/DumpProjections.cpp @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ Dump the derivatives with respect to the input parameters for one or more object Compute the distance between two groups and write on a file the derivatives of this distance with respect to all the atoms of the two groups -\verbatim +\plumedfile x1: CENTER ATOMS=1-10 x2: CENTER ATOMS=11-20 d: DISTANCE ATOMS=x1,x2 DUMPPROJECTIONS ARG=d FILE=proj STRIDE=20 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/EffectiveEnergyDrift.cpp b/src/generic/EffectiveEnergyDrift.cpp index 1c3961390..a9ca15e6c 100644 --- a/src/generic/EffectiveEnergyDrift.cpp +++ b/src/generic/EffectiveEnergyDrift.cpp @@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ Print the effective energy drift described in Ref \cite Ferrarotti2015 This is to monitor the effective energy drift for a metadynamics simulation on the Debye-Huckel energy. Since this variable is very expensive, it could be conveniently computed every second step. -\verbatim +\plumedfile dh: DHENERGY GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 EPSILON=80.0 I=0.1 TEMP=300.0 METAD ARG=dh HEIGHT=0.5 SIGMA=0.1 PACE=500 STRIDE=2 EFFECTIVE_ENERGY_DRIFT PRINT_STRIDE=100 FILE=eff -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This is to monitor if a restraint is too stiff -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=10,20 RESTRAINT ARG=d KAPPA=100000 AT=0.6 EFFECTIVE_ENERGY_DRIFT PRINT_STRIDE=100 FILE=eff -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/FitToTemplate.cpp b/src/generic/FitToTemplate.cpp index 37e38333f..6fa379e1f 100644 --- a/src/generic/FitToTemplate.cpp +++ b/src/generic/FitToTemplate.cpp @@ -78,13 +78,12 @@ this action is performed at every MD step. \par Examples Align the atomic position to a template then print them -\verbatim +\plumedfile # to see the effect, one could dump the atoms before alignment DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 FIT_TO_TEMPLATE STRIDE=1 REFERENCE=ref.pdb TYPE=SIMPLE DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile diff --git a/src/generic/Flush.cpp b/src/generic/Flush.cpp index 78c00f87d..71e9a06d3 100644 --- a/src/generic/Flush.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Flush.cpp @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ plumed input file, it will flush all the open files. \par Examples A command like this in the input will instruct plumed to flush all the output files every 100 steps -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,10 PRINT ARG=d1 STRIDE=5 FILE=colvar1 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ FLUSH STRIDE=100 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=2,11 # also this print is flushed every 100 steps: PRINT ARG=d2 STRIDE=10 FILE=colvar2 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/Group.cpp b/src/generic/Group.cpp index 80393a9ce..0f04cf75f 100644 --- a/src/generic/Group.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Group.cpp @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ the \ref INCLUDE command so as to store long group definitions in a separate fil This command create a group of atoms containing atoms 1,4,7,11 and 14 (labeled 'o'), and another containing atoms 2,3,5,6,8,9,12,13 (labeled 'h'): -\verbatim +\plumedfile o: GROUP ATOMS=1,4,7,11,14 h: GROUP ATOMS=2,3,5,6,8,9,12,13 # compute the coordination among the two groups @@ -75,45 +75,41 @@ c: COORDINATION GROUPA=o GROUPB=h R_0=0.3 # print the coordination on file 'colvar' PRINT ARG=c FILE=colvar -\endverbatim -(see also \ref COORDINATION and \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile Groups can be conveniently stored in a separate file. E.g. one could create a file named 'groups.dat' which reads -\verbatim +\plumedfile o: GROUP ATOMS=1,4,7,11,14 h: GROUP ATOMS=2,3,5,6,8,9,12,13 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile and then include it in the main 'plumed.dat' file -\verbatim +\plumedfile INCLUDE FILE=groups.dat # compute the coordination among the two groups c: COORDINATION GROUPA=o GROUPB=h R_0=0.3 # print the coordination on file 'colvar' PRINT ARG=c FILE=colvar -\endverbatim -(see also \ref INCLUDE, \ref COORDINATION, and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile The groups.dat file could be very long and include lists of thousand atoms without cluttering the main plumed.dat file. A GROMACS index file can also be imported -\verbatim +\plumedfile # import group named 'protein' from file index.ndx pro: GROUP NDX_FILE=index.ndx NDX_GROUP=protein # dump all the atoms of the protein on a trajectory file DUMPATOMS ATOMS=pro FILE=traj.gro -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile A list can be edited with REMOVE -\verbatim +\plumedfile # take one atom every three ox: GROUP ATOMS=1-90:3 # take the remaining atoms hy: GROUP ATOMS=1-90 REMOVE=ox DUMPATOMS ATOMS=ox FILE=ox.gro DUMPATOMS ATOMS=hy FILE=hy.gro -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/generic/Include.cpp b/src/generic/Include.cpp index 664c84ba6..30539f0bb 100644 --- a/src/generic/Include.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Include.cpp @@ -38,25 +38,25 @@ Useful to split very large plumed.dat files. \par Examples This input -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COM ATOMS=1-100 c2: COM ATOMS=101-202 d: DISTANCE ARG=c1,c2 PRINT ARG=d -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile can be replaced with -\verbatim +\plumedfile INCLUDE FILE=pippo.dat d: DISTANCE ARG=c1,c2 PRINT ARG=d -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile where the content of file pippo.dat is -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COM ATOMS=1-100 c2: COM ATOMS=101-202 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see also \ref COM, \ref DISTANCE, and \ref PRINT). diff --git a/src/generic/Print.cpp b/src/generic/Print.cpp index 2a87d1f7b..74245cf99 100644 --- a/src/generic/Print.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Print.cpp @@ -40,13 +40,12 @@ to different files. You can control the buffering of output using the \subpage The following input instructs plumed to print the distance between atoms 3 and 5 on a file called COLVAR every 10 steps, and the distance and total energy on a file called COLVAR_ALL every 1000 steps. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=2,5 LABEL=distance ENERGY LABEL=energy PRINT ARG=distance STRIDE=10 FILE=COLVAR PRINT ARG=distance,energy STRIDE=1000 FILE=COLVAR_ALL -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref ENERGY). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/RandomExchanges.cpp b/src/generic/RandomExchanges.cpp index be36873bc..60d207120 100644 --- a/src/generic/RandomExchanges.cpp +++ b/src/generic/RandomExchanges.cpp @@ -44,25 +44,25 @@ metadynamics simulation using a different angle in each replica. Exchanges will be randomly tried between replicas 0-1, 0-2 and 1-2 Here is plumed.0.dat -\verbatim +\plumedfile RANDOM_EXCHANGES t: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 METAD ARG=t HEIGHT=0.1 PACE=100 SIGMA=0.3 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here is plumed.1.dat -\verbatim +\plumedfile RANDOM_EXCHANGES t: TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 METAD ARG=t HEIGHT=0.1 PACE=100 SIGMA=0.3 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here is plumed.2.dat -\verbatim +\plumedfile RANDOM_EXCHANGES t: TORSION ATOMS=3,4,5,6 METAD ARG=t HEIGHT=0.1 PACE=100 SIGMA=0.3 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \warning Multi replica simulations are presently only working with gromacs. diff --git a/src/generic/Read.cpp b/src/generic/Read.cpp index 88c279630..63b8f8fc8 100644 --- a/src/generic/Read.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Read.cpp @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ This input reads in data from a file called that was generated in a calculation that involved PLUMED. The first command reads in the data from the column headed phi1 while the second reads in the data from the column headed phi2. -\verbatim +\plumedfile rphi1: READ VALUES=phi1 rphi2: READ VALUES=phi2 PRINT ARG=rphi1,rphi2 STRIDE=500 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/ResetCell.cpp b/src/generic/ResetCell.cpp index fd14c1fe1..5268d52de 100644 --- a/src/generic/ResetCell.cpp +++ b/src/generic/ResetCell.cpp @@ -71,14 +71,13 @@ this action is performed at every MD step. \par Examples Reset cell to be triangular after a rototranslational fit -\verbatim +\plumedfile DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 FIT_TO_TEMPLATE STRIDE=1 REFERENCE=ref.pdb TYPE=OPTIMAL DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 RESET_CELL TYPE=TRIANGULAR DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/generic/Time.cpp b/src/generic/Time.cpp index 3512cb53d..9a821f0b6 100644 --- a/src/generic/Time.cpp +++ b/src/generic/Time.cpp @@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ retrieve the time of the simulation to be used elsewere \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile TIME LABEL=t1 PRINT ARG=t1 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/UpdateIf.cpp b/src/generic/UpdateIf.cpp index 2d067fcf3..696e66c20 100644 --- a/src/generic/UpdateIf.cpp +++ b/src/generic/UpdateIf.cpp @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ can lead to unexpected results. \par Examples The following input instructs plumed dump all the snapshots where an atom is in touch with the solute. -\verbatim +\plumedfile solute: GROUP ATOMS=1-124 coord: COORDINATION GROUPA=solute GROUPB=500 R_0=0.5 @@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ coord: COORDINATION GROUPA=solute GROUPB=500 R_0=0.5 UPDATE_IF ARG=coord MORE_THAN=0.5 DUMPATOMS ATOMS=solute,500 UPDATE_IF ARG=coord END -\endverbatim -(See also \ref GROUP, \ref COORDINATION, and \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/WholeMolecules.cpp b/src/generic/WholeMolecules.cpp index 12e9c8281..e43c0aa07 100644 --- a/src/generic/WholeMolecules.cpp +++ b/src/generic/WholeMolecules.cpp @@ -74,30 +74,27 @@ to skip some atoms, provided consecute chosen atoms are close enough. This command instructs plumed to reconstruct the molecule containing atoms 1-20 at every step of the calculation and dump them on a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # to see the effect, one could dump the atoms as they were before molecule reconstruction: # DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-20 DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile This command instructs plumed to reconstruct two molecules containing atoms 1-20 and 30-40 -\verbatim +\plumedfile WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-20 ENTITY1=30-40 DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20,30-40 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile This command instructs plumed to reconstruct the chain of backbone atoms in a protein -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=helix.pdb WHOLEMOLECULES RESIDUES=all MOLTYPE=protein -\endverbatim -(See also \ref MOLINFO) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/generic/WrapAround.cpp b/src/generic/WrapAround.cpp index 946a060fd..6320ee4bb 100644 --- a/src/generic/WrapAround.cpp +++ b/src/generic/WrapAround.cpp @@ -69,20 +69,19 @@ consider the possibility of using the STRIDE keyword here (with great care). This command instructs plumed to move all the ions to their periodic image that is as close as possible to the rna group. -\verbatim +\plumedfile rna: GROUP ATOMS=1-100 ions: GROUP ATOMS=101-110 # first make the rna molecule whole WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=rna WRAPAROUND ATOMS=ions AROUND=rna DUMPATOMS ATOMS=rna,ions -\endverbatim -(see also \ref WHOLEMOLECULES, \ref GROUP and \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile In case you want to do it during a simulation and you only care about wrapping the ions in the `` file, you can use the following: -\verbatim +\plumedfile # add some restraint that do not require molecules to be whole: a: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,10,11 RESTRAINT ARG=a AT=0.0 KAPPA=5 @@ -98,15 +97,14 @@ ions: GROUP ATOMS=101-110 WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=rna STRIDE=100 WRAPAROUND ATOMS=ions AROUND=rna STRIDE=100 DUMPATOMS ATOMS=rna,ions STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref TORSION, \ref GROUP, \ref WHOLEMOLECULES and \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile Notice that if the biased variable requires a molecule to be whole, you might have to put just the \ref WHOLEMOLECULES command before computing that variable and leave the default STRIDE=1. This command instructs plumed to center all atoms around the center of mass of a solute molecule. -\verbatim +\plumedfile solute: GROUP ATOMS=1-100 all: GROUP ATOMS=1-1000 # center of the solute: @@ -116,8 +114,7 @@ com: COM ATOMS=solute # notice that we wrap around a single atom. this should be fast WRAPAROUND ATOMS=all AROUND=com DUMPATOMS ATOMS=all -\endverbatim -(see also \ref GROUP \ref COM \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile Notice that whereas \ref WHOLEMOLECULES is designed to make molecules whole, \ref WRAPAROUND can easily break molecules. In the last example, @@ -136,7 +133,7 @@ in the following examples all the water oxygens will be brought close to the solute, and all the hydrogens will be kept close to their related oxygen. -\verbatim +\plumedfile solute: GROUP ATOMS=1-100 water: GROUP ATOMS=101-1000 com: COM ATOMS=solute @@ -145,8 +142,7 @@ WRAPAROUND ATOMS=solute AROUND=com # notice that we wrap around a single atom. this should be fast WRAPAROUND ATOMS=water AROUND=com GROUPBY=3 DUMPATOMS ATOMS=solute,water -\endverbatim -(see also \ref GROUP \ref COM \ref DUMPATOMS) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/ConvertToFES.cpp b/src/gridtools/ConvertToFES.cpp index 4e3bbdf17..661aa2bde 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/ConvertToFES.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/ConvertToFES.cpp @@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ and the HISTOGRAM action. All the data within this trajectory is used in the co HISTOGRAM. Finally, once all the data has been read in, the histogram is converted to a free energy using the formula above and the free energy is output to a file called fes.dat -\verbatim +\plumedfile x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 hA1: HISTOGRAM ARG=x GRID_MIN=0.0 GRID_MAX=3.0 GRID_BIN=100 BANDWIDTH=0.1 ff: CONVERT_TO_FES GRID=hA1 TEMP=300 DUMPGRID GRID=ff FILE=fes.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/DumpCube.cpp b/src/gridtools/DumpCube.cpp index 0fbc47f56..f1df7406e 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/DumpCube.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/DumpCube.cpp @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ between atoms 1 and 2, the distance between atom 1 and 3 and the angle between t all the kernels have been added the resulting histogram is output to a file called histoA1.cube. This file has the Gaussian cube file format. The histogram can thus be visualized using tools such as VMD. -\verbatim +\plumedfile x1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 x2: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,3 x3: ANGLE ATOMS=1,2,3 hA1: HISTOGRAM ARG=x1,x2,x3 GRID_MIN=0.0,0.0,0.0 GRID_MAX=3.0,3.0,3.0 GRID_BIN=10,10,10 BANDWIDTH=1.0,1.0,1.0 DUMPCUBE GRID=hA1 FILE=histoA1.cube -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/DumpGrid.cpp b/src/gridtools/DumpGrid.cpp index 608742a8b..e3524d563 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/DumpGrid.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/DumpGrid.cpp @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ for y. This block is then followed by a blank line again and this pattern conti The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs a continuos histogram as a function of them at the end of the simulation. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs a discrete histogram as a function of them at the end of the simulation. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs the histogram accumulated thus far every 100000 steps. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo STRIDE=100000 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input monitors two torsional angles during a simulation and outputs a separate histogram for each 100000 steps worth of trajectory. Notice how the CLEAR keyword is used here and how it is not used in the previous example. -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 LABEL=r1 TORSION ATOMS=2,3,4,5 LABEL=r2 HISTOGRAM ... @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ HISTOGRAM ... ... HISTOGRAM DUMPGRID GRID=hh FILE=histo STRIDE=100000 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/FindContour.cpp b/src/gridtools/FindContour.cpp index a58e4f650..1bae86d43 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/FindContour.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/FindContour.cpp @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ solidness at each point in the simulation cell. The Willard-Chandler dividing s at which the value of this phase field is equal to 0.5. This set of points is output to file called mycontour.dat. A new contour is found on every single step for each frame that is read in. -\verbatim +\plumedfile UNITS NATURAL FCCUBIC ... SPECIES=1-96000 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=1.2 D_MAX=1.5} @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ MULTICOLVARDENS ... ... MULTICOLVARDENS FIND_CONTOUR GRID=dens CONTOUR=0.5 FILE=mycontour.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/FindSphericalContour.cpp b/src/gridtools/FindSphericalContour.cpp index a2ee2aa86..7d36e818c 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/FindSphericalContour.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/FindSphericalContour.cpp @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ by exploiting the functionality within \ref CENTER_OF_MULTICOLVAR. We can then cluster and the values of the coordination numbers of these atoms. The final line in the input then finds the a set of points on the dividing surface that separates teh droplet from the surrounding gas. The value of the phase field on this isocontour is equal to 0.75. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # Calculate coordination numbers c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-512 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} # Select coordination numbers that are more than 2.0 @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ cent: CENTER_OF_MULTICOLVAR DATA=trans1 dens: MULTICOLVARDENS DATA=trans1 ORIGIN=cent DIR=xyz NBINS=30,30,30 BANDWIDTH=2.0,2.0,2.0 # Find the isocontour around the nucleus FIND_SPHERICAL_CONTOUR GRID=dens CONTOUR=0.85 INNER_RADIUS=10.0 OUTER_RADIUS=40.0 UNITS=A PRECISION=4 NPOINTS=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/FourierTransform.cpp b/src/gridtools/FourierTransform.cpp index 5a53b390d..87a078336 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/FourierTransform.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/FourierTransform.cpp @@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ The default values of these parameters are: \f$a=1\f$ and \f$b=1\f$. \par Examples The following example tells Plumed to compute the complex 2D 'backward' Discrete Fourier Transform by taking the data saved on a grid called 'density', and normalizing the output by \f$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{N_x\, N_y}}\f$, where \f$N_x\f$ and \f$N_y\f$ are the number of data on the grid (it can be the case that \f$N_x \neq N_y\f$): -\verbatim +\plumedfile FOURIER_TRANSFORM STRIDE=1 GRID=density FT_TYPE=complex FOURIER_PARAMETERS=0,-1 FILE=fourier.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/gridtools/InterpolateGrid.cpp b/src/gridtools/InterpolateGrid.cpp index e8f97c0d4..7fbc1d65d 100644 --- a/src/gridtools/InterpolateGrid.cpp +++ b/src/gridtools/InterpolateGrid.cpp @@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ distance between atoms 1 and 2 using kernel density estimation. During the calc are evaluated at 100 points on a uniform grid between 0.0 and 3.0. Prior to outputting this function at the end of the simulation this function is interpolated onto a finer grid of 200 points between 0.0 and 3.0. -\verbatim +\plumedfile x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 hA1: HISTOGRAM ARG=x GRID_MIN=0.0 GRID_MAX=3.0 GRID_BIN=100 BANDWIDTH=0.1 ii: INTERPOLATE_GRID GRID=hA1 GRID_BIN=200 DUMPGRID GRID=ii FILE=histo.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/maketools/plumedcheck b/src/maketools/plumedcheck index 120808dec..5886ec086 100755 --- a/src/maketools/plumedcheck +++ b/src/maketools/plumedcheck @@ -354,6 +354,12 @@ BEGINFILE{ if(in_plumed_doc && (in_plumed_doc in provide_examples) && match($0,"^ *\\\\verbatim *$")){ provide_verbatim[in_plumed_doc]=1 } +# check if, besides the \par Examples text, there is a plumedfile command +# now it is considered equivalent to a verbatim +# later on we might make plumedfile compulsory instead of verbatim + if(in_plumed_doc && (in_plumed_doc in provide_examples) && match($0,"^ *\\\\plumedfile *$")){ + provide_verbatim[in_plumed_doc]=1 + } #print match($0,"^ *\\\\verbatim *$"),"X" $0 "X" # take note of actions or cltools that provide examples diff --git a/src/manyrestraints/LWalls.cpp b/src/manyrestraints/LWalls.cpp index 7c0ad569e..c98405d04 100644 --- a/src/manyrestraints/LWalls.cpp +++ b/src/manyrestraints/LWalls.cpp @@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ The following set of commands can be used to stop any of the 800 atoms in group in the z direction from atom 34137. This is done by adding a lower wall on the z-distance between all the atoms in group A and the position of 34137. -\verbatim +\plumedfile l: ZDISTANCES GROUPA=1-800 GROUPB=34137 NOPBC LWALLS DATA=l AT=2.46465 KAPPA=150.0 EXP=2 EPS=1 OFFSET=0 LABEL=lwall -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/manyrestraints/UWalls.cpp b/src/manyrestraints/UWalls.cpp index f4c75f0d8..2c0f75367 100644 --- a/src/manyrestraints/UWalls.cpp +++ b/src/manyrestraints/UWalls.cpp @@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ and the center of mass of the cluster. These distances are then passed to the U a \ref UPPER_WALLS restraint on each of them and thereby prevents each of them from moving very far from the centre of mass of the cluster. -\verbatim +\plumedfile COM ATOMS=1-20 LABEL=c1 DISTANCES GROUPA=c1 GROUPB=1-20 LABEL=d1 UWALLS DATA=d1 AT=2.5 KAPPA=0.2 LABEL=sr -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/mapping/PCAVars.cpp b/src/mapping/PCAVars.cpp index d029720ed..20ae00301 100644 --- a/src/mapping/PCAVars.cpp +++ b/src/mapping/PCAVars.cpp @@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ frame are removed from these displacements. The matrix \f$A\f$ and the referenc configuration \f$R^{ref}\f$ are specified in the pdb input file reference.pdb and the value of all projections (and the residual) are output to a file called colvar2. -\verbatim +\plumedfile PCAVARS REFERENCE=reference.pdb TYPE=OPTIMAL LABEL=pca2 PRINT ARG=pca2.* FILE=colvar2 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The reference configurations can be specified using a pdb file. The first configuration that you provide is the reference configuration, which is refered to in the above as \f$X^{ref}\f$ subsequent configurations give the directions of row vectors that are contained in diff --git a/src/mapping/Path.cpp b/src/mapping/Path.cpp index 37db777d2..4808fad15 100644 --- a/src/mapping/Path.cpp +++ b/src/mapping/Path.cpp @@ -73,21 +73,21 @@ In the example below the path is defined using RMSD distance from frames. The reference frames in the path are defined in the pdb file. In this frame each configuration in the path is separated by a line containing just the word END. -\verbatim +\plumedfile p1: PATH REFERENCE=file.pdb TYPE=OPTIMAL LAMBDA=500.0 PRINT ARG=p1.sss,p1.zzz STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In the example below the path is defined using the values of two torsional angles (t1 and t2). In addition, the \f$s\f$ and \f$z\f$ are calculated using the geometric expressions described above rather than the alegebraic expressions that are used by default. -\verbatim +\plumedfile t1: TORSION ATOMS=5,7,9,15 t2: TORSION ATOMS=7,9,15,17 pp: PATH TYPE=EUCLIDEAN REFERENCE=epath.pdb GPATH NOSPATH NOZPATH PRINT ARG=pp.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice that the LAMBDA parameter is not required here as we are not calculating \f$s\f$ and \f$s\f$ using the algebraic formulae defined earlier. The positions of the frames in the path are defined @@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ The following input instructs PLUMED to calculate the values of the path collect path are defined in the file all.pdb and all distances are measured using the OPTIMAL metric that is discussed in the manual page on \ref RMSD. -\verbatim +\plumedfile p2: PATH REFERENCE=all.pdb LAMBDA=69087 PRINT ARG=p2.spath,p2.zpath STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile If you wish to use collective variable values in the definition of your path you would use an input file with something like this: -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=3,4a p2: PATH REFERENCE=mypath.pdb LAMBDA=2 TYPE=EUCLIDEAN PRINT ARG=p2.spath,p2.zpath STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The corresponding pdb file containing the definitions of the frames in the path would then look like this: diff --git a/src/mapping/PropertyMap.cpp b/src/mapping/PropertyMap.cpp index 9da32b47b..91c96f4dd 100644 --- a/src/mapping/PropertyMap.cpp +++ b/src/mapping/PropertyMap.cpp @@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ that these properties take at a set of reference configurations and using the fo between the reference configurations and the instantaneous configurations are calculated using the OPTIMAL metric that is discussed at length in the manual pages on \ref RMSD. -\verbatim +\plumedfile p2: GPROPERTYMAP REFERENCE=allv.pdb PROPERTY=X,Y LAMBDA=69087 PRINT ARG=p2.X,p2.Y,p2.zpath STRIDE=1 FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The additional input file for this calculation, which contains the reference frames and the values of X and Y at these reference points has the following format. diff --git a/src/multicolvar/AlphaBeta.cpp b/src/multicolvar/AlphaBeta.cpp index 01379c583..aea79fc2e 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/AlphaBeta.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/AlphaBeta.cpp @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ The \f$\phi_i^{\textrm{Ref}}\f$ values are the user-specified reference values f The following provides an example of the input for an alpha beta similarity. -\verbatim +\plumedfile ALPHABETA ... ATOMS1=168,170,172,188 REFERENCE1=3.14 ATOMS2=170,172,188,190 REFERENCE2=3.14 @@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ ATOMS3=188,190,192,230 REFERENCE3=3.14 LABEL=ab ... ALPHABETA PRINT ARG=ab FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Because all the reference values are the same we can calculate the same quantity using -\verbatim +\plumedfile ALPHABETA ... ATOMS1=168,170,172,188 REFERENCE=3.14 ATOMS2=170,172,188,190 @@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ ATOMS3=188,190,192,230 LABEL=ab ... ALPHABETA PRINT ARG=ab FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Writing out the atoms involved in all the torsions in this way can be rather tedious. Thankfully if you are working with protein you can avoid this by using the \ref MOLINFO command. PLUMED uses the pdb file that you provide to this command to learn about the topology of the protein molecule. This means that you can specify torsion angles using the following syntax: -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=myprotein.pdb ALPHABETA ... ATOMS1=@phi-3 REFERENCE=3.14 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ATOMS3=@phi-4 LABEL=ab ... ALPHABETA PRINT ARG=ab FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here, \@phi-3 tells plumed that you would like to calculate the \f$\phi\f$ angle in the third residue of the protein. Similarly \@psi-4 tells plumed that you want to calculate the \f$\psi\f$ angle of the 4th residue of the protein. diff --git a/src/multicolvar/Angles.cpp b/src/multicolvar/Angles.cpp index a42233cbd..cdc062579 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/Angles.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/Angles.cpp @@ -58,28 +58,28 @@ an atom / molecule \cite lj-recon. The following example instructs plumed to find the average of two angles and to print it to a file -\verbatim +\plumedfile ANGLES ATOMS1=1,2,3 ATOMS2=4,5,6 MEAN LABEL=a1 PRINT ARG=a1.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following example tells plumed to calculate all angles involving at least one atom from GROUPA and two atoms from GROUPB in which the distances are less than 1.0. The number of angles between \f$\frac{\pi}{4}\f$ and \f$\frac{3\pi}{4}\f$ is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile ANGLES GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-100 BETWEEN={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.25pi UPPER=0.75pi} SWITCH={GAUSSIAN R_0=1.0} LABEL=a1 PRINT ARG=a1.between FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This final example instructs plumed to calculate all the angles in the first coordination spheres of the atoms. A discretized-normalized histogram of the distribution is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile ANGLES GROUP=1-38 HISTOGRAM={GAUSSIAN LOWER=0.0 UPPER=pi NBINS=20} SWITCH={GAUSSIAN R_0=1.0} LABEL=a1 PRINT ARG=a1.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/Bridge.cpp b/src/multicolvar/Bridge.cpp index 42198ffa1..53e76158b 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/Bridge.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/Bridge.cpp @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ The following example instructs plumed to calculate the number of water molecule that are bridging betweeen atoms 1-10 and atoms 11-20 and to print the value to a file -\verbatim +\plumedfile BRIDGE BRIDGING_ATOMS=100-200 GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 LABEL=w1 PRINT ARG=a1.mean FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/CenterOfMultiColvar.cpp b/src/multicolvar/CenterOfMultiColvar.cpp index f8b5be660..0708bd402 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/CenterOfMultiColvar.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/CenterOfMultiColvar.cpp @@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ As you want to calculate the position of the droplets you thus recognise that th numbers should have a high weight in the weighted average you are using to calculate the position of the droplet. You can thus calculate the position of the droplet using an input like the one shown below: -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-512 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5} cc: CENTER_OF_MULTICOLVAR DATA=c1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The first line here calclates the coordination numbers of all the atoms in the system. The virtual atom then uses the values of the coordination numbers calculated by the action labelled c1 when it calculates the Berry Phase average described above. @@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ of the coordination numbers calculated by the action labelled c1 when it calcula The above input is fine we can, however, refine this somewhat by making use of a multicolvar transform action as shown below: -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-512 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5} cf: MTRANSFORM_MORE DATA=c1 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=2.0 R_0=0.1} LOWMEM cc: CENTER_OF_MULTICOLVAR DATA=cf -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This input once again calculates the coordination numbers of all the atoms in the system. The middle line then transforms these coordinations numbers to numbers between 0 and 1. Essentially any atom with a coordination number larger than 2.0 is given a weight diff --git a/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp b/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp index a3823b488..38c26d348 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp @@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ s = \frac{ 1 - \left(\frac{r-d_0}{r_0}\right)^n } { 1 - \left(\frac{r-d_0}{r_0}\ The following input tells plumed to calculate the coordination numbers of atoms 1-100 with themselves. The minimum coordination number is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 R_0=1.0 MIN={BETA=0.1} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following input tells plumed to calculate how many atoms from 1-100 are within 3.0 of each of the atoms from 101-110. In the first 101 is the central atom, in the second 102 is the central atom and so on. The number of coordination numbers more than 6 is then computed. -\verbatim +\plumedfile COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIESA=101-110 SPECIESB=1-100 R_0=3.0 MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=6.0 NN=6 MM=12 D_0=0} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/Density.cpp b/src/multicolvar/Density.cpp index 0351140a3..598e16b30 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/Density.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/Density.cpp @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ the number of atoms in half the box. The following example calculates the number of atoms in one half of the simulation box. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DENSITY SPECIES=1-100 LABEL=d AROUND ARG=d XLOWER=0.0 XUPPER=0.5 LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.* FILE=colvar1 FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/DihedralCorrelation.cpp b/src/multicolvar/DihedralCorrelation.cpp index e75bde668..a1f5ea872 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/DihedralCorrelation.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/DihedralCorrelation.cpp @@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ where the \f$\phi_i\f$ and \f$\psi\f$ values and the instantaneous values for th The following provides an example input for the dihcor action -\verbatim +\plumedfile DIHCOR ... ATOMS1=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ATOMS2=5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 LABEL=dih ... DIHCOR PRINT ARG=dih FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In the above input we are calculating the correation between the torsion angle involving atoms 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the torsion angle involving atoms 5, 6, 7 and 8. This is then added to the correlation betwene the torsion angle involving atoms 5, 6, 7 and 8 and the @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Writing out the atoms involved in all the torsions in this way can be rather ted can avoid this by using the \ref MOLINFO command. PLUMED uses the pdb file that you provide to this command to learn about the topology of the protein molecule. This means that you can specify torsion angles using the following syntax: -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=myprotein.pdb DIHCOR ... ATOMS1=@phi-3,@psi-3 @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ ATOMS2=@psi-3,@phi-4 ATOMS4=@phi-4,@psi-4 ... DIHCOR PRINT ARG=dih FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here, \@phi-3 tells plumed that you would like to calculate the \f$\phi\f$ angle in the third residue of the protein. Similarly \@psi-4 tells plumed that you want to calculate the \f$\psi\f$ angle of the 4th residue of the protein. diff --git a/src/multicolvar/DistanceFromContour.cpp b/src/multicolvar/DistanceFromContour.cpp index 214930392..6f99e214a 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/DistanceFromContour.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/DistanceFromContour.cpp @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ In this example atoms 2-100 are assumed to be concentraed along some part of the an interface between a liquid/solid and the vapour. The quantity dc measures the distance between the surface at which the density of 2-100 atoms is equal to 0.2 and the position of the test particle atom 1. -\verbatim +\plumedfile dens: DENSITY SPECIES=2-100 dc: DISTANCE_FROM_CONTOUR DATA=dens ATOM=1 BANDWIDTH=0.5,0.5,0.5 DIR=z CONTOUR=0.2 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/Distances.cpp b/src/multicolvar/Distances.cpp index d5cb8fde0..579668b88 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/Distances.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/Distances.cpp @@ -42,36 +42,36 @@ distances such as the minimum, the number less than a certain quantity and so on The following input tells plumed to calculate the distances between atoms 3 and 5 and between atoms 1 and 2 and to print the minimum for these two distances. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). The following input tells plumed to calculate the distances between atoms 3 and 5 and between atoms 1 and 2 and then to calculate the number of these distances that are less than 0.1 nm. The number of distances less than 0.1nm is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 LABEL=d1 LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.lt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction). The following input tells plumed to calculate all the distances between atoms 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. the distances between atoms 1 and 2, atoms 1 and 3 and atoms 2 and 3). The average of these distances is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES GROUP=1-3 MEAN LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.mean -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT) The following input tells plumed to calculate all the distances between the atoms in GROUPA and the atoms in GROUPB. In other words the distances between atoms 1 and 2 and the distance between atoms 1 and 3. The number of distances more than 0.1 is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2,3 MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.gt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction) @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ PRINT ARG=d1.gt0.1 To calculate and print the minimum distance between two groups of atoms you use the following commands -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCES GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 MIN={BETA=500.} PRINT ARG=d1.min FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCES and \ref PRINT) In order to ensure differentiability the minimum is calculated using the following function: @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ allow you to calculate multiple functions of a distribution of simple collective can calculate the number of distances less than 1.0, the minimum distance, the number of distances more than 2.0 and the number of distances between 1.0 and 2.0 by using the following command: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=1.0} @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ DISTANCES ... MIN={BETA=500.} ... DISTANCES PRINT ARG=d1.lessthan,d1.morethan,d1.between,d1.min FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCES and \ref PRINT) A calculation performed this way is fast because the expensive part of the calculation - the calculation of all the distances - is only diff --git a/src/multicolvar/DumpMultiColvar.cpp b/src/multicolvar/DumpMultiColvar.cpp index 27029a436..fb08af5b4 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/DumpMultiColvar.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/DumpMultiColvar.cpp @@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ In this examples we calculate the distances between the atoms of the first and group and we write them in the file For each couple it writes the coordinates of their geometric center and their distance. -\verbatim +\plumedfile pos: GROUP ATOMS=220,221,235,236,247,248,438,439,450,451,534,535 neg: GROUP ATOMS=65,68,138,182,185,267,270,291,313,316,489,583,621,711 DISTANCES GROUPA=pos GROUPB=neg LABEL=slt DUMPMULTICOLVAR DATA=slt -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see also \ref DISTANCES) diff --git a/src/multicolvar/FilterBetween.cpp b/src/multicolvar/FilterBetween.cpp index d6a418711..17ad0be9e 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/FilterBetween.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/FilterBetween.cpp @@ -59,22 +59,22 @@ In other words, you are calculating the mean for the transformed colvar. The following input gives an example of how a MTRANSFORM_BETWEEN action can be used to duplicate functionality that is elsehwere in PLUMED. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 LABEL=d1 ... DISTANCES MTRANSFORM_BETWEEN DATA=d1 LOWER=1.0 UPPER=2.0 SMEAR=0.5 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In this case you can achieve the same result by using: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 BETWEEN={GAUSSIAN LOWER=1.0 UPPER=2.0} ... DISTANCES -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCES) The advantage of MTRANSFORM_BETWEEN comes, however, if you want to use transformed colvars as input @@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ One is thus calculating the mean for those colvars that are within the range of The example shown below calculates the mean for those distances that are between 0 and 3 nm in length -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2-50 MEAN LABEL=d1 MFILTER_BETWEEN DATA=d1 LOWER=0 UPPER=3.0 SMEAR=0.0001 MEAN LABEL=d4 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile More complicated things can be done by using the label of a filter as input to a new multicolvar as shown in the example below. Here the coordination numbers of all atoms are computed. The atoms with a coordination @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ number between 4 and 6 are then identified using the filter. This reduced list to a second coordination number calculation. This second coordination number thus measures the number of atoms 4-6 coordinated atoms each of the 4-6 coordination atoms is bound to. -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-150 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} cf: MFILTER_BETWEEN DATA=c1 LOWER=4 UPPER=6 SMEAR=0.5 LOWMEM c2: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=cf SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL D_0=2.0 R_0=0.1} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/FilterLessThan.cpp b/src/multicolvar/FilterLessThan.cpp index 6363bcbb4..e65d5fcd1 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/FilterLessThan.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/FilterLessThan.cpp @@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ In other words, you are calculating the mean for the transformed colvar. The following input gives an example of how a MTRANSFORM_LESS action can be used to duplicate functionality that is elsehwere in PLUMED. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 LABEL=d1 ... DISTANCES MTRANSFORM_LESS DATA=d1 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=1.5 R_0=0.00001} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In this case you can achieve the same result by using: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 LESS_THAN={GAUSSIAN D_0=1.5 R_0=0.00001} ... DISTANCES -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCES) The advantage of MTRANSFORM_LESS comes, however, if you want to use transformed colvars as input @@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ One is thus calculating the mean for those colvars that are less than the target The example shown below calculates the mean for those distances that less than 1.5 nm in length -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2-50 MEAN LABEL=d1 MFILTER_LESS DATA=d1 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=1.5 R_0=0.00001} MEAN LABEL=d4 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/FilterMoreThan.cpp b/src/multicolvar/FilterMoreThan.cpp index 961c33d01..50c1dc59b 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/FilterMoreThan.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/FilterMoreThan.cpp @@ -51,22 +51,22 @@ In other words, you are calculating the mean for the transformed colvar. The following input gives an example of how a MTRANSFORM_MORE action can be used to duplicate functionality that is elsehwere in PLUMED. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 LABEL=d1 ... DISTANCES MTRANSFORM_MORE DATA=d1 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=1.5 R_0=0.00001} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In this case you can achieve the same result by using: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... GROUPA=1-10 GROUPB=11-20 MORE_THAN={GAUSSIAN D_0=1.5 R_0=0.00001} ... DISTANCES -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCES) The advantage of MTRANSFORM_MORE comes, however, if you want to use transformed colvars as input @@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ One is thus calculating the mean for those colvars that are greater than the tar The example shown below calculates the mean for those distances that greater than 1.5 nm in length -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2-50 MEAN LABEL=d1 MFILTER_MORE DATA=d1 SWITCH={GAUSSIAN D_0=1.5 R_0=0.00001} MEAN LABEL=d4 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile More complicated things can be done by using the label of a filter as input to a new multicolvar as shown in the example below. Here the coordination numbers of all atoms are computed. The atoms with a coordination @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ number greater than 2 are then identified using the filter. This reduced list o to a second coordination number calculation. This second coordination number thus measures the number of two-coordinated atoms that each of the two-coordinated atoms is bound to. -\verbatim +\plumedfile 1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-150 SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} cf: MFILTER_MORE DATA=c1 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=2.0 R_0=0.1} LOWMEM c2: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=cf SWITCH={EXP D_0=4.0 R_0=0.5 D_MAX=6.0} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL D_0=2.0 R_0=0.1} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/InPlaneDistances.cpp b/src/multicolvar/InPlaneDistances.cpp index d041fa1e0..ef9f4a55f 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/InPlaneDistances.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/InPlaneDistances.cpp @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ Keywords such as MORE_THAN and LESS_THAN can then be used to calculate the numbe The following input can be used to calculate the number of atoms that have indices greater than 3 and less than 101 that are within a cylinder with a radius of 0.3 nm that has its long axis aligned with the vector connecting atoms 1 and 2. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: INPLANEDISTANCES VECTORSTART=1 VECTOREND=2 GROUP=3-100 LESS_THAN={RATIONAL D_0=0.2 R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.lessthan FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/multicolvar/LocalAverage.cpp b/src/multicolvar/LocalAverage.cpp index fdc3e09c4..c8bae1d56 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/LocalAverage.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/LocalAverage.cpp @@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ and so on. You can also probe the value of these averaged variables in regions This example input calculates the coordination numbers for all the atoms in the system. These coordination numbers are then averaged over spherical regions. The number of averaged coordination numbers that are greater than 4 is then output to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-64 D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2 LABEL=d1 LOCAL_AVERAGE ARG=d1 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=4} LABEL=la PRINT ARG=la.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This example input calculates the \f$q_4\f$ (see \ref Q4) vectors for each of the atoms in the system. These vectors are then averaged component by component over a spherical region. The average value for this quantity is then outputeed to a file. This calculates the quantities that were used in the paper by Lechner and Dellago \cite dellago-q6 -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q4 SPECIES=1-64 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} LABEL=q4 LOCAL_AVERAGE ARG=q4 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} MEAN LABEL=la PRINT ARG=la.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/MultiColvarDensity.cpp b/src/multicolvar/MultiColvarDensity.cpp index 7ea3dc009..8e63b6e51 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/MultiColvarDensity.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/MultiColvarDensity.cpp @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ The following example shows perhaps the simplest way in which this action can be input computes the density of atoms at each point on the grid and ouptuts this quantity to a file. In other words this input instructs plumed to calculate \f$\rho(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i K(\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_i )\f$ -\verbatim +\plumedfile dens: DENSITY SPECIES=1-100 grid: MULTICOLVARDENS DATA=dens ORIGIN=1 DIR=xyz NBINS=100,100,100 BANDWIDTH=0.05,0.05,0.05 STRIDE=1 DUMPGRID GRID=grid STRIDE=500 FILE=density -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In the above example density is added to the grid on every step. The PRINT_GRID instruction thus tells PLUMED to output the average density at each point on the grid every 500 steps of simulation. Notice that the that grid output @@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ of data separately you must use the CLEAR flag. This second example computes an order parameter (in this case \ref FCCUBIC) and constructs a phase field model for this order parameter using the equation above. -\verbatim +\plumedfile fcc: FCCUBIC SPECIES=1-5184 SWITCH={CUBIC D_0=1.2 D_MAX=1.5} ALPHA=27 dens: MULTICOLVARDENS DATA=fcc ORIGIN=1 DIR=xyz NBINS=14,14,28 BANDWIDTH=1.0,1.0,1.0 STRIDE=1 CLEAR=1 DUMPCUBE GRID=dens STRIDE=1 FILE=dens.cube -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile In this example the phase field model is computed and output to a file on every step of the simulation. Furthermore, because the CLEAR=1 keyword is set on the MULTICOLVARDENS line each Gaussian cube file output is a phase field diff --git a/src/multicolvar/NumberOfLinks.cpp b/src/multicolvar/NumberOfLinks.cpp index b8257c5e4..c8850755b 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/NumberOfLinks.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/NumberOfLinks.cpp @@ -43,22 +43,22 @@ similar orientations. The vectors on individual atoms could be Steinhardt param The following calculates how many bonds there are in a system containing 64 atoms and outputs this quantity to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DENSITY SPECIES=1-64 LABEL=d1 NLINKS ARG=d1 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} LABEL=dd PRINT ARG=dd FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following calculates how many pairs of neighbouring atoms in a system containg 64 atoms have similar dispositions for the atoms in their coordination sphere. This calculation uses the dot product of the Q6 vectors on adjacent atoms to measure whether or not two atoms have the same ``orientation" -\verbatim +\plumedfile Q6 SPECIES=1-64 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} LABEL=q6 NLINKS ARG=q6 SWITCH={RATIONAL D_0=1.3 R_0=0.2} LABEL=dd PRINT ARG=dd FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/Torsions.cpp b/src/multicolvar/Torsions.cpp index 59d02cbfd..4e3fcfbb2 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/Torsions.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/Torsions.cpp @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Calculate whether or not a set of torsional angles are within a particular range The following provides an example of the input for the torsions command -\verbatim +\plumedfile TORSIONS ... ATOMS1=168,170,172,188 ATOMS2=170,172,188,190 @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ ATOMS3=188,190,192,230 LABEL=ab ... TORSIONS PRINT ARG=ab.* FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Writing out the atoms involved in all the torsions in this way can be rather tedious. Thankfully if you are working with protein you can avoid this by using the \ref MOLINFO command. PLUMED uses the pdb file that you provide to this command to learn about the topology of the protein molecule. This means that you can specify torsion angles using the following syntax: -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=myprotein.pdb TORSIONS ... ATOMS1=@phi-3 @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ ATOMS3=@phi-4 LABEL=ab ... TORSIONS PRINT ARG=ab FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Here, \@phi-3 tells plumed that you would like to calculate the \f$\phi\f$ angle in the third residue of the protein. Similarly \@psi-4 tells plumed that you want to calculate the \f$\psi\f$ angle of the 4th residue of the protein. diff --git a/src/multicolvar/VolumeAround.cpp b/src/multicolvar/VolumeAround.cpp index bab79d8e0..d44f36d4b 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/VolumeAround.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/VolumeAround.cpp @@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ When AROUND is used with the \ref DENSITY action the number of atoms in the spec The following commands tell plumed to calculate the average coordination number for the atoms that have x (in fractional coordinates) within 2.0 nm of the com of mass c1. The final value will be labeled s.mean. -\verbatim +\plumedfile COM ATOMS=1-100 LABEL=c1 COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 R_0=1.0 LABEL=c AROUND DATA=c ORIGIN=c1 XLOWER=-2.0 XUPPER=2.0 SIGMA=0.1 MEAN LABEL=s -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/VolumeCavity.cpp b/src/multicolvar/VolumeCavity.cpp index af14a2be0..70d8254f3 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/VolumeCavity.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/VolumeCavity.cpp @@ -86,19 +86,19 @@ described above and the resulting projections determine the \f$u'\f$, \f$v'\f$ a The following commands tell plumed to calculate the number of atoms in an ion chanel in a protein. The extent of the chanel is calculated from the positions of atoms 1, 4, 5 and 11. The final value will be labeled cav. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DENSITY SPECIES=20-500 CAVITY DATA=d1 ATOMS=1,4,5,11 SIGMA=0.1 LABEL=cav -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command tells plumed to calculate the coordination numbers (with other water molecules) for the water molecules in the protein channel described above. The average coordination number and the number of coordination numbers more than 4 is then calculated. The values of these two quantities are given the labels cav.mean and cav.morethan -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=20-500 CAVITY DATA=d1 ATOMS=1,4,5,11 SIGMA=0.1 MEAN MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=4} LABEL=cav -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/VolumeInCylinder.cpp b/src/multicolvar/VolumeInCylinder.cpp index eb6bc611e..3e8acfb22 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/VolumeInCylinder.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/VolumeInCylinder.cpp @@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ When INCYLINDER is used with the \ref DENSITY action the number of atoms in the The input below can be use to calculate the average coordination numbers for those atoms that are within a cylindrical tube of radius 1.5 nm that is centered on the position of atom 101 and that has its long axis parallel to the z-axis. -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} d2: INCYLINDER ATOM=101 DATA=d1 DIRECTION=Z RADIUS={TANH R_0=1.5} SIGMA=0.1 LOWER=-0.1 UPPER=0.1 MEAN PRINT ARG=d2.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/VolumeInSphere.cpp b/src/multicolvar/VolumeInSphere.cpp index 632af88df..937e067dd 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/VolumeInSphere.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/VolumeInSphere.cpp @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ When INCYLINDER is used with the \ref DENSITY action the number of atoms in the The input below can be use to calculate the average coordination numbers for those atoms that are within a sphere of radius 1.5 nm that is centered on the position of atom 101. -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} d2: INSPHERE ATOM=101 DATA=d1 RADIUS={TANH R_0=1.5} SIGMA=0.1 LOWER=-0.1 UPPER=0.1 MEAN PRINT ARG=d2.* FILE=colvar -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/VolumeTetrapore.cpp b/src/multicolvar/VolumeTetrapore.cpp index 98fe915c3..c7dcd66d0 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/VolumeTetrapore.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/VolumeTetrapore.cpp @@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ This is in fact the only point of difference between these two actions. The following commands tell plumed to calculate the number of atom inside a tetrahedral cavity. The extent of the tetrahedral cavity is calculated from the positions of atoms 1, 4, 5, and 11, The final value will be labeled cav. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DENSITY SPECIES=20-500 TETRAHEDRALPORE DATA=d1 ATOMS=1,4,5,11 SIGMA=0.1 LABEL=cav -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The following command tells plumed to calculate the coordination numbers (with other water molecules) for the water molecules in the tetrahedral cavity described above. The average coordination number and the number of coordination numbers more than 4 is then calculated. The values of these two quantities are given the labels cav.mean and cav.morethan -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=20-500 CAVITY DATA=d1 ATOMS=1,4,5,11 SIGMA=0.1 MEAN MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=4} LABEL=cav -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/XAngle.cpp b/src/multicolvar/XAngle.cpp index fbc2ab1d7..dd90c187f 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/XAngle.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/XAngle.cpp @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ Calculate the angles between the vector connecting two atoms and the x axis. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angles between the x-axis and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and between the x-axis and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then -\verbatim +\plumedfile XANLGES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ Calculate the angles between the vector connecting two atoms and the y axis. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angles between the y-axis and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and between the y-axis and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then -\verbatim +\plumedfile YANLGES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ Calculate the angles between the vector connecting two atoms and the z axis. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angles between the z-axis and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and between the z-axis and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZANLGES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/multicolvar/XDistances.cpp b/src/multicolvar/XDistances.cpp index 009b04de5..fe29a8b65 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/XDistances.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/XDistances.cpp @@ -42,38 +42,38 @@ values such as the minimum, the number less than a certain quantity and so on. The following input tells plumed to calculate the x-component of the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the x-component of the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile XDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). The following input tells plumed to calculate the x-component of the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the x-component of the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The number of values that are less than 0.1nm is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile XDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 LABEL=d1 LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.lt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction). The following input tells plumed to calculate the x-components of all the distinct vectors that can be created between atoms 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. the vectors between atoms 1 and 2, atoms 1 and 3 and atoms 2 and 3). The average of these quantities is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile XDISTANCES GROUP=1-3 AVERAGE LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.average -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT) The following input tells plumed to calculate all the vectors connecting the the atoms in GROUPA to the atoms in GROUPB. In other words the vector between atoms 1 and 2 and the vector between atoms 1 and 3. The number of values more than 0.1 is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile XDISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2,3 MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.gt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction) */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -89,38 +89,38 @@ values such as the minimum, the number less than a certain quantity and so on. The following input tells plumed to calculate the y-component of the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the y-component of the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile YDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). The following input tells plumed to calculate the y-component of the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the y-component of the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The number of values that are less than 0.1nm is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile YDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 LABEL=d1 LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.lt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction). The following input tells plumed to calculate the y-components of all the distinct vectors that can be created between atoms 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. the vectors between atoms 1 and 2, atoms 1 and 3 and atoms 2 and 3). The average of these quantities is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile YDISTANCES GROUP=1-3 AVERAGE LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.average -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT) The following input tells plumed to calculate all the vectors connecting the the atoms in GROUPA to the atoms in GROUPB. In other words the vector between atoms 1 and 2 and the vector between atoms 1 and 3. The number of values more than 0.1 is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile YDISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2,3 MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.gt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction) */ @@ -137,38 +137,38 @@ values such as the minimum, the number less than a certain quantity and so on. The following input tells plumed to calculate the z-component of the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the z-component of the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). The following input tells plumed to calculate the z-component of the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the z-component of the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The number of values that are less than 0.1nm is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 LABEL=d1 LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.lt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction). The following input tells plumed to calculate the z-components of all the distinct vectors that can be created between atoms 1, 2 and 3 (i.e. the vectors between atoms 1 and 2, atoms 1 and 3 and atoms 2 and 3). The average of these quantities is then calculated. -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZDISTANCES GROUP=1-3 AVERAGE LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.average -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT) The following input tells plumed to calculate all the vectors connecting the the atoms in GROUPA to the atoms in GROUPB. In other words the vector between atoms 1 and 2 and the vector between atoms 1 and 3. The number of values more than 0.1 is then printed to a file. -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZDISTANCES GROUPA=1 GROUPB=2,3 MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.1} PRINT ARG=d1.gt0.1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT \ref switchingfunction) */ diff --git a/src/multicolvar/XYDistances.cpp b/src/multicolvar/XYDistances.cpp index 767c64a86..c0c8d4aa5 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/XYDistances.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/XYDistances.cpp @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ The following input tells plumed to calculate the projection of the length of th to atom 5 projected in the xy-plane and the projection of the length of the vector the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2 in the xy-plane. The minimum of these two quantities is then printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile XYDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ @@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ The following input tells plumed to calculate the projection of the length of th to atom 5 projected in the xz-plane and the projection of the length of the vector the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2 in the xz-plane. The minimum of these two quantities is then printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile XZDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ @@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ The following input tells plumed to calculate the projection of the length of th to atom 5 in the yz-plane and the projection of the length of the vector the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2 in the yz-plane. The minimum of these two quantities is then printed -\verbatim +\plumedfile YZDISTANCES ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ diff --git a/src/multicolvar/XYTorsion.cpp b/src/multicolvar/XYTorsion.cpp index fd512799a..4e0804a50 100644 --- a/src/multicolvar/XYTorsion.cpp +++ b/src/multicolvar/XYTorsion.cpp @@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ Calculate the torsional angle around the x axis from the positive y direction. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angle around the x direction between the positive y-axis and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the angle around the x direction between the positive y axis and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile XYTORSIONS ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ Calculate the torsional angle around the x axis from the positive z direction. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angle around the x direction between the positive z-axis and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the angle around the x direction between the positive z direction and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile XZTORSIONS ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ Calculate the torsional angle around the y axis from the positive x direction. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angle around the y direction between the positive x-direction and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the angle around the y direction between the positive x axis and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile YXTORSIONS ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ Calculate the torsional angle around the y axis from the positive z direction. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angle around the y direction between the positive z-direction and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the angle around the y direction between the positive z direction and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile YZTORSIONS ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ Calculate the torsional angle around the z axis from the positive x direction. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angle around the z direction between the positive x-direction and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the angle around the z direction between the positive x-direction and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZXTORSIONS ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC @@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ Calculate the torsional angle around the z axis from the positive y direction. The following input tells plumed to calculate the angle around the z direction between the positive y-axis and the vector connecting atom 3 to atom 5 and the angle around the z direction between the positive y axis and the vector connecting atom 1 to atom 2. The minimum of these two quantities is then output -\verbatim +\plumedfile ZYTORSIONS ATOMS1=3,5 ATOMS2=1,2 MIN={BETA=0.1} LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1.min -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (See also \ref PRINT). */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/secondarystructure/AlphaRMSD.cpp b/src/secondarystructure/AlphaRMSD.cpp index 6c9b49083..ecf10eacb 100644 --- a/src/secondarystructure/AlphaRMSD.cpp +++ b/src/secondarystructure/AlphaRMSD.cpp @@ -68,11 +68,10 @@ anthing other than TYPE=DRMSD. For more details as to how to do this see \ref W The following input calculates the number of six residue segments of protein that are in an alpha helical configuration. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=helix.pdb ALPHARMSD RESIDUES=all TYPE=DRMSD LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.08 NN=8 MM=12} LABEL=a -\endverbatim -(see also \ref MOLINFO) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/secondarystructure/AntibetaRMSD.cpp b/src/secondarystructure/AntibetaRMSD.cpp index 6e60d5445..637e4c0b3 100644 --- a/src/secondarystructure/AntibetaRMSD.cpp +++ b/src/secondarystructure/AntibetaRMSD.cpp @@ -70,11 +70,10 @@ anthing other than TYPE=DRMSD. For more details as to how to do this see \ref W The following input calculates the number of six residue segments of protein that are in an antiparallel beta sheet configuration. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=helix.pdb ANTIBETARMSD RESIDUES=all TYPE=DRMSD LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.08 NN=8 MM=12} LABEL=a -\endverbatim -(see also \ref MOLINFO) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/secondarystructure/ParabetaRMSD.cpp b/src/secondarystructure/ParabetaRMSD.cpp index fe8740864..1a67ec8af 100644 --- a/src/secondarystructure/ParabetaRMSD.cpp +++ b/src/secondarystructure/ParabetaRMSD.cpp @@ -70,11 +70,10 @@ anthing other than TYPE=DRMSD. For more details as to how to do this see \ref W The following input calculates the number of six residue segments of protein that are in an parallel beta sheet configuration. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=helix.pdb PARABETARMSD RESIDUES=all TYPE=DRMSD LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.08 NN=8 MM=12} LABEL=a -\endverbatim -(see also \ref MOLINFO) +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/setup/Load.cpp b/src/setup/Load.cpp index 93f9d39b8..4002ed0f0 100644 --- a/src/setup/Load.cpp +++ b/src/setup/Load.cpp @@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ If you have a shared object named and want to use the functionalities implemented in it within PLUMED you can load it with the following syntax -\verbatim +\plumedfile LOAD -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile As a more practical example, imagine that you want to make a small change to one collective variable that is already implemented @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ with different names. Then you can compile it into a shared object using This will generate a file `` (or `Distance2.dylib` on a mac) that can be loaded. Now you can use your new implementation with the following input -\verbatim +\plumedfile # load the new library LOAD # compute standard distance @@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,10 d2: DISTANCE2 ATOMS=1,10 # print them on a file PRINT ARG=d,d2 FILE=compare-them -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile You can even skip the initial step and directly feed PLUMED with the `Distance2.cpp` file: it will be compiled on the fly. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # load the new definition # this is a cpp file so it will be compiled LOAD FILE=Distance2.cpp @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,10 d2: DISTANCE2 ATOMS=1,10 # print them on a file PRINT ARG=d,d2 FILE=compare-them -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This will allow to make quick tests while developing your own variables. Of course, after your implementation is ready you might diff --git a/src/setup/MolInfo.cpp b/src/setup/MolInfo.cpp index 03a0012f9..24f2cb689 100644 --- a/src/setup/MolInfo.cpp +++ b/src/setup/MolInfo.cpp @@ -111,23 +111,21 @@ interpret terminal residue 1. In the following example the MOLINFO command is used to provide the information on which atoms are in the backbone of a protein to the ALPHARMSD CV. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=reference.pdb ALPHARMSD RESIDUES=all TYPE=DRMSD LESS_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=0.08 NN=8 MM=12} LABEL=a -\endverbatim -(see also \ref ALPHARMSD) +\endplumedfile The following example prints the distance corresponding to the hydrogen bonds in a GC Watson-Crick pair. -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO STRUCTURE=reference.pdb hb1: DISTANCE ATOMS=@N2-1,@O2-14 hb2: DISTANCE ATOMS=@N1-1,@N3-14 hb3: DISTANCE ATOMS=@O6-1,@N4-14 PRINT ARG=hb1,hb2,hb3 -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DISTANCE). +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/setup/Restart.cpp b/src/setup/Restart.cpp index ffa4f46b1..4cfb03ef0 100644 --- a/src/setup/Restart.cpp +++ b/src/setup/Restart.cpp @@ -51,31 +51,28 @@ and \ref PBMETAD and on some analysis action. \par Examples Using the following input: -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=d FILE=out -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile a new 'out' file will be created. If an old one is on the way, it will be automatically backed up. On the other hand, using the following input: -\verbatim +\plumedfile RESTART d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=d FILE=out -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile the file 'out' will be appended. -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). In the following case, file out1 will be backed up and file out2 will be concatenated -\verbatim +\plumedfile RESTART d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 d2: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=d1 FILE=out1 RESTART=NO PRINT ARG=d2 FILE=out2 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile diff --git a/src/setup/Units.cpp b/src/setup/Units.cpp index 1b4225d24..617e8c0a6 100644 --- a/src/setup/Units.cpp +++ b/src/setup/Units.cpp @@ -44,16 +44,15 @@ the units. For example, trajectories written in .gro format (with \ref DUMPATOMS are going to be always in nm. \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile # this is using nm - kj/mol - fs UNITS LENGTH=nm TIME=fs -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile If a number, x, is found, the new unit is equal to x (default units) -\verbatim +\plumedfile # this is using nm - kj/mol - fs UNITS LENGTH=nm TIME=0.001 -\endverbatim - +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/vatom/COM.cpp b/src/vatom/COM.cpp index 8eb60b64d..d0cfd0b1f 100644 --- a/src/vatom/COM.cpp +++ b/src/vatom/COM.cpp @@ -54,13 +54,12 @@ periodic image. The following input instructs plumed to print the distance between the center of mass for atoms 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and that for atoms 15,20: -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COM ATOMS=1-7 c2: COM ATOMS=15,20 d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=c1,c2 PRINT ARG=d1 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/vatom/Center.cpp b/src/vatom/Center.cpp index 7e4cdd440..64eea7d74 100644 --- a/src/vatom/Center.cpp +++ b/src/vatom/Center.cpp @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ periodic image. \par Examples -\verbatim +\plumedfile # a point which is on the line connecting atoms 1 and 10, so that its distance # from 10 is twice its distance from 1: c1: CENTER ATOMS=1,1,10 @@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ c2: CENTER ATOMS=2,3,4,5 MASS d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=c1,c2 PRINT ARG=d1 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE, \ref COM and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/src/vatom/FixedAtom.cpp b/src/vatom/FixedAtom.cpp index ccf7eb52c..3baf40379 100644 --- a/src/vatom/FixedAtom.cpp +++ b/src/vatom/FixedAtom.cpp @@ -51,24 +51,22 @@ then it is safe to add further fixed atoms without breaking translational invari The following input instructs plumed to compute the angle between distance of atoms 15 and 20 and the z axis and keeping it close to zero. -\verbatim +\plumedfile a: FIXEDATOM AT=0,0,0 b: FIXEDATOM AT=0,0,1 an: ANGLE ATOMS=a,b,15,20 RESTRAINT ARG=an AT=0.0 KAPPA=100.0 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref ANGLE and \ref RESTRAINT). +\endplumedfile The following input instructs plumed to align a protein on a template and then compute the distance of one of its atom from the point (10,20,30). -\verbatim +\plumedfile FIT_TO_TEMPLATE STRIDE=1 REFERENCE=ref.pdb TYPE=SIMPLE a: FIXEDATOM AT=10,20,30 d: DISTANCE ARG=a,20 PRINT ARG=d FILE=colvar -\endverbatim -(See also \ref FIT_TO_TEMPLATE and \ref DISTANCE). +\endplumedfile */ diff --git a/src/vatom/Ghost.cpp b/src/vatom/Ghost.cpp index b2c783717..7c57cee4f 100644 --- a/src/vatom/Ghost.cpp +++ b/src/vatom/Ghost.cpp @@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ an atom list through the the label for the GHOST action that creates it. \par Examples The following input instructs plumed to print the distance between the ghost atom and the center of mass for atoms 15,20: -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: GHOST ATOMS=1,5,10 COORDINATES=10.0,10.0,10.0 c2: COM ATOMS=15,20 d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=c1,c2 PRINT ARG=d1 -\endverbatim -(See also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile */ //+ENDPLUMEDOC diff --git a/user-doc/Analysis.txt b/user-doc/Analysis.txt index a5a0e5572..ef3a00589 100644 --- a/user-doc/Analysis.txt +++ b/user-doc/Analysis.txt @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ As an example the following set of commands instructs PLUMED to calculate the di atoms 1 and 2 for every 5th frame in the trajectory and to accumulate a histogram from this data which will be output every 100 steps (i.e. when 20 distances have been added to the histogram). -\verbatim +\plumedfile x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 h: HISTOGRAM ARG=x GRID_MIN=0.0 GRID_MAX=3.0 GRID_BIN=100 BANDWIDTH=0.1 STRIDE=5 DUMPGRID GRID=h FILE=histo STRIDE=100 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile It is important to note when using commands such as the above the first frame in the trajectory is assumed to be the initial configuration that was input to the MD code. It is thus ignored. Furthermore, if you are @@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ running with driver and you would like to analyse the whole trajectory (without and then print the result you simply call \ref DUMPGRID (or any of the commands above) without a STRIDE keyword as shown in the example below. -\verbatim +\plumedfile x: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 h: HISTOGRAM ARG=x GRID_MIN=0.0 GRID_MAX=3.0 GRID_BIN=100 BANDWIDTH=0.1 STRIDE=5 DUMPGRID GRID=h FILE=histo -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Please note that even with this calculation the first frame in the trajectory is ignored when computing the histogram. diff --git a/user-doc/Colvar.txt b/user-doc/Colvar.txt index 7c6557796..e3e20d2a1 100644 --- a/user-doc/Colvar.txt +++ b/user-doc/Colvar.txt @@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ Oftentimes the simplest way to specify the atoms involved is to use multiple ins i.e. ATOMS1, ATOMS2, ATOMS3,... Separate instances of the quantity specified by NAME are then calculated for each of the sets of atoms. For example if the command issued contains the following: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ATOMS1=1,2 ATOMS2=3,4 ATOMS3=5,6 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile The distances between atoms 1 and 2, atoms 3 and 4, and atoms 5 and 6 are calculated. Obviously, generating this sort of input is rather tedious so short cuts are also available many of the collective variables. @@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ prevent the cluster subliming. Alternatively, you may wish to insist that a par coordination number greater than 2. You can add these sorts of restraints by employing the following biases, which all act on the set of collective variable values calculated by a multicolvar. So for example the following set of commands: -\verbatim +\plumedfile COM ATOMS=1-20 LABEL=c1 DISTANCES GROUPA=c1 GROUPB=1-20 LABEL=d1 UWALLS DATA=d1 AT=2.5 KAPPA=0.2 LABEL=sr -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile creates the aforementioned set of restraints on the distances between the 20 atoms in a cluster and the center of mass of the cluster. diff --git a/user-doc/Files.txt b/user-doc/Files.txt index f360af5d2..2ed8f21ee 100644 --- a/user-doc/Files.txt +++ b/user-doc/Files.txt @@ -34,11 +34,10 @@ since your disk might fill up quickly with this setting. When running with multiple replicas (e.g., with GROMACS, -multi option) PLUMED adds the replica index as a suffix to all the files. The following command will thus print files named COLVAR.0, COLVAR.1, etc for the different replicas. -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=d FILE=COLVAR -\endverbatim -(see also \ref DISTANCE and \ref PRINT). +\endplumedfile When reading a file, PLUMED will try to add the suffix. If the file is not found, it will fall back to the name without suffix. The most important case is the reading of the plumed input file. @@ -51,12 +50,11 @@ extension. Before PLUMED 2.2, the only recognized suffix was ".gz". Since 2.2, a less or equal to five letters is recognized. This means that using in a multireplica context an input such as -\verbatim +\plumedfile d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=d FILE=COLVAR.gz METAD ARG=d FILE=test.HILLS SIGMA=0.1 HEIGHT=0.1 -\endverbatim -(see \ref DISTANCE, \ref PRINT, and \ref METAD) +\endplumedfile PLUMED will write files named COLVAR.0.gz, COLVAR.1.gz, test.0.HILLS, test.1.HILLS, etc etc. This is useful since the preserved extension makes it easy to process the files later. diff --git a/user-doc/Functions.txt b/user-doc/Functions.txt index 8bf37c42d..53de40f36 100644 --- a/user-doc/Functions.txt +++ b/user-doc/Functions.txt @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ is the smallest value and `B` is the largest value. In case the answer is that t values at the discontinuity are not always the same, then you cannot construct a variable that can be biased with PLUMED. Consider the following examples: -\verbatim +\plumedfile t: TORSION ATOMS=1,2,3,4 # When atoms are moved, t could jump suddenly from -pi to +pi @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,10 COMPONENTS # make a new variable equal to d.z but with the correct periodicity dz: COMBINE ARG=d.z PERIODIC=-10,10 # here we assumed the system is in a orthorhombic box with z side = 20 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile @FUNCTION@ diff --git a/user-doc/Group.txt b/user-doc/Group.txt index 6365d9f7d..6edc0225b 100644 --- a/user-doc/Group.txt +++ b/user-doc/Group.txt @@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ See The following example shows how to use \ref MOLINFO with \ref TORSION to calculate the torsion angles phi and psi for the first and fourth residue of the protein: -\verbatim +\plumedfile MOLINFO MOLTYPE=protein STRUCTURE=myprotein.pdb t1: TORSION ATOMS=@phi-3 t2: TORSION ATOMS=@psi-4 PRINT ARG=t1,t2 FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \subsection pbc Broken Molecules and PBC @@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ using the ALIGN_ATOMS keyword. In PLUMED 2 the same effect can be achieved usin The following input computes the end-to-end distance for a polymer of 100 atoms and keeps it at a value around 5. -\verbatim +\plumedfile WHOLEMOLECULES ENTITY0=1-100 e2e: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,100 NOPBC RESTRAINT ARG=e2e KAPPA=1 AT=5 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice that NOPBC is used to be sure in \ref DISTANCE that if the end-to-end distance is larger than half the simulation box the distance is compute properly. Also notice that, since many MD codes break molecules across cell boundary, it might be necessary to use the @@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ Notice that most expressions are invariant with respect to a change in the order but some of them depend on that order. E.g., with \ref WHOLEMOLECULES it could be useful to specify atom lists in a reversed order. -\verbatim +\plumedfile # to see the effect, one could dump the atoms as they were before molecule reconstruction: # DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 WHOLEMOLECULES STRIDE=1 ENTITY0=1-20 DUMPATOMS ATOMS=1-20 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice that there are other ways to manipulate the coordinates stored within PLUMED: - Using the \subpage FIT_TO_TEMPLATE they can be aligned to a template structure. @@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ To specify to a colvar that you want to use the position of a virtual atom to ca in your system you simply use the label for your virtual atom in place of the usual numerical index. Virtual atoms and normal atoms can be mixed together in the input to colvars as shown below: -\verbatim +\plumedfile COM ATOMS=1,10 LABEL=com1 DISTANCE ATOMS=11,com1 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile If you don't want to calculate CVs from the virtual atom. That is to say you just want to monitor the position of a virtual atom (or any set of atoms) over the course of your trajectory you can do this using \ref DUMPATOMS. diff --git a/user-doc/Misc.txt b/user-doc/Misc.txt index 284a2a6e9..4fceb133d 100644 --- a/user-doc/Misc.txt +++ b/user-doc/Misc.txt @@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ particular simulation you might find it useful to put comments in your input fil comments can be added using a # sign. On any given line everything after the # sign is ignored so erm... yes add lines of comments or trailing comments to your hearts content as shown below (using Shakespeare is optional): -\verbatim +\plumedfile # This is the distance between two atoms: DISTANCE ATOM=1,2 LABEL=d1 UPPER_WALLS ARG=d1 AT=3.0 KAPPA=3.0 LABEL=Snout # In this same interlude it doth befall. # That I, one Snout by name, present a wall. -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCE and \ref UPPER_WALLS) An alternative to including comments in this way is to use line starting ENDPLUMED. Everything in the PLUMED input after this @@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ We at PLUMED are aware of this fact and thus have provided a way of doing line c easier - aren't we kind? Well no not really, we have to use this code too. Anyway, you can do continuations by using the "..." syntax as this makes this: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ATOMS1=1,300 ATOMS2=1,400 ATOMS3=1,500 LABEL=dist -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (see \ref DISTANCES) equivalent to this: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... LABEL=dist # we can also insert comments here @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ DISTANCES ... #empty lines are also allowed ... DISTANCES -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice that the closing `...` is followed by the word `DISTANCES`. This is optional, but might be useful to find more easily which is the matching start of the statement. The following is equally correct -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES ... LABEL=dist # we can also insert comments here @@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ DISTANCES ... #empty lines are also allowed ... -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Notice that PLUMED makes a check that the word following the closing `...` is actually identical to the first word in the line with the first `...`. If not, it will throw an error. Also notice that you might put more than one word in the first line. E.g. -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCES LABEL=dist ... # we can also insert comments here ATOMS1=1,300 @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ DISTANCES LABEL=dist ... ATOMS2=1,400 ATOMS3=1,500 #empty lines are also allowed ... -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile or, equivalently, -\verbatim +\plumedfile dist: DISTANCES ... # we can also insert comments here ATOMS1=1,300 @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ dist: DISTANCES ... ATOMS2=1,400 ATOMS3=1,500 #empty lines are also allowed ... -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \page VimSyntax Using VIM syntax file @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ Add to your `.vimrc` file the following commands :set modelines=5 \endverbatim Then, at the beginning of your PLUMED input file, put the following comment: -\verbatim +\plumedfile # vim:ft=plumed d: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 RESTRAINT ARG=d AT=0.0 KAPPA=1.0 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Now, every time you open this file, you will see it highlighted. \par Syntax highlighting @@ -220,27 +220,27 @@ Folded lines can be expanded with `zo` and folded with `zc`. Look at VIM documen learn more. In case you want to use this feature, we suggest you to put both label and action type on the first line of multi-line statements. E.g. -\verbatim +\plumedfile m: METAD ... ARG=d HEIGHT=1.0 SIGMA=0.5 PACE=100 ... -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile will be folded to \verbatim +-- 6 lines: m: METAD ...------------------------------------------------------ \endverbatim and -\verbatim +\plumedfile METAD LABEL=m ... ARG=d HEIGHT=1.0 SIGMA=0.5 PACE=100 ... -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile will be folded to \verbatim +-- 6 lines: METAD LABEL=m ...------------------------------------------------- @@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ Try to do the following. Enable plumed syntax: :set ft=plumed \endverbatim Then add the following line -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Now, in normal mode, go with the cursor on the `DISTANCE` line and type \verbatim :PHelp @@ -365,38 +365,37 @@ vimrc file. If, for some reason, you want to spread your PLUMED input over a number of files you can use \subpage INCLUDE as shown below: -\verbatim +\plumedfile INCLUDE FILE=filename -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile So, for example, a single "plumed.dat" file: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=0,1 LABEL=dist RESTRAINT ARG=dist -\endverbatim -(see \ref DISTANCE and \ref RESTRAINT) +\endplumedfile could be split up into two files as shown below: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=0,1 LABEL=dist INCLUDE FILE=toBeIncluded.dat -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile plus a "toBeIncluded.dat" file -\verbatim +\plumedfile RESTRAINT ARG=dist -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile However, when you do this it is important to recognise that \ref INCLUDE is a real directive that is only resolved after all the \ref comments have been stripped and the \ref ContinuationLines have been unrolled. This means it is not possible to do things like: -\verbatim +\plumedfile # this is wrong: DISTANCE INCLUDE FILE=options.dat RESTRAINT ARG=dist -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile \page load Loading shared libraries @@ -405,9 +404,9 @@ PLUMED libraries. Alternatively, if you want to keep your code independent from so you can release it independely - we won't be offended), then you can create your own dynamic library. To use this in conjuction with PLUMED you can then load it at runtime by using the \subpage LOAD keyword as shown below: -\verbatim +\plumedfile LOAD -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile N.B. If your system uses a different suffix for dynamic libraries (e.g. macs use .dylib) then PLUMED will try to automatically adjust the suffix accordingly. diff --git a/user-doc/Performances.txt b/user-doc/Performances.txt index 57bc2c66a..00fc973ac 100644 --- a/user-doc/Performances.txt +++ b/user-doc/Performances.txt @@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ a factor equal to STRIDE. This technique can allow your simulation to run faster if you need the apply a bias potential on some very expensive collective variable. Consider the following input: -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COM ATOMS=1-1000 c2: COM ATOMS=1001-2000 d: DISTANCE ATOMS=c1,c2 METAD ARG=d HEIGHT=1 SIGMA=0.1 BIASFACTOR=5 PACE=500 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile This performs a \ref METAD simulation biasing the distance between two centers of mass. Since computing these centers requires a lot of atoms to be imported from the MD engine, it could slow down significantly the @@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ simulation. Notice that whereas the bias is changed every PACE=500 steps, it is applied every STRIDE step, where STRIDE=1 by default. The following input could lead to a significantly faster simulation at the price of a negligible systematic error -\verbatim +\plumedfile c1: COM ATOMS=1-1000 c2: COM ATOMS=1001-2000 d: DISTANCE ATOMS=c1,c2 METAD ARG=d HEIGHT=1 SIGMA=0.1 BIASFACTOR=5 PACE=500 STRIDE=2 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Similarly, the STRIDE keyword can be used with other biases (e.g. \ref RESTRAINT). The technique is discussed in details here \cite Ferrarotti2015. @@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ See also \subpage EFFECTIVE_ENERGY_DRIFT. Whenever you have a multicolvar action such as: -\verbatim +\plumedfile COORDINATIONNUMBER SPECIES=1-100 SWITCH={RATIONAL R_0=1. D_MAX=3.0} MORE_THAN={RATIONAL R_0=6.0 NN=6 MM=12 D_0=0} -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile You will get a collosal speedup by specifying the D_MAX keyword in all switching functions that act on distances. D_MAX tells PLUMED that the switching function is strictly zero if the distance is greater than this value. As a result diff --git a/user-doc/Regex.txt b/user-doc/Regex.txt index b24524a0f..93561f632 100644 --- a/user-doc/Regex.txt +++ b/user-doc/Regex.txt @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ Regular expressions are enclosed in round braces and must not contain spaces (th names have no spaces indeed, so why use them?). As an example then command -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 COMPONENTS PRINT ARG=(d1\.[xy]) STRIDE=100 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile will cause both the d1.x and d1.y components of the DISTANCE action to be printed out in the order that they are created by plumed. The "." character must be escaped in order to interpret it as a literal ".". An unescaped dot is a wildcard which is matched by any character, So as an example -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 COMPONENTS dxy: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,3 @@ -30,26 +30,26 @@ PRINT ARG=(d1.[xy]) STRIDE=100 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f # while this will match d1.x,d1.y only PRINT ARG=(d1\.[xy]) STRIDE=100 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile You can include more than one regular expression by using comma separated regular expressions -\verbatim +\plumedfile t1: TORSION ATOMS=5,7,9,15 t2: TORSION ATOMS=7,9,15,17 d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=7,17 COMPONENTS PRINT ARG=(d1\.[xy]),(t[0-9]) STRIDE=100 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile (this selects t1,t2,d1.x and d2.x) Be aware that if you have overlapping selection they will be duplicated so it a better alternative is to use the "or" operator "|". -\verbatim +\plumedfile t1: TORSION ATOMS=5,7,9,15 t2: TORSION ATOMS=7,9,15,17 d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=7,17 COMPONENTS PRINT ARG=(d1\.[xy]|t[0-9]) STRIDE=100 FILE=colvar FMT=%8.4f -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile this selects the same set of arguments as the previous example. diff --git a/user-doc/Syntax.txt b/user-doc/Syntax.txt index 47c73c1f2..277d339e9 100644 --- a/user-doc/Syntax.txt +++ b/user-doc/Syntax.txt @@ -25,18 +25,16 @@ is enclosed in curly braces (e.g. ATOMS={1 2 3 4}). Please note that you can sp The most important of these keywords is the label keyword as it is only by using these labels that we can pass data from one action to another. As an example if you do: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 -\endverbatim -(see \ref DISTANCE) +\endplumedfile Then PLUMED will do nothing other than read in your input file. In contrast if you do: -\verbatim +\plumedfile DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 LABEL=d1 PRINT ARG=d1 FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim -(see \ref PRINT) +\endplumedfile then PLUMED will print out the value of the distance between atoms 1 and 2 every 10 steps to the file colvar as you have told PLUMED to take the value calculated by the action d1 and to print it. You can use any character string to label your actions @@ -46,10 +44,10 @@ code-generated groups of atoms and to give labels to any Actions for which the u Notice that if a word followed by a column is added at the beginning of the line (e.g. pippo:), PLUMED automatically removes it and adds an equivalent label (LABEL=pippo). Thus, a completely equivalent result can be obtained with the following shortcut: -\verbatim +\plumedfile d1: DISTANCE ATOMS=1,2 PRINT ARG=d1 FILE=colvar STRIDE=10 -\endverbatim +\endplumedfile Also notice that all the actions can be labeled, and that many actions besides normal collective variables can define one or more value, which can be then referred using the corresponding label. -- GitLab