diff --git a/CHANGES/v2.4.md b/CHANGES/v2.4.md
index 5be862e9c62ef972466cb91bf3a53d66ef083452..abb0fbe0da61a8825af29ff80db24c51af906503 100644
--- a/CHANGES/v2.4.md
+++ b/CHANGES/v2.4.md
@@ -230,3 +230,7 @@ For users:
   - Added aliases for some actions/options containing dashes (`-`) in their name. This will improve
     backward compatibility when these actions/options will be removed (see \issue{449}).
+## Version 2.4.6 ()
+For users:
+  - Fixed a bug in \ref COORDINATIONNUMBER where derivatives where wrong when using R_POWER > 2, thanks to @MoleOrbitalHybridAnalyst for spotting and fixing
diff --git a/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/derivatives.reference b/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/derivatives.reference
index 5c4c73cea81fa7347ec6155c6957d0c3f1685312..b11b9df8d68e66c188553105d0846adeb6e75270 100644
--- a/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/derivatives.reference
+++ b/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/derivatives.reference
@@ -1,196 +1,196 @@
 #! FIELDS time parameter c1.mean c1num.mean
- 0.000000 0   0.3371   0.3371
- 0.000000 1   0.2309   0.2309
- 0.000000 2   0.1160   0.1160
- 0.000000 3  -0.3510  -0.3510
- 0.000000 4   0.3400   0.3400
- 0.000000 5   0.0247   0.0247
- 0.000000 6  -0.2278  -0.2278
- 0.000000 7  -0.3331  -0.3331
- 0.000000 8   0.1718   0.1718
- 0.000000 9   0.3076   0.3076
- 0.000000 10  -0.3590  -0.3590
- 0.000000 11   0.0586   0.0586
- 0.000000 12   0.3427   0.3427
- 0.000000 13   0.3101   0.3101
- 0.000000 14  -0.0220  -0.0220
- 0.000000 15  -0.3300  -0.3300
- 0.000000 16   0.2127   0.2127
- 0.000000 17  -0.1563  -0.1563
- 0.000000 18  -0.3289  -0.3289
- 0.000000 19  -0.3330  -0.3330
- 0.000000 20  -0.0762  -0.0762
- 0.000000 21   0.2298   0.2298
- 0.000000 22  -0.3172  -0.3171
- 0.000000 23  -0.1589  -0.1589
- 0.000000 24   0.2379   0.2379
- 0.000000 25   0.1246   0.1246
- 0.000000 26  -0.0916  -0.0916
- 0.000000 27  -0.2175  -0.2175
- 0.000000 28   0.1238   0.1238
- 0.000000 29   0.1339   0.1339
- 0.000000 30   1.2686   1.2686
- 0.000000 31   0.0008   0.0008
- 0.000000 32  -0.0777  -0.0777
- 0.000000 33   0.0008   0.0008
- 0.000000 34   1.1233   1.1233
- 0.000000 35   0.0031   0.0031
- 0.000000 36  -0.0777  -0.0777
- 0.000000 37   0.0031   0.0031
- 0.000000 38   2.5446   2.5446
- 0.005000 0   0.3287   0.3287
- 0.005000 1   0.2323   0.2323
- 0.005000 2   0.1100   0.1100
- 0.005000 3  -0.3587  -0.3587
- 0.005000 4   0.3367   0.3367
- 0.005000 5   0.0181   0.0181
- 0.005000 6  -0.2232  -0.2232
- 0.005000 7  -0.3296  -0.3296
- 0.005000 8   0.1699   0.1699
- 0.005000 9   0.2908   0.2908
- 0.005000 10  -0.3585  -0.3585
- 0.005000 11   0.0690   0.0690
- 0.005000 12   0.3444   0.3444
- 0.005000 13   0.2895   0.2895
- 0.005000 14  -0.0237  -0.0237
- 0.005000 15  -0.3163  -0.3163
- 0.005000 16   0.1948   0.1948
- 0.005000 17  -0.1722  -0.1722
- 0.005000 18  -0.3261  -0.3261
- 0.005000 19  -0.3198  -0.3198
- 0.005000 20  -0.0941  -0.0941
- 0.005000 21   0.2273   0.2273
- 0.005000 22  -0.2878  -0.2878
- 0.005000 23  -0.1523  -0.1523
- 0.005000 24   0.2355   0.2355
- 0.005000 25   0.1149   0.1149
- 0.005000 26  -0.0652  -0.0652
- 0.005000 27  -0.2023  -0.2023
- 0.005000 28   0.1276   0.1276
- 0.005000 29   0.1406   0.1406
- 0.005000 30   1.2983   1.2983
- 0.005000 31   0.0074   0.0074
- 0.005000 32  -0.0442  -0.0442
- 0.005000 33   0.0074   0.0074
- 0.005000 34   1.0616   1.0616
- 0.005000 35   0.0049   0.0049
- 0.005000 36  -0.0442  -0.0442
- 0.005000 37   0.0049   0.0049
- 0.005000 38   2.4949   2.4949
- 0.010000 0   0.3057   0.3057
- 0.010000 1   0.2219   0.2219
- 0.010000 2   0.1123   0.1123
- 0.010000 3  -0.3610  -0.3610
- 0.010000 4   0.3207   0.3207
- 0.010000 5   0.0249   0.0249
- 0.010000 6  -0.2431  -0.2431
- 0.010000 7  -0.3227  -0.3227
- 0.010000 8   0.1861   0.1861
- 0.010000 9   0.3110   0.3110
- 0.010000 10  -0.3230  -0.3230
- 0.010000 11   0.0536   0.0536
- 0.010000 12   0.3321   0.3321
- 0.010000 13   0.2460   0.2460
- 0.010000 14  -0.0204  -0.0204
- 0.010000 15  -0.3035  -0.3035
- 0.010000 16   0.1750   0.1750
- 0.010000 17  -0.1895  -0.1895
- 0.010000 18  -0.3215  -0.3215
- 0.010000 19  -0.3011  -0.3011
- 0.010000 20  -0.0991  -0.0991
- 0.010000 21   0.2342   0.2342
- 0.010000 22  -0.2677  -0.2677
- 0.010000 23  -0.1512  -0.1512
- 0.010000 24   0.2325   0.2325
- 0.010000 25   0.1200   0.1200
- 0.010000 26  -0.0458  -0.0458
- 0.010000 27  -0.1864  -0.1864
- 0.010000 28   0.1309   0.1309
- 0.010000 29   0.1290   0.1290
- 0.010000 30   1.3546   1.3546
- 0.010000 31  -0.0010  -0.0010
- 0.010000 32  -0.0324  -0.0324
- 0.010000 33  -0.0010  -0.0010
- 0.010000 34   0.9469   0.9469
- 0.010000 35   0.0118   0.0118
- 0.010000 36  -0.0324  -0.0324
- 0.010000 37   0.0118   0.0118
- 0.010000 38   2.4485   2.4485
- 0.015000 0   0.2784   0.2784
- 0.015000 1   0.2040   0.2040
- 0.015000 2   0.0909   0.0909
- 0.015000 3  -0.3455  -0.3455
- 0.015000 4   0.2867   0.2867
- 0.015000 5   0.0230   0.0230
- 0.015000 6  -0.2596  -0.2596
- 0.015000 7  -0.3044  -0.3044
- 0.015000 8   0.2036   0.2036
- 0.015000 9   0.3216   0.3216
- 0.015000 10  -0.2752  -0.2752
- 0.015000 11   0.0411   0.0411
- 0.015000 12   0.3142   0.3142
- 0.015000 13   0.1924   0.1924
- 0.015000 14  -0.0163  -0.0163
- 0.015000 15  -0.2939  -0.2939
- 0.015000 16   0.1585   0.1585
- 0.015000 17  -0.2068  -0.2068
- 0.015000 18  -0.3090  -0.3090
- 0.015000 19  -0.2674  -0.2674
- 0.015000 20  -0.0777  -0.0777
- 0.015000 21   0.2317   0.2317
- 0.015000 22  -0.2560  -0.2560
- 0.015000 23  -0.1327  -0.1327
- 0.015000 24   0.2310   0.2310
- 0.015000 25   0.1252   0.1252
- 0.015000 26  -0.0350  -0.0350
- 0.015000 27  -0.1689  -0.1689
- 0.015000 28   0.1363   0.1363
- 0.015000 29   0.1099   0.1099
- 0.015000 30   1.3937   1.3937
- 0.015000 31  -0.0040  -0.0040
- 0.015000 32  -0.0365  -0.0365
- 0.015000 33  -0.0040  -0.0040
- 0.015000 34   0.8269   0.8269
- 0.015000 35  -0.0103  -0.0103
- 0.015000 36  -0.0365  -0.0365
- 0.015000 37  -0.0103  -0.0103
- 0.015000 38   2.3510   2.3510
- 0.020000 0   0.2666   0.2666
- 0.020000 1   0.1869   0.1869
- 0.020000 2   0.0703   0.0703
- 0.020000 3  -0.3255  -0.3255
- 0.020000 4   0.2692   0.2692
- 0.020000 5   0.0102   0.0102
- 0.020000 6  -0.2645  -0.2645
- 0.020000 7  -0.2835  -0.2835
- 0.020000 8   0.2141   0.2141
- 0.020000 9   0.3166   0.3166
- 0.020000 10  -0.2635  -0.2635
- 0.020000 11   0.0653   0.0653
- 0.020000 12   0.3024   0.3024
- 0.020000 13   0.1976   0.1976
- 0.020000 14  -0.0355  -0.0355
- 0.020000 15  -0.2931  -0.2931
- 0.020000 16   0.1405   0.1405
- 0.020000 17  -0.2155  -0.2155
- 0.020000 18  -0.2977  -0.2977
- 0.020000 19  -0.2589  -0.2589
- 0.020000 20  -0.0579  -0.0579
- 0.020000 21   0.2223   0.2223
- 0.020000 22  -0.2595  -0.2595
- 0.020000 23  -0.1251  -0.1251
- 0.020000 24   0.2263   0.2263
- 0.020000 25   0.1348   0.1348
- 0.020000 26  -0.0242  -0.0242
- 0.020000 27  -0.1535  -0.1535
- 0.020000 28   0.1365   0.1365
- 0.020000 29   0.0982   0.0982
- 0.020000 30   1.3942   1.3942
- 0.020000 31   0.0116   0.0116
- 0.020000 32  -0.0319  -0.0319
- 0.020000 33   0.0116   0.0116
- 0.020000 34   0.8066   0.8066
- 0.020000 35  -0.0388  -0.0388
- 0.020000 36  -0.0319  -0.0319
- 0.020000 37  -0.0388  -0.0388
- 0.020000 38   2.2840   2.2840
+ 0.000000 0   0.2576   0.2576
+ 0.000000 1   0.1784   0.1784
+ 0.000000 2   0.1148   0.1148
+ 0.000000 3  -0.2848  -0.2848
+ 0.000000 4   0.2573   0.2573
+ 0.000000 5   0.0311   0.0311
+ 0.000000 6  -0.1602  -0.1602
+ 0.000000 7  -0.2576  -0.2576
+ 0.000000 8   0.1443   0.1443
+ 0.000000 9   0.2195   0.2195
+ 0.000000 10  -0.2827  -0.2827
+ 0.000000 11   0.0801   0.0801
+ 0.000000 12   0.2542   0.2542
+ 0.000000 13   0.2204   0.2204
+ 0.000000 14  -0.0389  -0.0389
+ 0.000000 15  -0.2562  -0.2562
+ 0.000000 16   0.1441   0.1441
+ 0.000000 17  -0.1263  -0.1263
+ 0.000000 18  -0.2496  -0.2496
+ 0.000000 19  -0.2380  -0.2380
+ 0.000000 20  -0.0968  -0.0968
+ 0.000000 21   0.1800   0.1800
+ 0.000000 22  -0.2248  -0.2248
+ 0.000000 23  -0.1502  -0.1502
+ 0.000000 24   0.2051   0.2051
+ 0.000000 25   0.0951   0.0951
+ 0.000000 26  -0.0616  -0.0616
+ 0.000000 27  -0.1656  -0.1656
+ 0.000000 28   0.1078   0.1078
+ 0.000000 29   0.1035   0.1035
+ 0.000000 30   0.9771   0.9771
+ 0.000000 31  -0.0025  -0.0025
+ 0.000000 32  -0.0434  -0.0434
+ 0.000000 33  -0.0025  -0.0025
+ 0.000000 34   0.8416   0.8416
+ 0.000000 35   0.0170   0.0170
+ 0.000000 36  -0.0434  -0.0434
+ 0.000000 37   0.0170   0.0170
+ 0.000000 38   2.5110   2.5110
+ 0.005000 0   0.2556   0.2556
+ 0.005000 1   0.1841   0.1841
+ 0.005000 2   0.1225   0.1225
+ 0.005000 3  -0.3096  -0.3096
+ 0.005000 4   0.2536   0.2536
+ 0.005000 5   0.0116   0.0116
+ 0.005000 6  -0.1518  -0.1518
+ 0.005000 7  -0.2632  -0.2632
+ 0.005000 8   0.1297   0.1297
+ 0.005000 9   0.2044   0.2044
+ 0.005000 10  -0.2823  -0.2823
+ 0.005000 11   0.0947   0.0947
+ 0.005000 12   0.2620   0.2620
+ 0.005000 13   0.1952   0.1952
+ 0.005000 14  -0.0426  -0.0426
+ 0.005000 15  -0.2497  -0.2497
+ 0.005000 16   0.1184   0.1184
+ 0.005000 17  -0.1320  -0.1320
+ 0.005000 18  -0.2566  -0.2566
+ 0.005000 19  -0.2169  -0.2169
+ 0.005000 20  -0.1139  -0.1139
+ 0.005000 21   0.1797   0.1797
+ 0.005000 22  -0.1888  -0.1888
+ 0.005000 23  -0.1530  -0.1530
+ 0.005000 24   0.2132   0.2132
+ 0.005000 25   0.0817   0.0817
+ 0.005000 26  -0.0227  -0.0227
+ 0.005000 27  -0.1472  -0.1472
+ 0.005000 28   0.1180   0.1180
+ 0.005000 29   0.1056   0.1056
+ 0.005000 30   1.0253   1.0253
+ 0.005000 31   0.0065   0.0065
+ 0.005000 32   0.0105   0.0105
+ 0.005000 33   0.0065   0.0065
+ 0.005000 34   0.7862   0.7862
+ 0.005000 35   0.0302   0.0302
+ 0.005000 36   0.0105   0.0105
+ 0.005000 37   0.0302   0.0302
+ 0.005000 38   2.4682   2.4682
+ 0.010000 0   0.2377   0.2377
+ 0.010000 1   0.1684   0.1684
+ 0.010000 2   0.1429   0.1429
+ 0.010000 3  -0.3273  -0.3273
+ 0.010000 4   0.2339   0.2339
+ 0.010000 5   0.0073   0.0073
+ 0.010000 6  -0.1809  -0.1809
+ 0.010000 7  -0.2617  -0.2617
+ 0.010000 8   0.1499   0.1499
+ 0.010000 9   0.2401   0.2401
+ 0.010000 10  -0.2325  -0.2325
+ 0.010000 11   0.0678   0.0678
+ 0.010000 12   0.2520   0.2520
+ 0.010000 13   0.1286   0.1286
+ 0.010000 14  -0.0378  -0.0378
+ 0.010000 15  -0.2463  -0.2463
+ 0.010000 16   0.0987   0.0987
+ 0.010000 17  -0.1384  -0.1384
+ 0.010000 18  -0.2558  -0.2558
+ 0.010000 19  -0.1817  -0.1817
+ 0.010000 20  -0.1166  -0.1166
+ 0.010000 21   0.1873   0.1873
+ 0.010000 22  -0.1756  -0.1756
+ 0.010000 23  -0.1491  -0.1491
+ 0.010000 24   0.2139   0.2139
+ 0.010000 25   0.0968   0.0968
+ 0.010000 26  -0.0203  -0.0203
+ 0.010000 27  -0.1205  -0.1205
+ 0.010000 28   0.1250   0.1250
+ 0.010000 29   0.0945   0.0945
+ 0.010000 30   1.1005   1.1005
+ 0.010000 31  -0.0026  -0.0026
+ 0.010000 32   0.0195   0.0195
+ 0.010000 33  -0.0026  -0.0026
+ 0.010000 34   0.6764   0.6764
+ 0.010000 35   0.0390   0.0390
+ 0.010000 36   0.0195   0.0195
+ 0.010000 37   0.0390   0.0390
+ 0.010000 38   2.4056   2.4056
+ 0.015000 0   0.2201   0.2201
+ 0.015000 1   0.1468   0.1468
+ 0.015000 2   0.1232   0.1232
+ 0.015000 3  -0.3255  -0.3255
+ 0.015000 4   0.1931   0.1931
+ 0.015000 5  -0.0015  -0.0015
+ 0.015000 6  -0.2162  -0.2162
+ 0.015000 7  -0.2551  -0.2551
+ 0.015000 8   0.1767   0.1767
+ 0.015000 9   0.2721   0.2721
+ 0.015000 10  -0.1773  -0.1773
+ 0.015000 11   0.0444   0.0444
+ 0.015000 12   0.2404   0.2404
+ 0.015000 13   0.0659   0.0659
+ 0.015000 14  -0.0348  -0.0348
+ 0.015000 15  -0.2492  -0.2492
+ 0.015000 16   0.0911   0.0911
+ 0.015000 17  -0.1519  -0.1519
+ 0.015000 18  -0.2516  -0.2516
+ 0.015000 19  -0.1356  -0.1356
+ 0.015000 20  -0.0847  -0.0847
+ 0.015000 21   0.1922   0.1922
+ 0.015000 22  -0.1733  -0.1733
+ 0.015000 23  -0.1152  -0.1152
+ 0.015000 24   0.2141   0.2141
+ 0.015000 25   0.1112   0.1112
+ 0.015000 26  -0.0339  -0.0339
+ 0.015000 27  -0.0963  -0.0963
+ 0.015000 28   0.1333   0.1333
+ 0.015000 29   0.0776   0.0776
+ 0.015000 30   1.1799   1.1799
+ 0.015000 31  -0.0010  -0.0010
+ 0.015000 32  -0.0029  -0.0029
+ 0.015000 33  -0.0010  -0.0010
+ 0.015000 34   0.5770   0.5770
+ 0.015000 35  -0.0037  -0.0037
+ 0.015000 36  -0.0029  -0.0029
+ 0.015000 37  -0.0037  -0.0037
+ 0.015000 38   2.2992   2.2992
+ 0.020000 0   0.2204   0.2204
+ 0.020000 1   0.1243   0.1243
+ 0.020000 2   0.0996   0.0996
+ 0.020000 3  -0.3153  -0.3153
+ 0.020000 4   0.1757   0.1757
+ 0.020000 5  -0.0146  -0.0146
+ 0.020000 6  -0.2366  -0.2366
+ 0.020000 7  -0.2451  -0.2451
+ 0.020000 8   0.1915   0.1915
+ 0.020000 9   0.2832   0.2832
+ 0.020000 10  -0.1666  -0.1666
+ 0.020000 11   0.0758   0.0758
+ 0.020000 12   0.2393   0.2393
+ 0.020000 13   0.0789   0.0789
+ 0.020000 14  -0.0617  -0.0617
+ 0.020000 15  -0.2540  -0.2540
+ 0.020000 16   0.0820   0.0820
+ 0.020000 17  -0.1645  -0.1645
+ 0.020000 18  -0.2546  -0.2546
+ 0.020000 19  -0.1308  -0.1308
+ 0.020000 20  -0.0623  -0.0623
+ 0.020000 21   0.1886   0.1886
+ 0.020000 22  -0.1836  -0.1836
+ 0.020000 23  -0.1014  -0.1014
+ 0.020000 24   0.2077   0.2077
+ 0.020000 25   0.1270   0.1270
+ 0.020000 26  -0.0371  -0.0371
+ 0.020000 27  -0.0787  -0.0787
+ 0.020000 28   0.1383   0.1383
+ 0.020000 29   0.0747   0.0747
+ 0.020000 30   1.2233   1.2233
+ 0.020000 31   0.0214   0.0214
+ 0.020000 32  -0.0092  -0.0092
+ 0.020000 33   0.0214   0.0214
+ 0.020000 34   0.5735   0.5735
+ 0.020000 35  -0.0503  -0.0503
+ 0.020000 36  -0.0092  -0.0092
+ 0.020000 37  -0.0503  -0.0503
+ 0.020000 38   2.2551   2.2551
diff --git a/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/plumed.dat b/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/plumed.dat
index ec3e4821ca5de2b98285b66e9ea0dad56959f3c9..74f3664294456c84bafa9c9fff4c13cba25a89f8 100644
--- a/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/plumed.dat
+++ b/regtest/multicolvar/rt-coordination-powers/plumed.dat
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 DUMPDERIVATIVES ARG=c1.*,c1num.* STRIDE=1 FILE=derivatives FMT=%8.4f
diff --git a/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp b/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp
index abbf9e6f2c5a2328d080705ffe97b7171b131b0f..973ecb497c71c8630f2c87d72a38ddb62a5e6502 100644
--- a/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp
+++ b/src/multicolvar/CoordinationNumbers.cpp
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ double CoordinationNumbers::compute( const unsigned& tindex, AtomValuePack& myat
       if(r_power > 0) {
         d = sqrt(d2); raised = pow( d, r_power - 1 );
         accumulateSymmetryFunction( 1, i, sw * raised * d,
-                                    (dfunc * d * raised + sw * r_power) * distance,
-                                    (-dfunc * d * raised - sw * r_power) * Tensor(distance, distance),
+                                    (dfunc * d * raised + sw * r_power * raised / d) * distance,
+                                    (-dfunc * d * raised - sw * r_power * raised / d) * Tensor(distance, distance),
                                     myatoms );
       } else {
         accumulateSymmetryFunction( 1, i, sw, (dfunc)*distance, (-dfunc)*Tensor(distance,distance), myatoms );