From 026a225db5bbdfe108c86b4de7c1f25967429be1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Giovanni Bussi <>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2017 13:26:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fixed doc for VMD plugins


Thanks to Qingh Liao
 user-doc/Installation.txt | 17 +++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/user-doc/Installation.txt b/user-doc/Installation.txt
index 3e4b178dc..a508f3d30 100644
--- a/user-doc/Installation.txt
+++ b/user-doc/Installation.txt
@@ -258,14 +258,23 @@ you need to download the SOURCE of VMD, which contains
 a plugins directory. Adapt and compile it. At
 the end, you should get the molfile plugins compiled as a static
 library `libmolfile_plugin.a`. Locate said file and `libmolfile_plugin.h`,
-and customize the configure command with something along
-the lines of:
+they should be in a directory called `/pathtovmdplugins/ARCH/molfile`
+(e.g. `/pathtovmdplugins/MACOSXX86_64/molfile`). Also locate file `molfile_plugin.h`,
+which should be in `/pathtovmdplugins/include`.
+Then customize the configure command with something along the lines of:
-./configure LDFLAGS="-ltcl8.5 -L/mypathtomolfilelibrary/ -L/mypathtotcl" CPPFLAGS="-I/mypathtolibmolfile_plugin.h/"
+./configure LDFLAGS="-L/pathtovmdplugins/ARCH/molfile" CPPFLAGS="-I/pathtovmdplugins/include -I/pathtovmdplugins/ARCH/molfile"
-and rebuild.
+Notice that it might be necessary to add to `LDFLAGS` the path to your TCL interpreter, e.g.
+./configure LDFLAGS="-ltcl8.5 -L/mypathtotcl -L/pathtovmdplugins/ARCH/molfile" \
+            CPPFLAGS="-I/pathtovmdplugins/include -I/pathtovmdplugins/ARCH/molfile"
+Then, rebuild plumed.
 \section CompilingPlumed Compiling PLUMED