import { AudioOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import { Card, Input, List, Space, Table, Typography } from 'antd'; import React, { useState } from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import { cardsDataExample, MovieIO } from './Preview'; const { Search } = Input; const resultsExample:MovieIO[] = [ {id: "789", name: "Saw", originalName: "Saw", intro: "Jigsaw is the bad guy and this is the game", picture: "", published: "1.1.2000", runTimeMinutes : 120, director: {id: "123456789", name: "Karel", surname: "Vomacka", birthdate: "20.2.1987"} }, {id: "999", name: "Saw 2", originalName: "Saw 2", intro: "The sequel to the first one", picture: "", published: "1.1.2002", runTimeMinutes : 150, director: {id: "123456789", name: "Karel", surname: "Vomacka", birthdate: "20.2.1987"} } ] //for searching movies export const SearchPage = () => { const [pressed, setPressed] = useState(false) //function that happens when search button is pressed const onSearch = (value: string) => {console.log(value); setPressed(true)} // API request search goes here const columns = [{ title: 'Name', dataIndex: 'name', render: ( text: string, record: MovieIO) => <Link to={`/movie/${}`}><a>{}</a></Link>, }, { title: 'Original name', className: 'original-name', dataIndex: 'originalName', }, { title: 'Release Date', dataIndex: 'published', },{ title: 'Runtime', dataIndex: 'runTimeMinutes' },{ title: 'Director Surname', dataIndex: ["director", "surname"] } ]; return ( <> <Space direction="vertical" style={{ display: 'flex', padding: 24, textAlign: 'center' }}> <Search placeholder="input search text" allowClear enterButton="Search" size="large" onSearch={onSearch} width="400 px" /> </Space> {pressed && <Space direction="vertical" style={{ display: 'flex', padding: 24, textAlign: 'left' }}> <Table onRow={(record, rowIndex) => { return{onClick: event => {console.log(;} } //here change to view movie }} columns={columns} dataSource={resultsExample} bordered title={() => 'Results'} /> </Space>} </> ); };