import { Card, Carousel, Col, Divider, Grid, Image, Menu, Row, Space, } from "antd"; import Meta from "antd/lib/card/Meta"; import Title from "antd/lib/skeleton/Title"; import React from "react"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; const contentStyle: React.CSSProperties = { height: "320px", color: "#fff", lineHeight: "160px", textAlign: "center", background: "#364d79", }; export interface CategoryIO { id: string; name: string; movies: MovieIO[]; } export interface MovieIO { id: string; name: string; originalName: string; intro: string; picture: string; published: string; runtimeMinutes: number; director: DirectorIO; } export interface DirectorIO { id: string; name: string; surname: string; birthdate: string; } //example - TODO replace this with API preview call - get POPULAR movies (probably 6 is enough) export const cardsDataExample: MovieIO[] = [ { id: "1", originalName: "Cars", name: "Auta", intro: "auta ve filmu", published: "7.8.2005", runtimeMinutes: 125, director: { id: "xd123", name: "Kenny", surname: "Omega", birthdate: "9.9.1980", }, picture: "", }, { id: "2", originalName: "Monster House", name: "V tom domě straší", intro: "jo ten dum je docela spooky", published: "4.4.1994", runtimeMinutes: 80, picture: "", director: { id: "xp234", name: "Bray", surname: "Wyatt", birthdate: "unknown", }, }, { id: "3", originalName: "Pokemon", name: "Pokémon", intro: "Gotta catch them all.", published: "9.9.1970", runtimeMinutes: 600, picture: "", director: { id: "xc456", name: "Kazuchika", surname: "Okada", birthdate: "17.2.1984", }, }, { id: "4", originalName: "Gympl", name: "Gympl", intro: "VO SEDUMNÁCT METRŮ?", published: "2.2.2005", runtimeMinutes: 96, picture: "", director: { id: "xs789", name: "Tomáš", surname: "Vorel", birthdate: "někdy minulé století", }, }, { id: "5", originalName: "Toy Story", name: "Příběh hraček", intro: "Hmm the floor here is made of floor", published: "4.5.1999", runtimeMinutes: 90, picture: "", director: { id: "xl753", name: "Tomohiro", surname: "Ishii", birthdate: "19.9.1970", }, }, { id: "6", name: "Smoke", originalName: "Kouř", intro: "Jedu dál stále s tebou víme kam cesty vedou je to fajn fajn fajn je to fajn fajnový", published: "17.11.1989", runtimeMinutes: 50, picture: "", director: { id: "xx787", name: "Zdenda", surname: "Pohlreich", birthdate: "4.4.1985", }, }, ]; //example - TODO replace this with API preview call - get RECENT movies (probably 6-7 is enough) export const cardsDataExample2: MovieIO[] = [ { id: "1", originalName: "Cars", name: "Auta", intro: "auta ve filmu", published: "7.8.2005", runtimeMinutes: 125, director: { id: "xd123", name: "Kenny", surname: "Omega", birthdate: "9.9.1980", }, picture: "", }, { id: "2", originalName: "Monster House", name: "V tom domě straší", intro: "jo ten dum je docela spooky", published: "4.4.1994", runtimeMinutes: 80, picture: "", director: { id: "xp234", name: "Bray", surname: "Wyatt", birthdate: "unknown", }, }, { id: "3", originalName: "Pokemon", name: "Pokémon", intro: "Gotta catch them all.", published: "9.9.1970", runtimeMinutes: 600, picture: "", director: { id: "xc456", name: "Kazuchika", surname: "Okada", birthdate: "17.2.1984", }, }, { id: "4", originalName: "Gympl", name: "Gympl", intro: "VO SEDUMNÁCT METRŮ?", published: "2.2.2005", runtimeMinutes: 96, picture: "", director: { id: "xs789", name: "Tomáš", surname: "Vorel", birthdate: "někdy minulé století", }, }, { id: "5", originalName: "Toy Story", name: "Příběh hraček", intro: "Hmm the floor here is made of floor", published: "4.5.1999", runtimeMinutes: 90, picture: "", director: { id: "xl753", name: "Tomohiro", surname: "Ishii", birthdate: "19.9.1970", }, }, { id: "6", name: "Smoke", originalName: "Kouř", intro: "Jedu dál stále s tebou víme kam cesty vedou je to fajn fajn fajn je to fajn fajnový", published: "17.11.1989", runtimeMinutes: 50, picture: "", director: { id: "xx787", name: "Zdenda", surname: "Pohlreich", birthdate: "4.4.1985", }, }, ]; const Preview: React.FC = () => ( <Space className="preview" direction="vertical" style={{ display: "flex", paddingTop: "2%" }} > <Card title="Editor's picks"> <Row justify="space-evenly" gutter={50}> { => { return ( <Col flex={1}> <Link to={`/movie/${}`}> <Card hoverable style={{ width: "240px", }} cover={<img alt={} src={movie.picture} />} > <Meta title={} description={movie.originalName} /> </Card> </Link> </Col> ); })} </Row> </Card> <Divider /> <Card title="Recent movies"> <Row justify="space-evenly" gutter={50}> { => { return ( <Col flex={1} style={{display: "flex"}}> <Link to={`/movie/${}`} style={{alignSelf: "center"}}> <Card hoverable style={{ width: "240px", alignSelf: "center", }} cover={<img alt={} src={movie.picture} />} > <Meta title={} description={movie.originalName} /> </Card> </Link> </Col> ); })} </Row> </Card> </Space> ); export default Preview;