Fixing the Third Milestone Issues
Improve Javadoc ( There are missing Javadocs for methods in the facade interfaces
, There are missing Javadocs for methods the service interfaces , There are missing Javadocs for methods in the DAO interfaces) -
Move forntend to the correct port -
The titles are concatenated "EngineDepartment" -
To create a part user needs to enter Part info in json, why? - make part Info optional - MADE OPTIONAL IN BAckEnd -
- make work in FE
There is no possibility to delete car parts(wings, engine, ...) - make car parts removable -
Remove unused main -
Make the exception messages more specific (In EngineeringDepartmentServiceImpl in the method addEngineer you have parameters engineeringDepartment and engineer but the text of the exceptions that you throw is "Team is null" and "Player is null".) -
Rename variables properly ( In SubDepartmentFacadeImpl in addEngineer(), removeEngineer() and addCarpart() the variable SubDepartmentID starts with a capital letter. ) -
Improve Validation of Inputs (You don't validate user's inputs, e.g. when I'm editing a driver, I can set his name, nationality and other attributes all to negative numbers.) -
edit UseCase Diagram ( According to your Use Case diagram, as a manager, it should be possible to (create new|remove old) departments, however, I haven't found this funcionality in the system.)
Make Nationalities a predefined list of the choices -
In BeanMappingService interface the modifier public is redundant. -
Improve Test Coverage -
Put app in a docker so it is one command launch
Points to Have bonus points:
- make futureproofing of the app -> make more methods and endpoints than its necessary so the functionality in the future can be easily improved.
Edited by Adam Grygar